Go ahead, card me! (sponsored + giveaway!)

The following post is sponsored by Shutterfly. (Thanks, Shutterfly) Send holiday joy with a custom card from Shutterfly! Hooray!
I feel like every year I write a post about family portraits and how excited I am to FINALLY take and send one out a la holiday card. And then I forget or get distracted by something shiny and fail to send so much as an email. Maybe because it's nearly impossible to capture a great shot of the family. True story: our last "family" portrait was taken last Christmas and we all look like we're trying to poop in unison.
In fact, the only photo where our eyes are open and we don't look bathroom-bound is this one and Hal isn't even looking at the camera. My dad took approximateley 78789231 photos to score this winner:

But whatever. Even if Hal WAS looking at the camera instead of being distracted by my VERY SERIOUS -I'M-NOT-EVEN-JOKING-WANNABE-MODEL pose, the above image would still be moot c/o our family recently exploding with new members. So? Here are some options we're currently considering.

1. The kids: this is the most obvious choice. One of the arguments for having kids in the first place is being able to send out a holiday card where you're not expected to be in the picture. In fact, nobody really cares what you look like once you spawn, too distracted are they by the cherubic faces of your littles.
Hi. I have four children. HOW IN THE WHAT!?

Every year we talk about having "glamour shots" taken and every year we get all excited to coordinate our boas with our blush and then, what do you know, it's suddenly January and we're like, DAMN! We missed it. "Next year!" we said last year. And "next year," I will likely say again, although this time I have a really good excuse.

family portrait
This is as close to a family portrait as we have right now. Would it be weird to send a photograph of a picture that Archer psychically drew last summer? Or will our friends all think we're hippies?

4. Halloween Style:
The only time I ever went out of my way to blow up a "family portrait" was the year Hal and I went as each other. (See above.) From first glance one would say that I was NOT actually in the photo but because Hal was dressed up as "me" I felt included. (Our friend's daughter is also in the photograph but, hey, the more the merrier, right?) Unfortunately, this Halloween we were unable to get a full-on family photo to use for our holiday card. We were however able to capture four of our six and five of Fable's baby dolls but I don't know if that counts...
Halloween with the Jolie-Pitts
... SO, I decided to work some of my photoshop magic. Unfortunately I do not have (nor do I know how to use) photoshop so I had to settle for Comic Life instead:
Wall-E & Olivia 2.0
I think this might just be the one, you guys. I think THIS might JUST be the one.


Shutterfly wants to know how you select a holiday photo and are offering a super fancy giveaway to those of you willing to participate! Yes, that's right! Up for giveaway grabs is a Canon S100 camera ($430 value) AND a Shutterfly prize pack that includes 50 cards, (1) 12x12 photo book, (1) 8x8 photo book, a mug, (3) calendars, a reusable shopping tote, AND an ornament. ($298.42 value) which = total prize value of $728!. Not too shabby, eh? To win? Just go to Shutterfly, select your favorite photo card template and list it in the comments below! Contest will run until Tuesday, December 6th. (For sweepstakes rules and regulations, go here.) One lucky winner will be chosen via random.org and posted here on Wednesday, December 7th. (My favorite template is the "What fun!" stationary card because I love... fun.) Good luck and Happy Holiday card-ing!



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Emily B | 9:30 AM

I like the Peppermint Joy Wreath

Megan | 9:32 AM

So many it's hard to choose! Off the bat I like Holly Dotty.

Ippel Family | 9:33 AM

I like the Joy Love Family card and I LOVE this giveaway!

Charla | 9:33 AM

Great giveaway! I'm a fan of the Snowflake Ribbon.

Nikki | 9:34 AM

Mod SnowFlake Frame is screaming "Pick me! Pick Me!"

Alyssa | 9:35 AM

I love the Believe in Joy card! What a great prize!!!

Mary | 9:35 AM

My favorite is the Berry Merry Frame template - super cute!

I usually choose a photo based on my favorite photo from the previous year, then double check to make sure everything's in focus, the color balance is right, and there's not a random embarrassing thing lurking in the background (you'd think this wouldn't be necessary, but it is).

Jule Ann | 9:35 AM

I like "A Wonderful Year". I always lean towards the ones with several pictures on the front, because then I don't have to choose my favorite picture.

Anonymous | 9:35 AM

I love the Very Merry Stripes Card!

Liz | 9:37 AM

Oo, Modern Pinecone :-)

{katrina} | 9:39 AM

The "Wishing You Merry" card is a top contender for our this year. Now to narrow down the picture.

Stacey B | 9:39 AM

I love the Deck Your Walls card!!!

Lisa Morgan | 9:39 AM

Snowflakes Ribbon is my favourite. (Also, I love making books on Shutterfly now that you can make your own layouts.)

Surely, you have a friend who can help get a nice family photo!
And, if you do want to do it yourselves, get a big white bed sheet (and a clothes line or wall or van to drape it on) as a light 'bounce card' for outdoor shots. The ones of you by the wall just needed a little light bounced back on to your faces... and, of course, everyone looking at the camera!
All the best!

Christine M | 9:39 AM

I'm thinking about the "Merry and Bright" one.

Courtney | 9:41 AM

Wonder trees is bright and fun!

lisafoose | 9:41 AM

I think the halloween pic is hilarious! But I also think you should turn Archer's picture into family stationary. just my .02

R | 9:42 AM

I like Merry Bright Zigzag!

Jessica | 9:43 AM

AWESOME prize!!! I'm loving the Peace Cheer holiday card.

Meg | 9:43 AM

I love the Sparkle Joy card!

Ashley | 9:43 AM

I like the Modern Celebration! Honestly I would be estatic with just the free cards. We use shutterfly every year because their quality is hands down the best!

Barbara | 9:47 AM

I like the Holiday Love Sketch template. Also, Rebecca? Pick this photo. Seriously. Hauntingly beautiful.

Kristin Baldwin | 9:47 AM

I like the Oh So Wonderful template...How is it almost Christmas already?!

atout | 9:48 AM

So many cute ones, but the Happiest Season card is my favorite.

Anonymous | 9:50 AM

Peace Cheer Wishes!

Anonymous | 9:51 AM

I love Very Merry Moments, and I LOVE Shutterfly!! Happy Holidays! Janene W.

Goth, Hippie, Baby | 9:51 AM

I like the Tree of Memories!

K | 9:51 AM

I like the picture tree one, since it's a cute way of doing several pictures. I usually can't capture all of us in one so I do a collection of a few pics.

K | 9:52 AM

I like the "picture tree" card. Usually we can't get us all in one good picture so I send a few pics to get all of us in, and this is a cute way of doing that.

wren | 9:53 AM

I like Christmas Snapshots.

I send holiday cards about every 4 years or so, just to catch people off guard. But with 10 month-old twins this year, I think I'll catch some hell if I don't.

wanderingbella | 9:53 AM

Love the Bright Holly Jolly!

K | 9:53 AM

I like the "picture tree" card. Usually we can't get us all in one good picture so I send a few pics to get all of us in, and this is a cute way of doing that.

Stacey | 9:53 AM

picking the tree!! so cute

I've never done photo cards on my own but my mom loved sticking me in the photos with the house pets of course.

SuperT | 9:53 AM

I love the "what fun" card, too! "What fun" it would be to win!

Leslie C. | 9:54 AM

I like the Colorful Pop Letters Christmas Card, and in fact, ordered some of them last night.

tinyparticlesoflight | 9:55 AM

Merry Scrolls, Retro Stripe, Mod Love, Sketched Wishes, AH, there's too many!!

P.S. I hear ya on the family portrait dilemma...I love the shot of all four kids with Archer and Fable looking at each other. CUTE.
Or you could send out any of the Halloween ones for an edgy flair. ;)


Megan | 9:55 AM

Hopefully this will be my year to finally send out Christmas cards too! I like the Bright Christmas Tree card.

Unknown | 9:55 AM

i love Modern Pinecone, esp with the black and white photo. lovely.

Chef's Widow | 9:55 AM

I like Posh & Merry. My husband and I pose like the couple on this card all of the time. We take cheek kisses seriously.

nutmeg | 9:56 AM

Merry and Bright! Its so great to see such fun cards already looking fun - now all I need to do is pull out the tripod :)

LivLaughEat | 9:57 AM

I'd pick Deck Your Walls because I can never decide on just one photo!

Kathryn | 9:57 AM

Charming Noel is definitely my fav! And for you, I say send the pic of the four kids...they are adorable!

Monique | 10:00 AM

I think your photo should be either all the kids, or honestly, I think Archer's drawing would be a great Christmas Card. It does have all of you and although it's not a photo, I think it would be awesome.

Julie | 10:00 AM

I like Oh So Joyful.

Amy | 10:00 AM

I take my own Christmas card photo of my kids. I usually have to take approximately 74,000, in three different outfits, to get one that I like. I've used Shutterfly for several years for my Christmas cards, they're awesome!!

Erin | 10:00 AM

Ho Ho Cheer!
Best card!!

Tara | 10:00 AM

I really love the holiday love sketch! The first picture you posted of all 4 kids with the love sketch would look really good. :)

Lou Lou Belle | 10:01 AM

oh man! this is great!
and your photo shop work is pretty amazing. ha.

I love the Filled With Love card. sooo many to choose from though, I'm sure if I looked again I'd choose another!

Gin | 10:02 AM

I love "Merry Filmstrip". Lots of pics, yet casual and fun.

SarahSews | 10:02 AM

Picking the tree is my favorite.

Sarah | 10:02 AM

I like Drawn to Joy. I am SUPER EXCITED to send a holiday card this year! It will be my first. Ever. As in, my parents were not card senders and this is my fist year with children to plaster all over people's fridges. Happy, happy, happy...

Jenn in Rome | 10:02 AM

I like "With Glee"! It reminds of all the cute holiday cartoons that I used to watch and now, my kids watch.

alison | 10:03 AM

I gotta go with Joy + Love. Great choices!

MGS4783 | 10:03 AM

I like Bold Bright Joy!

Captain Inappropriate | 10:03 AM

I like the Twinkling Snowflakes holiday card.....cute and classic!

shelly | 10:03 AM

Wow-Shutterfly has really stepped up their game in cards! I like Merry Doodle Dandy because I love to shoot B&W.

Haley | 10:03 AM

I think my favorite is Mod Circles. Hopefully, I get around to sending cards this year, but not likely... I still haven't sent thank you cards for my shower and my son is 7 months. Oops.

Futurebaby Stone | 10:04 AM

this much merry is definately cute!!

Joybean | 10:05 AM

My favorite is the Berry Merry Frame!

Jamila | 10:06 AM

I like "Filmstrip Fun"

The Hojo Family | 10:07 AM

My favorite template was the Christmas Blessings one. LOVE it!!


Sarah | 10:07 AM

I really like "Oh So Wonderful" but I don't know if I could take a picture nice enough to use full size...

duchessbelle | 10:07 AM

love merry little wishes

Madeline Wilson | 10:07 AM

Coastal Wishes or Count your blessings. So many great cards!

Lizzie | 10:07 AM

Deck the Halls (walls?) all the way. Then you don't have to choose just one photo!


Linden | 10:09 AM

I like your favorite, and also kaleidoscope. So many to choose from!

Erin Riley | 10:09 AM

I like the Sparkle Joy card. Simple We usually send homemade eCards (you can see some of them here), but if I could get organized, I'd definitely send a hard copy.

Unknown | 10:10 AM

It was hard, but I'm going to go with Mod Circles. I'm a sucker for the font.

Anna | 10:10 AM

Sparkle Joy! Too Cute!!

DeeDee V. | 10:11 AM

Sparkle Joy - oh, swoon!
I love a simple message where the picture can really be the focus.

and, btw - since we've had kids the holiday card is all them all the time. No one cares what we look like. :)

Anonymous | 10:11 AM

I love the Flurry of Snowflakes template! Thanks!!



Connie S. | 10:12 AM

I am crazy about the "Top Moments" Christmas card. I love the bright colors, and it's like a concise, modern, non-show-offy version of a Christmas letter.

And that first photo of Fable and Archer looking at each other over the babes? Makes me want babies immediately.

Angela Cliff and Sam | 10:12 AM

Believe in Christmas is my fav...

Shannon | 10:14 AM

Last year we did the "Top Moments" card and got a gazillion compliments on it. It would be a fantastic one for you guys this year since you have had so much happen! I think this year we are going to dosomething simple like the Starlight Joy.

Erica | 10:15 AM

I like Very Merry Stripes or the Classic Damask Frame.

This will be the first 'living in sin' Christmas card so I've gotta make it look good.

Anonymous | 10:15 AM

I love the moments all around! A great excuse to use lots of fun/ridiculous pictures pictures.

Erica | 10:15 AM

I like Very Merry Stripes or the Classic Damask Frame.

This will be the first 'living in sin' Christmas card so I've gotta make it look good.

Dea | 10:15 AM

I love photo cards! I do this every year! I like the Classic Damask Frame. In Black.

Dranrab | 10:16 AM

I think the Missing Cookie is adorable and fun!

Do you need this?

Allie | 10:17 AM

love the "happy everything" template!

Miranda | 10:18 AM

It's really hard to decide when I don't have a picture to use in mind, but I like the Happy Everything card.

EB | 10:19 AM

I like the HO HO, mainly because when I first looked at it I though "those people really like the letter H!"

Lori W. | 10:19 AM

I love the Wrapped Ribbon template! And to think, without your giveaway blog post, I might never have gotten around to doing a card this year at all. I even have the perfect b&w of my kids to use! Thanks! :-)

Alexandria | 10:21 AM

I love the Mod Circles - so fun and festive!

Love your blog too.

Jenny O | 10:21 AM

Wow, I didn't know so many holiday cards could exist...hard to pick one! I do like Merry Mum Blossoms.

Amanda | 10:21 AM

I *love* Little Holiday Bird! It's sweet and adorable without being cheesy, which is straight up my alley.

HeatherK | 10:21 AM

I just ordered Shades of Peace for us!

Sarah | 10:23 AM

I like the Gifted Tag one, it displays the photo nicely & I like that you could cut oft the holiday part after the holidays are over & display it all year.

melanieandbrad | 10:23 AM

I am digging the "With Love" template. My husband and I were just married and have been contemplating using wedding pictures or getting fun Christmas sweaters. I think we are currently leaning towards being complete goofs in fun sweaters.

emily bilbrey | 10:23 AM

laughed so hard at your amazing photoshop action!! hahaha!!

god i would love to win this giveaway. i don't even like entering giveaways but this i simply can't resist trying for this one!

i really like the "oh what fun" christmas card, and the zigzag one. but honestly shutterfly has so many pretty options my head would probably explode trying to choose which one. explode with HAPPINESS, that is...


Jess | 10:24 AM

LOVE shutterfly! I like the Merry Filmstrip card. And, I vote for the Halloween picture. Love it.

Warrior Woman | 10:24 AM

I really love the Peace to You template. I would love to do a family Christmas card photo too but have the same hectic life as a mother of three. Maybe if I win this prize I can do it!

SuZ | 10:25 AM

My goal is to make sure my girls are looking at the camera and smiling. That is all i require :)

Katie | 10:26 AM

With Love

beanjelly | 10:26 AM

It's hard to decide, but I like the Pictures Everywhere template (and about 10 others, haha!)

Barb | 10:26 AM

Great giveaway! I like the classic look of the "with love" folded card.

LindaB | 10:28 AM

I love the Hearts & Home card and this is a super giveaway...thanks!

krista | 10:29 AM

i like the bright merry lights card. i could just put the kids and leave us out of it. i mean, really. no one cares what we look like.

Rebekah Amy | 10:29 AM

I like the Wishing you a Merry card. Your fam photos are all great. My fav is the first one. Great giveaway! You guys rock!


TLR | 10:29 AM

I like Wonderful Year because it has multiple photo spots for those of us who can't just choose one.
Thanks for the contest! What an amazing prize!!!

Me | 10:29 AM

Very Merry Stripes is awesome.

B | 10:30 AM

I like Wishing You Merry! Fun with kindof a retro look that matches our picture.

mommaruthsays | 10:30 AM

I love the "Top Moments" - this has been such a monumental year, it'd be absolutely perfect!

{Amazing giveaway, by the way!}

Käthe | 10:31 AM

Not to copycat, but OH WHAT FUN is such a great sentiment! I have a 19mo and it has been FUN! Yes, a challenge, but she is so FUN! (I also try to avoid xmas-themes and emphasize the new year instead.)

kimalli1 | 10:31 AM

I like Fun Friends best I think. :o) Thanks for the opportunity.

Perfectly Impurfect Me | 10:32 AM

It was hard to choose but I like the "Filled with Love" template. Because it reminds me of what the holidays (and everyday) are really all about!

Melissa | 10:33 AM

Oh, our family name! How fancy would we look with that?!?!

Mia | 10:33 AM

I like Initial Wreath, because I love monograms and everything closely resembling them.

Julie H | 10:33 AM

Picture Tree, love shutterfly!

DreA | 10:34 AM

Mine is the "Oh Holy Night" folded card. Classic!

- teresa | 10:35 AM

Merry Bright!
i :heart: cheveron.

Lisa | 10:35 AM

i like Mod Merry Ornaments!

RedDaisy | 10:35 AM

Wrapping tape. Too cute! Pick me...pick me!

Ashley | 10:36 AM

Retro Stripe card is so cute. The color me Merry card is cute too. We did shutterfly last year and loved them so much. They came super quick and they also looked great! Which turned out perfect cause I ordered them about 2 weeks before Christmas. Whoops.

Emily | 10:36 AM

Ohh, so many great choices. For me, it's a toss up between Oh What Fun and Handwritten Wishes. Awesome giveaway!

Stephanie and Matt | 10:36 AM

I love the berry merry frame!

pepperdove | 10:36 AM

I like Modern Pinecone, but Snowflake Ribbon is cute too!

Rebecca from CO | 10:36 AM

I love the Very Merry Stripes! So cute! I love Xmas photos, I'd go with the one where Hal is dressed as you, hotttt! (haha)

Myssie | 10:37 AM

I like the "Bright New Year's" New Year's card. We send out New Year's cards instead of "holiday" cards, gives me extra time to get them out.

Canda | 10:37 AM

I love the merry bright zigzag!

Jessica K | 10:38 AM

I'm a fan of the Initial Wreath Christmas Card, and now I must dig through our photos to find the one...we've still got time to take another one right?


i like twirling ribbon! its so cute.

also -- i shoot LA family portraits an would love to shoot yours! hit me up if you're interested!

// laylisamimi@gmail.com

L.L. | 10:38 AM

Cool giveaway! My fav is Sketched Wishes.

RestingMomFace | 10:39 AM

Awesome pictures! My favorite is the Holly Jolly Joy!

Hyatt | 10:39 AM

I like the Peppermint Joy Wreath best. Hope to win!

Kelli | 10:41 AM

I'm a fan of the twinkling snowflake, and various others....

Jayme | 10:41 AM

I love the Let Peace Flourish! Great giveaway :)

bethany | 10:41 AM

I like Winter Stripes.

Anonymous | 10:42 AM

I love Colorful Pop Letters!

UL | 10:42 AM

Top Moments is my favorite. Now on to think of top moments for 2011.

Anonymous | 10:43 AM

Oh my God, you had me giggling at my desk this morning with your description of your family portrait as "like we're trying to poop in unison." It totally does look like that, now that you've pointed that out! Of course, you all look very cute while you're doing that, but why are you all crouching down, anyway?!

Anonymous | 10:43 AM

I love the Picture Tree, but I'm not sure it lives up to your mad Photoshop Skillz.

Anonymous | 10:45 AM

i like the count our blessings...

chisparoja | 10:45 AM

I like merry little jingle

CML72 | 10:46 AM

Fantastic contest!! Loving the Bright Mod Tree

Emily | 10:51 AM

I like Colorful Candy Wishes. Super cute.

Jessica | 10:52 AM

Super stoked about this giveaway! I really like the Joy Plus Peace card. Enjoy the day!

Zakary | 10:52 AM

This post made me straight LOL. You got game with the PhotoShop, I'm just as good, BTW,

I love the Green Dots template!

For the Love of Naps - Sarah | 10:53 AM

Simply Jolly is my style choice.
This is an extreme giveaway! Yipee!

Anna | 10:54 AM

The "initial wreath" template is classy and sweet. Must get going on my cards...

Anonymous | 10:54 AM

snowflake ribbon is my favorite. carmensebert (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous | 10:56 AM

Merry & Bright Zig Zag

the king of carrot flowers | 11:00 AM


Meredith | 11:00 AM

Cool! I love Snow Confetti!

Unknown | 11:00 AM

My fav is the Mod Dots because it doesn't just look like a photo with some afterthought holiday text & graphics slapped over it. This is an awesome giveaway, I have my fingers super crossed!!
peacelovemath [at] gmail [dot] com

Emily | 11:00 AM

Vintage Merry Wishes is really fun, nice to see some good variety!

KittyMarie | 11:00 AM

I like Cheers ZigZag

Unknown | 11:01 AM

Bright Merry Cheer!

Anonymous | 11:01 AM

Glad Tidings. bhill0614 (at) gmail (dot) com

Bonnie | 11:02 AM

Rebecca, I love how you mention poop in so many of your posts. No, really. I LOVE it.

I like Pictures Everywhere. I can't ever pick just one photo.

Jill | 11:02 AM

Love the Berry Merry Frame.

Stacy | 11:03 AM

My favorite is the "Joyful, Joyful" card.

Lisa | 11:07 AM

I like the Top 10 Moments card!

megan | 11:07 AM

Joy + Love is my type of card, I like the message and the simplicity!

Lindsay | 11:07 AM

My fav is the 'what fun' template - so cute!

Katherine Vargas | 11:08 AM

shut up, what a great giveaway! the sweetly stitched stocking are my favourite - thank you for the opportunity

LiciaLee | 11:09 AM

I love the whimsy and wonderful card. So many picture slots you don't have to worry about everyone being in the picture and looking at once. :D

Heather Bauer | 11:09 AM

I like the Peppermint Joy Wreath template. This giveaway is awesome!

kidderkat | 11:10 AM

Simple Jolly!

Chantel | 11:11 AM

I would have to say Sparkly Joy or What Fun. Both are beautifully classic and you can choose sweet or silly!

ste | 11:12 AM

Shades of Peace. I can never find 'the perfect' picture and enjoy using multiple to capture some of the little moments we have here at home.

Sarah Wilson | 11:12 AM

I like the berry merry frame!

Unknown | 11:13 AM

Modern Celebration! And you should definitely go with your Halloween picture. :-)

amanda | 11:13 AM

I like the Rainbow Greetings and Oh What Fun, but I also like Portrait in Landscape because it's so customizable and let's my kid be the star. what a great giveaway!

Jessica | 11:13 AM

I would pick Merry Mum Blossoms

Elda | 11:15 AM

The Berry Merry Frame template is my favorite! I love reading your blog because you are so honest and funny telling your stories. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us!

KellyDove | 11:16 AM

I like Holiday Love Sketch. It's holiday-neutral and warm at the same time.

katie | 11:18 AM

for whatever reason, the "Modern Big Stripe Holiday Card" caught my eye!

Julie | 11:18 AM

I love Noel.
It's my daughter's middle name and just conjures Christmas for me!

Lilly | 11:18 AM

Got to love the Merry and Bright Zigzags. Fun, colorful, and all you need is one headshot of your cute kid!

Colleen | 11:18 AM

I love the Merry & Bright greeting.

I don't think I will ever get tired of seeing you & Hal dressed as Brand & Angelina.

Lindsay | 11:20 AM

I like the string of snowflakes, because the colors are nice (red and blue) and because it's "wintery" instead of "Christmasy" so I can still feel ok if I send it out late!

rachelopoly | 11:20 AM

I enjoy the Wishing Love Christmas Card.

The Kellys | 11:21 AM

We went with the Pop Art Frames because it matched the red and green our kids were wearing. Plus, my husband likes simple. :)

Whisk and Wander | 11:21 AM

I love the Initial Wreath card. Beautiful and simple. Happy holidays!

Unknown | 11:23 AM

Definitely "Little Holiday Bird"!

Taryn | 11:25 AM

Love, love, love the "Blossoming Joy" one!

cak | 11:26 AM

I like the Merry Little Jingle design, but all the flat stationary cards look great!

iselby | 11:26 AM

I love Shutterfly! Just ordered 2 calendars from them, in fact.

My favorites for the holiday card are the modern pinecone and (can I pick one more??) wrapped ribbon. I want to pick more though...

Adina | 11:26 AM

I like the Colorful New Year card -- simple, bright, and inclusive!

Hannah | 11:27 AM

"Oh What Fun" is so adorable! Also fun, having found "my Hal" this year. No kids yet but 4 cats who were successfully integrated into a pile of furry love.
Love you and your family Rebecca!

Gina | 11:27 AM

I love Paws and Lights! Since our Christmas cards typically have included our dogs, it's perfect!

Lisa | 11:27 AM

stamps of joy is my favorite! Until I go take another look!

Rochelle | 11:28 AM

Frosted Glass Monogram is really beautiful. And since we've sent out holiday cards only ONCE in the 13 years we've been a family, this would be a good thing to have! ha!

The Dalai Mama | 11:28 AM

very merry moments

In Due Time | 11:29 AM

The With Love Christmas card is pretty cute. I also like the Christmas Tree/Memories one. So cute!

Kim | 11:31 AM

Definitely the Peppermint Joy Wreath. Would soooo love to win this giveaway (I never win anything!).

Kira Leigh | 11:31 AM

I got cards from Shutterfly last year and almost didn't do it because of so many choices! But this year I think I like the Confetti Jacks card.

Rebecca | 11:32 AM

Bright Bold Trees is pretty sweet, especially with a b&w photo.

Penny | 11:32 AM

Whimsy and Wonderful!!!

Corrie | 11:33 AM

I love the peace cheer card!

Anonymous | 11:33 AM

LOVE "sparkle joy" - so lovely!

Tara Vuono | 11:36 AM

I love Initial Wreath!

Adrianna | 11:36 AM

Well, damn. Most of my favorite templates visually have religious text. Not such a good fit for our atheist/pagan/whatever combo family.

I really like the asymmetry of the Retro Design card.

bmislan | 11:36 AM

I like Color Me Merry

Rachel | 11:37 AM

Mod Snowflake Frame

Abilew-who | 11:37 AM

I THINK I like "Oh So Wonderful." But good LORD - there are a lot of cards. Yikes. Can you imagine if it was your job to think of all those names? At about card 500, I'd be all, "how 'bout, Nutty Christmas. Or, Insane yet Cheerful. Or what about, Bonkers McHolidays."

Lara | 11:37 AM

I like the Retro Stripe Frame (clean, classic) and Missing Cookie (sweet!) cards. Lots of great options, for sure!

amster911 | 11:38 AM

I like the Well Wishes card!

Valeta | 11:38 AM

I like the monogram snowman holiday card. I like ones where you can add more then one picture!

StephanieG | 11:41 AM

What an awesome giveaway! I like "Sweet Mittens" Love Shutterfly. Love GGC! Thank you!

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