Which reminds me of someone ELSE I know. And her name rhymes with GO. And also NO. And WHOA.
It's funny because there are these preconceived notions that occur when you hear the words "it's a girl" and Bo, bless her, has shattered each and all of those assumptions. Boys will be boys and girls will be girls except HA HA HA NO NONE OF THAT NO.
Our spirited one, our athlete, our destructive window-breaking tornadocane.... It's a girl.
Anyway, when the book came in the mail I was like, "OH, I KNOW WHO THIS IS FOR." And then we read it and I was like, "OH, YES. HA. HI. WHAT'S UP." And then I had the book out and, well, Bo was like, "I get this guy," except she was like, "This is the monstuh? The monstuh needs help?" and then... "Whe da monsta go?"
She looked sad.
"Wha da monsta go? Wha the dinosaur?"
"He went back into the ocean."
She smiled.
"I like-a the ocean, mama. I like-a the monster and the ocean."
We all have a monster inside of us, you know?
Some of us are just more... well, CLEAR as to what and who that monster is. And if the past 2.5 years have taught me anything it's that sometimes a broken window is, well, it exists, you know? Right where you can see it. I never have to worry about what Bo is thinking. I am never wondering if she's angry or sad or happy or excited to be alive. She wears every emotion on her face. She carries her every feeling in that window-kicking, pillow slamming, happy-go-lucky body of hers.
And that's a beautiful thing. Destructive, yes (and this is something we have to work on LIKE WHOA) but it's also kind of amazing. I have never met someone who is so raw in her emotional capabilities. It's exhausting but it's also exhilarating. And REALLY fun to read to.
Chronicle has offered to give away THREE children's book bundles to three separate GGC readers. (Rad, right?) Books include:
Here Comes Destructosaurus
It's a Tiger
Press Here (One of our household faves)
Flora and the Flamingo (This looks beautiful and delightful.)
To win? Let's stay true to Destructosaurus' theme and talk about destruction. What, if anything, has your toddler (or a toddler you know and love) destroyed recently? I'll go first: over the weekend a certain someone broke a window, a plate and a Lego city her brother and sister very meticulously built on the dining room table. She also attempted to shoplift a coloring book from our favorite local toy store.

She also danced with all of her might, made up a song on the guitar, helped me vacuum the house and tackled all five of us with kisses... So... yeah. (Winners to be picked at random on April 8th. xo!)
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