If it isn't obvious, I am a babywearing fan to the nth degree. I am SO EXCITED for Ergobaby to welcome, today, their brand new and much anticipated carrier, the Four Position Ergobaby 360--a carrier that front-faces ergonomically so babes who want to front face can and still be comfortable. (ED: I was just told the 360 is already sold out on the Ergobaby site but is available to purchase, here.)
I'm pleased to announce the next five #whoareyouwearing winners and look forward to reading our last week of #whoareyouwearing entries over the next few days. I have five more Ergobaby carriers to give away, which I'll elaborate on toward the end of this post. In the meantime, here are some of YOUR stories...
I didn't realize I picked two twin mamas until it came time to post this post and I wanted to emphasize what a game changer being able to wear my babies has been for the last two and a half years. I know I've written about this before but, really, my only piece of twin mama advice is to buy a carrier and wear a kid when you can. It is SO hard to get one on one time with your babies, especially if, like me, you weren't able to nurse them. Anyway, here are five mamas/babes who won ERGOS through our #whoareyouwearing contest. Thanks for letting me share your stories, ladies!
Katie from Live Seasoned :: @liveseasoned
Alex is our first baby, and since day one my husband and I have been carrying him everywhere. We were told that having a baby would slow us down, and it has, but it hasn’t. With Alex in the Ergo, every day has become more creative. Our visits to Colorado are usually a week of downhill skiing, but this year we spent the afternoons snowshoeing, cross country skiing, and hiking, and loved every minute of it! Back home in Pennsylvania, my husband rides the stationary bike with Alex in the Ergo, slowly rocking him to sleep ~ a pop’s creativity at its finest! Our little guy loves to be cuddled and carried, and we love to move. With a carrier it’s a match made in heaven. There's an update to our story... we sold our house and are moving to Colorado this summer. Oh, the time that Alex is going to spend in the carrier as we hike every new trail we find!
My sister, Sarah, and I recently started a blog called Live Seasoned. It's a nature-inspired lifestyle blog that focuses on the feelings and flavors of each season.
Holly Russo from @hollyhugs
Picture of my husband and me wearing both babies at about 3 weeks old.
Once the twins arrived, babywearing became second nature. My husband and I learned about all the different types of wraps and slings and carriers. It's kept us sane, it's given us a chance to bond with each baby. It's been life saving! After our struggles breastfeeding and my decision to exclusively pump, I spend way too much time cleaning parts and bottles. I've learned to look forward to that time every evening when I can wear one of my babies and do the dishes. Looking down at their beautiful eyes reminds me why I work so hard to provide for them, even when I'm elbow deep in what feels like 2,000 bottle parts! We love babywearing and can't wait to see where it leads us next.
I blog at hollyrusso.com
I blog at hollyrusso.com
Mary and Zinashi from Finding Magnolia :: @marymuses

My babywearing story begins with Zinashi. Though she wasn't a baby when she joined Jarod and me and magically transformed us from a couple to a family, I wore her as if she were. She had been carried on her Ethiopian mother's back for much of her childhood, and it was simply what she knew and what comforted her. At age three, she was tiny, and I could wear her for hours with ease. When nothing else worked to soothe her, I put her in the carrier on my back, and we walked. We walked every day that we were in Addis Ababa during her adoption process, and we walked nearly every day after we came back to the States. Our walks tapered off after awhile, and over time she grew so well that she wouldn't fit in the carrier anymore. I set it aside, knowing we'd have another little one join our family someday, and we would use it again. Now I use it for Elvie, and Zinashi uses a doll carrier for her stuffed animals and dolls. We are often both wearing someone. Zinashi tells me that her dolls and animals like it because they feel safe and loved. If that's not an endorsement for babywearing, well, I don't know what is.
Mary & Elvie
I first got into babywearing when Cali was around a few weeks old. I got a simple carrier and thought it was the bees knees. I was keeping my babe close and it just felt natural. My lovely friend did tell me, however, that it wasn't the best for my back and for Cali's hips...so she kindly lent me her wrap and showed me the basics. So comfy and I loved Cali sleeping on me as soon as we set off anywhere... It really has been an amazing journey so far. Every time I look down and see Cali staring back smiling, my heart melts!
Sarah at Ernie Bufflo :: @erniebufflo
I have twin two-year-olds and am really not sure how we would have survived this far without babywearing. In the early days, our colicky twin was often only content when worn by one of her parents. These days she's a happy-go-lucky toddler, but she still adores being worn and will get excited if she sees we've got a carrier out, which is good news for me because I love the closeness and kisses I get when they're strapped on. Her twin sister was a chilled-out baby, but we love wearing her too, particularly because she has Spina Bifida, which makes it hard to just sling her on a hip like most people do with their toddlers-- she can't cling on with her legs to support any of her own weight, so using a carrier is the only way to tote her for extended periods of time. I really just don't know how we'd do it without baby wearing-- it's the best, both practically and from a snuggle-loving-standpoint. As they get older, I treasure each time I get to wear them, because I know it won't last forever.
You can read more about Sarah and her family at http://erniebufflo.com.
P.S. Here's a lovely photo of Dani and River in the Ergobaby Wrap, which was not around when I had babies and I so wish it was because it's the coziest.
You can read more about Sarah and her family at http://erniebufflo.com.
P.S. Here's a lovely photo of Dani and River in the Ergobaby Wrap, which was not around when I had babies and I so wish it was because it's the coziest.
I could talk about carriers all day, especially as I am very much aware that this is the end of my babywearing career. (Although I did wear Fable on my back the other day so maybe not?) so I'm savoring these last few moments with Revi on my front or my back, sleeping, awake... Feeling her close to me is such a joy. Feeling all of them close is kind of my everything.

I have FIVE Ergobaby 360 carriers to give away! ONE here on GGC and four on Instagram. To win? Post your #whoareyouwearing babywearing story in the comments below AND/OR on Instagram. (If you post on Instagram, be sure to tag #whoareyouwearing and @ergobaby and/or @girlsgonechild.) I'll pick ALL WINNERS next THURSDAY, APRIL 24TH.
Good luck to all and thanks to everyone who has joined the #whoareyouwearing party these last few months. It's been such a joy reading your stories and seeing your photos. So much love to all.
Good luck to all and thanks to everyone who has joined the #whoareyouwearing party these last few months. It's been such a joy reading your stories and seeing your photos. So much love to all.
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