The following post was sponsored by Moxie Jean, an online consignment store for children.

I posted about Moxie Jean in the Spring and Bo and Revi are still wearing the pieces I ordered for them then. Even if they don't... fit... as well.
I cannot part with this blue jumper pictured above. It is my favorite thing Bo has ever worn, even though it's become more like an ill-fitted onesie these days. (ED: Revi refuses to wear it because she says it's Bo's, which is becoming a bit of a problem because Bo has a good five pounds and almost two inches on Revi so Revi SHOULD BE getting Bo's hand-me-downs. Except she gets super mad at me when I attempt to put something on her that she associates with her sister. Hysterical mad. (Is this a twin thing? Bo doesn't seem to care either way btw. But Revi? Pulls a "NO, MAMA! DIS BOBO'S!" with every other article of clothing.)
...Which is a little bit heartbreaking.
I included this plaid romper in my last post (as in, BUY THIS PLEASE!) and then I went and bought it myself even though it was in the boy's section and I told myself I wouldn't buy anything else.

And miraculously? Revi will wear it, too. Even though Bo wore it first...
Revi will rock that gingham jumper all day long. In the park and in the dark and here and there and everywhere. It's a Christmas miracle, really.

The proceeds of my share of the sales will be donated to families in need via the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago. (When you sell clothes to Moxie Jean you can either get cash/credit/or donate your earnings to help children/families through the hospital.)
Here are a few of our (sniff! sob!) old beloved threads:
Revi will rock that gingham jumper all day long. In the park and in the dark and here and there and everywhere. It's a Christmas miracle, really.

Meanwhile, I have decided to sell some of our gently worn clothes on Moxie Jean, some of which are currently available to purchase right this minute. (With more coming soon! I'll try to update here asap when new pieces show on the site!)
The proceeds of my share of the sales will be donated to families in need via the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago. (When you sell clothes to Moxie Jean you can either get cash/credit/or donate your earnings to help children/families through the hospital.)
Here are a few of our (sniff! sob!) old beloved threads:
And here are some faves (not ours) in the store at the moment:
vintage flower romper 3-6 months
brown romper 12-18

red jumper - 2t

red jumper - 2t
Also this for 4-6:
paired with this jacket?
It's 95 degrees today so... this sundress.
this skeleton sweater I will buy if you don't. you have 24 hours.
And this for a tiny gentleman. (Or lady.)
(This one is my favorite. I wish it was in Revi's size.)
Also this for 4-6:

For more vintage & resale cuteness, go here and to sell/donate clothes, go here. (Moxie Jean just launched a new mobile friendly site so you can access via phone as well.)
Be sure to use code GGCMOXIE to get 30% off all outerwear + vests + sweaters. Free shipping on all orders over $50. Happy shopping, all!
Rompers are my Weakness*
Be sure to use code GGCMOXIE to get 30% off all outerwear + vests + sweaters. Free shipping on all orders over $50. Happy shopping, all!
Rompers are my Weakness*
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