The following post is part of a series sponsored by The Honest Company, of whom we have been customers since the twins were bitty babes. Thank you for being behind us, Honest. Keep rocking.

The Honest team has always been incredibly cool/easy/amazing to work with and I adore not only their products but their people. (Honest JUST came out with a brand new sunscreen spray and stick that is non-toxic, baby safe and fantastic. Check it, here and here.)
Also, how cute is this little baby bed? It lives in the Honest display room and I tried to steal it in my purse but it didn't fit.

...Neither did Tanya who I also wanted to put in my purse because she is the cutest AND she has the best expectant mama story ever because not only is she pregnant with her first child (a daughter) but her twin sister is ALSO pregnant with her first child (a daughter) and GET THIS: their due dates are FIVE DAYS APART! Oh. And!? They have the same doctor and will be delivering at the same hospital. HOW AMAZING IS THAT STORY!??? It is the best story ever. I LOVE THAT STORY! I LOVE BABIES AND TWINS AND MAMAS AND SISTERS AND AHHHHH!
Anyway, meet Tanya...
Who: Tanya Hersh
What: Director of Engagement Marketing
Watching: Game of Thrones ("I'm obsessed.")

GGC: So what exactly does a Director of Engagement Marketing do?
Tanya: I manage our promotions, subscriber campaigns, emails and content initiatives. Basically, if it touches our customers, I'm generally involved (or try to be!).
GGC: And what are you currently working on? Like, right this second. What files are open on your computer?
Tanya: We're actually working on the holiday calendar, including how to surprise and delight customers during the holiday season! Ha! It's exciting because in our first year we were literally working on our Holiday campaigns only a month in advance, so it's such a luxury to feel ahead of the game this time around.
GGC: What's it like working here as an expectant mom?
Tanya: It's great - my colleagues have become my advisers! There are so many parents who work here so it's really awesome to see how they balance family and work. They have helped me a lot already in terms of what products to get for my baby and how to prepare for her arrival.

Who: Ashley King
What: Social Goodness Director
Watching: Househunters International

GGC: Tell me about your job. Your title is the best job title I have ever heard.
Ashley: Social Goodness was a large part of our mission when Honest launched and it's been my job to work with every team to improve our company holistically. Non-profit partnerships are a huge part of my job. I work closely with Baby2Baby and other non-profits helping families in need . This month we crossed the threshold of 50 thousand families assisted through Honest's Social Goodness Mission which is amazing and I'm so proud of that. I oversee volunteer events as well. We had an event with Heal the Bay this weekend for example.
GGC: What are company/personal goals for the next ten years?
Ashley: Here at Honest, my goal is to maintain our mission. As we grow quickly, I want to make sure we can stay true to our ethics and company roots. It's my job to keep up with the growth. As for my goals, personally, I would love to have enough experience to teach corporate social responsibility to students and future business owners. I'm really passionate about businesses who contribute to their community's well-being.
GGC: What's up with this amazing tree behind you? What's its story?
Ashley: A while back, Christopher (Gavigan) found a bunch of discarded wood in a dumpster so he rescued it and it was sitting out for a while. We didn't know what to do with it at first and then we thought, "hey, let's build an Honest Family Tree where everyone, on their first day at work, would put their photo on the tree!" So this is our whole office, here, on this tree and we have a tree in our warehouse as well and one coming to our new Austin office.

Who: Elliot Woo
What: Director of Accounting
Watching: The Amazing Race

GGC: What do you love about working here?
Elliot: The Honest Company is probably the best place I've ever worked. Employees are very passionate about what they do. We're all here to to make it better. From implementing new financial systems to running daily accounting operations, everyday is a new challenge. And I get to bring my dog Milo to work with me!
GGC: What are you most passionate about?
Elliot: Travel is my passion. I was born in Brazil and I grew up in Hong Kong and spend what free time I have seeing the world, meeting new people, trying new foods and experiencing new cultures... I just recently traveled to Oman. Incredible place and so different from what we know here.
Who: Laurel Myers
What: Director of Product Development
Watching: VEEP!

GGC: What is your typical day in the life scenario?
Laurel: Every day is different with this job. My day consists of anything from working with our labs to retail distributers, ops teams, customer service... A lot of my day includes researching ingredients and mapping out our product schedule. I'm actually just about to check in with our Target stock and see what's happening with our new diaper prints!
GGC: What's your MO as a human being?
Laurel: Having meaningful, impactful relationships. I couldn't do the job that I do if I didn't have such an amazing support network of family and friends.
Who: Midori Sakano
What: Senior Designer
Watching: (British) Sherlock Holmes

GGC: What are you currently designing?
Midori: Diapers! We're working on some new holiday patterns. I love designing diaper patterns. They're my favorite. With diapers, I get to really collaborate in a way that appeals to me. I also got to design this chalk board wall which was fun. I also work on other product packaging, as well as some digital and web. Anything that needs designing, I design.
GGC: What are some of your passions outside of work?
Midori: Food! I love cooking. Fashion, too. I wanted to be a fashion designer when I was young, and in a way, with the diapers, I feel like I'm kind of doing that. I'm also really into sustainable living and charity work. I'm Japanese and after the earthquake I became more motivated to give back and help others. Honest hosts a lot of events where we give back and I love that aspect of the job. This company really inspires me. Honest helps improve lives and that's my goal, too.
GGC: What did you do last weekend?
Midori: Well, my boyfriend's bike was stolen so we were trying to crack that case all weekend. We also watched The World Cup. I'm rooting for Japan and the USA.
Who: April GrohmannWhat: Social Media Manager
Watching: Game of Thrones
GGC: What does a typical day look like for you, here at Honest?
April: I come in pretty early because social never sleeps. I manage everything that goes out and comes in on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube. And then, with the help of my team, I try to respond to every message that I can. We post about ten tweets a day and a lot of what we tweet is from bloggers we admire. We truly want to be a resource to our customers and community. We just released a new sunscreen stick and a sunscreen spray so that's kind of our exciting thing right now!
GGC: What fills your cup outside of work?
April: FOOD! Someday I'll travel more than I can right now (I've never left the country) but in the meantime, my boyfriend and I are on a mission to see and eat our way through Los Angeles. I really love LA. I'm from a really small town in Illinois. Moving here has been extremely eye opening for me. There is so much opportunity here for being different and having all sorts of experiences.
GGC: What are your favorite LA Eateries!?
April: CRAFT for a special occasion is amazing and Manhattan Beach Post is my favorite for brunch. They deliver your menu with an envelope! Salt Air on Abbot Kinney is also great.
Interested in giving The Honest Company a try? Check out the Honest Diaper free trial, here and the Honest free trial, here. Girl's Gone Child readers can enjoy $10 off $40 minimum purchase using the code GGCSummerSave (valid for US and Canadian residents; first-time orders only; one per customer). This coupon expires August 1st, 2014. I also have a $200 Gift Card up for grabs! To win, tell me your "who/what/watch." Me? I'm Rebecca. I blog at GGC and I'm obsessed with Louie which (be still my broken heart) just ended its 4th season. I'll choose one winner (randomly) next Tuesday, July 8th. Good luck and a beautiful day to all...
UPDATED: Congrats to Heather for winning the $200 gift card!
UPDATED: Congrats to Heather for winning the $200 gift card!
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