Tottini & GGC Present: Must-Have Baby Gear and Giveaway!

*updated with winner, below!*
gear ye, gear ye!

I'm super excited to be teaming up with for the next few weeks both here on GGC and on, re: latest must-haves for newborn and baby. For those unfamiliar with Tottini, they're a small mom-owned and operated store + web destination offering the latest and greatest essentials for newborns and beyond. Brands and designers include Ouef, Monte, Stokke, Maclaren, bloom, Medela and more. Basically, Tottini is a one-stop shop for quality goods for baby, child and parent. And the owners (Hi, Melissa and Melissa!) are super rad.

As well as partnering with Tottini on this and other posts, I'm also a customer. Remember those hairclub for men ads? Yeah, that. The following post wasn't paid for, but Tottini did generously hook me up with some of my must-have gear items. (Noted, below.) Thanks, Tottini!


There are SO many things one needs when baby-rearing and even though this is my third pregnancy, I have little in the way of gear to show for hand-me-downs. I'm the opposite of a hoarder and tend to give everything away as soon as it's no longer in use, so I'm basically at square one as an expecting mom. Which is annoying but also kind of fun. Anyway! The following pieces are some of my must-have gear essentials for the soon-to-be newborn(s) in my life. Behold:

Treetop Activity Gym
I happen to love this Baby Gym because it's cute without being obnoxious. One of the few of its kind in the Baby Gym department, which for whatever reason, insist on being hideous. I love that it's gender neutral and isn't PINK FOR GIRLS! or BLUE FOR BOYS! Instead it's just cute for everyone. Dig.

Triumph Stroller 2011

When Archer was a baby, I knew nothing of strollers. For the first few months I pushed around a massive Graco Travelsystem. That was massive. After a few months of knocking people over, we took the Graco to my parent's house to use as a spare and snagged ourselves a Maclaren. It folded up like an umbrella (hence the term, "umbrella stroller", had plenty of storage and we all lived happily ever after. This time around, we're rocking a Snap n' Go for the first few months and then we're going double Mac. Because, even though we're upgrading our wagon to a Minivan, six people and two dogs will BARELY fit in that beast so the most packable stroller is kind of a total must. Also, one of my besties has one for her (Irish) twins and claims it absolutely fits through doorways and hallways, which, again... very important.

Twin Triumph

And speaking of strollers, Snap n Go's are my #1 recommendation for the first six months:

Clic it! Universal Carrier

The price is right and they're the most practical things that exist. I just ordered my double snap (via my search, Baby Trend is the only brand that makes them) and will use it exclusively in the beginning as not to be constantly pulling babes in and out of carseats. There are several fab "universal" carriers out there - make sure the one you order fits your carseat(s).

Go & Glow Audio Monitor Set

Anyone remember when Baby Monitors were just things you put by the crib to hear your baby cry from another room? Yeah, those were the days. Apparently, today, in the year 2011, monitors now double as television video-recorder-x-ray-vision-bomb-detectors. You know... just in case. The Safety First monitor is right up our WTF-is-all-that-really-necessary? alley. Besides, I'd rather spend the hundred-bucks saved on monitor devices and splurge on a really slick portable bed. Ahem... this:

Portable Bed: Phil & Teds Nest, $99


I haven't purchased this because I don't think it's safe for twins. It definitely maxes out its capacity at one human child, but how awesome is it? Especially for those of us who do lots of traveling and/or like to keep baby close. I never liked porta-cribs because of their humungousness. This "nest" is ideal for those with smaller spaces or those looking for a travel bed for babies. (Nest is for newborns to nine-month-olds.)

Wide Neck Baby Bottles

I've only purchased ten of what I assume will be 78928312893 bottles, but Green to Grow are some of our favorites. They're cute and they were Fable's brand of choice when she was drinking out of a bottle. And by "was" I mean "is". Because sometimes a lady needs a bottle before nap time.

Lawn Drying Rack

We bought ourselves two of these suckers because, A. they're totally adorable and B. uh... yeah, we're going to need them. In the words of Hal, "I don't mind spending a few extra bucks on a dry rack when it LOOKS LIKE GRASS HOW COOL IS THIS?" Bonus? When we're done using them to dry bottles, they can TOTALLY double as Barbie's (eco-friendly) backyard.

Infant Dishwasher Basket
For the first time EVER we will be able to wash bottles in our dish washer which is very luxurious after living ten years (and two babies) without one so we bought a couple of these as well.

Harmony Breastpump

I used an electric pump ONCE and I haaaaaaaaaaaa(infinity a)ted it. Not only did I feel like a dairy cow, but it sucked. No pun intended. I remember calling my mom and being like, "Mom! I hate these! Nothing is even coming out and I feel like I'm hooked up to a machine and what is happening to my life!???" and she was like, "buy a manual pump! they work much better." So I did. With both babies I pumped with my own BARE HANDS and no electric sockets. Medela just happens to be my brand of choice. Highly recommended for those who don't have $500 to spend on a pump and/or prefer not to feel dairy-cowesque. Bonus: manual pumps are fantastic work-outs for lower arm enthusiasts.

Nursing Cover (more colors)
I still have my Bebe Au Lait nursing cover from the days of nursing Fable (score!) and I love it. Highly recommended.

Backpack Owl
Backpack Fox

Several of you commented on Fable's backpack when I posted about her first day of school. We purchased her penguin at a gift shop of a local museum but Tottini ALSO has them for sale, as well as the Owl & Fox (above) which I ordered for the twins to keep their things separate. Keeping a "baby pack" is really helpful for me. Beyond having a diaper bag (which I am still shopping around for) small backpacks I'm assuming will be ideal for twins with different needs, preferences in bottles, pacifiers, etc. This way I can keep their things separate (one backpack beneath each stroller seat). Plus, they're goddamn adorable.

Baby Carrier: Ergo Baby (organic) carrier, $145 c/o Tottini:


As well as pushing my babies in a Snap n Go + lightweight stroller for the first few months, I plan to wear one baby at a time as much as I can. This way, I can bond with the babies as individuals. I carried both Archer (Baby Bjorn) and Fable (Baby Hawk) on my bod for the first several months but have heard nothing but fantastic things about the Ergo and look forward to giving it a spin, soon. (ED: Don't forget the infant insert!)

Bare Naked Pillow

Regardless of whether or not you plan to nurse, Boppy pillows are awesome. They're supportive, comfortable and easy to clean, wash, love. We have two and I keep envisioning the babies propped up in their Boppys staring at each other, reading each other's MINDSSSSS! There are also a million fabulous Etsy shops with Boppy covers to fit your taste and style. So buy bare now and deck it out later.

Babysitter Brown & Beige

This identical bouncer was what Fable lived in her first six months. We didn't have a lot of room in our apartment, so we'd sit out on the patio and I'd write and she'd bounce and giggle and throw her rattle and I'd go chase it, pick it up, dust it off, give it back to her. We have one for now and will likely purchase a second, depending on how much either (or both) twins enjoy a good afternoon bounce. What I love about this bouncer? It's been passed around among friends and is still in amazing shape. Totally timeless and gender neutral and practical and yes.

Wait! There's more! Tottini has agreed to give one Baby Bjorn bouncer ($180 value) to a lucky GGC reader. To win? Tell me about your must-have baby GEAR items. I'll select one winner via next Friday, August 5th. Good luck and thanks in advance for sharing! Still in baby shop mode, so it's super helpful to hear what gear is near and dear to you.


P.S. Shop Tottini now through September 31st and receive 10% of your total purchase by entering code: child10 at the register. Happy shopping!


Congrats to commenter #46, Kelly! And thanks to all for participating in the giveaway! Many more giveaways to come, stay tuned!


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Rebecca | 8:35 AM

I love my Aden and anis (that looks wrong) baby blankets. Great for swaddling and as a nursing cover!

Elle | 8:37 AM

A sling! Hands-free babywearing makes for happy moms.

kati | 8:38 AM

Perfect timing- my 2 year old is going to be a big sister in February.

The first piece of essential baby gear we had was a small, styrofoam pillow. She napped on it on the dining room table. Only for the first couple of weeks, but I'd sit there with my laptop, and she'd be snoozing away.

My other essential gear for the first 9 months was a ring sling. I learned how to nurse in it (no mean feat with my double Gs!).

Amazed with your planning and organization with twoatonce! Go you.

Unknown | 8:38 AM

I couldn't do without my baby bjrorn. Being a mom with two other little ones, I needed my hands free.

Elaine | 8:38 AM

Rebecca beat me to the punch but I had better luck with the Miracle blankets for swaddling. My son was a really thrashy baby and he could houdini his way out of any swaddle that didn't include velcro.

Another must, must, must for us was a swing. My son had reflux and to lay flat. He spent a good portion of his first 4 months or so napping in his swing and it calmed him down when he got really screamy. I'm currently pregnant with our second so we'll see if this baby has the same swing addiction that our first did.

grace | 8:41 AM

I'm still in the "trying-to-get-pregnant" stage, so no must-haves yet, but this post is really helpful--several things here I hadn't even thought about! Thanks.

Kristen | 8:41 AM

I absolutely CANNOT live without my Munchkin Cool Wrap Baby Bottle Cooler! It holds three eight ounce bottles and keeps them cool up to 15 hours, which is priceless on days you're out and about and away from a fridge. I've continued to use it long past the bottle stage with sippy cups, etc!

Carolyn Williams | 8:43 AM

I'm 18 weeks pregnant today (with my first) so I don't know what my must have will be... BUT the thing that I'm most interested in on your list is the snap and go. I haven't seen anything like this, but it's EXACTLY what I've been looking for!

Thanks for this list! It is super helpful!

Lauren Schubeck Photography | 8:44 AM

I have no idea what my "must have" would be since I just found out we're pregnant. With TWINS (!?!!) I'm assuming my bed will win the "must have?"

KateFitz | 8:45 AM

We bought a billion (actually 3) types of swaddling blankets and I got a big F- in being able to use them. However I did have lots of success swaddling in a plain bath towel. And to this day my almost 2 year old can't sleep without a towel.

Also I have a BOB stroller....we walk all over Portland, OR and yes is it cumbersome as all get out indoors. BUT outdoors!! Magic time.

Sarah | 8:45 AM

Good timing, baby #2 in just a few weeks...must haves the first time were good swaddle blankets, soothie pacifiers, the Ergo (have you seen the new designs? so cute!), and a Bob jogging stroller. I love the grass drying rack, have it on my registry already!

~Kristina | 8:46 AM

I totally second that specific breast pump!
I also loved my mama kanga moby wrap but they are not for everyone.

Shawna | 8:46 AM

My must-haves (quickly) became The Swing (it totally earned its capital letters), pacifier pods and clips (to cut down on the have-you-seen-the-effing-pacifier-holy-crap-this-kid-is-screaming), and the baby bjorn (even though it made my chest sweat).

elizabeth | 8:48 AM

most essential piece of gear i had was a breast pump, double electric and a boppy!

Cassie | 8:49 AM

I have no idea what my 'must-haves' are... I'm 20 weeks into my first pregnancy and just figuring this stuff out. But this post is SUPER helpful- thanks!!

eva | 8:50 AM

I don't have or know any babies (mine is 6), so don't enter me in the contest, but I couldn't live without some 1 yard square baby flannel that my mother in law turned into huge receiving blankets.

They were hands down the handiest thing ever. Changing pad for when we were out, burp cloths, whatever. Stella liked to be swaddled for a long time too, so they worked great for that. Now they're blankies for her stuffed animals.

yooneroos | 8:50 AM

the BOB jogging stroller! great for the child and great for the mom who wants to get healthy!

Carly | 8:51 AM

I'm a huge fan of my Petunia Pickle Bottom diaper bag. I got it on eBay because I couldn't afford a brand new fancy one and I've definitely gotten my $50 worth of use! I adore the fact that it's a shoulder bag and a backpack...very handy when I don't have a free hand/arm/shoulder!

k | 8:52 AM

Woombies and then A&A blankets and sleep sacks. A&A make the BEST bibs/burp cloths - works from baby to toddler! Also LOVED the FP newborn rock n play sleeper - it's now what I gift every new mommy that doesn't already have one. Best. Thing. Ever (combined w/ a snuzzler insert to keep baby snug and cozy!).
When the baby starts to fuss a little in her sleep, it would start rocking w/ her own movement (no batteries or anything) and usually get her to settle down in 5 seconds. Awesome!

Sheelah | 8:52 AM

I say the playmat/gym/whatever you call it. Our little Ladybug loved hers for the first several months. Then all of a sudden she had rolled very far away from it and it was kinda useless after that. But for a while, that thing was gold!

Abi | 8:55 AM

Hubby found this wonderful product called SwaddleMe. Our first baby could un-swaddle herself in 2 seconds. Swaddle me comes in different fabrics and VELCRO. No more un-swaddling. Yay! I think he bought it at Target. First baby loved it, 2nd baby loved it and will use it for baby #3 in September.

Kes | 8:55 AM

Essential piece of baby gear has to be the Phil and Ted's Lobster high chair. So portable and coordinates nicely with my little squirt's P&T smart buggy. It's always great to have the kids sitting at the table with you. It also has attachments shaped like lobster claws, and lets face it, thats always fun.

antisocialangel | 8:56 AM

My must have the first time was the huge electric double breastpump. This go around, who knows? That activity gym is so adorable! That might have to go on my "must haves" list for baby 2 due this November! :)

mamajess | 8:57 AM

My little guy had reflux issues too, and after two weeks straight of a nurse-burp-lay down-projectile vomit party, I bought the Fisher-Price Rock and Play Sleeper and the first night he was in it, he went from waking every 1.5 hours to sleeping through the night. Bliss! He slept in it next to our bed until he was 4 months old. I was the most well-rested mama around. If you suspect reflux issues, get thee to a Babies-R-Us on the double (ha, twins). Thanks for the round-up.!

Anonymous | 8:58 AM

With my son we didn't have a bouncer so he was in his fisher price lamb swing alot! I moved that thing from the living room to the bathroom during my shower time to outside! He always looked so comfy in it!

halfway_to_crazy | 8:59 AM

We're expecting baby #2 at the beginning of December... my must have is a swing / bouncy chair. We bought a space saver model that works as both. Our first napped every day in his swing so we're hoping the newest edition loves it just as much.

J | 8:59 AM

My essential item is a ring sling. My son is two weeks and we've already used it too many times to count!

Rhi | 8:59 AM

I'm expecting my first in November and this list is SUPER helpful. We're super behind on baby shopping and we need pretty much everything so I'd love to win the bouncer!

betsy kin | 9:01 AM

I love my beco carrier!!!

Betsy King

LiciaLee | 9:01 AM

My must have baby item is my carrier(carriers?)I don't know what I would do without them. I have a moby, ring sling, ergo, and have tried several other types. I always like the look of those bouncers. :D And I LOVE reading about all the baby stuff you love.

Anonymous | 9:04 AM

swaddle blankets and the swing got us through the first few (colicky) months. baby #2 is due in september and i would love to win. carmensebert (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous | 9:04 AM

I'm a first-time mumma, giving birth at the end of December/beginning of January, so I don't really know what my must-haves are, but I have the feeling that I'm going to be one baby-wearing mum. Which means an Ergo or Moby (or both!) is definitely on my list. Other must-haves: a safe place for my butterbean to sleep, and anything that will help with breastfeeding.

Helen Amanda | 9:05 AM

For us the absolute basic essential (besides baby+boobs) has got to be cloth diaper pre-folds. No, not for their bottoms, but for burp cloths! Those terry towel burp rags just smear the spit up around. I may have also tucked them in my bra to deal with the torrent of leakage that happens in the early weeks!

Karen F. | 9:06 AM

My second will be arriving in about a month, so it will be interesting to see if our "must-haves" change with this one. But for baby #1, we couldn't have done without the snap and go, swaddling blankets, and some kind of bouncy seat.

Creativechaos | 9:07 AM

I'm in the process of becoming a foster parent. I'd love that bouncy! This isn't a necessity but I loved the spit up blankets that you tie to a crib. I felt like I didn't have to change the sheets nearly as much with those things.


beyond | 9:07 AM

yay! i'm days away from a brand! new! baby! so this is super. I was already handed-down the baby bjorn bouncy seat, but i have a pregnant friend to gift this one to if i win.
must have for me (although what do i know at this point?): an ergo carrier for when baby's head is stable (i have heard only bad things about the ergo infant inserts) and a chicco carrier for the first couple of months (the chicco is perfect for infants, but much less comfortable than the ergo after a while, apparently. plus, i got my chicco for $20 on amazon.)

Melissa | 9:09 AM

The Avent Isis breast pump (I know it's a cheap manual, but it works great!), and my steam sterilizer.

Shelley | 9:09 AM

Having had only nephews (up to this point)my must have for them was their bouncy chairs...they LOVED them. When I was looking after them, I was forever greatful for that bouncy chair!

Mary | 9:09 AM

Miracle blanket. The only thing that allowed me to sleep the first 4 months!

Jessica | 9:10 AM

This has been my favorite post this year - I am smack in the middle of baby item comparing/shopping/ stressing for baby sister's Oct. 3 due date. So, thanks for the help!
My must-have for my first child was my JJ Cole Diaper & Wipes Pod... its easy to throw in any bag and be ready to go.

Laura | 9:12 AM

I'm pregnant with our first - due in October! Trying to get as much second-hand as possible, but our top of the list must is a stroller (City Mini) and Ergo baby carrie!

Thanks for a great post - never knew I'd be FASCINATED by the baby gear...

Anonymous | 9:13 AM

We used our Itzbeen timer until Eriana was 6 months old. With TWO babies it might be even more necessary. So, SO great to not have to think about why she was crying. Oh, it's been 3 hours since she ate, that's why she's upset. :)

Cave Momma | 9:13 AM

My Moby Wrap was my sanity saver. But really, any wrap or carrier would have been. I always felt all snug in a rug and so did my babes. Also, a swing. My 1st was a horrible napper and the swing saved us.

Shasta | 9:16 AM

The Skip Hop Pronto Changing Station. I'm surprised at the number of places that don't have built-in changing stations! Or, places that have a station in the ladies room but not the mens! So, when you need to change your baby in the back of your car, on the edge of a planter, or on the floor of a Starbucks, you've got a nice clean place. We really liked using it when we were out, because whoever was on changing duty could just grab the baby compact little kit instead of lugging the whole diaper bag around.

Rachel | 9:17 AM

I loved using cloth diapers, and now that my little one is almost three, they are awesome dusting rags, dog washing rags, all-around spill cleaner rags.

Kelly Kuntz | 9:17 AM

hands down a bouncer seat was our most essential baby item, we ended up taking it with us everywhere because it worked perfect for naps and chilling baby out

Megan | 9:18 AM

A swing was a necessity for my last baby. It was the only place he would sleep. "Swaddle Me" blankets were a definite necessity. I never quite learned how to swaddle with just a plain ol' regular blanket.

Lacey Jane | 9:22 AM

So, I am not exactly sure what my baby must-haves are, because I am currently pregnant with my first baby. So far though, I don't think I will be able to survive without my boobs, my bed, and about 1000 pairs of BabyLegs because ZOMGSQUEALCUUUTEEE!!!!

Jos | 9:22 AM

I'm 19w pregnant with my first, but the one and only item I've bought so far is my BOB Revolution stroller. I live in a town with dirt roads (yes, they still exist), and everyone swears by them. I'm so excited to finally get to try it out with my own child!

Nancy | 9:23 AM

We're expecting #2. Some of the things I remember being essentials with #1 were her swing, swaddling blankets, Boppy, carrier (ring sling, wrap, Ergo - depending on her size) and that double pump I carried everywhere for a year.

missamandabear | 9:23 AM

I love our Angel Care Monitor. I like the extra security of the movement monitor. I don't think I could sleep without it!

missamandabear at gmail dot com.

Megan | 9:23 AM

We loved the "miracle blanket" for swaddling, but not until he got a little bigger (2 mo maybe?).

Hubby loved the Moby for baby wearing, but I've been an Ergo girl from the start- I think you'll love it, so versatile- and comfy.

As for mama gear, I couldn't live w/out my Glamour Mom nursing tanks- seriously a must have if you're bigger than a B cup- these things have *actual* bras built in. Now that I'm not nursing anymore, I still wear them all the time for yoga. Planning to pick up a couple more for #2 coming in the spring.

The Katzenberg Family | 9:24 AM

I couldn't have made it through without my moby wrap and later my ergo. Sophie the giraffe was a lifesaver during teething too!

Sam | 9:24 AM

Oh my goodness, I *love* that Skip Hop activity set. I gave a bunch of my stuff away after my son was born (four years ago, sob!) and now I'm thinking I get to replace it! I hear those Aden and Anis blankets are just fabulous - plus they seem lightweight for my very warm Southern climate!


Swaddling blankets! BIG ones. Most blankets are too small to get a good, snug swaddle. I found mine at Birth & Beyond in Seattle, and they're the perfect size (about 42" squared, I'd guess).

Also, I love, love, love my Chickpea Diaper Bag. I am NOT a diaper bag person (why are they all so awful?), but I think these are cute without being cutesy. I still use mine as a kid-stuff carry-all, and Westley is 3 1/2.

Cindy | 9:25 AM

I'm due with my first baby in 6 weeks - oh my! I'm not sure yet what my 'must have gear' will be but think a bouncer or swing will come handy during the first year. I'm also looking for a universal stroller to fit with our car seat...that'll be nice for transporting along the way.

By the way, congrats on your twins! :-)

h | 9:25 AM

Swing, diaper stacker (weird, I know!), baby book, bouncer, jumperoo, moby wrap, and tons of board books! But really just warm, loving arms. So excited for R & B to arrive safely!

JB | 9:25 AM

Ooh, I have the same 'taste' in baby gear. It's so cute, without being too IN YOUR FACE.

Um, can I use the grass drying mat for my coffee cups? No? Because that is what I would pick... :-)

mlouprice | 9:28 AM

I'm pregnant with my first baby so I have no clue what I'm doing. I have been told not to buy fancy burp cloths. Several people have told me to opt for cloth diapers because they work much better.

Raddit | 9:29 AM

Due with my second in 3 months, so several of these items are on my list this go-around! With my first, definitely huge swaddling blankets, the bouncy seat thing, and some days, the swing. Thanks for the giveaway--I'm so enjoying your pregnancy posts!

emily | 9:30 AM

the Miracle Blanket! It truly lives up to its name! We tried the kind with the Velcro snaps, but baby girl could wiggle out of that before her eyes even closed... she went from waking every few hours to sleeping 9-10 hours straight!

mom2nji | 9:31 AM

I am due the same time you are, but its been 6 years since my last baby and I am rusty. Everything this is different already. Before my must haves were a swing and a sling. I HATED the dual electric pump. I cried every time I used it.

Sarah | 9:32 AM

I am as yet babyless, but get to start "trying" this year (woo!)! I have the feeling I will be rocking a sling hardcore when I finally become a mom. I can't wait!

end | 9:32 AM

My Maya wrap ring sling is my #1 baby item for sure id love to try the ergo someday though.

Anonymous | 9:33 AM

Since I don't have children, my 'must have' is pregnant friends. My bestie was due last week with her first and I know she'd love the bouncer. Thanks!

Anonymous | 9:33 AM

Well, I haven't had my baby yet, but so far the jogging stroller is my favorite thing! I can't wait to go for walks - and runs - with our little guy. After that it's probably our BumGenius diapers!

Emily | 9:34 AM

My son (now almost two ... Yikes!) was a fall baby, so my must-have was lots and lots of wearable blankets (or sleepsacks or whatever you want to call them). He HATED being swaddled and was the most fidgety sleeper I have ever seen, kicking blankets off left and right, so the wearable blankets were perfect for keeping him snuggly and warm during those cold winter months.

jessica | 9:36 AM

No must haves yet, as still trying. This would be one heck of a way to start the collection...and a good luck piece too!

Sarah C. | 9:41 AM

It's a toss up between a good carrier like a wrap or an Ergo (i used both) and a swing. Both are serious live savers for me!

Just me. | 9:42 AM

I made a sling when my son was born. It was the most useful piece of fabric ever. To this day whenver he is feeling off he wants me to carry him in it... Hes 3... Id love to have this bouncer for my cousin who is expecting her 1st in october!

Sunny | 9:42 AM

I love sheet savers for the first few weeks home. Those little spit-ups at 3am are much more pleasant if I don't have to remove a sheet and mattress pad!

Meghan | 9:43 AM

We have only just begun getting ready for this baby gear-wise in the last week or so. I am so getting that Boon bottle drying thingy.

eggonit | 9:44 AM

My baby's not here yet, but I anticipate that I will love his little Fuzzibuns!

Cecilia Marzo @Sacred_Mama | 9:47 AM

Definitely LOVE the Baby Gym you posted!!! Cute, gender neutral, and definitely an eye catcher for babies. =)

Breezy | 9:49 AM

A sound/white noise machine, Joshua Radin CDs (LOVE) and rechargeable batteries/charger (rather than go through 587,342 batteries for swings, etc). Can't wait to see more pics of the bedding...looking adorable!! (

Whitney Laine | 9:55 AM

I absolutely love my Petunia Picklebottom diaper bags. They're cute and fashionable, also when your out of the diaper bag stage these bags can be used as beach totes! Score!!

Rachel | 9:55 AM

I am expecting baby #3, my first girl in mid-October. I loved my Moby Wrap for the first 3-4 months and then I was all about the Ergo.

Annie | 9:56 AM

As of right now, I think my best things are the swaddle blankets. But we'll see what she actually uses when she comes in 3 weeks.

Rebbie | 9:56 AM

Woombie, Boppy, and Glass Born Free Bottles!

Plastic bottles should not be put in the dishwasher(BPA free or not). The high temps cause toxins to leach from the plastic. Plastic may be marked "dishwasher safe, but they are not "consumer or baby safe". Wash by hand if you use plastic :)

Kelsey Geist | 10:01 AM

Well, since this is my first I really do not know what my essentials will be! But, I am sure a bouncer will be very helpful!

Kate | 10:01 AM

The philandteds Nest is pretty awesome for traveling - a bed and suitcase in one. Not sure how it would work with twins though....

Also check out this breast pump - it's supposed to be much gentler and rely on slight pressure instead of suction.

I was also a huge fan of the Blessed Nest breastfeeding pillow. It's filled with buckwheat so you can adjust it (fuller on one side to keep the kids head higher) and it stay cool. Cute prints too.

Other must-haves: BOB stroller, white noise machine (love one by HoMedics since you could use it with batteries or a plug) and a good swaddle blanket.

Courtney | 10:01 AM

I have no idea what to post as essential baby gear, because I'm only on baby #1 in utero (hence I've been reading your blog, and this post in particular like it's a survival manual!!!) but SHEW I hope I can still be entered for the bouncer because I LOVE IT IF YOU LOVE IT BECAUSE I AM JUST CLUELESS!

Also, I've heard incredible things about the Ergo and have been lusting over the new designs by Petunia Pickle Bottom through their recent collaboration with Ergo ( C'est magnifique, non?

Fat Bottomed Girl | 10:02 AM

I have a 2.5 year old, and am expecting another in January. With my first, I couldn't have survived without a Moby Wrap! It was tricky to navigate initially, but after a few internet instuctional videos, I found it irriplacible!

Glenda | 10:05 AM

This post is definitely helpful when thinking of what to buy my friend for her first baby shower in October.

Thanks for all the tips!

Momlarky | 10:07 AM

My must-haves have been an infant swing and the Safe N Secure Infant Sleeper. It was meant fot sleeping with the baby in your bed but I used it in their cribs like a sleep positioner. My sister-in-law is currently pregnant, due in March, and if I win I plan to gift it to her. Love GGC!

Greg and Alyssa | 10:08 AM

My must-haves: a PLUG-IN baby swing (hate buying batteries especially if your baby lives in a swing as my first did) and a white noise machine. These two items are the only reason my husband and I got any sleep for the first 6 months of my son's life.

Caroline | 10:08 AM

A large workout ball.
I bought one to use during labour and it ended up being the *only* method for getting by baby to sleep. It was ideal to sit on and bounce with minimal effort. And a full 16 months after her birth, the ball still resides in my daughter's room. Now we use it for seating during bottle time and my daughter loves to run and chase the ball down the hallway. Best $12 I've ever spent.

Don Mills Diva | 10:13 AM

I have a 5.5 year old and I'm expecting in January. WIth such a big gap I have little baby gear left :(. One thing I made sure to keep though was the teddy bear that mimics the sounds heard inside the uterus, heartbeat and all. It is actually a little creepy, but it worked like a charm to calm my son when whenever he got fussy those first few months.

kristinmcpherson | 10:13 AM

I loved and assume I will love again my Ergo. I'm also looking forward to using the Aden and Anais swaddles, because they didn't exist for my last baby!

Dranrab | 10:14 AM

I love the Bumbo chair!

Kerry | 10:14 AM

I had twin girls three weeks ago, and I've become a huge fan of Aden & Anais blankets. With my son I used those small flannel blankets and he'd wiggle out of a swaddle in no time - the Aden & Anais blankets are huge and super soft and so much better then the old school recieving blankets.

sarahhill | 10:14 AM

Swaddle blankets and boppi. The drying rack for bottles and breast pump accessories is awesome too. We just had our first baby 4 months ago and I'm so glad we didn't go overboard buying or registering for stuff we didn't end up needing.

Kathryn | 10:15 AM

#1 thing I can't live without is a bouncer! Would love, love, love to have this one!

kkw1149 | 10:16 AM

My Moby wrap has been a life saver!

AgnesMo | 10:19 AM

I love the miracle blanket swaddlers with Velcro, so easy to use. Also, we would not have made it through without a white noise machine, the static sound is so soothing to babies, it's like magic. Seriously. For our 6 week old somebody gave us a cute giraffe which makes the soothing sounds. Works the same and much better looking.

Jen | 10:22 AM

My newborn couldn't live without item was my baby k'tan. Little Lilly loved to snuggle with Mama all day long while I was on leave!

Kasey | 10:23 AM

I loved my My Breast Friend pillow, stupid name but it didn't slip like the Boppy.

Jana | 10:27 AM

I'm having my first baby in December and this post was soooo helpful! I'm constantly wondering what would be useful to get. I would love the bouncer! I'm also obsessing over carriers and have noticed that more often than not, I see moms with the Ergo. I'm definitely going that route. Love your blog btw, you're hilarious and a beautiful writer!

Karlyn | 10:33 AM

My second child is due on October 27th and I would have to agree with many of the other moms that a sling will be indispensable! Thanks for the intro to Tottini. I will definitely be using them!

Katie | 10:35 AM

nipple cream. The first three weeks were horrible. Like razors shooting out of my boobs.
Eoghan for the first three months loved the ergo with the insert. After that he was all about the Bjorn. We have used our B.O.B. stroller the most. We are pretty active. It is good for trails and also our city life.

Brooke | 10:36 AM

My must have is the Fisher Price Sooth & Glow Seahorse! My daughter is 20 months and still uses it everything to go to bed.

gauchainla | 10:37 AM

The double BOB revolution! Yes, its a bi$ch to put in the trunk but you can't beat those tires compared to the tiny maclaren ones. We're rough on the road!

Indigo Children | 10:44 AM

I am also an anti-hoarder and give everything away immediately. The one item I wish I had kept was a Montessori wooden floor mirror. It sits horizontally on the floor for infants -- they stare at it for hours. My son loved it, and we are due with another in November, so I guess I will need to get another.

The bouncy chair would be nice too. We had a boppy seat that my son loved to sit in, but we gave that away too.

Emily M | 10:45 AM

Diaper Genie for disposable diapers! I wasn't too into getting one and thought a regular trash would be fine but they are amazing, and thebaby room never smells like diaper or poo! Our son is now 11 weeks and he has many very messy diapers per day that leak all over everything- I would not have the energey to bring each diaper out to the trash or deal with stinky smell...expensive replacement cartridges but for me worth it.
Other tips from someone in the trenches right now- buy multiple changing pad covers, sleep sacks or whatever they sleep in, and LOTS of burp cloths ( I soak one with each feeding between me and him)!

eec | 10:51 AM

I'm having my first baby, so I'm unsure what my must have should be. but I do love those baby carriers!

Cara Cook Hayden | 10:51 AM

For baby # 1, I loved the Halo swaddle sleep sack. I was could never replicate the perfect swaddle demonstrated by the nurses in the hospital.
But if you asked Henry, he would say that the must-have baby gear is his "bee-bee," a Barefoot Dreams baby blanket!

Unknown | 10:55 AM

sleeper sacks!
who wants to mess with snaps or pants for those middle of the night changes?

K | 10:55 AM

There's never just one must-have...for my son, it was a swing that was an impulse-buy on his 5th day of life because he wouldn't let us put him down. Turns out he had reflux, and it was a lifesaver - only place he'd sleep that wasn't ME for his 1st 7 months. We're just getting to know my daughter (newborn) and figuring out her needs. She also likes the swing and bouncy seat but they aren't essential with her. My boobs seem to be the only essential for her right now. Oh, and our Ergo - love love love it, it's the only carrier my son didn't scream in when he was little enough to be in it. Oh, and a swaddle for my girl - it doesn't matter which blanket you use, but this swaddle has been a sanity saver for me since my daughter always breaks out of "regular" swaddles and wakes herself. Since it's hot, I just do the first part of the swaddle with 1 blanket and don't wrap a 2nd blanket, but in winter will do the 2 blankets. The nice part of this is that you can swaddle just the arms and still strap them into a seat of some sort (which is necessary with older, curious sibling wanting to move newborn out of seats).

Ali Tong | 10:56 AM

Oooh, I don't know about my must have baby gear- I'm due here in about 5 weeks, so I guess I am the one that needs to read everyone elses comments and find out what my must haves are! I would love to win, though. That thing looks awesome.

Babylicious | 11:02 AM

I can't pick just one...
Some things I can't live without--my Baby K'tan, my City Mini Stroller, and our Halo Swaddle Sack.

Amanda @ willful/joyful | 11:02 AM

Our second LOVES his swing (Graco Lovin' Hug). At 3.5 months he's still napping most of the day away in that thing. Pure magic.

Jess | 11:02 AM

Aden and Anais swaddle blankets, because all those other receiving blankets just don't cut it. Also worship my sleep sheep, little dude still digs it.

Lucia | 11:04 AM

My favorite thing this time around is the Puj tub:

It's a piece of foam that folds up into a tub that you can put into your sink. I was shocked at the $40 price tag but I'm thinking you might be able to appreciate it because: 1- it folds flat for storage and 2- with 2+2 babies/kids underfoot you probably want to minimize stooping down to bathe babies.

I also agree with the Aden and Anais swaddle blankets - can't have too many of them!

Mary H. | 11:05 AM

I'm not sure yet as we are expecting Baby #1 but I'm already using the baby room glider :)

Momma | 11:09 AM

Moses basket! For baby number two, she lived in that thing - there were times I'd carry her from the yard to the kitchen to the bedroom like a suitcase instead of waking her up. She slept in it at work with me, and next to the bed, basically everywhere. I loved that thing.

Whitney | 11:10 AM

We are expecting our first, twin boys any day now! I think our slings are going to be a must have baby item, especially with two. The slings, bouncy seat and swing because when I am home alone with both babies it will be hard to carry them both and still be able to get things done. I am planning on snuggling them as much as possible and the sling will let me do just that!

candace | 11:12 AM

You need to get the Phil and Teds double. It handles like a dream and is so much easier to get in and out of places than a side by side. If you listen to anything anyone else says, it must be this! It is definitely the easiest stroller to maneuver, ask anyone! Maybe a side by side is ok in the west (you know you all have tons of space) but you cannot get those things through a door here in NYC. Also a side by side makes you feel like you are overextending your arms and back when your push it. The P&T is also great for exercising.

P.S. I am not at all affiliated with the company, just a very happy customer!

Abbe | 11:21 AM

Aaaah! I have no idea what my must-have gear includes! All I know is that I am overwhelmed with all the choices. I am expecting my first Oct. 10 and am trying to register and shop (and fart in the middle of the night) without hurting myself (or the Hubster). So, must haves? Um, crib? Check! Dresser and changing table? Check. Everything else? Um, help?

Autumn | 11:21 AM

My Ergo is my best friend. I wear my daughter for her first nap while I work out. I wear her in the grocery store, hiking, to and from the library. I am not a fan of strollers. My baby always wants to get out, but seems far more content when worn. I've tried a lot of different carriers and the Ergo is not only the most comfortable, but the easiest to manage. I also used it with my son. It's held up wonderfully.

laurel | 11:24 AM

My three favorite, must-have baby items are:
1. Moby Wrap
2. Ergo baby carrier
3. Peapod travel bed

Unknown | 11:26 AM

The exercise ball I got for labor and never used for that purpose has been a life saver when it comes to soothing, but it does a number on your thighs and back after a while. This would solve that!

Anonymous | 11:29 AM

My must have baby item is my moby wrap! So easy to use, especially since babies always like to be close to their mommy!!!

Susie F.

Kari582 | 11:30 AM

My must have is my moby wrap! I love it and both my babies stopped fussing as soon as I put them in it.

Natasha | 11:30 AM

Due with my first September 30 and my sister just had her first two weeks ago. Favorite gear item so far for my niece has been the Nap Nanny. We both have one so she's breaking my baby's in at my house and sleeps in hers at home. It's so easy to move around the house with you.

The Kellys | 11:39 AM

Mine was absolutely our pack and play. We've used it for both of our kids and we're still using it. Especially since our daughter hates sleeping with us. LOVE IT.

Meg | 11:39 AM

Great post and great comments.

If you live in a cold climate, the JJ Cole bundle me is a must. It is so easy to keep them warm and then unzip when you go indoors. No coats needed!

I also really like the Kiddopotamus Snuzzler. It's the thing you put in the car seat when the baby is super tiny to make them fit better. Like Rebecca, we used a Click-it stroller. So, baby #1 was in her car seat a lot. She seemed really comfortable with the snuzzler and always fell asleep on walks or in the car.

The bouncer would be perfect for baby #2, due in December.

Mia | 11:41 AM

I feel overwhelmed when thinking of baby gear, but one thing I'm especially excited about are little dishes to freeze home-made baby food in and then snacks later.

Jen B. | 11:42 AM

I'm currently prego with my third little one and I can't live without those completely old school Gerber cloth diapers. I use them for everything and they only get softer with each wash. Also, we LOVE our Ergo carrier, but before we used it, we used the Moby wrap for those brand new newborn days - nothing keeps them closer and more snug than that.

Michele R | 11:44 AM

I bought my daughter an Uppa Baby Vista stroller from Tottini's for her baby shower. I loved that it had a bassinet attachment which I feel is more comfortable for a newborn. It folds up nicely and is great on all terrain, however, it is on the large side. I really like the MacClaren stroller you showed. It looks much more user friendly for going to stores or traveling...The other item that I fell in love with was the Phil and Ted travel bed.. How cute is that. It would be great for when they come to visit me!

roeckerk | 11:46 AM

We couldn't have lived without our rocker!! I rocked our little guy through every nap and for bedtime as well as nursing, reading books and just cuddles.

Adrianne | 11:48 AM

That list looks like my registry!! Which gives me a lot of confidence as a first time mom that I actually registered for the right stuff! That's the exact Baby Gym that I picked out (but no one bought, sad face) and for those exact reasons...all the rest? UGLY!

Anyway, we're all about the snap and go stroller as well. I've never used one before, but I think it will end up being our "must have", along with the Baby Bjorn that we got!

I love that we're pregnant at the same time and that you're doing all of these giveaways:) Now I just need to win one!!

Adah | 11:49 AM

SwaddleMe velcro swaddlers are our must have. We use the Ergo religiously. I found the infant insert to be useless. You can swaddle the tiny one and put her in the Ergo sans insert or you can plop a 9 or 10 pounder into without anything. Plus, in summer the insert is wrapping baby in a winter coat.

kristinc | 11:52 AM

after having 2 kids my faves are:
1) homedics sleep machine (blocks out the noisy older siblings/dog/Doorbell/etc/
2) mam pacifiers- smaller and straight nipples easier for newborns to keep in
3) swing/bouncer chair/walker
4) double breast pump- it goes fast!
4) booster chair w/ tray (portable, good for 4 mo- 4 yrs)
5) sippy cups that don't leak!

MSimone | 11:53 AM

Baby carriers! I had a Beco last time but will probably get an Ergo this for this baby.

Alyssa | 11:57 AM

Alright, so I don't have a must-have item based on experience (read: No babies), but the hubs and I are trying for baby numero uno and from my baby wishlist browsing I have found a couple things that seem too awesome NOT to be necessary: baby sling & Orbit stroller system. That stroller seems like just too much genius.

This giveaway, though? Super exited!

Carrie H | 11:57 AM

Oh have mercy I have no idea what my must have would be! I am pregnant with my first and the amount of stuff is overwhelming. I am thinking either a baby sling/carrier or a swing will be the most used in our house.

Erin Snow | 11:59 AM

I loooooved my Ergo! (Love actually, still use it occasionally now that my little on is 2!)

chisparoja | 12:00 PM

I am due Sept 30th (with only one) and a bouncer is one item I still don't have. I DO have a swing that goes both front to back and side to side and for me, is a must have! :)

Kacey Haffner-Bruce | 12:00 PM

I heart everything about you..

Bekah | 12:01 PM

I love slings! There are so many good brands, and they are much more cuddly to me than the Baby Bjorn until the baby gets bigger.

Im also thinking I might get a glider this time around...Not a must have, I didnt have one with my first son, but if we can swing it financially I think Id like a comfy place to sit in his room.

Kacey Haffner-Bruce | 12:02 PM

my must have baby items.. my lamb swing.. comfy.. cute. and it rocks my babies for me when my c section back couldnt.. :)

Jessica | 12:05 PM

I have no idea what my favorite baby gear will be as I am in the middle of ivf with hopefully my first baby(or maybe twins)The products you listed look like must haves:)

k.chap | 12:09 PM

I am expecting my first baby October 15th, so I don't know what I will end up liking! This post has lots of great ideas to try though, that's the best-looking activity mat I've seen by far!

Dina | 12:13 PM

The Maya Wrap Ring Sling. Life saver. Easy to get baby in and out (and in and out) all day long.

Jen | 12:13 PM

Like you, I'm due in October. My must haves with my first were the velcro swaddling blankets, swing, Baby Hawk carrier (I really want and ergo this time), lots of burp rags and bibs, and my medela pump in style. My pump was my best friend for almost a year.

Emily | 12:18 PM

My absolute favorite baby items are the Ergo and the Skip Hop Pronto Changing Kit --- because diapers, wipes, balm, etc. are all wrapped in one neat little package, it's easy to make any bag a "diaper bag," and the attached changing pad is great for travel too.

samantha | 12:23 PM

Our Miracle Blanket hands down. Child loved to be swaddled plus he was colicky so we lived and died by that thing.

samanthajocampen at gmail

Anonymous | 12:26 PM

I'm not sure what the "must haves" are going to be for me, I'm 14 weeks pregnant with twins and just learning the ropes. Thanks for the post VERY helpful!

emilyboddy at gmail dot com

k | 12:28 PM

My all time favorite item was the Boppy... To add another necessary thing to your list is Gerber plain white prefold cloth diapers, not to use as diapers but they were the best burp/spit up/any mess rags to use. They also made for a nice (little) "sleepy" for my daughter when she was older. Even better is that we now use them as dust rags!

stephanie Toole | 12:28 PM

I'm due this October with our second.. and what i used most the first time around was a swaddler.. and this time I plan on using a baby sling.. so i can chase my toddler and keep my new one close

Rachel | 12:28 PM

Boppy pillows and swings! That portable nest and fox backpack are awesome!

Meg | 12:30 PM

Hi, I was just shopping for a new diaper bag myself as I'm expecting #2 imminently and the small courier bag I have used for #1 from the start was going to be too small for two kids. All I can say about diaper bags is -- ick! Made in China, bulky, heavy, etc. So I bought a size medium deluxe courier bag from this wonderful place and I think it will be the bomb. It's easy to carry slung over your back/shoulder, and it has enough pockets to organize wipes, dipes, mom's wallet and keys, etc. We use cloth diapers (bulky) and I'm confident it will be big enough for two kids, so I bet it would be big enough for twins +. Check it out!! Waaaay more hip than a diaper bag, and made by real people at a living wage in my home state! (PS I have owned the small one we used for kid #1 since 1997, and it's going strong. We joked that our daughter could take this new one to college with her someday).

TrumpNetUtah | 12:30 PM

I'm only 14 weeks along with my first pregnancy (twins!) and I'm lost to what my "must haves" will be.
Thanks for the post to point me in the right direction!

emilyboddy at gmail dot com

Molly | 12:35 PM

My first is due in January, yeah! So im not sure what my must have baby gear will be, but I love love love the baby bjorn bouncer that I use with kids I babysit for. Fingers crossed! xo

Anonymous | 12:36 PM

As I'm new to this whole baby process, I don't have favorite baby gear yet. My friends love their electric breast pump of the same brand as the manual one you showed, but that manual one looks so much easier to carry and much less scary. Good find. My friends are also all still using massive strollers. You make a good point about portability with umbrella stroller. I've also heard good things about the Ergo. I'm interested to hear how you think it holds up against the other two you've tried.

Allison | 12:36 PM

I have three month old twin girls and I couldn't live without Aden + Anais swaddling blankets, and my double snap n go. I also have the Maclaren Twin Techno and it's a dream to push compared to the behemoth snap n go. While useful, it's a bit like pushing a Volkswagen. :) Oh, and since the girls are still nursing at night they sleep in a co-sleeper in our room. That thing is probably the most useful thing I bought so far. Is there a Moms of Multiples Club where you live? The ladies and gents in our club are a wealth of useful information, and the biannual consignment sale is a fantastic way to pick up those items you need in duplicate.

Mrs. Kate B. | 12:37 PM

Baby "essentials" (our third is due in Nov.): boppy pillow for propping and supporting myself and baby, a bouncy seat for safely toting a sleeping babe around the house and keeping her happily contained, lots and lots and lots (and lots) of soft flannel burp cloths/swaddling blankets, those bottles with the collapsible liners to cut down on the air my bottle-fed babies take in, and a moby wrap. Ta da! (email is katebfpl at gmail)

emily | 12:42 PM

I had trouble finding a diaper bag and ended up getting an oversize bag with a few pockets inside at H&M, which has worked beautifully (with a wetbag purchased on etsy inside to corral diaper changing stuff). I also noticed lots of good non-diaper-but-diaper-suitable bags on etsy, with is happily not sweatshoppy like H&M. But likely you already have ideas in the works. Like the backpack idea, too. Very sweet.

verdemama | 12:43 PM

OOH. I'm super excited about this giveaway because I'm currently using a hideous decade-old second-hand (or third-hand?) baby seat with a super wide metal base that I stub my f*cking toes on every day.

As for must-haves, I'm gonna echo what many have already said and nominate the Ergo carrier with the newborn insert (tip: you can remove the little pillow out of the insert and just use that to prop le bebe up instead of using the whole thing, which is essentially a very warm quilt), Aden + Anais swaddling blankets (oh so versatile), Dunstan Baby Language and Happiest Baby on the Block DVDS (you can find them on eBay for a steal, or you could just have mine -- I'm done with them) and Earth Mama Angel Baby skincare/wellness products.

The Wannabe Redhead | 12:45 PM

I don't have kids, but would love to give this to my good friend who is about to have her first baby!! BUT, I do alot of kid-sitting and don't want to be disqualified for not having a "Must-have" baby - I'd have to say the Boppy pillow is awesome!! :)

Kristyn | 12:48 PM

I am going to be a first time mom this December! I have been compiling all my friends' must have lists and trying to figure out what mine might be. I really appreciate your list and definitly want the Skip Hop play mat, the Snap and Go and the Bjorn Bouncer!

Erin | 12:51 PM

I love my moby wrap, swaddling blankets, and I LOVE my chicco carseat and stroller.

Nicole H | 12:51 PM

With my first, it was swaddle wraps by kiddopotamus, as well as her bouncy chair. Wrap + Chair = instant sleep.

My second is now six weeks old, and hates the wraps and the chair. His go-tos are Muslin Swaddling blankets, and our Moby Wrap. I guess you never really know until you get to know your baby on the outside!

Amy | 12:52 PM

Definitely our aden & anais swaddling blankets - great for swaddling, stroller rides and covering up while nursing.

Anonymous | 12:53 PM

I used an electric breastpump from Medela when pumping for my baby and I couldn't have done without it. I don't think manual pump would have worked for me.

Nicole | 12:54 PM

I'd have to say my Lionheart wipes warmer - something I totally thought I wouldnt need but used it each and every day...and my Moby wrap was pretty awesome - get it from the start (newborn) though, i only used mine for about 4 months...

Debbie and Lane | 12:54 PM

My must haves for my first were the nursing cover and binki (paci) clips. My little one was a sucker and couldn't get enough of her binki. I can't imagine the thought of a just dropped bink going back into my babes mouth without being cleaned!

boardbetty at msn dot com

Sarahptitiously | 12:56 PM

I'm also due with my first in January (hi, Molly), so I am by no means an expert, but I vividly remember a mommy friend telling me about snap front shirts being critical for the day-to-day and plan to stock up on some myself.

Rachel | 12:59 PM

Honestly, I have no idea what my must-have baby gear will be. I just found out on Sunday that I am pregnant for the first time ever. Ahhhhh!!!!!! But I think I'll definitely want one of those slings and a baby bjorn. I'm a city-dweller, and my husband and I walk everywhere. So, we'll need stuff that's easy to just pick up and go.

Justin, Rachel and Jackson | 1:07 PM

My fave is the Stokke Trip Trapp chair. All of the highchairs clashed with my kitchen, and this one looks like a real piece of furniture. The best part is that it grows with your child. My son is 4 and still sits at it. If we have people over and are at a shortage for chairs, an adult up to 220 lbs can sit on it. Can you say wow?

Kailee | 1:10 PM

Hmm...great question! I only have 8 weeks experience with all things baby related, but I *do* have some can't-live-without-it gear!

*Puj Tub - No killing your knees on a tiled bathroom floor as you bathe your sweet babe! And it dries super quickly and stores flat.

*Miracle Blanket - Responsible for, so far, a 7 hour stretch of blissful sleep!

*A garish, five year old Fisher Price bouncy seat with an underwater motif. Our friends let us borrow it but practically made us sign a contract in blood to return it once their new baby arrives in October. And now we know why. Our little guy LOVES it. And we will weep in October when it must be given back!

Lori H. | 1:16 PM

My must have is a Miracle Blanket. Worked like a charm with my daughter, so I definitely plan on using with this next baby (due in early Feb.).

Gabi | 1:18 PM

A good swaddling blanket. We swaddled our first two like craaaazy and will likely swaddle the third, due any day now. I think it really helped them sleep...

Gabi | 1:18 PM

A good swaddling blanket. We swaddled our first two like craaaazy and will likely swaddle the third, due any day now. I think it really helped them sleep...

Spencer Family | 1:21 PM

I have to be honest. I think you're crazy to pump manually. :)

Perfect timing on this post. Nesting has hit me full force and I'm gathering all the essentials. It's been five years since my last baby so in many ways I feel clueless and like I'm doing this for the first time. Love the recommendations and I look forward to reading the comments and seeing what others recommend.

Oh and my must have baby item...probably my mom staying with us the first two weeks my son was born. She was such a sanity saver! She can't come til a few weeks after I'm due and I'm seriously scared to death. Husbands just can't relate the way a mom can.

sucker4acoustic | 1:28 PM

My baby #2 is due in 2.5 weeks! I can't believe how close it is! We have a lot of things... but since I'll be able to take baby with me to work (yay!) I need to score something to keep him in while we're there. That bouncer would be awesome.

My baby essentials... baby carrier for holding hands of older kiddos. Blankets b/c they obviously go through 1893 a day. And #1 is our bed which will be the hangout for the whole family for the first few months.

Sarah K-G | 1:30 PM

Since I have to go back to work, with the short breaks of a teacher, I think the electric pump is going to be my best friend. I'm also loving the Aiden & Anis swaddle blankets - oh, so soft, and can double as a nursing cover etc.

Goth, Hippie, Baby | 1:32 PM

That's the cutest baby gym ever in the whole world. Totally agree with you, most baby gyms are so hideous, but that Skip Hop one is so cute! I love the gender neutral colors of that one. I'm not a fan of the blue is for boys and pink is for girls thing.
I'm expecting my first, due in February, so I don't have a must have item yet. I'm claiming the Skip Hop baby gym as my must have.


Liz | 1:33 PM

Some sort of hands free baby-wearing device is so essential. I used a babyhawk when Z was younger, and switched to the ergo when he was a 17 pound 3 month old. It's my favorite baby shower present.

Unknown | 1:33 PM

I'm 27 weeks pregnant with my first but I'm already in love with the ergo baby carrier. I spent some time in my late teen/early twenties as a nanny and baby carriers that you could wear were a saving grace!

Germerican | 1:38 PM

You have so many things there that I (i could pretend to say we, but it's really my shopping craziness) also have on my list!

The thing I currently THINK is a must have: I have received a wrap from my best friend, who carried her three children in in (one after the other). It is still in great condition and I look forward to slipping my little dude into it. It also is a beautiful color, red with orange leaves, and from Didymos.

I love the fact that 3 babes I know and love were carried close to mama's and papa's hearts in it, and that my boy will continue in this tradition - we're making family traditions in our friendship!

sel | 1:39 PM

I'm expecting #3 in three weeks via c-section. My must have items are: nursing pillow, baby swing, bassinet/co-sleeper, Diaper Genie Elite II, SwaddleMe sleepsacks (my babies slept so good when bundled up tight in these), Medela double electric breast pump (I used a manual one too but the electric was much faster), and the Itzbeen timer. Oh and a properly installed carseat! :)

KatDinsmore | 1:41 PM

My must haves include carriers & wraps (we have 1 that lives in the car & 1 that lives in the house), something to entertain/feed the older kids in the baby bag, car seat canopy (etsy search it, you'll love them!), and a stash of cloth wipes in the diaper bag.

Maggie | 1:42 PM

My must have baby gear are any stretchy receiving blankets that measure 60" SQUARE. Great for swaddling bigger babies and since my babies have loved swaddling much longer than average a slightly larger blanket is a must.

Lindsay Campbell | 1:50 PM

The Miracle Blanket. It's a miracle. Nuff said.

krista | 1:51 PM

after deciding we didn't want any more kids, i got rid of all of our baby stuff. two months later, i was pregnant again. (baby number two on birth control. yes.)
this time around i've only ordered a carseat, an ergo baby carrier, muslin swaddling blankets, the grass drying rack because *yes! it looks like grass!* and i've been trying to figure out what bouncer/swing to get. other than that, my only other "must-haves" are my mom, sister and friend that are coming to stay with me in shifts for the first three weeks. essential.

Jill | 1:55 PM

I love love love my BOB stroller. We couldn't live without it.

norah | 1:57 PM

Swing!!! only thing that allowed me to shower. Aden and Anais muslim swaddlers. Lotsa Links!

Didn't need like I thought I did: Bumbo seat.

Melt Momma's Heart | 2:03 PM

A double breastfeeding pillow.... Prop one baby under each arm and go! :)

Fun Mama | 2:15 PM

gsDid you copy my list? My twins are almost two, I can say with experience, you selected excellent stuff. The ergo and double snap n go were my best friends the first year. I still love my maclaren twin. You might want to check out his nursing pillow, designed especially for twins. It's hideous, but made nursing twins way easier than with a traditional nursing pillow.

verdemama | 2:15 PM

Oh, and I forgot to mention that I LOVE my City Mini double stroller. I've never had a problem fitting through doorways, it's super easy to maneuver, has tons of nice features, and is fairly lightweight and easy to fold and unfold.

Sara | 2:23 PM

I'm expecting, I actually have the same due date as you had originally! I'm most excited for a baby carrier, so my husband and I can carry her around close to us, since we'll be passing her back and forth at school for the first little while. I would love a Baby Bjorn bouncer for my own tiny apartment and patio.

Heathrow's World | 2:23 PM

Loved loved my Moby! Would love to have an Ergo for the next babe though too!

Jennifer Lissette | 2:40 PM

My must-have baby gear is a Beco Butterfly carrier. I have a two month old and a two year old and I can totally climb the playground and go down the slide with the little one strapped safely to my body. But my husband and I were just talking today about how the little one might enjoy a bouncy seat, so I would LOVE to win this giveaway!

alison | 2:44 PM

Moby & Ergo, for sure. And I'm pretty sure you can carry two babies in the Moby when they're itsy bitsy, so maybe look into that.

I lug my nearly one-year old around in the Ergo non-stop. He hates strollers. Like, HATES. The Ergo is my best friend.

Great list!

Alyssa | 2:49 PM

My recs - Aden and Anais swaddle blankets (they're at target now). I don't have twins, but have heard many times that the Brest Friend Twin pillow is a must for BFing twins. It's giganto, but makes a huge difference.
And despite feeling like a dairy cow, I can't even imagine hand pumping 3 times a day, each side, everyday at work. Yow!

Lindsavid | 2:53 PM

I must have me a rocking loud sound machine and black out curtains! Notice these two things have to do with inducing sleep...:)

Anonymous | 2:56 PM

The Aden and Anais swaddling blankets are a MUST HAVE...not only are they perfect for swaddling but then became our son's go-to "blankie"...a great source of comfort for us all!!

Anna | 3:11 PM

Each sling I've had has been vital!

Tracey R. | 3:19 PM

I don't know which baby gear will be my 'must haves' yet!! I am 19 weeks and just starting to look at the overwhelming amount of supplies. This post was super timely for me, because we plan to go browsing tomorrow. (and funny enough the McLaren was on my 'must browse' list.) Thanks for the advice.

That bjorn baby bouncer looks awesome!!


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