March Forth: 100Cameras

jackson 12*
photo by: Jackson, age 14 - South Sudan (purchase, here

Have you guys heard of 100cameras? I was just made aware of their existence and am beyond thrilled to participate in today's "March Forth: 100Cameras" outreach because art is hope and providing children with the tools to empower themselves (and their communities) through creativity is a beautiful thing.
photograph by: Jose, age 13 - Cuba (purchase, here
photo by: Alexander, age 13 - Cuba (purchase, here)
photograph by: Joey, age 14 - NYC (purchase, here)
buba 03   [child]
photo by Buba, age 14 - South Sudan (purchase, here)
photo by: Kabang, age 14 - South Sudan (purchase, here)

In 100cameras' own words: 

100cameras envisions a world where marginalized children are empowered to renew their communities by sharing their perspectives with a global audience. 100% of the money earned from the children’s photography is given back to their local organization to provide the following needs:
  • Lifeline supplies such as food, water, shelter
  • Educational resources
  • General healthcare and medical supplies

100% of the money earned from the children’s photography is given back to their local organization to meet physical needs. It is their voice that speaks awareness and leads sustainable solutions in their community.
100cameras teaches children how to tell their story through photography. Our photography course gives children the opportunity to express the realities of their every day through images. With cameras in hand, the children become the storytellers in ways that a foreigner could not. This encourages a stronger self view, resulting in higher levels of confidence and ownership in their identity. And ultimately, in their future...
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photo by: Kiden, age 16 - South Sudan (purchase, here)

To purchase a photo from a child to benefit his/her community go here. To get involved with 100cameras fundraising, volunteer work and/or adopt-a-camera go here.