Last year my mom/WWW did a post about cooking with flowers, specifically flower sandwiches. Her post also includes a recipe for Nasturtium Pesto which is unbelievable and links to a resource of edible flowers that includes pansies, day lilies, carnations, jasmine, gardenias, marigolds and chives, which is what I purchased from our local farmer's market on Sunday.
I posted the above image on Instagram and later decided to follow up my photo/rant with a recipe post about cooking with flowers and include some links to my mom's posts about cooking with squash blossoms (my favorite) and nasturtiums as well as include a recipe of my own.
And now for a little something I like to call, Mushrooms le Fleur because it sounds fancy and important.
- Assorted mushrooms (I used Shitake, White, Portobello and Chanterelle mushrooms) chopped
- 2 bundles of chives + their flowers (blossoms removed)
- 2 handfuls of arugula
- 4 large shallots
- (pre-made) quinoa
- white wine
- olive oil
- sea Salt/pepper
- egg if you eat eggs. (It's still really good without the egg.)
1. Heat your extra virgin olive oil in a skillet.
2. Throw in your shallots and mushrooms + a splash of wine. Let them cook about five minutes before...
3. Adding your chives + chive blossoms + another splash of wine
5. Cook another five minutes
6. Add your arulula + last splash of wine + salt & pepper.
7. While stirring your mushrooms, etc around the skillet, prepare a new skillet (turn on burner, pour some olive oil into it) and crack an egg or two or three (depending on how many people like eggs) right onto the skillet. Let the egg white cook until crispy but keep the yolk wet.
8. Pour quinoa onto plate. (One cup per serving or whatever looks right for you.)
9. If/when your mushrooms look done/ready to rock, pour them onto quinoa.
7. Add your egg on top.
8. And top with the fresh chive flowers you have not already cooked.
9. The end.
Nasturtium Pesto c/o WWW, recipe here
Flower Sandwich by: Fable recipe, here
Squash Blossom Frittata recipe, here.

And now for a little something I like to call, Mushrooms le Fleur because it sounds fancy and important.
Mushrooms le Fleur
- 2 bundles of chives + their flowers (blossoms removed)
- 2 handfuls of arugula
- 4 large shallots
- (pre-made) quinoa
- white wine
- olive oil
- sea Salt/pepper
- egg if you eat eggs. (It's still really good without the egg.)
1. Heat your extra virgin olive oil in a skillet.
2. Throw in your shallots and mushrooms + a splash of wine. Let them cook about five minutes before...
3. Adding your chives + chive blossoms + another splash of wine
5. Cook another five minutes
6. Add your arulula + last splash of wine + salt & pepper.
7. While stirring your mushrooms, etc around the skillet, prepare a new skillet (turn on burner, pour some olive oil into it) and crack an egg or two or three (depending on how many people like eggs) right onto the skillet. Let the egg white cook until crispy but keep the yolk wet.
8. Pour quinoa onto plate. (One cup per serving or whatever looks right for you.)
9. If/when your mushrooms look done/ready to rock, pour them onto quinoa.
7. Add your egg on top.
8. And top with the fresh chive flowers you have not already cooked.
9. The end.
ED: Unfortunately, none of the kids would eat this delicious concoction of flavorful amazingness. Not even Bo who typically eats everything. Hal and I devoured our portions and the kids ended up eating scrambled eggs, plain quinoa and boring old carrots WTF.
Still! This is an incredibly easy (super delicious) recipe for those of you who enjoy good food that is super quick + easy + good for you. And for all you Vegans in the house, here's what this saucy little dish looks like egg-free:
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