Yesterday, 7:04PM, Santa Monica

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...Andrew Bird performed in the parking lot of her office, where she co-hosted a gathering. I arrived late but was just in time to watch the show.

She yanked me by the arm, dragged me to the front of the stage where we sat cross-legged on the pavement. Her in sequins, me in scarves, our drinks sweating side by side.
...We watched and whispered and clapped along.
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(he was amazing.)
Sixteen years we've been friends. Three of those years she lived a million miles away. And now she's back:
And engaged:
And in two weeks we will celebrate our twenty-ninth birthdays together.
(Like we did when we were sixteen.)
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Dana | 4:50 AM

such sweetness.

Tori | 6:38 AM

any idea where her shirt is from? you are both lovely.

Katie Jane Parker | 7:12 AM

How wonderful - both that your friend is back, and that you heard Andrew Bird perform. I love him beyond words.

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph | 7:40 AM

I am such a HUGE fan. Of him and you and awesome friendships.


Anonymous | 8:38 AM

I really want to wear silver pants now.

The Wh0le Story | 9:02 AM

I looooooove Andrew Bird. I have seen him a couple times now, and his live performance is so breathtaking. Also, very jealous your best friend is moving close to you - making new friends is hard for me, and I miss the amazing friends I have back home.

aimee | 9:41 AM

less than 10 feet from Andrew Bird = awesome.

Elan Morgan | 9:48 AM

This weblog is being featured on Five Star Friday!

Janelle Halverson | 10:03 AM

That is awesome - my bestie is moving back around me soon and i feel the same kind of elation I get from your post!!!
happy birthday

candace | 10:05 AM

Yay for you and your friend and all but I love Andrew Bird!

bhull | 10:55 AM

dhull just sent me this link. It makes me happier than i can place in words. You are both so lovely. This smile is gonna leave a mark.

Looking forward to celebrating 29 with you both. xo

My Bottle's Up! | 11:43 AM

awesome. sauce.

Ray | 12:47 PM

I love her sequin pants and her neon toes. So rockin'. Can't wait to read about your rockin' 29th birthday! ;D

Chrissy Johnson | 5:07 PM

Here's to glittering pants and girly friends. Am fixing to move back down to a passel of girlfriends myself, oh how I've missed being unabashedly feminine with someone.

Jills | 5:35 PM

That's awesome! Andrew Bird and old friends are a great combo. I mean this in the best way possible (seriously not trying to hate) but, is it an LA thing to dress so crazy? Your friend is wearing sequined pants. She looks freaking cute as all get out but, she's wearing SEQUINED pants. I'm in Chicago and really, the only place one could wear those and not get stared at is the gay bar. Does fashion exist on another plane in California? Im honestly mystified.

Unknown | 5:41 PM

Ack! So jealous of AB concert and those rockin' pants. Please accept my good-natured envy.

emily | 6:28 PM

love this post, but i have got to know where her shoes are from. they are amazing!

L.A. Stylist Mom | 8:28 PM

Holy fuck you're only 29?! I'm about three seconds away from 42 and my best friend has been my best friend since we were 12. She had a baby when we were 21, has since had two more (as have I) I was in both of her weddings and she stood up for me at mine in Vegas. She is my other half. She also lives 3000 miles away. I am beyond thrilled for you both...xox


Dani's shirt came from a local boutique here in LA and her shoes? Not sure. Going to have to ask her about that! Dani just moved from Copenhagen (where her awesome sequined pants came from!) so her style is more Danish-influenced than California (to your comment, Jills.)

She pulls them off with gusto, my girl does. And I love her for that and a million trillion other reasons.

xo to all!

stephanie | 11:49 AM


Everything else is great, but those pants are TO DIE FOR.

whoorl | 5:21 PM

Oh my god. Oh my god. I love him so much and pride myself on seeing him every time he's in the area.

Man, I wish I could have crashed that party.

Desiree | 8:09 PM

She totally rocks those pants :)

mommymae | 8:45 PM

this makes me miss my mandy.

Mandy | 3:16 PM

Andrew Bird IS so amazing! Love your friend's sequin pants too.

melanirae | 2:00 AM

So happy for you! And a bit envious of AB being with in smelling distance! I just reunited with my bestis from HS. 15 years had passed, but you would never have guessed even a day had. It's such a wonderful thing isn't it?

Alex | 10:10 AM

Wow! Your BFF has an AMAZING style!

SaraMinerva | 11:16 AM

I was introduced to Andrew Bird by an episode of "Jack's Big Music Show" on Nick Jr. He is amazing. You lucky lucky girl!

Ashley | 1:29 PM

I am beyond jealous! I LOVE Andrew Bird!

mel | 5:57 PM

this made me think back to my best friend and the first day we met. 9th grade, math class. She hates when I tell people the story, but I love it and secretly I know her heart smiles when I tell it too. 11 years september. :)

Meg | 5:37 PM

My husband and I first saw (and heard) Andrew Bird when he opened up for Ani Difranco on a tour in 2002 or 2003. We had never heard his name prior to that night. Our whispered conversation as we watched him on the stage, transfixed, went something like this:

me: Is he whistling?!?

husband: I think so.

me: Oh my god, he is the best whistler in the entire world!

husband: I know.

Thanks for bringing back the fond memories.

Althea | 7:00 AM

Totally just saw him on Jack's Big Music Show. He's DOCTOR STRINGS!!!!!

kittenpie | 11:17 AM

How wonderful that's she's back with you! I wish my best friend were closer, so we could be together more often, but it's still sweet, even at a bit of a distance.