The following post was sponsored by Crazy 8. Thanks, Crazy 8!
First of all, I just have to get this out of the way. When I received my gift cards to purchase clothes for the girls for this post (Thanks Crazy 8!) it was Cyber Monday and I didn't even realize it. I have never shopped on Cyber Monday until this year and I totally get it now, because on Cyber Monday, Crazy 8 was offering a buy one get the second (identical piece) for 88 cents, which is MUSIC to a twin mama's ears, let me tell you. Especially right now because Bo and Revi have been fighting over which dress belongs to whom for the last several months. (I totally get the whole twins-wearing-the-same-thing now, because Bo and Revi will literally try to pull each other's clothes off because THAT'S MY DRESS NO IT'S MINE NO IT'S MINE!)
Anyway. I ended up buying two of everything... two blue shirt dresses and two leopard dresses and two white sweater dresses (for Fable, to someday pass on to her sisters) and two pairs of orange and leopard leggings and two pairs of orange ballet flats and cozy boots and silver boots for next year (see below) and blue sparkle-toe boots for Fable and hats. I am going to link to all the goods (again) as I go, here, but whoa. Mama went shopping.
I was literally cackling with glee because THIS IS THE BEST SALE EVER and ended up going way over the voucher limit but whatever because I think 75 articles of clothing arrived in my mail later that week and I was like, uh... yes.
Anyway. I ended up buying two of everything... two blue shirt dresses and two leopard dresses and two white sweater dresses (for Fable, to someday pass on to her sisters) and two pairs of orange and leopard leggings and two pairs of orange ballet flats and cozy boots and silver boots for next year (see below) and blue sparkle-toe boots for Fable and hats. I am going to link to all the goods (again) as I go, here, but whoa. Mama went shopping.
I was literally cackling with glee because THIS IS THE BEST SALE EVER and ended up going way over the voucher limit but whatever because I think 75 articles of clothing arrived in my mail later that week and I was like, uh... yes.
Anyway, I wanted this post to be about holiday traditions so the first idea was to write about Hal's work party because this year it was at Universal Studios and we took EVERYONE. At night. Super late. On a school night. And it was totally fun and we all survived but it was also... I didn't really take any pictures. Not where the cuteness of the clothes could shine, anyway.

So the next day (because we have doubles of everything) the girls wore their ensembles... again. Revi threw on some shades because, you know, late night...
And then, this weekend, we bailed on two plans and decided to stay in and make cookies instead. And, you know, frolic around the house/yard/puddles/yard puddles/house. (We were supposed to do The Queen Mary's "Chill" on Saturday but then I made the mistake of reading YELP reviews and got completely turned off because of the whole twins-being-too-small-for-fun-stuff situation. So last minute we cancelled and the kids were like NO! And then I was like, well, we could make cookies instead? And they were like YES! And everyone was stoked.)
Knotts Merry Farm was the plan for Sunday and then Archer got invited to see a play with a friend and Fable was invited to make cookies (I sense a theme) with a friend and we were like, YES! Great idea! Because, well, it was a long week and sometimes you just have to stay in.
Anyway. We stayed in this weekend. We listened to holiday jams and we made cookies for the neighbors and for ourselves and got our clothes filthy dirty and took them off and washed them and had doubles of everything so no big deal.
Also, the beanie that Fable picked out to go with her dress fits me, too, so (because I ordered two of everything) we can ALSO be twins.
(Which makes me feel like the coolest.)

navy faux fur zip-up = Crazy 8. Bo's chambray shirt dress = Crazy 8 (everything else they're wearing = Crazy 8)
What about you guys? What are some fun holiday traditions you rock? Has anyone out there ever been to Chill at Queen Mary? Is it worth going to? What about Knotts Merry Farm? Never done that one either. Fable and I went to Disney on Ice with friends on Friday night and that's always fun. (One-on-one dates are everything.)
P.S. For the month of December Crazy 8 is hosting a month-long #ShineOnCrazy8 photo contest, encouraging fans to share photos + describing their kids’ personalities in one word and tagging the photo with #ShineOnCrazy8. Fans can upload photos via Instagram, Twitter or direct upload on the Crazy 8 Facebook fan page tab. Crazy 8 will be awarding $88 gift cards to a winner each week during the month of December.
P.P.S. Sidenote on the cookies: I went back and forth on whether making cookies was a good idea because of our whole now sugar policy. I ended up bending the rules for the weekend which I have been known to do at birthday parties and on special occasions and while the last few times Bo and Revi were fine after a cupcake or a cookie, this weekend proved (VERY MUCH) otherwise. And I'm not just talking about Bo. Revi and Bo were melting down left and right and Monday morning was rather disastrous in the "no I will NOT wear clothes to school" department... which hasn't happened for months. So... yeah. Back to the sugar-free life we go... I am bracing myself for the temptations that these next few weeks will bring sweet-wise. It's going to be a battle for sure.
P.S. For the month of December Crazy 8 is hosting a month-long #ShineOnCrazy8 photo contest, encouraging fans to share photos + describing their kids’ personalities in one word and tagging the photo with #ShineOnCrazy8. Fans can upload photos via Instagram, Twitter or direct upload on the Crazy 8 Facebook fan page tab. Crazy 8 will be awarding $88 gift cards to a winner each week during the month of December.
P.P.S. Sidenote on the cookies: I went back and forth on whether making cookies was a good idea because of our whole now sugar policy. I ended up bending the rules for the weekend which I have been known to do at birthday parties and on special occasions and while the last few times Bo and Revi were fine after a cupcake or a cookie, this weekend proved (VERY MUCH) otherwise. And I'm not just talking about Bo. Revi and Bo were melting down left and right and Monday morning was rather disastrous in the "no I will NOT wear clothes to school" department... which hasn't happened for months. So... yeah. Back to the sugar-free life we go... I am bracing myself for the temptations that these next few weeks will bring sweet-wise. It's going to be a battle for sure.
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