Portrait of a Fable (& Giveaway)

**updated with winner, below!**
Fable (from photo, here) painted by artist/reader Rachael Rossman

When the above portrait arrived in the mail, I opened it with Fable. She shrieked. "FABLE! FABLE!" she said. Ever since it's lived in our dining room, and will eventually hang above her bed as soon as I can decide on framing/matting options. One of the great perks of being a blogger is getting to meet all these incredibly talented artists who are kicking ass doing what they love. Hell yes.

Rachael has kindly offered to do a giveaway here on GGC, an 8x10 portrait painting for one lucky reader (A $300 value). Perhaps you'd like a painting of your child? Children? Pet? See more of Rachael's work on her website. She's also started a calendar kickstarter project, here.

In the meantime, let us know in the comments who's portrait you'd like painted (and please include your contact information so I can track you down!). I'll pick one winner via random.org next Tuesday, March 1st. Thanks to Rachael for the giveaway and good luck to all of who participate!

**Updated 3/1**

Congratulations to commenter #378 Somewhat Voluble who would like a portrait painted of her newborn nephew. She wrote: My nephew was born yesterday, February 24, 2011. He weighed 8 lb, 8.5 oz and was 20.5 inches long. He's my (younger) sister's first baby and she is a single mother, and I'd love to give this to her for a first mother's day gift!"

Thank you all so much for participating and thank you to Rachael for this AMAZING giveaway. So grateful! Love to all!



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Anonymous | 12:58 PM

My youngest daughter; I had her older sis's portrait done this summer so its definatly her turn. Lovely work! Fingers crossed.


divrchk | 12:58 PM

Gorgeous! I'd love my daughter painted.

Susan | 12:59 PM

My daughter, definitely. Hopefully capturing her bubbly personality and mismatched teeth.

Heather | 1:00 PM

I'd love a portrait copied from a photograph taken on the day WWII ended that is of my father as a child waving the American and British flags. I just love that picture....

Suzanne | 1:01 PM

My baby girl! She's only 9 weeks but would make the cutest little painting subject ever. Plus she's getting a little insecure with all these pictures of her older brother on the walls and none of her.

bebehblog at gmail dot com

Morgan | 1:01 PM

Love this! I would want a portrait of my son.

dawn | 1:04 PM

My dog Clownsnack. My husband painted me a picture of my beloved late boxer Dogwoo, so now I need one of Clown so she doesn't feel neglected.

Anonymous | 1:05 PM

I would love a portrait of my son & daughter. They are 5 yrs apart! If I win, I'd have my daughter painted first, then pay for my sons portrait. Beautiful pic of Fable!!


Tasha | 1:08 PM

i'd love a portrait. Either of my son, or my son and my husband.

Fable looks darling.

Yoga Susie | 1:09 PM

Ooh, I love it! It would probably be either my son...or my two doggies since they won't be around forever!

Jolie | 1:11 PM

What a priceless captured moment in time!!!
I would most definitely have a picture of my awesome dudes painted.
(sons 12 & 11)


Kristina | 1:14 PM

two words.....my girls

jessica kuntz | 1:15 PM

I'd say either my son and daughter (Fremont and Audrey) or maybe a pic I have of my grandfather and me as a young girl.

Anonymous | 1:20 PM

My apartment!


Andrea | 1:21 PM

I checked out her gallery and I adore her work! I would ask for a picture of my dog :)

Anonymous | 1:28 PM

Absolutely amazing and priceless!! I would want to capture my 3 beautiful daughters!!



Taxidermy Worms | 1:28 PM

I would LOVE to have one of those masterpieces painted of my son, Bastian, for our home! So much talent!

Ashley, the Accidental Olympia | 1:29 PM

I have a little 'shopper app' on my iPhone with two lists on it. One for my groceries, the other for my "wants." On my wants list is a Rachael Rossman painting!

I would love to have a picture of my two great loves, my dogs. Either that or one of my first dog Duffy who passed away at 15 on Monday. Either way, dogs dogs and more paintings of dogs!

accidentalolympian (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous | 1:35 PM

Absolutely amazing and priceless! I would capture my 3 beautiful daughters!!


ACG | 1:35 PM

LOVE this - and, definitely a portrait of my son. What kind of mother would I be if I said otherwise?:)

Unknown | 1:38 PM

I loved Fable's portrait! And, I'd love to have one of my own two darling girls.

Tabitha | 1:39 PM

It would definitely be of my little girl. She's four now and I would love a portrait of her baby face before it turns into a little girl face.

Abigail | 1:40 PM

That's a hard one! I'd have to say my mother.

Kristen | 1:46 PM

Amazing portrait! I would also have a portrait made of my lovely daughter, Quinn.

mrs.notouching | 1:47 PM

My two kids! Something to hang in my office once I go back to work... soon *sigh*

jillian | 1:48 PM

I would love one of my dog Phoebe. Fable's portrait is gorgeous!

miss_hickey | 1:49 PM

I would love to have a portrait from one of my recent wedding pictures. :-)

miss_hickey | 1:50 PM

I would love to have a portrait of one of my recent weddint pictures. :-)

Elissa L. | 1:51 PM

Of my 2 girls. Would love it for my office.


jenerik | 1:52 PM

Oh, my daughter Willa. Or maybe the dogs, Hank and Goose. Or maybe all three together...

KateFitz | 2:01 PM

My kiddo, Calvin.


Alyssa | 2:05 PM

Definitely my daughters and husband.

e,c,e,m | 2:07 PM

That is fabulous. I would love one of my 4 year old and 6 month old kiddos.

verilium | 2:11 PM

My daughter, Violet, all of 3 years old and with more than enough attitude to spare. Especially if I could get her to hold her "I'm really, really mad!" face long enough for me to snap a picture of it:-)

Entwined Essentials | 2:12 PM

What a gorgeous picture!

I would want a picture of my two boys and husband.

Sherrill | 2:12 PM

Oh man, I was just thinking about something like this today. My 20-year old cousin died last summer and this week I found a picture of her with my little girl. I thought I didn't have any. That is absolutely what I would want painted!!

bryn | 2:15 PM

What a gorgeous portrait of Fable! I would love to have one of my daughter Ellie. She turned 2 (going on 12) in January and she just gets prettier and prettier, changing every day.

bryn(dot)hollis(at)gmail(dot)com :)

Kimberly | 2:16 PM

I would love a portrait of my nephew. His father would adore it.

eeek | 2:18 PM

I would love a portrait of my son, Benjamin. He is changing so fast I would love a painted time capsule of him right now.

Anonymous | 2:19 PM

I would have to get my son when he was still a baby.
rnraupe at yahoo dot com

Erin | 2:21 PM

I would love a portrait of my son Ewan.

Whitney and Steve | 2:21 PM

My son, without a doubt. Maybe someday soon we will have another, but for now, he is the one and only and we love him.

Angela | 2:21 PM

I've always loved Rachael's work. I'd have a portrait done of my son's, for sure.

Brianne | 2:23 PM

I would definitely get a portrait of my 5 year old son... he's just at that age between little boy and big where at moments I can nstill imagine he will always be mine... fleeting though, and I'd love to have it down on paper.

Miranda | 2:26 PM

Man that's a great job on Fable!!

I'd LOVE to get something like this done of my daughter. This is actually the perfect time- she just turned 2 and I'd love to capture who she is at this moment.

lamina@do a bit | 2:31 PM

Gorgeous portrait!! I would LOVE a portrait of my beautiful, crazy little boy Max! He's just about to turn two and he's having hte bst time... it's such a beautiful age! :)


Robin | 2:35 PM

I'd love a portrait of my kiddos!

Greg and Alyssa | 2:39 PM

My sweet little boy, Thad!


Meghan Elaine | 2:40 PM

I love this! We just redid my son's room. I've been moving on to my daughter's room and this would be so cool over her bed- I would LOVE this for my Ella!

Ashley | 2:40 PM

That is just gorgeous! I would have one done of my daughter, Stella.

Tara | 2:44 PM

This is so amazing! The portrait of Fable is absolutely beautiful. I would love a portrait of myself (currently almost 6 months pregnant) and my husband. What a cool giveaway!

Tara Duckworth

Mrs. Q. | 2:44 PM

That's beautiful!

I'd love to have a portrait done of my almost-4-yo daughter. A friend painted a portrait of her brother years ago, and she has not yet noticed why there isn't one of her!

Melissa | 2:48 PM

I would love a painting of my kids!

Sadie | 2:52 PM

That picture is awesome. Love it. I'd like a picture of my son.

Sadie Miller

The Hojo Family | 2:54 PM

WOW! What a GORGEOUS painting!! She is truly talented!!

I would LOVE a painting of my two kiddos!


Kim | 2:57 PM

I love it. I would definitely get one of my daughter too. Such a great thing to have.

norah | 3:00 PM

I would get a portrait of my bald headed beauty, Ramona.

theshooz | 3:03 PM

So lovely! I would do my man and his cat. He'd love it...it would probably have to hang above our bed...

flyabuv | 3:10 PM

wow, that looks amazing! I would like a portrait of my daughter Kennedy.

Ann Napolitano | 3:11 PM

That is a gorgeous portrait. I'd love one of my two sons - 21 months and 3.5 years. That would be an amazing gift.

Cave Momma | 3:21 PM

That is a beautiful portrait! I would love one of my two kids! Thanks for offering one up!

email nevalynn7@gmail.com

Anonymous | 3:22 PM

That picture of Fable is absolutely adorable.

I would LOVE one of these of my two girls. Totally.

After looking at the pictures on her website, they are absolutely gorgeous.


mek | 3:24 PM

I would love a portrait of my daughter, Molly. Her smile is amazing. She is seven & 1/2 months old.


Mrs. VJ | 3:33 PM

Definitely my 2 sons - I have a serious thing for portraits and I've yet to have one done of them.

Maggie | 3:34 PM

Without a doubt it would be my lovely dog, Lexi. We had to put her down about 9 months ago, and I still cry (just as recently as yesterday) when I think about how difficult of an experience it was.

As a matter of fact, the timing of your post, Rebecca, about the loss of pets, and how to make that decision really hit home with me. At the time, I was still in the stage of reminding myself that we had made the right decision and that she had depended on us to make that decision for her.

Aannnd now I'm welling up again.

Amy | 3:38 PM

Oh my gosh! I love it. I would totally get a portrait painted of my two kiddos -- 5 and 2 years old. What a cool thing!

amy at veen dot com

Leslie | 3:40 PM

Oh my gosh. I am not sure whether I would have it made of my friends' child Alice or of my dogs, but that painting of Fable is beautiful!

megan marie | 3:43 PM

I would have to get a portrait of my new pup Henrietta!

Christy | 3:50 PM

I would love a portrait of my 2 year old daughter.

jinxy112 at gmail dot com

Faith | 3:52 PM

Lovely work. I'd love a portrait of my two kids.

dreadpiraterach | 3:52 PM

Lovely giveaway!

I've been a fan of Rachael's work since I saw the portrait she did for Neil Gaiman, and this one of Fable is no different; beautiful.

I think I'd like a portrait of my boyfriend and I. Either that or my parents. That would be a difficult choice- thanks for the opportunity to have to figure it out!

dreadpiraterachel [at] gmail [dot] com

Beth | 3:52 PM

would love a beautiful picture of my sweet emaline!


Lea Wenski | 3:54 PM

Oh how awesome would that be?? I'd love to have a painting of my 2 year old Marcus. I'm terrible at taking photos so maybe if he has this he'll forgive me for the lack of documentation of his youth.

eliseandpaul | 3:54 PM

awesomenicity. my two little boys.

Amira | 3:54 PM

It would definitely be of me and my husband. What a gorgeous painting. Man, I hope I win this! lol

Barb | 3:55 PM

I just read @kristen's comment. That is really heartbreaking, I am sorry.

I would want a portrait of my toddler Charlie- I just love the age he is right now!

wonderchris | 3:57 PM

WOW, amazing work. She is mega-talented. I'd have our two doggies that passed away last year down. I know just the picture I would use!

Unknown | 4:01 PM

What a gorgeous picture of your daughter! If I was lucky enough to win, I would want a portrait of the my daughter and son---they are the only sunshine in my life these days.

robin | 4:01 PM

All 3 of my kids!

B&B | 4:12 PM


I would love a portrait if my babies-- two year old daughter and six month old son. And maybe my first child, (a Boston Terrier) Zoe in the middle?

email: ariel_johnson@hotmail.com

Anonymous | 4:13 PM

I would love to have one of my niece and nephew :)

Great giveaway!



Debra | 4:19 PM

My son, Becket, of course. He's 3 and still has a head full of blond ringlets. I would love to capture that before he goes brunette like the rest of us!


Carolyn P. | 4:20 PM

I'd do a photo of my cabin! I love that place :-)

foodiemama | 4:20 PM

my boy! The most awesomest 6 1/2 yr old ever!

L.L. | 4:20 PM

My son, who is almost 10 months old. He is so beautiful.

jenifer | 4:22 PM

my boy! The most awesomest 6 1/2 yr old ever!

rychelle | 4:23 PM

i love rachael!

i'd love to get an 8x10 of my kitties. :)

Michelle White | 4:36 PM

I can barely get them to sit still together but would love a painting of my kids.

MelissaC | 4:36 PM

I'd love a portrait of my daughter, who is 2 and just weeks away from being a big sister.

Peace | 4:39 PM

I would get the portrait of my 13 year old daughter so that she can see the beauty that she is, on the brink of womanhood and yet still so very young. She might not love it now, but she is so beautiful & I'd hope that she'd treasure it in another decade (or two)

Debra | 4:40 PM

Rachael already knows how much I'd love to have one of her paintings of Ruby Tuesday, our puggle.

danizeye | 4:43 PM

oh! love the portrait! like the style ... i would love a portrait of my lil one - josie.

Mailornish | 4:46 PM

Love, LOVE the painting and how cool to hang it in Fable"s room to remind her what a beauty she is every day! If only we could do this for every girl on the planet...

I would love to get one for my first girl, Ginger, my dog love. only because I want my daughter to be older before I do something like this.

Amy beth | 4:54 PM

i'd love a portrait of my son and daughter! fable's came out awesome..

theopenletterlady | 5:00 PM

I would have my son's portrait painted! Poor second child, usually so neglected. Maybe this would make up for the fact that he has one-eight the photos his sister did at this age!

Emily | 5:03 PM

Beautiful!! I would get a picture of my 2 kids to hang in our living room.

Bailey | 5:05 PM

I'd get a portrait of my three-year-old daughter, Lily. That picture of Fable looks amazing!

Mariam | 5:06 PM

I love Rachael's work. She painted a portrait of my sister's dog that's just lovely.
I would love a portrait of my dog, Nora, who passed away January 1 of this year. She was a Scottish Deerhound (same kind that won Westminster!) and was a sweet, gentle soul.

Donna J. | 5:11 PM

My daughter Jane.

Blair | 5:11 PM

Wow. That is a beautiful portrait of Fable! If I win I would want a portrait of my daughter, Ella.

Sarai | 5:15 PM

I would like my son Oliver's portrait painted.

AutumH | 5:16 PM

I would love a portrait of one of my boys. You can never have enough pictures when it comes to your little ones.


Lynne | 5:16 PM

I'd like a portrait of my friend/sort of cousin Lanie's baby boy Sawyer who sadly died when he was a little over a month old. The portrait would be for her.
lynnecaren at yahoo.com

Kila Bell | 5:23 PM

Holy Wow that is super awesome! Oh yes i want one just like that but of my girls of course!


Anonymous | 5:24 PM

my husband from when he was a kid.

what a wonderful artist!


Unknown | 5:25 PM

That painting is amazing! I would love one of my son, Ian.


MichelleS | 5:25 PM

Oh God, BEAUTIFUL. I'd love a portrait of my kids, of course!!!

everyday amy | 5:28 PM

I would love one of my mother. She is the most beautiful person I know, and I would love to have an painting that would do her justice.

Contact me at everydayamy [at] gmail [dot] com.

Unknown | 5:37 PM

my darling son who will be two too soon.

Anna | 5:37 PM


For me it would be 2 kiddos and a (recently deceased :( ) pup, if possible.

saraspunza | 5:44 PM

I have a beautiful roller derby playing daughter. She is the oldest of three daughters. She is lovely, lithe, limber, and incredibly strong. I want a painting of her.

Heather | 5:49 PM

I've always wanted to have a portrait done of my son. Gorgeous portrait of Fable, btw! LOVE. :) hcoddington (at) gmail(dot) com

haleysiler | 5:50 PM

Of me, to give to my parents, maybe on my birthday. I had a flowering tree planted in their yard when I graduated from college last spring as a "thanks for raising me and putting me through school!" and they really loved it.

Jen | 5:50 PM

My daughter, who is going to be 1 in a month!

halfway_to_crazy | 5:52 PM

My son... he's 2.5 yrs old :)

laura sina | 5:56 PM

Seriously cool, thank you Rachel!

I would request a portrait of my nephew Julian, who is our first baby in the family and a total cutie (I'm not biased, swearsies).

Also love the kickstarter project, great idea! Can't wait to see the finished calendar :)

Kimberly M | 5:58 PM

i would love to win a portrait of my twin nieces!


Autumn | 6:10 PM

My son, River. But then I feel badly for not getting one of my daughter. So maybe my brother Byran who died last year--or is that too morbid? Okay, back to saying my son River.

MadEnoughWorld | 6:12 PM

I would get my baby, Cleo. My sweet white cat who I love with all my heart and who just tunrned 15 on February 11th. CLEO!!!

Great Googely Moogely | 6:17 PM

What a treasure! I'd love to have a portrait of my two boys. thisismomma at gmail dot com

Milou's Mama | 6:19 PM

Gorgeous! I'd get one made of my honey and I, we just got engagement photos taken and they'd make a beautiful painting!

Alisha | 6:19 PM

Definitely of my kids!

CookFamily | 6:20 PM

My daughter Savannah

Unknown | 6:34 PM

Wow! What a generous giveaway! I'd love to have a portrait of my son!

andy-dj at shaw dot ca

alicia lacy | 6:38 PM

This painting is absolutely lovely. If I win, I'd love to have a painting of my 2-year-old, Ayla. She's really in a phase worth capturing.

alicia lacy | 6:39 PM

This is absolutely lovely. If I win, I'd love to have a portrait painted of my 2-year-old daughter, Ayla. She's definitely at a phase worth capturing.

Anonymous | 6:42 PM

Probably of my twin sister and me. We're identical!

Heidi Hope | 6:49 PM

I'd love to have one of my Dad (well, both my parents together really). It's his birthday today :)

Bonnie | 6:59 PM

Of course Id get one of my kids.

Unknown | 7:07 PM

Wow! That's gorgeous!! I would definitely do my daughter, Emery. I did so much more for the oldest! Frankly, I'm surprised that there is any photographic evidence of Emery!!

Haley | 7:10 PM

Do I have to decide now? I'd probably pick our family dog, Candy. Or perhaps one of the hubby and me? Ahh! I don't know!

I love Fable's portrait! So very beautiful.

Sarah | 7:21 PM

Beautiful work. I'd love a portrait of my daughter. She seems to change all the time it just amazes me.

Anonymous | 7:32 PM

I would LOVE a portrait of my daugher too!

I can be contacted at hays_amber@hotmail.com

Meghan | 7:34 PM

My babies, of course!

Mena | 7:35 PM

If I could have a portrait painted, it would be of my daughter and my horse. My horse is a very tall boy, and I have this picture of little Sophia offering him a treat... his head is as long as she is tall! He gently took the treat from her and licked her face right after the picture was taken. Precious. They are the loves of my life.


bek77 | 7:38 PM

Me ...pick me!! it is so beautiful!!

Sarafina | 7:40 PM

As others have said, myself :)

It seems so old-fashionedy to commission a portrait of yourself, something that will outlast the billions of cellphone snapshots we all have of ourselves.

oh, jenny mae | 7:42 PM

oh, man. i have no idea who i'd pick. one of my kids, but i'd have to draw straws for who it was.

corrin | 7:49 PM

Oh, I'd love to have a picture of my sister and I in the tub together when we were toddlers! It's one of my favorite pictures.


Lauren | 7:55 PM

my lovely little 2 year old son captured just before our family of three becomes a family of four! such a sad/exciting/nerve wrecking/precious/fleeting moment in time.

Anonymous | 8:01 PM

My boys! Her art is beautiful! Amazing talent.
lilianahansen (a) gmail.com

tlr | 8:09 PM

Thought you might be interested in this site that I found through another blog.

Tirzah | 8:12 PM

my daughter Marlowe :)

Anonymous | 8:13 PM

I'd get one of myself. :) Beautiful work!

The Lees | 8:14 PM

My sweet baby girl

~april | 8:16 PM

oh my gosh! how cool is that!? thank you! i would totally pick my 2 yo son!

Janie | 8:27 PM

I think I'd love one of my parents together to give to them as a gift. I love them, and this would look GREAT in the living room :)

Tia Krogstad | 8:29 PM

My son, who is 3.5 and growing too much. I'd like frame his goofy grin and barber shop haircut.

Unknown | 8:32 PM

i would LOVE one of Rachaels portrait's of my son :) stunning work!!

mare | 8:36 PM

My beautiful mother passed away suddenly a month ago at 69 - she was turning 70 in April and we were going to NYC for the weekend.

I'd love a portrait of the last photo my dad took of her ~at breakfast~ on the Sunday before she passed away; she looked so happy and serene.

It's the last photo in this video: http://www.youtube.com/user/manxwizard#p/a/u/0/MUjrR6EHpBs

I'd gift the portrait to my dad for their anniversary in May. Miss you mommy.

44alison @ gmail dot com

fallgirly | 8:39 PM

Love it! I'd want my ultra cute 21 month old! Love her and she would just die too like Fable did!

Julie | 8:45 PM

My babes, but the problem is actually getting them to photo nicely together (3 and 2 months!)

Lauren | 8:46 PM

My Dog - Hailey Bean Baggins!

Hay Kay | 8:49 PM

My beautiful daughter, Kanicky. Aaaaand I can be reached at haleykrouse@yahoo.com.

Kelly | 9:00 PM

I'd love one of my two sons. I love how much color is in her work without sacrificing the personality of the person /animal. Beautiful!!7

Unknown | 9:18 PM

Definately my 1 year old daughter!
Love her work!!!


ginabeana | 9:21 PM

I had to have my little dog put down about 2 weeks ago and would love to have a portrait done. I really miss her.

Nili | 9:23 PM

Oh My!...A portrait of my very own Lil PeaPie who is about to turn 2 would be so fabulous!

Where I'm Standing | 9:29 PM

I love this! I would totally want a picture done of my little man! Three won't last forever....


Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph | 9:45 PM

I love that one- amazing. Makes me want one of Ivy. Yes.


Carla | 9:57 PM

My two baby girls - one so much more a little lady than a baby and the other wanting to be so much a little lady but still my baby. I want to freeze their giggles in time =)

Unknown | 10:05 PM

I'd love to have a picture done of my son and daughter together. The one posted above is simply incredible!

Congratulations on the great artwork :)

Erin and Jesse | 10:09 PM

My fiance is an artist and he is often critical of artwork, but when I showed him this picture he absolutely loved it. Rachael is very talented.

If we win...

I would probably get a portrait of me and the fiance together. We're getting married this September and it would be a killer wedding present. We're also planning on moving and buying our first house. I would love to have a piece of Rachael's beautiful art work decorating our new walls.

If we don't win...

I will probably still end up buying a painting from her, because the fiance and I love her work so much. Thanks for sharing!

robyn L. | 10:25 PM

Fable's portrait is gorgeous. I'd love to have one of my seven-month-old daughter.

Jesse Gray | 10:31 PM

my son please. Or my cat, FRANK!


jenny | 10:31 PM

i would love love love a portrait like this of our precious chocolate lab. thanks for the giveaway!

Curried.Grasshopper | 10:33 PM

I would absolutely adore to have a portrait of my daughter!

Anonymous | 10:44 PM

I would love a portrait of my little one, Machais!!! Rachael's work is beautiful!

Anonymous | 10:45 PM

Oooooh damn. I already commented and forgot my contact info. Sigh.

Again: I would love the portrait to be of my daughter, Machais.

swandive008 at yahoo.com

alissa | 11:38 PM

ooh i'd love a portrait of my daughter, liv <3

Unknown | 12:00 AM

With all due respect to my dog dying of cancer and my newborn son, I'd like a painting of my 2yo daughter. She has her face now, her lovely, lovely face.

B | 12:07 AM

Gorgeous, Fable! Of course I would love to have one of our little Juliet.

stacymichelle | 12:45 AM

One of my fave people ever, and would give it to her as a suprise.. She is currently writing a book, and it would be a neat gift. :)

Unknown | 1:52 AM

OMG. what a gorgeous painting! I would love one of my daughter!

a few of my favorite things | 2:49 AM

LOVE! i'd have it of my 3 kids, of course:)
thank you!

Anonymous | 2:50 AM

i'd want a portrait of my dog, ginger, who passed away last november.

that portrait is beautiful!


SomewhatVoluble | 3:06 AM

My nephew was born yesterday, February 24, 2011. He weighed 8 lb, 8.5 oz and was 20.5 inches long. He's my (younger) sister's first baby and she is a single mother, and I'd love to give this to her for a first mother's day gift!

Megan | 4:59 AM

Wow! That is absolutely beautiful! Rachael is extremely talented. I would love to have a painting of my son and daughter. Please enter me in the drawing.

Jewlzy | 5:01 AM

I have a picture of my oldest 2 kids (18 and 10) holding my youngest when she was born. I love it and that's what i would want painted.

Mammy P | 5:04 AM

Oooh... I have a lovely old photo of my grandma from when she was young that would make an excellent portrait!

Fable - gorge!

jnproctor at talktalk dot net

Mammy P | 5:05 AM

Oooh! I have a lovely old B&W picture of my Grandma from when she was young that would be lovely.

Fable = gorg!

jnproctor at talktalk dot net

carrie | 5:05 AM

my three amazing boys, ages 10, 12, and 14!

Kerry | 5:14 AM

If I had to just pick ONE of my children, I'd say my furry child. He deserves a little recognition around here.

Andra Baldwin | 5:27 AM

I just had a baby a month ago and would love a portrait of her and my firstborn together!

Ariel T | 5:43 AM

I would be of my brother and sis-in-law at the orphanage they run in South Sudan

AgnesMo | 5:51 AM

I would love a picture of my sweet son. I love her style, what a beautiful portrait.

Micky | 6:10 AM

Beautiful portrait! Rachael does amazing work! I would love to have a portrait of my two children. micky68 (at) verizon (dot)net

Becky | 6:22 AM

My daughter, for sure! She's our first child and she's only 11 weeks old, it's amazing how much she changes every day!
rma910 (at)gmail(dot) com

Satchmo | 6:27 AM

What a gorgeous portrait! Looks just like Fable, and I love the light in her eyes. I would love to have one done of my son!

Darrah | 6:33 AM

Oh Wow...what a beautiful painting of Miss Fable! If I could have a portrait made it would be of my two dogs, Penny and Sam! :)

Jdub | 6:38 AM

While my wedding photos were pretty, I think I'd much prefer one of my favorite pics to be done this way. So that's what I'd choose.

clueless but hopeful mama | 6:41 AM

WOW. Awesome portrait!

I'd have to fight with my husband about this. I'd love a portrait of our girls. He would probably want a dog portrait. (yes, really.)

Jme. | 6:41 AM

I would love one of my little boys.. I have 3 who are 4 1/2, 2 1/2 and 10 weeks!!

( email - jaimelynne32@hotmail.com )

Unknown | 6:43 AM

My youngest daughter. Lately it seems like nothing is "hers", its all someone elses old stuff. She's so different and cool, and so is Rachel's style


Anonymous | 6:57 AM

My goddaughter Lucie, my little soulsister, whose 2 birthday is nearly here!

Anonymous | 6:57 AM

That is an amazing portrait. I want get one of my baby girl.

Emily | 7:11 AM

That portrait is gorgeous! I'd love a portrait of my almost-three-year old daughter.


Britta | 7:15 AM

Very cool.

I'd love a portrait of my toddler, Elinor! She's a spunky one, and the artist's style I think would capture that wonderfully.

MamaMeg | 7:15 AM

How lovely!! I've been wanting to do this for so long. I would definitly have one done of my boys.

jess | 7:17 AM

awesome giveaway!
i'd have my sweet little 5 year old daughter done.

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