Anyway, lots to share and I wish I felt more comfortable with video blogging because I'm having one of those moments when I'm so full of piss and vinegar and thoughts and insanity and I just want to talk to every single person I know and don't know and I want to sit in rooms full of women and braid each other's soul hair. (I was fortunate enough to join my mother, today, at her writing group along with Archer and Fable and it was AMAZING. So much lady power! WELCOME TO THE NEW ESTROGENERATION!)
Anyway, as I'm a few days behind, I'd like to focus (for the moment) on a news story from last week that is now moot (Breaking Bad meth-selling action figures sold in Toys R Us stores) but still worth talking about, I think:
The toys have since been pulled off the shelves. And then, Aaron Paul issued a statement and while I agree with half of it (violent video games being sold in toy stores, for example) the comparison to Barbie is insane. Glamorizing drug use and violence is not even on the same map as dolls with tiny waists that boast ball gowns. Those are two very different conversations and I resent, very much, the dismissiveness in which Paul made his statement without so much as RECOGNIZING what he's defending. Meth selling dolls at Toys R Us? Come on, dude.
The only thing that shocks me about school shootings, anymore, is that they don't happen more often. And I say that after watching a little boy in a ski mask, pretend to shoot up the entire playground at our local park this Saturday, while parents stood idly by.

Why? Because boys will be boys and toys will be toys and none of it is real? Until it is, though, right? Because sometimes it is real. Sometimes our brains get mixed up. Humans are easy to influence. Especially young humans.
Glamorizing drug dealing dolls and saturating PG13 movies with violence HAVE TO BE part of the problem. And I applaud any person, mother or otherwise, who recognizes that and takes public action.
More, here.
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