Thank you, Rhubie + Rhett

All of the photos in this post were taken by the amazing Bethany Nauart for Rhubie + Rhett's, a new lifestyle mag for parents and one I am honored to be featured in this month, along with my family.

I met Traci, Rhubie + Rhett's Editor in Chief, a few months back when we featured two of her kids rooms on ChildStyle (new episodes coming soon!) and I fell in love with her Craftsman Pasadena home. Not only is Traci Rhubie + Rhett's editor in chief, she's also the founder of Nurseryworks and owner of the most exquisite taste in town. (It was at Traci's house that I first found about and then fell in love with the photography of Julie Blackmon.) Rhubie + Rhett's latest issue includes a build-your-own nursery mood board and this gorgeous gift guide
IMG_0360 IMG_0102 IMG_0313
You can check out a million more photos + the feature, here (we had a plumbing emergency the day I was interviewed #apparentlyyoucantflushtamponsinthishousewhoops so of course I HAD to talk about said sewage emergency against these lovely photos. I have a major TMI problem) browse the entire holiday issue here and check out Rhubie + Rhett's debut issue here.

Thanks again to Traci and Bethany for a fabulous afternoon and my mom for making the gingerbread house and driving it up to LA so we could decorate it together.  Gingerbread recipe is here (and gluten-free version is here) for those who want to make your own. 



Tara Vuono | 2:59 PM

The kids are adorable, as always, but that picture of you and Hal? GORGEOUS!

glenda | 4:53 PM

Love love all the pics. Beautiful x6 ;)

Kaylie | 8:39 PM

Your house is amazing! I know we got the full tour already but cant over the doorways and light and its so beautiful.

Also, in a non stalkerish way, every time I'm at the Lotus Cafe in Encinitas, I look for your mom. I've only been there twice but I loved it each time. Such a grreat recommendation that I got from here San Diego post.

Kaylie | 8:41 PM

Look at those typos! Putting baby to bed so gingerly typing on my kindle.

ec | 10:05 PM

love that last one. and yes, your house is beautiful.