Preschool, The End

Yesterday was technically Archer's last day of preschool and I sat all day at my desk with poopy-stomach trying to wrap my head around what it means to see him off at a new school, introduce him to a new world with new friends and strangers, teachers... parents.

We've been discussing the changes afoot for weeks now. The new school which Archer says he "can't wait for!" even if it means a whole new set of students, teachers, friends... But when I picked him up from school yesterday, Archer looked angry.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

Archer glared at me and crossed his arms.

"Are you bummed school's over?" I asked.

"No!" he crossed his arms tighter. "I'm glad it's over!"

"It's normal to be a little sad. Saying goodbye to people and places and things is the hardest part of being a human."

"I'm not sad!" he said, sniffling. "I just want the picture off my cubby!"

"But you'll be back at school in two weeks so you don't need to take your picture...We're doing summer school three days a..."


Moments later we were in full on won't-get-into-the-car won't-get-out-of-the-car "no! no! no!" meltdown mode.

Part of me wanted to join him. Instead, I drove home saying nothing, parked the car, went to the freezer and retrieved a box of ice-cream sandwiches, which we then proceeded to dine on, silently brooding...


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**Saturday night, June 26th, I'll be participating in "Afterbirth" a group reading at M Bar in Hollywood (located, here.) I'm beyond honored to be a part of such a talented group of writers including Jennifer Lynch, Christopher Noxon, Mike Sikowitz, Peter Birkinhead and more. More info is here. Thanks to the lovely Dani Modisett for including me in her show.