Gone Style: Postpartum Style Dos and Don'ts

Today on Girl's Gone Child (and everywhere else, apparently) I'm "exposing" another postpartum fashion tip (See: hot pink lipstick for tip #1). The following is one of several videos I shot with kin community last month, featuring my hot pink thong yet again. And yes, my hot pink thong is feeling extremely smug these days. Smug and tight and unflattering. Oh well. I think it's important for women to recognize that a good postpartum ass was not built in one day. Or six weeks. Or six months. Or sixteen months. It's perfectly natural (and okay!) to look a little doughy after giving birth. Our bodies just made humans, you guys! We should be celebrating our muffin tops! Quietly? Under a loose-fitted tunic? ED: After watching this video I'm thinking a pair of calf-covering boots may be a more flattering choice than a booty which draws attention to the thickness of the thigh/thinness of ankle differential e = mc2.

I'll be rolling out more of my kin videos in the weeks/days to come as well as featuring some of my favorite videos from other contributors. (Cough, Bethany Winters, cough!) In the meantime you can subscribe to kin, here.