This week I got an email from a company called ESPEROS and was instantly blown away by the awesome, not only of their totes and packs (see above and below) but this:
At ESPEROS, we are dedicated to two things: making great products and providing children in need with access to an education. Following the design trends of our backpacks, our new tote bags are minimalistic, functional, and feature a beautiful aesthetic. As part of our ongoing effort to build up the communities in which we’re working, we have sourced the leather for our tote bags from a small tannery in Haiti and, with every bag we sell, we will send a child in Haiti to school for a year.
I love everything about these bags and the cause they carry and immediately pre-ordered a tote for myself.

I'm giving away two purchased bags/packs (winner's choice) this week to two readers. To win? Tell me what education means to you. I'll pick two winners next Saturday, November 3rd via disqus randomizer. P.S. I know it's early for holiday shopping but please consider Esperos for your gift guides and lists because they rule. Super cool folks doing awesome work.
UPDATED: Congratulations to Home Sweet Sarah and Sarah (Smileyfish) for winning bags to benefit education in Haiti! And thanks to all for your comments. Some of my favorite comments ever in the history of GGC. You amaze. xo
Education means learning where we came from and envisioning where we want to go.
I'm an expat teaching high school in Indonesia. To me, education is the chance to ignite passion. I created a debate team in a week. All I did was build their confidence and BAMM: we are now ranked third in the nation. Confidence inspires. Passion rules.
I work as a school librarian, so education is my vocation! I want the students to get an idea of the importance of lifelong learning.
Education is the key to future success...for individuals, for our nation and for the world.
My husband is a music teacher and for me, education is not only a chance to explore new concepts an ideas, but also a chance for advocacy. When the shift to teach to a standardized test instead of critical thinking and problem solving happened, the arts have been pushed aside. Too many schools have either cut their fine art programs completely or have cut it to the bare minimum. However, study after study have shown that fine arts help students achieve more in the classroom.
Bring taught to think for yourself.
I see education as the only solution to poverty. Education is really the only worldwide currency. This is such a great organization. Thanks for spotlighting them.
as an early childhood educator.... education to me means Change. Without education on the past we won't know what we want our future to look like, and without education in general we won't have the passion, drive, and power to make positive changes in our world.
education is confidence. I hope that it also brings change when & where it needs to and always, always, tolerance & love.
Education means many things for me. My husband is a teacher so it means the obvious, but it is also so many things that happen outside a classroom--it means curiosity and opportunity and confidence.
Education can never be taken away from you!
Education means taking natural curiosity and giving it a shape and meaning.
Education means a better, more fulfilling life.
Education means expandin your horizons and your future.
A better way.
Education is openin your mind's eye to all the glorious possibilities that exist
Education is a lifelong pursuit and a never-ending amazement!
A sound future
Jen browne
Education means freedom...freedom to escape to a whole different world just by opening a book, freedom to create better opportunities for your life.
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