Portrait of a Fable (& Giveaway)

**updated with winner, below!**
Fable (from photo, here) painted by artist/reader Rachael Rossman

When the above portrait arrived in the mail, I opened it with Fable. She shrieked. "FABLE! FABLE!" she said. Ever since it's lived in our dining room, and will eventually hang above her bed as soon as I can decide on framing/matting options. One of the great perks of being a blogger is getting to meet all these incredibly talented artists who are kicking ass doing what they love. Hell yes.

Rachael has kindly offered to do a giveaway here on GGC, an 8x10 portrait painting for one lucky reader (A $300 value). Perhaps you'd like a painting of your child? Children? Pet? See more of Rachael's work on her website. She's also started a calendar kickstarter project, here.

In the meantime, let us know in the comments who's portrait you'd like painted (and please include your contact information so I can track you down!). I'll pick one winner via random.org next Tuesday, March 1st. Thanks to Rachael for the giveaway and good luck to all of who participate!

**Updated 3/1**

Congratulations to commenter #378 Somewhat Voluble who would like a portrait painted of her newborn nephew. She wrote: My nephew was born yesterday, February 24, 2011. He weighed 8 lb, 8.5 oz and was 20.5 inches long. He's my (younger) sister's first baby and she is a single mother, and I'd love to give this to her for a first mother's day gift!"

Thank you all so much for participating and thank you to Rachael for this AMAZING giveaway. So grateful! Love to all!



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Amalia | 7:19 AM

One of my little family, just me, my boyfriend, and the dog. For now :)

Caitlyn | 7:20 AM

It's so sweet that she painted that for you! I would definitely want one of my daughter, too. =)


Katie | 7:30 AM

My father. He died when he was thirty. There are some pretty good pictures of him. I would not mind having a painting of my sons grandfather.


Diane V | 7:39 AM

I would have her paint my 1st cat Zach when he was a 6 week old kitten. Zach was my pal for 19-1/2 years - he was a "take no prisoners" kind of cat who would bite you when he was through being petted (and actually bit down hard enough that he could hang from your arm by his teeth.)

The innocence of his 6 week old picture was a total contrast to the hard ass cat he really was - when the vet had to put him to sleep, she actually told the vet tech that Zach had such attitude that she was surprised anyone could have put up with him for all these years. But that was what I loved about him...he tolerated me in his world, but was always a willing, comforting ear when things were bad and he'd cuddle up to me.

Meghan | 7:40 AM

My dog Lila.
Snoozing near my feet currently.
To find me: weskislow at gmail dot com

Matt | 7:42 AM

I would love one of my two girls.

Geline | 7:44 AM

It's gorgeous! Definitely of my baby.

Unknown | 7:50 AM

What a beautiful portrait. I would one of gorgeous little girl who is almost a year old.

kmkniep | 7:51 AM

It would have to be of our daughter...holding our dog. What a great giveaway - her work is beautiful.

Althea | 7:55 AM

I, of course, would have a portrait of my son, Milo Insanity Pepperpants.
Well, that is what I've been calling him.

Wendi | 7:56 AM

Both of my babies. Mason and Archer.

Abby | 8:02 AM

I would love a portrait of my baby! I have another baby coming soon and I worry a little the first one won't feel special!

Unknown | 8:10 AM

I would love to have my 3 year old twins done. Jake and Jordyn (Jordyn is a girl) they look nothing alike, and they are super photogenic! brookmilam@gmail.com

Glory Bee Farm | 8:15 AM

My chi-weenie, Gizmo. He's very portrait-worthy.

Amy | 8:20 AM

that is so cool. I would get a portrait of my daughter, Nola.

Stephanie | 8:25 AM

Beautiful. I would love a portrait of my 6 year old son, maybe with his new puppy.

Helene Louise | 8:26 AM

I'd love a portrait of my son to capture the last phases of his baby stage -- he's starting to look so much like a little boy.

Marla K. | 8:27 AM

Love Rachel's work. Would be of my dog or perhaps my hubby and me.

Candice | 8:43 AM

Oh gosh, what a generous giveaway! Who would I want a portrait of? Kids, dog, the whole family? I don't know for sure right now but I do know that I would love a portrait of one of the wonderful beings in my life. Thank you for the chance to win this!

Swistle | 8:55 AM

I would love to win this. It would be so hard to CHOOSE. I THINK I would get a portrait of my youngest: we've just recently Made Sure he'll be the youngest, and so he'll always be The Baby.

turqocean | 8:58 AM

Beautiful work! I would be so happy to have a painting of my father, his crows feet, his proud smile, a clean white T-shirt and his salt and pepper hair.

Kathy Drachowski | 9:07 AM

I would love to have a portrait of my 2 year old son Jackson. Our preference for art is slightly quirky and I love the painting of Fable!

Michele | 9:19 AM

I would love to have a picture of my grandfather and my son, whom he as name after. What a beautiful thing you are both doing. Thank you!!

Carolyn | 9:23 AM

It would be a picture from my wedding that I would give to my husband for our 5th anniversary!


Montana Redneck | 9:42 AM

My granddaughters, Ava & Mckenna

Bunny | 9:43 AM

I would love to get one of my kids together. My son has the most beautiful eyes and I would love to see them captured in a portrait.

kamberdawn at gmail dot com

Brandi | 9:52 AM

My two children together. Not only does the second child get screwed out of having as many photos taken as the first, I'm realizing I do not have enough of them together or us as a family.

CourtneyLyn | 9:58 AM

i would love a portrait of my husband and me. He's also an artist and i think he would love something like this for our house!


mommica | 10:03 AM

That portrait is so fabulous. I would love to have a similar one of my daughter, or perhaps of my two daughters, once the other one gets here!

Dana | 10:06 AM

I'd love a portrait of my four children.

Muffin Cake | 10:26 AM

Ahhh!!! Beautiful painting! I'd love one of my two sweet kids.

Kate | 10:27 AM

Whew, what an eye-catching portrait style. I would elect to have my Australian Cattle Dog's portrait created. He has been with me my entire adult life until his recent passing. I would enjoy remembering him while enjoying such a talented artist's work.

unicorn2themax | 10:40 AM

my beautiful toddler daughter, of course!

Whitney | 10:51 AM

My nephew, Sawyer. I'd give it to my sister for Mother's day. I'd then, of course, have to buy another one for my other sister! :)


Erin | 10:54 AM

I'd love a portrait of my kids, for my mom, whose birthday is March 1.

Jo | 10:59 AM

I would love to start a portrait wall of my two boys in all kinds of styles and mediums, like different shades of two little souls.

Anonymous | 11:11 AM

My daughter is about to be 5, she would look beautiful in portraiture. What a great artist!

Amelia | 11:16 AM

Although I have one child and another on the way, I would love to have a portrait of my dog, Buster.

Unknown | 11:22 AM

I have the perfect picture to be turned into a painting - it's of my two children and was taken for their 3rd and 1st birthdays. They are sitting on the porch of an old farmhouse that still exists in the middle of an urban environment. It is one of the ONLY pictures of them I have sitting together (or sitting still for that matter) and it is beyond precious to me.

Unknown | 11:28 AM

The portrait of Fable is AMAZING!!

I would LOVE, LOVE to have one of my mother (who turns 72 on March 3rd and is battling cancer) with her 3 grandchildren (all boys).

This would be one of the best gifts are family could ever recieve!!!!

Anonymous | 11:30 AM

How lovely! I'd love one of my little guy! What a generous give-away... Thanks so much!

Unknown | 11:41 AM

Yikes....I noticed I spelled receive wrong!!

Oh well, still would be one of the best gifts EVER!!

Tyler | 11:43 AM

I would absolutely have one of my son done :) That portrait is amazing!

tcsteffes at gmail dot come

lyndsey | 11:50 AM

i'd love love love to get one of my dog! she's getting up there in years and it would be a great memory.

Bridgett | 11:54 AM

i think i would have the portrait be of my fiance and i. we are getting married in may. :)

btw, that is a gorgeous portrait of fable!

Unknown | 12:00 PM

Ok....3x is the charm?!?? I re-read that I was supposed to leave contact info. Ugh! I posted just a few minutes ago (actually 2x)..and I went back and clicked on Dhara and it didn't take me anywhere. I read your fabulous blog everyday but this is my first time posting!! So..if we should happen to win this amazing giveaway please contact us at lobogypsy@gmail.com. My post if from Dhara. Thanks so much for your consideration!!

Cat | 12:06 PM

My daughter! I've been wanting to get professional pictures done, but a portrait would be so much cooler!

Mar | 12:19 PM

I'd love a portrait of my baby girl, this would look so beautioful in her room!

JZ | 12:20 PM

Probably my son Jack, he is super adorables...or my pug Noodles...because she is too!

emily | 12:21 PM

I'd love a portrait of my amazing two year old.

Hannah | 12:27 PM

Beautiful! I would love one of Scarlett, my 2 year old daughter. thanks :)


Alex | 12:27 PM

I'd love a portrait of my husband, myself & my son.

Janet | 12:32 PM

My daughter....I think i posted twice...first time had no contact info...sorry!
Fable is adoriiiible!!

7aki Fadi | 12:34 PM

My 2 beautiful girls :)


Anonymous | 12:45 PM

OMG how beautiful! Would she mind sending the portrait to Germany, should i win? I'd looove one of those for my entryway picturing my three children! Adore your blog by the way! Thanks

kerrie | 12:50 PM

there is nothing i would love more than a portrait of my son.


Dea | 12:57 PM

I would love to have one of these done of my kids! SO cute!

Anonymous | 1:05 PM

That is awesome! I love the pic of her. Her eyes really pop.


Unknown | 1:10 PM

Kind of a no brainer, but of course my two boys. Especially at this age when they are so sweet with each other and before the teenage years morph them into crazies. :-)


Meg | 1:28 PM

I'd like a portrait of my Mom from photo taken during her childhood. She still looks the same!

Lou | 1:31 PM

My boyfriend and I have MAYBE 3 pictures of us together. I'd love a portrait of us to hang in our new apartment together!


twitter handle: lyndseyf

Sarilyn | 1:47 PM

I've seen Rachael's work in person. It is absolutely wonderful. I'd love to see her capture the sweetness of my three grandchildren.

Maria | 1:51 PM

Oh amazing! I would definitely have a portrait made of my two girls. I LOVE art!

gravityletsyoudown (at) gmail (dot) com

Courtney | 1:54 PM

That gorgeous portrait of Fable took my breath away! I would join the ranks and have a portrait done of my 2 year old son, Ryder. (He's just a couple of weeks younger than Fable, and it's made me love your blog even more as they meet life's milestones "together.")

Sarah | 1:57 PM

Since I don't have kids yet, i'd love one of my dog and cat...they are both very photogenic and I would love to see them painted...

mokyinme | 1:59 PM

No doubt, I'd pick my sweet baby. I'd gift it to her nana who lives far, far away.

Jackee | 2:05 PM

It would have to be of our family. That portrait is amazing!

Diane V | 2:35 PM

I would love a portrait of my 1st cat Zach as a kitten.

Zach was my companion for 19-1/2 years and was totally a "take no prisoners" type of kitty.

He'd bite you when he was done with you petting him and if you'd lift your arm he'd be dangling from it he was biting you so hard.

The picture I have of him as a 6 week old kitten is innocence personified - nothing like the devil cat he was in reality.


Krystal F | 2:57 PM

I would do my fiance and I. I have been keeping my eye for that "one" piece of art to put up in our house after we are married!

Alaina698 | 3:12 PM

I would love a portrait like that of my 2 year-old, Ian!

Unknown | 3:38 PM

I would definitely have a portrait made of my two beautiful children. As you said in your blog, you are lucky to know such talented people, and thanks for giving us the chance to win this!

beanjelly | 3:40 PM

I'd love one of my two dogs. If I had to pick one, it would be our old-man dog because we're not sure how much longer he'll be with us.

Anonymous | 3:55 PM

Wow, she is super talneted! I'd love a portrait of my toy sons :)

junecartercash | 4:16 PM

My seven year old friend Stella, a cancer survivor! I'd give it to her.

Alli Steen | 4:24 PM

gorgeous portrait of fable!

i'd love to get a portrait of my leetle gurrl too.


My name is Hue. | 4:25 PM

That is gorgeous. I would get one of my two girls.

Janell | 5:04 PM

Oh so beautiful. Mine would be of my adorable 7 months old grandson. I would love to catch a moment in time.

Janell | 5:06 PM

opps...find me at wannaskip77@gmail.com

Danielle | 5:21 PM

My sons, Aiden and Arbor:)

Katie Wheeler | 5:39 PM

I would love a portrait of my three nieces! That is a bee-yoo-ti-full picture! I hate weird colored pencil serious sketches of children, it takes away all their... glee? childishness?

Anonymous | 6:09 PM

my baby girl, Adah, who is not so much a baby anymore...


mhilly | 6:32 PM

My youngest, Josie. She shares a room with her big sister, who has a portrait painted by a close friend in a very different but equally lovely style. I'd love to hang them side-by-side.

abbey | 7:03 PM

I'd probably get one of my great-grandfather as a young man. Or my 1 year old son in his chicken costume for Halloween. abbey.chiodo@gmail.com

Unknown | 7:11 PM

I would love a portrait of my son Finn. lacymckinney@gmail.com

Kiki | 7:23 PM

Oh it's so hard to pick. I think I'd wait until our wedding in April & then use one of our pictures.

Fable is major adorable, btw!


ERO | 7:43 PM

Beautiful painting of Fable! I know just the picture of my little boy that I would like to have.

Dear Mason... | 7:55 PM

So amazing! I would get my little meathead...

Sarah C. | 9:28 PM

I'd love one of my twin girls. They have such a special bond. Unspeakable really. Beautiful picture!

jamie | 10:46 PM

Portrait of my son and daughter for sure. The one she did for you is amazing! What talent!

Amanda | 10:46 PM

If I won I'd have to go with my son, of course. What an awesome woman and an amazing gift! The portrait is gorgeous!

GingerB | 11:15 PM

My daughters are lovely and I'd love their portrait, so would you!

Victoria Strong | 12:02 AM

Definitely my daughter, Gwendolyn. She is almost 3 1/2 and is the light of my life. She has outlived statistics, but she has the terminal disease SMA. I would hang this in our dining room or living room or somewhere I could see it all the time. blog -- http://GwendolynStrong.com

Unknown | 2:18 AM

My son and possibly both children. But I think there's something magical that's happened to him now that he's 2-1/2. He's a person now in the way your artist has captured Fable as a person.

Anonymous | 5:14 AM

I would like a portrait of my daughter. These paintings are beautiful. She would love one in her bedroom.


Sonja Streuber, PMP(R), SSBB | 6:54 AM

I'd love a portrait of Little Miss Kickboxer and her big, dimply smile which cracks open the skies and makes the sun shine. To me, she's the most beautiful person in the world, not just outside, but especially inside.

Tess | 7:08 AM

I'd love to have a portrait of my 6 mo old little girl. Beautiful painting of your little girl!

Greg Gandenberger | 8:17 AM

My son! I love the painting of Fable.

Heather | 9:10 AM

Hard to choose - either the baby (because everything she has is a hand-me-down from her brother and sister) or my dog (who died 3 yrs ago and I miss her).

Sue | 11:00 AM

My sweet, effervescent Labradoodle. I love her work!


Kate | 12:20 PM

it would either be of my 2 little girls, or a group shot that also included my pregnant belly, since #3 is on the way.

Amanda | 12:52 PM

It would be a pictuer of my little girl. Her work is absolutely amazing!

Shooting Stars Mag | 1:41 PM

oh so many ideas. I think a picture of my siblings and me would be great. OR my niece, but she's not born yet so I don't know...

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

SuSu | 2:16 PM

I would love a portrait of my dog Belle.

Unknown | 3:31 PM

What a precious, priceless gift. I love the style of the painting. I've never even had professional photos taken of my two children, aged 6 and 9 now, not thinking it worth the expense when I have taken so many snapshots of them through the years, some of which I have thought quite frame worthy. But a painting, now that worth the expense (if I had that kind of money).

Vicki, vmworth@yahoo.com

Anonymous | 3:40 PM

That painting is amazing. If I had one of my own, it would most definitely be of my baby girl Sadie. I'd love to capture her at this age (4 months).

Claire | 4:23 PM

What a special giveaway! Purses and sunglasses are amazing, of course, but how cool to capture the face of a growing child, which changes every morning with the sun. I would love a portrait of my 2 year old son, Grant.

-A | 4:34 PM

My best friend starts chemo this week.

A portrait of her daughters would be amazing.

Stacey | 5:22 PM

My three daughters, aged 16, 14 and 1.5!

Jenna | 5:52 PM

She's so gorgeous. I'd love to have a portrait of my two little lovelies. Son is almost 5 and daughter just turned two. They'll be sharing a room next year. Thanks for the reassurance about that.

Sarah | 6:17 PM

OH - love! I would want a portrait done of my sweet daughter, no question. What a fantastic giveaway. :)

Emily | 8:45 PM

I'd love to freeze my son, Malcolm, in a portrait like that ... He's almost eighteen months so that's probably the only way I'll get to see him quiet and still! ;)

WasStephHere | 9:01 PM

I would love a portrait of my darling Isla Kay. She is 9 months old and growing like a weed. She has this huge toothy grin and her smile lights up the room every time.

jenn | 9:51 PM

whhay a beautiful portrait! I'd love one of my 2 girls!

Nicole K | 10:47 PM

My dad, Erwin.

Johanna | 12:33 AM

Seems to be a common theme but I too would love a portrait of my two boys. Actually it would be totally apropos to win this contest on Tuesday as it's my son's fifth birthday. Cheers!

Anonymous | 3:04 AM

I'd love to have a portrait done of my younger brother and his girlfriend - to give them as a wedding present!

lauren | 6:50 AM

great work! fable is beautiful in all mediums! :)
i would love a portrait of my brother and i...or my gramp who passed in '06. either one would be hung with pride. *

Jacey | 7:28 AM

I'd love a portrait of my new baby boy. So sweet!

Unknown | 7:52 AM

My five year old son. He is growing so fast I'd love a portrait of him from this year.

MargieK | 9:29 AM

So hard to decide... either myself and my husband or our old lab, Kohl.

M | 9:57 AM

Wow, it came out beautiful! I would love one of my son. He just turned 6 months.

Our Family of 6 | 10:47 AM

definitely a portrait of all 3 of my boys...i'd love to see how similar and yet how different they all are even at their young ages.

duck | 10:55 AM

I would love one done of my Grandma on her 68th birthday standing next to her Mule on top of a mountain in Colorado she rode up. She was an inspiration.

lonek8 | 11:05 AM

that is so gorgeous of Fable! I would of course want one of my kids - although getting all three into one shot is near impossible. But selecting just one is unthinkable so I guess I'd find a way.

PrancyPants | 11:55 AM

I would have her paint my beloved dog Garry (or my husband and my first kiss as a wedded couple). ;)

Unknown | 12:32 PM

I would love a portrait of my two year old son, Elliot. He is quite the charmer. His latest phrase, "Ladies don't have whiskers. Only men has whiskers." He says this every day at random times.

Unknown | 12:34 PM

I would love a portrait of my two year old son, Elliot. Thanks!

Shaina | 1:21 PM

i'd probably get either myself and my brother, or maybe the baby i nanny as a present for his parents!

Unknown | 1:55 PM

how original and captivating her work is! were i lucky enough to be selected i would probably have my son done. his smile lights up a room :)

Sarah-Rose | 2:24 PM

I'd get a portrait of my husband and I. Our wedding photos were rubbish so we don't have any of them up. But I think a portrait version of one of them would be lovely.

Shara B | 2:34 PM

Amazing. I once had a charcoal portrait done of myself on the streets of Monmartre, Paris. It looked nothing like me to this day it is buried deep in my closet. The portrait of Fable captures here face and spirit. I would love to have one of my little girl she is only a month older than Fable. Two is such a special age.
shara (dot)banks (at)gmail(dot)com

Jessica | 2:52 PM

I'd definitely do one of my son as a newborn. I know just the picture! :)

jessicathon (at) hotmail (dot) com

mrs.schwartz@me.com | 4:19 PM

I'd love a painting of one of my favorite wedding photos. What a great giveaway!

carona | 4:20 PM

What beautiful portraits! I'd love to have one of my daughter with her cat.

Dianne | 4:24 PM

I would love to win this! My daughter was born with a hemangioma that covers 3/4 of the leftside of her face. She goes at the end of March for her second laser treatment to remove her hemangioma. It is such a part of her that it makes me sad to watch it change but I know we live in a cruel world. This would immortalize her beautiful face with her ever changing beautiful hemangioma!!


the bellyacher | 4:25 PM

I would absolutely love a portrait of my son!! (Wow...Rachael is so talented!!)

Joanna | 4:37 PM

My two bee-yoo-tiful babes. I love them, and I love Rachael's work!

ericak | 5:34 PM

I'd love to have one of my girls to hang in our living room over the fireplace.

jill (smyth) | 5:39 PM

Me. A portrait of a young mother.

Then I'd hang it in my house, naturally - and invite people over.

They'll comment on the beautiful work and I'll say, yes - I had it commissioned though the Internet. They'll say, )hhh, is that the fashion these days?

We'll chuckle and the ambitious one will corner me later and demand to know the name of the artist.

Yeah. The good days? These are them.

Karo | 5:58 PM

It would have to be the son and dog - a wonderful duo of troublemakers. The bulldog teaching the 9 month old his tricks...

Firefly | 6:07 PM

My daughter, she is growing and changing so quickly i would love such a special gift!

Unknown | 6:37 PM

My daughter & son - you can never bottle enough of one & a half and 5.

Mama's Got Moxie | 7:39 PM

One of my two boys would be fabulous. Amazing work! meganmurphyis@hotmail.com

Bliverly | 10:27 PM

Oddly enough... if I won I'd probably have a portrait painted of myself, as an upcoming anniversary gift. I've already gotten him Iron & Wine tickets, but I think he'd love this too. ;)

Rissa | 11:17 PM

Amazing art! I'd have my daughter painted, so I too could hang it somewhere in her room. A beautiful rendition of her through the eyes of someone else.

payties_mommy [at] hotmail

Keri | 5:35 AM

I absolutely LOVE Rachel Rossman! If I were to have a portrait done, I would have my dog Tilly as the subject. She passed away last fall and I miss her so much.

Unknown | 6:29 AM

Wow! This lady has got some serious talent. I would have her paint a picture of my son Luka (in one his more mischievous moments) to hang in his room.

Erin @ Wild Whispers | 8:57 AM

My two girls. Old and Young, together. I want to capture this time!

cj | 9:23 AM

Shelby! My dog-ter.

Amy Goldstein | 10:00 AM

Oh...definitely my 8 yr old daughter! Great giveaway! :)

Bridgitt | 10:15 AM

I have a 2 month old (celebrated yesterday) son and a 16.5 month old daughter and I would LOVE a portrait of the two of them to hang in my living room!

Maggie May | 11:03 AM

I'd have one of my daughter, Lola Moon, age 9. Just beauuuutiful work.

JR Morber | 11:05 AM

I would like a portrait of my beautiful son.

Mary | 11:14 AM

Definitely my baby boy :)

RedDaisy | 11:20 AM

It would be of my two sons...If it is possible to have twins 4 years a part I indeed did. Thanks!

Monica D | 12:00 PM

I'd have it done of my beautiful, almost 4 year old son.

Wandermousie | 12:07 PM

I would love to have a portrait of my horse. I waited a long time to have her in my life, and due to her age, am afraid that I won't have her around for as long as I would like. kcwanner@gmail.com

Thanks, and what fun!

Anonymous | 12:10 PM

My Molly dog who died last year, and whose big presence I still miss daily.

1lady1boywilltravel | 12:28 PM

Oooh Pick me! Would be nice to have a nifty portrait of my boy. Thanks!


Carolyn | 12:58 PM

Beautiful work. I'd love a portrait of my 8 month old little girl.


Tovi | 1:56 PM

Of course, my boys. What an amazing portrait. I have dreamed of this for YEARS, but never seen one so artfully and beautifully done. Thank you for the giveaway...


Jaime | 2:07 PM

This would be our anniversary art work or our son's birthday art work this year!

Unknown | 2:57 PM

I would definitely love one of my two girls. They do not share a room, but are tight as thieves. From the time they wake up, they are busy attending to one another, acting out various scenarios and wandering the house with their toys, dolls and accessories.

A portrait of my two daughters would capture this amazingly special moment in time. Love it!

Kelly | 3:04 PM

WantWantWant! Please!! My girls, of course, Lucia (3.5) and Kora (14mo).

Liz | 3:15 PM

I would like a portrait of my two boys....

klg | 5:55 PM

My picture would be of my two sons.

Anonymous | 6:29 PM

So beautifully artistic!!! I'd love a beautiful keepsake of my precious sons Emmanuel & Donovan & <3 u can reach me @ melsworld@ameritech.net or facebook, we are friends...

Unknown | 6:41 PM

One of my daughters, I think. This could be a really hard decision...

Erin Snow | 6:59 PM

I'd pick my 19 month old . . . she's at that delightful age where I like to pretend she's still a baby, but really she's a full on toddler. :)

Anonymous | 9:13 PM

It is so lovely. And it would certainly be of my own little girl.Really beautiful.

Mylande | 10:01 PM

Probably my son as he has been the least photographed of my brood thus far-I feel as though I have been unintentionally neglecting him in the depiction department :)

Bonjoey | 1:50 AM

Hey I'm late! I would love one of her portraits of my two boys Vaughn and Sterling, but first I'd need to take a killer new picture of them together (which is a piece of work since sterling's only 5 months old! ) my email is bonjoey@live.com

Lizzy Ecc; | 3:40 AM

Gorgeous!! I'm sure I haven't a chance as it's probably almost too late. But just in case: it would be my Gran. Preferably an old photo of her with my (now dead) Grandpa...
Fingers crossed!

Jenny | 5:39 AM

I think I'd choose my oldest child, Thomas. We have a friend who did a painting of my daughter, so he needs his own masterpiece!

Heathrow's World | 6:52 AM

beautiful! I'd love one of my daughter of course!

Ida Mae | 7:31 AM

not sure if I am past the deadline! It would of my son Sam :)
ida_mai at hotmail dot com

Tasting Lancaster with Shannon and Kelly | 9:57 AM

Of course I'd have a portrait of my son. Cliche, yes, but that's okay with me.
What a beautiful portrait of Fable.

Darra | 10:20 AM

Am I too late? My three-year-old son. Lovely blonde hair and blue eyes.

flybigd at hotmail dot com

Rachael | 11:47 AM

I loved doing this painting! http://www.rachaelrossman.com/2011/05/14/winning/

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