Bo & Rev, Day Three

Rumor has it, the girls may be able to come home with us this weekend. In the meantime, I'm just glad I get to be here. In this moment. In this hospital. In this life. Surrounded by all of these beautiful faces I can't imagine every having lived without.



Allison | 11:37 PM

You all look beautiful. Congrats once again. XOXO

emily bilbrey | 11:38 PM

they are incredible. YOU are incredible. crossing my little fingers that this weekend will bring a homecoming! so many congrats, once again. thee most beautiful family around. <3

Flannery | 11:42 PM

They are so beautiful and strong, just like you! I love it Congratulations times a million!!!!

Mai | 11:43 PM

Congratulations Rebecca! Three cheers - yay! yay! yay!

The Sentimental Suitcase | 11:43 PM

Oh Rebecca they are delicious! I am going to eat them! Bo and Rev! Bo and Rev! Oh what sweet little babes!

Congrats again girlie and here's hoping you'll all be together back at home soon!


Shannon c | 11:43 PM

Oh, sweet little girls! They are beautiful, what a blessing. Congratulations to the whole family, wishing you a joyous homecoming!

Savvy in San Francisco | 11:45 PM

Congratulations to the six of you! They are beautiful and you look beyond happy! Crossing fingers that you get to take them home this weekend!

grammacello | 11:46 PM

Oh Rebecca: Rev looks so knowing- they are so much their own small and individual selves, taking in the "big buzzing confusion" of the world already. How awe inspiring and amazing it all is.
You must be so thrilled, overwhelmed, at peace- all at once. I am so happy for you!
Much love from Grammacello

Liz | 11:48 PM

Am I crazy or does Rev look like Archer and Bo look like Fable??

Sending giant bearhugs to all of you! If you need anything, please let me know! xoxox

Ann | 11:53 PM

Thanks so much for the photos!

heather... | 12:04 AM

I need contraception to look at these pictures.

Stef | 12:05 AM

Wow, now that I can see them better, it's clear they look completely different! That hair!

Hoping for a weekend homecoming.

P.S. Did WWW make it in time for the birth? I hope she blogs about it too. Eat Well: Milk.

Laura - Are We Nearly There Yet Mummy? | 12:11 AM

They are both just beautiful Rebecca. Perfect. xxx

Freya | 12:12 AM

Are they fraternal or identical twins? Gorgeous! You are so blessed. XOXO



They're pretty much as fraternal as it gets. Bo is blonde and Rev has BLACK HAIR. We'll see if they start to look similar as they age but for now, two children could not look more different. (Both resemble Archer and Fable more than they do each other, we think.)

But they are equally as beautiful and alert and strong and sigh... I'm so high on baby adrenaline I am like a crazy person. Attempting to go to sleep now! Goodnight!

jessicapea | 12:17 AM

My ovaries! The puckered lips are too much!

How awesome that you are all doing so well and might be home so soon!

Janice (5 Minutes for Mom) | 12:29 AM

Soooo beautiful! Such an incredible time in life. So glad to hear that you are able to drink it all in!

Being a twin is one of the greatest blessings in my life. I can't imagine life without Sue.

Magdalena Edwards | 12:38 AM

What good news that you might get to take them home this weekend!!! Hope it's true and wishing you all the best in the coming NICU days and the transition home.

Anonymous | 12:45 AM

The pics are simply lovely. Hal looks quite pleased, such a satisfied grin he sports. Remembering those first few days postpartum and finding myself so pleased you are willing to be in front of the camera. I hated the way I looked so deeply and have no photos with my babies, what was I thinking? Lovely babies, fabulous job momma!

Dhana | 1:16 AM

OMW arent they just perfect. You are so blessed. Adore the picts. Enjoy the love xx

Unknown | 1:28 AM

Amazing! I can see Archer & Fable in both babies! Also, you & Hal look totally smitten...and exhausted! What an awesome time for you guys!! Soooo happy for you! Crossing my fingers you'll all be home together this weekend.

bluebirdsunshine | 2:30 AM

They are gorgeous! Congratulations. What an amazing family. Enjoy every moment.

Anabelle | 3:12 AM

Beautiful and so touching...

And again: I LOVE the names!

seeing you there reminds me of when I had my baby a few months ago... These are golden moments... Enjoy this time Rebecca, you've got beautiful children and you look beautifully happy.

Gopali Khurana | 3:24 AM

You're all looking great!! What super duper cutey girls! :) Has Archer been able to see them already? Best wishes

The Dalai Mama | 3:42 AM

Just Beautiful!

Beverly | 3:48 AM

Awww, such sweet, beautiful little faces. I thought I was done having babies, but these pictures have me rethinking that a little ...

Congratulations to all of you!

Carey | 3:53 AM

They are so beautiful and have such distinct different features from each other! Congratulations! I will be praying for this weekend!

sam | 4:04 AM

beautiful beautiful beautiful times a million billion. those girls are gorgeous. and so are you. lovely family you've got there!!

Anonymous | 4:21 AM

They are so beautiful. And I guess they are fraternal!

Big congrats to you and your family.

Anonymous | 4:34 AM

So lovely. So very happy for all of you. Much much love to everyone. x-Barbara

Jenny P | 4:35 AM

It's so joyful to see you all! Sending so much love to you.

Tanya | 4:43 AM

They are SO beautiful. (And their pics are making my uterus ache for baby #3.)

Amy | 4:50 AM

They look so healthy and thriving! You did a beautiful job baking those two.

~eve~ | 4:51 AM

I love their names! Absolutely joyous. Congratulations on your blessings. :oD

Anonymous | 4:55 AM

Congrats, and thank you for bringing so much beauty to my morning by me reading this.

Unknown | 5:01 AM

Gorgeous. I know you are so ready to have all of your family together. Lots of congrats!! Thank you for sharing this journey with us all. So beautiful! <3

Missy | 5:03 AM

I check your blog daily for updates. I can't wait to watch them grow!! I remember when Archer was a teeny weeny... then Fable... now Bo and Rev... sooooo exciting! I'm so happy for you and your family! Plus your beautiful mama will be there for a while to lend a hand... YEAH! That is wonderful... You and Hal look so happy! Whoo hoooo!!! Cheers to you all!

Krazy Kiwi | 5:09 AM

Awwww! They're so cute! I'm so happy for your family. I hope they can come home soon. :) Good luck!

Abi | 5:15 AM

OMG! Sooooo beautiful! Your family is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing with us. I'm hoping the one in my womb will be jealous and come out already. :)

Congratulations! xoxo

Nakia | 5:16 AM

I can definitely see Archer and Fable in Bo and Rev. Such beautiful babies. I've got my fingers crossed that all six of you will be comfy and cozy in your home this weekend.

Erin | 5:29 AM

My heart just overflows with joy and love for you and your family. The girls are beautiful, as is your whole family and I wish for you all a joyous homecoming!

lamina @ do a bit | 5:31 AM

CONGRATS!!! Wow I can't believe thay are here... hooray!! Your new precious little ones are just sooooo beautiful and you guys are sooo amazing and you must be so proud.. love the photos.. I'm feeling very clucky now... thanks :)

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph | 5:33 AM

Oh my gosh delicious!


erniebufflo | 5:33 AM

They are so beautiful. I may have even teared up a little, but that could be because I'm hopped up on hormones thanks to the raspberry-sized TWINS?! hanging out inside my uterus. I'm still in OMG TWINS?! mode, but seeing your beautiful family is helping me know we're gonna be OK. Squeeze those girlies for me!

MidLyfeMama | 5:42 AM

Ah, your description of these couple of days takes me back almost 5 years now, to when my son was born at 34 weeks. C sections, the meds I had to be on to keep me from having a seizure because of the high blood pressure, the fact that suddenly my body had no baby and was all "HEY HORMONES!" all combined to make me a sobbing mess. My son spent 18 days in the special care nursery, under the bili lights, but in the end, it was all good. I brought home a healthy albeight somewhat smaller than the average bear baby. You guys look great and I wish you all the best.

Tiffany | 5:45 AM

Ugh! I am just so happy for you!!! Those faces are too beautiful, I've got tears of joy for you and your family right now. What sweet little faces you have on your hands.

mpotter | 5:48 AM

and wonderful... i hope they get to come home together to that house full of love & awesomeness!

by the way- i'm one of those who can't see who anyone looks like ever.
but those girls! they look exactly like archer and fable.

you are quite consistent!
congratulations again & best wishes

bluejeanamy | 5:54 AM

Oh, they are so incredibly gorgeous. Like, how-are-they-only-newborns gorgeous!

And you guys look wonderful too -- so happy and peaceful.

Many happy ray beam thoughts sending your way to head home all together this weekend!! xo

Jenn | 5:55 AM

Hi Rebecca, I have been following your blog since Archer was a toddler and have watched you evolve. I am beyond thrilled for you. Bo and Reva re luminous!

Laura | 5:58 AM

They are so beautiful! How are you feeling?! Hope you all get to be cozy at home this weekend!

agirlnamedmel | 6:02 AM

They are really precious. You look great! and they definately have Hal's lips. Such little cuties. much love.

Samantha | 6:11 AM

Those babies were just in you a few days ago! A few days ago, I was marveling at your big, beautiful belly and now I'm just in awe of your TWO beautiful baby girls. Such an enormous blessing and so so incredible. I am so happy for you! xoxo

Nikki | 6:21 AM

They are beautiful! Congrats from a stranger who LOVES your site. I'm having twins in December and appreciate so much seeing someone go through this experience a little a head of me. Thank you so much!

Whitney | 6:24 AM

Wow your girls are perfectly adorable! Congratulations! When I had my twins 7 weeks ago my biggest concern was that they would gave to go to the NICU and we wouldn't get to go home together. Praying you get to be home TOGETHER this weekend! What an exciting time!

amber | 6:37 AM

Your girls are so beautiful, congratulations! I hope everyone will be home soon safe and sound. Thank you for taking us with you on your journey!

Lou Lou Belle | 6:37 AM

AAH! they are so perfect. this is coming from a fraternal twin, but I just think they are the BEST. so beautiful, and hoping for a homecoming this weekend!

Marcella | 6:38 AM

Beautiful post, beautiful family, beautiful you, beautiful beautiful beautiful. I can't express how happy I am for you! :) xoxo

oh, jenny mae | 6:38 AM

bo reminds me so much of my jilly with her chipmunk cheeks. and rev's sweet little peanut gave is like scout's. it's wild to see such a size difference in your girls who are less than a pound apart. my girls were 7#3 & 5#4, so their difference was HUGE. does rev have a little squeal? scout mewed like a kitty for the first few days. jilly never did. i miss that sound.

i hope you all get under the same roof soon, mama.

Piper | 6:39 AM

All of the pics are beautiful, of course, but especially that last picture, brought instant tears to my eyes. Giant congratulations to you all on the birth of your gorgeous twin girls!!!

Anonymous | 6:43 AM

I hope the weekend brings all of you home under one roof.
*fingers crossed*
Such beautiful daughters :)

RSilvies | 6:54 AM

I just love these updates. I love seeing how different the two little ladies look, but both just so lovely. It looks like they are already bringing you guys so much joy. Can't wait for our little one to arrive around Christmas! Count the shopping days... and that's probably the same amount of time we have to ready ourselves for babe #1! You make it look effortless because your love for them is so great and your husband and family are so supportive! Felicidades!

Mandy | 6:58 AM


Unknown | 6:59 AM

Congratulations they are beautiful. I think Rev looks like a little Archer and Bo looks like a little Fable.

roni | 7:16 AM

they are so beautiful! thank you for sharing. i was starting to wonder if they were coming soon after that last photo belly update. fable pouting with you was too funny. hope everyone is ready to come home this weekend!

annabelvita | 7:17 AM

They're starting to look less like teeny archers and fables and more like a teeny bo and a teeny rev.

So unbelievably cute. I expected nothing less!

Lauren | 7:18 AM

I know others have said this, but it is so cute how different they look! I think one looks more like you and the other looks more like your husband. I'd use their names but I already forgot who is who :) Sorry!!!!

Unknown | 7:39 AM

Glad everyone is doing so well! I can't stop thinking of you guys! Sending warm wishes from Montana <3

Manda | 7:45 AM

Oh so glad to hear that the girls are strong enough to maybe come home soon! You all look wonderful. Cheering for you over in LA!

Jack's Mama | 7:46 AM

My sister and I are fraternal twins! I am blonde, she a beautiful brunette. They are so beautiful i love the shots sans hats to see their beautiful shaped heads & hair :) Take care with your recovery and yes enjoy your time at club hospital :)

Bless with a Boy | 8:06 AM

So much love in these pictures and in your life. It fills me with job.

I hope you are feeling better Bec. You have worked so hard getting those two beauties in this world.

I'm so glad your mom is going to be there to help you guys.

Is Archer doing better? Are you doing better with the mommy blues?



Wow, sorry about that. They're so sweet and dear I can hardly stand it!

Dragana | 8:15 AM

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Look how big they are - now the size of your belly makes more sense :)
Good luck!!! And you know the drill - sleep while you/they are there.

Meg | 8:25 AM

Thank you so much for posting the pictures. I hope the girls get to go home soon!

These pictures are really helping me get excited for the birth of my second (due in December). I know that sound terrible. But, I am having a hard time mentally preparing for the fact that my daughter who is two years old will no longer be the baby. I feel guilty, like I am replacing her. These pictures and seeing your family grow helps. Thank you.

Thomasin | 8:34 AM

They look like your babies! Lovely, all of you. Good health & much love.

Mailornish | 8:36 AM

Congratulations! It's great that you are loving the moment. A NICU stay can be bittersweet but I do believe those nurses and doctors are a godsend at times. Enjoy every delicious moment - life is beautiful and those girls get bigger and stronger everyday.

Amy E. | 8:44 AM

Wow. They are beautiful, beautiful, BEAUTIFUL! So happy that it sounds like they are doing well. Wishes coming your way that you'll be home this weekend.

Andrea D | 8:47 AM

So, so beautiful. You and the girls look so at peace.

You are so amazing and a strong-ass mama to be in the moment. Rock on all you rock stars!

Beautiful. Making me cry.


verdemama | 8:50 AM

They are amazing!

Emry | 8:50 AM

I'm expecting my second daughter within the next two weeks...your pictures are making me so impatient! I can't get over how adorable those little twins are!

Lara | 8:59 AM

They are so beautiful - and so different!! Rev looks just like baby Archer and Bo looks just like baby Fable! So sweet.

Amber P. | 9:00 AM

Stop making me crave babies! Seriously, these posts are killing me. SO beautiful. Hope you all get to go home this weekend!!!

JenniferO | 9:02 AM

Congratulations and they are amazing! I love their different hair configurations!

Althea | 9:03 AM

They are so beautiful. You are so beautiful. Hal is beautiful. Fable and Archer are beautiful. I can't even look at them without tearing up.
The interwebs brims full of love and good wishes for you and the rest of your family. Bless...

Steph(anie) | 9:04 AM

Full to bursting with love.

Anonymous | 9:05 AM

Congratulations, all! Beautiful additions to a beautiful family.

Alex | 9:07 AM

all my limbs are crossed that they can come home this weekend!

Jess | 9:10 AM

they look pretty darn perfect to me. hope they come home this weekend!

Unknown | 9:48 AM

hopefully you can all come home SOON!!! they are beautiful and I'm sure you can't wait to have everyone together :) enjoy this special time!!!

Unknown | 9:59 AM

Aaaaaahhhhhh. You have a mini-Archer and a mini-Fable! I remember holding Berry, my youngest, for the first time and thinking how she seemed like a female version of her older brother.

They are truly lovely.

Miss M | 10:12 AM

They are beyond gorgeous! You are so strong and amazing in such a trying time! As a loooong time reader I feel so oddly proud of you :)

Ann | 10:32 AM

Beautiful! I think you're comment sums up becoming a mother perfectly (at least that's how I felt after my children were born). As soon as you see that face, hold them in your arms, you can't imagine how you lived without them and you surely can't ever imagine without them in the future.

Car | 10:32 AM and your gorgeous babies and orange fingernails..I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU! I love that first pic of Rev..she seems so aware, even though she was just born..already such a cool gal! Enjoy the sweet-smelling baby hair and tiny fingers :)

Jessie May | 10:33 AM

So, so beautiful! Thank-you for sharing your sweet new daughters with us :) xxxx

ann marie | 10:40 AM

Oh my! They are gorgeous!!!!!!! Congratulations. Happy for you all!

yvette | 10:45 AM

It's amazing how much all your kids look alike!

Glenda | 10:48 AM


Hoping you all get to go home this weekend.

Thanks for sharing R&B with all of us!

Anonymous | 10:54 AM

What two incredibly gorgeous, sweet little gems. My word.

Continued congratulations to you and Hal and the rest of the family.

Jen Murray-Szarvas | 10:58 AM

Those are some seriously beautiful babies you have there! Congrats to you and the family. Here's to a speedy recovery! 2 years later and my c section scar is STILL itchy.

Zoë | 11:14 AM

My most favorite thing about newborns is when they snooze on your shoulder. And you have two of them!!!!!! So, so lucky. I can't wait to get my hands on my one year old so I can cuddle with her - if she'll let me. I hope you get to bring Bo and Rev home this weekend so you can snuggle with all four of your precious babies. Much love! xxx

Angie L | 11:15 AM

What lovely little ladies! Rev's mouth (I'm pretty sure it's Rev) makes her look as though she could be FABLE'S twin!!! I can't wait to see a pic of the FOUR of them together! :) I hope you all get to go home this weekend!!

Annie | 11:16 AM

Reverie looks just like Archer and Boeheme looks just like Fable. They have mini-mes :)

Nicole | 11:31 AM

who is the baby with all the hair? She looks JUST like Fable.. oh my goodness!

vickichristine | 11:59 AM

i love how they look so different from one another. gorgeous, truly.

Hannah Ryan | 12:11 PM

You are in our thoughts, due date buddy! The reunion will be all the sweeter. Sending all good vibes from upstate NY......

brandy | 12:18 PM

Congratulations! Your whole family is so beautiful.

This might be the wrong place to ask, but i wanted you to see it before too much time goes by. With regards to your mom butt post, and a commenter who hypothesized that the wider post baby hips caused flat mom butt. I saw this on the impulse rack at the maternity store

and thought maybe that would squeeze our butts back out, (I'm 32 weeks preg w/ my 1st and probably worried more about my butt than delivery) The product says you have 8 weeks pp to do it, then the relaxin hormone is gone.

Just wanted to give you a heads up in case you haven't seen this yet, maybe it's just snake oil, but I'd love to see you do a review of it, for the butterment of the rest of us. (sorry, couldn't resist)

Congrats again on your lovely girls.

Unknown | 12:21 PM

babe in top photo looks just like fable... crazy! they are absolutely beautiful, amazing creatures-- enjoy, enjoy~

Anonymous | 12:23 PM

Holy cheeks and hair! So. dang. yummy.

And speaking of yummy, I tried your Mom's spaghetti squash and sauce; we're hooked! Happy to know you'll be in good food for that homecoming!


Sam | 12:25 PM

Bo and Rev are beyond perfect. I am having serious baby fever over your blog lately! I freakin' love it.

I also love how Bo looks like Fable and Rev like Archer - so lovely.


Crystal T. | 12:37 PM

Wow - I swear one of them looks just like Archer while the other looks just like Fable. So funny.

Congrats, by the way. You make beautiful babies!

Anonymous | 12:42 PM

Amazing. When I look at Reverie, I see a mini Archer. When I look at Bo, a pudgy cute mini Fable!

I love that they look more like their siblings than each other.

Congrats to your brand new family of six! So thrilled for you all!

agirlandaboy | 12:49 PM

I can't believe how much Rev looks like Archer. Also how different they already look from each other, even as squishy little babies. Love them. Love you.

Alecia | 1:00 PM

Oh my goodness, Rev looks so much like Fable to me! Of course I'm only going from pics and not real life but that thought hit me as soon as I saw that pic with her eyes open. And can I just say that I LOVE Bo's squishy baby cheeks and cupid's bow mouth? Both girls are just gorgeous.

Krista Walton Potter | 1:07 PM

I love these updates--clearly lots of us do! Rebecca and Hal, thank you for sharing all of this with us!

Also, I would love to know (when you get around to telling the babies' name story) how you chose to give which name to which! I looooove naming stuff, and their names are so effing gorgeous!

Goth, Hippie, Baby | 1:24 PM

Congratulations! They're beautiful and amazing!
Ask about kangaroo care, which is skin to skin contact with the blankets over the 3 of you. It has amazing sucess in shortening NICU time.

kristofer and ivy | 1:29 PM

Twins!! So sweet:

Julie | 1:53 PM

The girls are beautiful! Congratulations!

Jessica | 2:08 PM

Oh it's just so amazing that you get to bring home two babies! I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to bring home my one that's due oct 17th! 31 days and counting:)

Chris | 2:21 PM

They are so beautiful!! Enjoy those first few days!!

Anonymous | 2:23 PM

Rebecca, Hal, Archer and Fable, congratulations! Reverie and Boheme are gorgeous new additions to the family who I'm hoping will all join you home very soon.
I must say Rebecca I am going to really miss your belly updates. I loved following IT, your reactions to IT, thinking what was growing inside IT.
Thanks for letting us share!

osodemadre | 2:57 PM

I love how different they look! And I think Rev looks like Fable and I love her dark hair. For Bo's size she looks like a chubby one. I love chubs. Your last few posts have brought me to tears. Hope you get to bring the girls home soon!!

lisafoose | 3:53 PM

they are so beautiful! Almost brought to tears. You guys are beautiful too - the happiness and pride shine through. Congratulations again and I hope you are all home (without billi-blankets) toot sweet! BTW, 7.5 years later, I had really almost forgotten about our fun with twins and billi-blankets (we still laugh because we mistook jaundice for a "beautiful olive-ish complexion). Best to you all!

Haley | 4:55 PM

Babies!!! Beautiful babies!! Congrats to everyone!

Ellie D | 5:47 PM

You can already see their separate personalities developing. Rev looks like a wise little being, just taking in the whole world, while Bo seems very mellow and like she'll be a roll-with-the-punches kind of girl. They are both oh so very beautiful, and my congratulations again to you all.

Anonymous | 5:55 PM

Thanks for sharing this special time with readers. The "new baby love" look becomes you and your husband well!

Leslie | 6:13 PM

so gorgeous. They are just so beautiful. :) I hope they get to go home this weekend!!! I can only imagine the adorableness that will result when pictures of all four of your children (!!!) appear.

Elliesee | 6:16 PM

Aww... the pictures are amazing and brings me right back to the hospital with my babies, well not my second one because she looked a few months old already:-) I too only wanted to be home after the birth of my twins, only to find out that laying them flat on their back to sleep didn't agree well with them (they would often wake up to burp and were better propped a little.) And also slowly pedaling my legs in bed was suddenly a strenuous exercise. And I felt like I had been hit by a bus. A simple heated pad magically got rid of my back pain though (I felt dumb for not doing it sooner). Be well in that most vulnerable moment, I can tell Bo and Rev have everything they need to solidly attach you to them!

Shay | 6:46 PM

They are beautiful. So bitty and fuzzy - all that hair. Awesome.

holly | 8:03 PM

Your babies are beautiful! Congratulations on the new additions to your family.

holly | 8:04 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stephanie Gilbert | 7:18 AM

Jesus, they're just perfect and beautiful. Congratulations, mama.

Stephanie Gilbert | 7:19 AM

Jesus, they're just perfect and beautiful. Congratulations, mama.

Leslie | 8:31 AM

they are both adorable, but I cannot get past Bo's lips. SO PERFECT.

Anonymous | 4:40 PM

congratulations and also thinking of you. we had to leave the hospital with a baby in NICU who was 35 weeks...similar situation with the inability to drive, kids at home, and c incision...majorly thinking of you all...hard to be in that waiting phase while feeling simultaneously happy (yeah they are here and they will be home soon) and gloomy (bummer they aren't home and in our arms it feels empty without them)...good luck! heal fast!

Anonymous | 8:47 AM

They are SO different!!!! BUt SO beautiful. Geez, those lips!!!! Love , love, love to all! - Missy

Rebecca | 8:11 AM

Rebecca, the girls are gorgeous and your huge family is awesome! So happy for you. Will cross everything that the girls come home this weekend.

-The other Rebecca/Roo

E.B. Cummings | 6:38 PM

My heart is filled with joy for you. So much love. Congrats, mama! They are perfection.

Ray | 10:51 PM

Love the black and white photo of the four of you. <3 And ohmygoodness, Boheme's lips! =D Reverie resembles big brother Archer to me. =o) Yay, for probably going home this weekend! I'll be praying for you all.

Alexandra | 9:37 AM

They are just as beautiful as new roses in a garden.

SaraMinerva | 2:21 PM

They are absolutely breathtaking. Congralations you guys!