Introducing... "I Hear Ya, Sister"

A few months back I got to talking to my friend April who is also an editor at (April was my editor at Babble way back in the day when Straight From the Bottle was a thing and we decided it would be fun to work together again.) And as of today (hooray!) we once again are! 

I Hear Ya, Sister, my weekly "un-column," launched today on (name based on my, perhaps, annoying overuse of said phrase).  I hope you'll join me there every Friday to talk (and listen) to other women in the same MOTHERHOOD boat, be it canoe or jet-ski, yacht or raft, surfboard or anything else that can successfully stay afloat in a large body of water.

My first entry is more of an introduction than anything, but I would love it if you would read, comment, and let me know what YOU want to talk next week and the week after and the week after that.

My hope is that regardless of where we stand on different issues, we can find a way to share the stage, voice our opinions, hear each other. Pro-conversation.

The original idea behind this “column” was to be something other than advice (because I have none) and more of a conversation … as in, “Oh hey there! This mothering thing is weird and nuanced and impossible to pin down or label so let’s just talk about ALL the things and support each other, yeah?”

...I think we owe it to ourselves and each other and (wo)mankind to work together and hold hands and play light as a feather/stiff as a board and braid each other’s hair and draw on each other’s Converse and make each other soup and talk to each other honestly about childbirth and breastfeeding, curfews and screen time, religion and childcare, sex, lack of sex, insert subject here.

I’m talking about SUPPORT, of course. Support as NECESSITY; not just for one kind of mother but for all kinds of mothers — be you crunchy or attachment or free-range or none of the above. Be you a bio parent or caretaker, nanny or aunt, friend, supporter of mothers, fathers, people existing on this planet and making it a better, more peaceful place..

In a word, SOLIDARITY. 
So, let's hear it, sisters! What do you want to talk about? Where should we steer the conversation next? Comment here to let me know/ love you guys/Happy Friday. (I am so ready for this week to be over OMG.)
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