Oh, hello. The next ten episodes of Child Style recently posted on HGTV.com and I have been trying to figure out how to embed the codes without autoplay pretty much ever since. Thankfully my pals at HGTV let me post Archer and Fable's bedroom episode to my YouTube channel (and maybe everyone can see it? Hopefully.)
This video was shot back in October when Archer's hair was long and Fable's hair was short and oh, man, where does the time go and how does everyone look so much older now WHATISHAPPENING.
For those unfamiliar with the set up around here, Archer and Fable share a bedroom. And they think it's awesome and we think it's awesome (for now, anyway) but trying to decorate a bedroom for a seven year old boy and a four year old girl is kind of tricky. SO! I decided to draw an invisible line in the middle of the room and give them each creative license to do what they wanted with their side(s).
Archer, of course, wanted NEW YORK CITY EVERYTHING and Fable wanted "fashion, dolls rainbow flower sparkle things".
It was really fun to shoot this piece and much like with Bo and Revi's nursery episode, I will treasure this video until I'm one thousand years old. Thanks to HGTV.com for the opportunity, Tracy at Nurseryworks for hooking us up with a super generous deal on the much adored bunk bed and all the amazing shopkeepers in Little Ethiopia/SoFax and Melrose Trading Post.
Do not be afraid of the boy/girl shared space, my sisters (and brothers)... It's totally rockable.
P.S. here are some still photos I took of A&F's room the day of shooting. (Which now looks like this.)

Fable in her "art nook" with her birthday crown. (She has just turned four when we shot. Sigh.)

Rainbow knobs: Anthropologie. Dresser: swap meet

bulletin boards: Target, art by: Fable & Archer

dresser: swap meet, green chair: ikea, drapes: my mom

shelves, CB2, Lego structures by Archer, Archer sign via where the streets have your name

dresser: swap meet, dry erase board: target, subway map: etsy, archer in hollywood book lamp: typewriter boneyard.

NYC decal: etsy
For those unfamiliar with the set up around here, Archer and Fable share a bedroom. And they think it's awesome and we think it's awesome (for now, anyway) but trying to decorate a bedroom for a seven year old boy and a four year old girl is kind of tricky. SO! I decided to draw an invisible line in the middle of the room and give them each creative license to do what they wanted with their side(s).
Archer, of course, wanted NEW YORK CITY EVERYTHING and Fable wanted "fashion, dolls rainbow flower sparkle things".
It was really fun to shoot this piece and much like with Bo and Revi's nursery episode, I will treasure this video until I'm one thousand years old. Thanks to HGTV.com for the opportunity, Tracy at Nurseryworks for hooking us up with a super generous deal on the much adored bunk bed and all the amazing shopkeepers in Little Ethiopia/SoFax and Melrose Trading Post.
Do not be afraid of the boy/girl shared space, my sisters (and brothers)... It's totally rockable.
Fable's Side

Fable in her "art nook" with her birthday crown. (She has just turned four when we shot. Sigh.)

Rainbow knobs: Anthropologie. Dresser: swap meet

bulletin boards: Target, art by: Fable & Archer

dresser: swap meet, green chair: ikea, drapes: my mom

Archer's Side

shelves, CB2, Lego structures by Archer, Archer sign via where the streets have your name

dresser: swap meet, dry erase board: target, subway map: etsy, archer in hollywood book lamp: typewriter boneyard.

NYC decal: etsy

Do you know the name/designer of the fabric used for the drapes?
I hope I don't sound like a d-bag, but the NYC transit map is hung sideways, but meant to be read up and down.
I love that they are sharing a room!
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