The Month in Moments: April

photo 5 (6) photo 2 (38) IMG_3714 IMG_3352 photo 4 IMG_3433 fable IMG_3790
This post is a little on the late side but so is everything else right now so all good, it is ALL quite good. That has been my mantra this month when I find myself breaking promises and deadlines and wandering around aimlessly when I should be more focused on something... I've been working less than usual and sleeping less than usual and trying to be more in the moment... than usual. Bo and Revi start a full-time school schedule, soon, and I'm clinging to their sleeves before I experience a quiet house for the first time in nine years. They may as well all be going off to college. I mean, my head is basically there right now. It's insane.
IMG_4075 IMG_3877 IMG_4076 IMG_3975 photo 3 IMG_4068 IMG_3549 IMG_3712 IMG_4382 photo 3 IMG_5211 IMG_3435 photo 4 (12) IMG_4769 IMG_3787 photo 2
...Anyway. None of that has anything to do with sharing photos, I suppose, but this month was so loaded with so many feelings and changes and experiences and stories and now it's May? How are we in May? I'm still writing 2012 on all my checks. Anyway... hi. Here are some of my favorite images of April, 2012 2014. Hope everyone had a good one...
photo 2 IMG_2596 photo 3 IMG_3757 photo 3 (23) photo 3 IMG_3699 photo 2 (36) photo 1 (37) photo 4 photo 3 IMG_3710 IMG_3233 photo 1 (41) IMG_4578 photo 4 photo 2
Hope everyone is having a pleasant week full of love and dance parties. 
photo 2 (37) Namaste. 
photo 3 (20) (It's contagious)
photo 5 (5) photo 1 (40)
Much love, all.