Except I didn't get credit. Not in the liner notes or in the credits of the video-doc the song appeared in or anywhere else. Except for the guys in the band, no one knew I had anything to do with the song. My friends apologized. An oversight was all it was, nothing personal.
"Whatever. No big deal," I said.
But at the time, it kind of was a big deal. I felt weird taking credit for something that hadn't credited me so I quietly brewed as I tend to do, said nothing, felt sorry for myself, told everyone to go fuck themselves... in my head.
My musical history goes like this: tried, failed, tried, failed, failed. Which I'm totally fine with. Except ONCE I sat down with my guitar and wrote a song with a strong hook that real musicians liked enough to record as their own. And eight years later, I'd like to finally give myself the credit I should have given myself all those years ago.
So... Good job, self. Way to rock once.
100. Addicted to Chaos by YoVee and me
Goodbye, Mix Tape. It's been a really fun two years.
(Track 1/100 is here if you're interested in seeing how it all began. )
Thanks for listening.