12 Tees for Tweens for Back-to-School

Today on Mom.me, I have a lineup of awesome t-shirts for back-to-school, thanks to Archer who helped me put this post together based on shirts he thought were gos. 

Anyway. These shirts are pro-science, pro-puns and pro-conversation pieces. They're also middle school appropriate. High five.

Psh to all four star hotels. This is my new favorite t-shirt ever. GET IT, YOU GUYS! BECAUSE THERE ARE 5 BILLION STARS IN THE SKY AND THE EARTH IS LITERALLY A 5 BILLION STAR HOTEL FOR LIFE!!!??? So good.

This shirt was chosen in Fable's honor. Fable's love of sloths knows no bounds. Mine, too. Archer chose this shirt for us because he's the best. 

Yes, I know not all of us are Team Hill. But we're with her in our household and this fall, the election will be dominating our minds AND our closets. Because of course. 

To bee or not to bee. That is always the question when shirt shopping, is it not? This shirt is rad. The end. 

5. Whales

Insert whale pun, here. This shirt is also rad. To be honest, I'm pretty sure it was the narwhal that sold it. Note to shirt-makers: narwhals are always in style.. And speaking of always in style... 

Happy Friday!