The Month(s) in Moments: June + July

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Everything seems to have happened over the last two months. Or maybe it just feels that way. In June, Archer graduated from elementary school and in July, Bo and Revi took their seats on the preschool stage in their caps and gowns, Pomp and Circumstance blasting...
IMG_9971 IMG_8749 portrait of a 6th grader and two proud grands
Archer wrote a speech and read it aloud on graduation day. He spoke of new beginnings and old goodbyes and the parents cried more than the students when we all said our goodbyes on the last day of school. Six years with the same amazing children and their families... we've been so lucky. Archer has been so lucky...
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I turned 35 in June:
Hal turned 42 in July:
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We celebrated Hal's birthday in the car, snaking our way across the California border and into Ashland, Oregeon, where we celebrated my Great Uncle John's 90th birthday on the top of a hill overlooking the world... 
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I launched Operation Get-Rid-Of-Shit and am currently in purge-mode, attempting to get rid of as much as possible - toys, clothing, mysterious items that somehow ended up in our house, etc, etc, etc... Everyone is switching rooms later this year. Archer and Fable, who have shared a room since always will have their own separate spaces, which they WANT DESPERATELY and also DO NOT WANT AT ALL depending on the day.
...That's the thing about transitions... They're like game show contestants who when probed always respond the same way: I feel nervous but also excited. 
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That's how life feels right now. All six of us are in transition. New jobs. New schools. New kinds of hustle... And it's messy and exciting and nerve-wracking and I guess we'll just see what happens next guys, here, hold on... 
IMG_2374 IMG_1669 IMG_1587 On your mark, get set, go....  IMG_1272 IMG_0707 IMG_0943 ***
IMG_2294 IMG_1365 IMG_2352 To futures so bright...
With love... 
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