The "Informal Gathering Salad" is appropriately named for its casual dining appeal. It is summer after all, and nothing says "informal gathering" like roasted peppers and fresh corn. Actually, that's not true. Quinoa with roasted peppers and corn indeed says "informal gathering" better.
And now, I will show you how to make said dish.
For this quick and easy (five-minutes? Ten?) recipe you will need the following.
1. One box of Quinoa (white, red or in the case of my photos, red AND white! America!)
2. One medium/large container of plain nonfat, lowfat or whatever-fat-you-prefer yogurt.
3. Cilantro (I know, I know. There was cilantro in the last quinoa quickie but you guys, it's a summer party salad! It HAS to have cilantro to legitimize its yum! Ha! Take that, meanies!)
4. One Fresh Bell Pepper (for color and crunch!) One of the great rules of eating well (my mother, the great WWW taught me this) is to "eat the rainbow"... The more colors you have on your plate the better the meal is for your bod.
5. One container of Roasted Bell Peppers - you can either go with jarred (see below) or make your own. I buy cases of jarred, roasted peppers because it's just easier that way. And quick. Which works for me. (ED: Roasted peppers are amazing with crackers as an afternoon snack as well. Mmm.)
6. Lastly you will need three ears of fresh corn on the cob. White, yellow... whatever you wish.
Now... Let's make us some party:
1. Go ahead and cook your quinoa. (I cook mine in veggie broth.)
2. As you're boiling your quinoa, go ahead and chop your cilantro, raw peppers, roasted peppers and knife the corn off your cob. Yeah, baby.
3. Pour the raw corn corn into your serving bowl, followed by the chopped roasted peppers.
4. Pour the freshly cooked quinoa into the bowl and onto the raw corn and roasted peppers. The quinoa MUST be hot off the stove so its heat can partially cook the raw corn.
5. Add the yogurt to the mix. And then mix.
ED: use your discretion - this is not an exact science. AT. ALL. I kind of just make this stuff up as I go so you'll have to pay attention as not to OD your food with ingredients. (I don't understand measuring cups so good.) In this case, slowly add yogurt and stir. You'll want the quinoa to look coated but not drenched in the stuff. Once stirred in with all the goods, it should look a lil some'n like this:
5. Go ahead and add your chopped cilantro and raw peppers. Stir well until even and delicious-looking.
6. Refrigerate and serve cold as a side salad or, if you're like me, a main course!
One batch should feed about 25-30 guests.
(ED: Every time I bring this salad to a party it's GONE in, like, five minutes. People literally take to-go cups of the stuff, it's THAT good. Even if my presentation in this post is less than stellar.)
In the words of Brobee and the crew, "Try it. You're gonna like it."
Unless you're Archer. Archer and quinoa are not BFFs. Fable on the other hand...
Ahh, thank you for the all encompassing yogurt description.
Loving your Quinoa recipes and a lightbulb moment for me: cilantro = corinader in the UK. Get it now.
Ha Sarah! I used to get so confused by this mysterious 'cilantro' herb too, until I tried it in the US and had a lightbulb moment - it's just coriander by a different name!
So "eat the rainbow" eh? Does this mean a bag Skittles will cover my nutritional needs for the day? Just kidding...
Only one of my four little ones likes quinoa. The others are on Team Archer. Which I don't mind, really, as it just means more for those of us on Team Fable.
We eat the stuff almost every day, now that my BF is addicted (he does the cooking) and it is too hot to even think about turning on the oven!
It adds the most perfect texture to nearly anything. We've been mixing it up with feta, cilantro, greek olives, cherry tomatoes, and a little red onion. Yum.
Do you have a suggestion for a dressing for us non-dairy folks? Vinegar and oil maybe?
You presented this SO very well!
We are dairy-free, too, so I imagine a good plain soy or some greek goat's milk yogurt (mmm!) would work just fine?
Full fat greek yogurt is a must... that low fat/non-fat stuff is for the birds! Healthy fat is your friend not your enemy!
Please don't stop with the quinoa recipes! I love them!!!
Non-dairy people can use lemon-juice and vinegar. As for the yogurt nonfat/lowfat/full-fat debate - that was me trying to make a joke re: the last yogurt in quinoa post.
Oh and goats-milk yogurt is the BEST, Steph! Absolutely!
This looks great, as usual -- I'm a big fan of cilantro as well. There was an interesting article in NY Times a few months ago about why some peeps don't like cilantro/coriander. Turns out it could actually be a genetic predisposition. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/14/dining/14curious.html
Haha, go cilantro haters!! I'm happy to see there is a support group for the people (like myself) who suffer with this cilantro-hating affliction:)It's a rough life for us.
You have so turned myself and my family on to quinoa! We love it! I say keep the recipes coming! :)
thank you for the recipe and alerting me to the cilantro haters of the world. i just hope they never become violent.
Don't stop the quinoa!!!! I looooove them. I made the other Quinuevos rancheros and loved it. I mixed it up a bit and added finely shredded cabbage and walla walla sweet onions to the rest of the mix and I used shredded chicken instread of eggs. All topped with lime juice. Yum, yum!!
I'm making this recipe for a potluck tonight. Can't wait.
I love raw (or almost-raw) corn in the summertime. Yum!
Non-dairy folks, WildWood makes an unsweetened plain soy yogurt (or "Soyogurt," as they've named it) that's dee-lish.
You make quinoa sound so good. I really want to try it now! Let's hope the one-year-old is as enthusiastic about trying it as I am! :-)
i've been trying for years to like quinoa, because i know the health benefits. your posts are really opening me up to new ideas. thanks!
coconut milk is an excellent substitute for milk in creamy recipes, raw creamed corn, etc...
I made this tonight and have eaten three bowls. Myself. Whoops.
I made a quinoa salad several years back for a staff Christmas party and it was a huge hit - so much so that it's become an expectation that I make it every year (I make a roast vegie version which contains no meat, dairy, soy or gluten so it keeps everyone happy). I've converted a heap of folks to quinoa, and handed out the 'recipe' (more like a basic set of guidelines really) to many. It always was my easy meal that feeds as many or as few as you need, tends to impress, and never gets old. It's good to see another fan of this fabulous grain - great stuff!
Wow! This looks delicious. I'm going to try this out this weekend. Also, love Trader Joe's Roasted Peppers. Yum.
Please don't stop with the quinoa recipes! I love them!!!
Please don't let this be your last quinoa post! I want to be healthy and eat the stuff but have no idea what to do with it!! I went out and bought it for the first time months ago when you first posted about how you used it to lose baby weight, and was so excited when you started giving us recipes for it so I didn't have to eat it plain anymore.
Ok I WILL be making this. YUM.
I am eating this right now, it is soooo soo tasty! <3 Keep the Quinoa coming!
Made this for a party last night, it was a hit! People were scooping it up with tortilla chips. I've made every quinoa recipe you've posted on here and they've all been fantastic!
I made this for dinner last night and it went over SO well. Thank you thank you thank you!
Yay, you guys!!! So glad you all like it!!!! Woohoo!
I love the quinoa posts!!! Please don't stop them. I was inspired to cook up a whole pot of red quinoa yesterday and now I'm set for the week! Did the salad yesterday with the blueberries and goat cheese--holy Yumness! Didn't even need the balsamic, it was just that good.
I loved this quinoa salad! I thought I hated bell peppers and yogurt, but I made it according to directions, and now I think I love peppers and yogurt! I used the WildWood plain unsweetened soy yogurt and it worked out great. Thanks for these recipes!
Don't stop the quinoa recipes! I just bought a bag and made the blueberry/goat cheese salad last night. Yum! But it's hard to find good quinoa recipes on the web, especially with pictures and info like yours. I'm on the quinoa kick now. Don't leave me hanging! More recipes!
I keep meaning to come here to say thank you for this. We'd never tried quinoa and it was a revelation! Even the horrible four-year-old-who-does-not-eat-food ate an entire bowl.
Hmmm...tastes like the yummy insides of Mexican food goodness. But it's all good for you.
I just discovered your quinoa posts and was sad to see this would be your last one. I want more!!! Just discovered the amazing deliciousness of quinoa. Please more recipes!!!
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