...I took some pictures.
ED: I'm nowhere near getting the house* where I want it to be - not even close - but I have managed to unpack nearly ever box (save for the "scary boxes" full of disorganized miscellany) and place several pieces of furniture in possibly permanent locations.
entry into dining room/atrium skylight
arches everywhere
this room needs rugs. lots of rugs. and lights. and other items. maybe a massive curtain?
Hal's Clavanova/Fable's shoes/painting by: my mom
Our bedroom. Which is a mess. Fixing it up = today's project. Fable willing...
office - with french doors that open to yard. This is where I am right now. Watching the dogs run around the backyard. Hello then!
shower curtain on claw tub. (Archer picked it out!)
Hal's autographed picture of Lou Ferrigno as "The Hulk." Poster c/o my Nana who took me on The Venice Simplon Orient Express when I was nineteen.
playroom. the kids are still sharing a bedroom because according to Archer, "we don't sleep well without each other" SO! We turned the third bedroom into a playroom with (eventually) guest bed for visitors.
(still unpacking most of this, obviously)
dinner nook.

Birdhouses. We have many birds up in here. When we moved in there were literally three little (baby) birds outside our doorstep. Singing sweet songs. Of melodies pure and true. Singin, this is my lesson to you-oo-oo.
home sweet
1920's spanish-style hollywood detailing = why I'll never leave LA
when life gives you lemon trees... cheer!
see above the door? where the poop resides? that's where the three baby birds live.
I'll do a post on each room when they're ready to show in their entirety. I'm excited to spend the next few weeks months scouring swap-meets and hunting for treasure. First priorities: rugs, benches for dining room and lighting for the giant room which is currently being lit by candles after 8pm. Romantic, yes. But lights will eventually be necessary I think.
In the meantime, forgive the sporadic posting. Going to spend much of the next few days finishing the unpack, figuring out this new space, new life - playing with the kids in the backyard. Counting my blessings. Appreciating every. single. moment. Thank you, life.
Ew. My dog just ate his poop.
*I don't even believe I live here yet. I keep telling Hal to punch me in the face but he won't do it because it's illegal.
** several of you asked about the bookcase. Technically, it's not a bookcase. I found it at a wholesale shop - full of old glassware, and fell in love. It's made out of all-recycled wood. It's my new boyfriend. I'll let you know if I stumble upon anything similar. Deal?
This house is UNBELIEVABLE, Rebecca! WOW! I am jealous :D Congratulations, its the perfect family house, and wow, its just so awesome that you found this in Los Angeles. :)
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your new house!!! I'm also impressed that you unpacked so quickly. Anyway, I hope you make many happy memories in your beautiful HOME. xx
Major house envy! It's gorgeous! The light, the hardwood floors, the space!!
it is beyond amazing and so wonderful. The skylight is so beautiful. You totally deserve every inch. May you love all the days you have!
I'm delurking today to congratulate you both on the awesomeness of your new house and HOLY CRAP for unpacking so much already. The place looks incredible!
This house is to die for! Absolutely stunning. Congratulations on so many levels!
awesome!! I'm going to start looking for a china cabinet to store my books and records!
It is SO gorgeous. And Archer's comment is so sweet :) My kids are the same way! Congrats on the killer new space and have fun settling.
So very very gorgeous!
Thanks you guys!!! SO SO MUCH! And re: bookcases - YES! I've always used china cabinet/dish hutches as my bookcases - they look AMAZING - a little quirky = really fun!
that is gorgeous! I am SO jealous! :)
It's BEAUTIFUL! So breezy and cheery and bright! (Just like you! If that doesn't sound creepy since we've never met).
I can't believe how much you've unpacked and HUNG ON THE WALLS! That's always the last thing I manage to do--hang shit up.
I can't WAIT to see what you do with the space. Perhaps a Girls Gone Abode? :-)
Beautiful! A lovely house for a lovely family.
So gorgeous I'm falling over. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! So, so, so beautiful. A new home and a beautiful future! (And a perfect right now.)
So beautiful! I can see why you fell in love. Filing the photos under 'someday' in my day dreams cabinet.
OMG, it's GORGEOUS! Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! Three bedrooms and a study and a dining room and a breakfast nook? Be still my heart! This is so much nicer than my house. That I just bought. Shit.
Lovely lovely home! Lots of arches for Archer...and I also am impressed that not only are you unpacked so fast but like @samantha - that you have hung stuff on the walls! My hubby repainted our walls last year and I still have not finished hanging everything back up!
Your house is amazing! SO beautiful and I LOVE your style!!! Its just gorgeous! You have amazing taste!!
woweeeee! your new home is something out of a fairytale :0.
I also LOVE LOVE your taste in furniture, paintings and of course the bookcase - which, thanks for that tip .. when looking for a bookcase do not always assume it must have been a bookcase in the firstplace!
Even though I just started reading your blog - so I don't really know you at all - just wanted to say that I'm excited for you and your new adventures with your family in this gorgeous house. WOW!!!
Wow, that house is beyond, beyond amazingly beautiful. The word congratulations doesn't seem grand enough. The word jealous isn't big enough either. What a stunning home (and I LOVE the "love" painting above your bed - it's so beautiful, it made me tear up a little).
Congrats again - it seems like a home where dreams are made.
What an amazing, amazing, amazing place! And look at you, already filling it with amazing, amazing, amazing things.
I want this house. I want this house. I want this house. I want this house.
This house = why I'm reconsidering NYC living.
Your new home is incredible! Congratulations! Looks like a magical place for Archer and Fable. xoxo
It is SO beautiful. I am totally jealous, but still happy for you! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the arches. I wish my home had such character all on it's own.
I am so, so happy for you. I am about to cry. Your house is so beautiful.
Your house is beautiful. Congratulations!
I love that you hang your artwork first. That's always something I do too when moving to a new place.
I can't believe how much you've already unpacked and put into place. Those windows are really beautiful - perfect.
That is a beautiful house. I love the curved windows and door ways. Love the tub too. The sky light is amazing too.
What a beautiful home!! And you already have stuff up on the wall, I think that is amazing. I've lived in my place for over a year and still have some empty walls.
Beautiful home! Enjoy every minute of every day w/ your hubby and kiddos!
Wow. Just wow. I almost (ok I did a little) cried happy/proud tears for you guys.
Way to go. You made a stranger cry at work.
Rebecca I am so excited for you - your new place is AMAZING!!! What fun to figure out where everything should go and discovering the new things that make it great (baby birds). Looking forward to seeing your progress. Here's to a new home!
omg can I have it? IT LOOKS SO NICE! you're so very lucky :)
House looks awesome! Enjoy it!
Your new home is beautiful. Enjoy it to the fullest!
The house is so lovely. Perfect for you guys. Congrats.
Congrats on your new place. You're right -- it is A-MAZ-ING. I love the arched doorways, the hardwood floors, all of it! It's quintessential LA. I can't believe you've only been there a few days -- it looks so put together already. PS. Archer has great taste in shower curtains! He can come over and decorate my bathroom anytime.
Holy WOW! So happy for you! I have never understood how people live in CA with the cost of living being so high. I am thrilled to see that you have been blessed with something truly beautiful. A house like that deserves an owner like you!
Wow, just gorgeous. So happy for you, Bec!
I found myself whispering "oh..." with every photo I scanned. I would have been noisier, but I'm at work in my office (ha!)...oh my goodness. It's like a faerie tale. Come true. And I'm a midwest girl, myself, so seeing all the architecture makes me kinda drooly with envy.
It's beautiful. Now stop reading my post and go back to doing cartwheels in your house. :)
I'm happy for the house - that it has finally got the family it was so obviously built for. :-)
Absolutely to die! I love it. Looks like it's going to be so much fun to put together, enough so that I'll forgive you sporadic posting ;)
Oh my fuck. WOMAN, are you trying to make us all insanely jealous.
things I love:
your clawfoot tub: i mean HELLO!
the hexagonal tiles in the
bathroom: love love love
your dinner nook table and chairs: so diner-esque lovely
all the arches and Spanish detail: mama mia
the natural light: makes it seem like I can step into your photos
your artwork and instruments: thing i always wish i had more of
congrats, beautiful home for a beautious familia!
Actually .. I have to add something. Lot's of people are saying how great it is that you have your artwork up .. and it IS. But .. I'm WAY more impressed that you have your books IN bookcases. Crap .. it's coming up to 5 .. FIVE years in my house and I'm ashamed to admit, all of my books are still in boxes .. in the crawl space .. gag. I really really really need a bookcase!!!!!
Wow! That is beautiful. Congratulations!
I think that I am in love with your house! It is going to be tough to break the news to my husband, but my heart belongs to those beautiful arched doorways and the skylight. *sigh*
Gorgeous. The arches, the atrium (the LIGHT in general), the green door, the lemon tree and just the SPACE...so excited for you guys. Also? Love your dining set.
OMFG!!! Your new house is pretty much exactly what I dream of for my broad someday. It is absolutely gorgeous!
We have a lot of houses like yours in Tucson's downtown area, unfortunately the pretty penny they cost to rent/buy keeps us at bay for the time being but seriously...your house! Dream home, I can't get over it! Congrats.
This house is amazing! And I love that you've already hung pictures on the wall. You're inspiring me to get my own (albeit much more boring) house in order.
Best wishes for you and your family in this new home. May it be filled with love and ring with laughter.
Beautiful! Happy you found your perfect house :) . You have very nice taste.
Now THAT is a fabulous home.
Beautiful! I swoon over the arches :) Congratulations!
the bathroom is sick. I love it. you did a great job so far. Can't wait to see the rest. the arches are marvelous and i love the blue paint in your bedroom!
lovely new castle. the arches and spanish-style are so inspiring - enjoy your new place. Many good memories are yet to be made.
I love every bit of it! Every room!! I am going to be daydreaming about your house a lot now. Good thing I don't live anywhere near you, I guess. Even though it would be fun for Ivy & Fable to be playmates, I'd be stalking your house.
Tearing up a little with joy. This is just the sweetest, gorgeous-est, homiest house ever. And it's yours! Enjoy it!
*picking my chin up off the floor*
When you have the time (ha!), I'd love to see pics of the yard, too, (and of the dogs!) just so I can dream ...
And Archer about the bedroom? So cute.
oh, oH, OH!!!! i'm in love, bec, as i'm sure you all are. i'm so so happy for you! a green floor?!?!?! swoon. this is making me so excited to move to my new house next month.
The house and the photos are stunning. Congratulations! Hopefully next time I'm in town I can visit.
Oh so lovely. And I adore your style. Can you come help me decorate my military-issue house? ;)
O-M-G!!! That house is perfection. I love every single picture!
The skylight is great...just great!
Archer is the man when it comes to shower curtains. I love that one!!
The painting by your mom is gorgeous. A lot of talent flows through that family!! :)
LOTS of memories to be made in the dinner nook. What a great space!
Yay for 3 little birds - which is now completely stuck in my head.
Congrats on the new place - it is splendid!!!
The house is GORGEOUS!! Exactly something I'd expect you to live in. Many many happy years here to you and your fam.
Amazing! It looks so beautiful. I looooove all the arches, and all the light, and the blue tile in the kitchen...the list could go on and on. Congrats on your new place!
Your house looks wonderful! Enjoy!
Absolutely beautiful! Such charming details and I love the direction your decor is going in. Congratulations!
Your home is so beautiful! (And, I cannot believe how much you unpacked and set up!! Wow! It's inspiring) Congrats to all of you. Enjoy your new place!
I know I'm just repeating what everyone else has said - but HOLY SHIT that place is awesome. I think I said WOW over every single photo. It's like, out of a book or something, I swear that place doesn't REALLY exist :)
Many congratulations to you girl, and honestly, my books are the first thing I unpack too! hehe
Okay, I just swooned at the beauty of your house. I WANT IT. I want the arches, I want the baby birds, I want the nook with the yellow vase, the whole thing.
Congratulations on your new place.
it is gorgeous! congrats!
Beautiful. Just beautiful. Congratulations! My husband and I live in a teeny tiny Spanish Revival in South/Central Pennsylvania and I was so excited to get a chance to see what amazing details are in your home. I hope you all have a wonderful life in your new place!
that is one motherfucking nice house. enjoy!
The house is just lovely! Seriously, you deserve a wonderful place to turn into a home for your family! And I am sure you will in no time. I had to come out of lurkdom to say congrats, enjoy your blessing! I love your blog, you keep it real in a world of fake. Can't wait to see what you do with the place!
The house is just stunning!!!!
Let's see some pictures of the backyard!
those huge windows in your huge room, those right there are why I want to move to LA. I swear I only see things like that there. Or maybe custom build a home here where I am, which is impossible because I am not a millionare. So maybe I will move to LA. Either way I can see why you are in LOVE with your home. Congrats once again!
Yay for gorgeous new homes! Glad to see that you are settling in, it looks brilliant, hey :)
LOVE this house!! It's already looking like a home!
Beautiful!! Gotta ask where you got your bedding, I love it!
HOW AWESOME. absolutely.
Archer has great taste in shower curtains!
Oh wow!! It's beeee-yew-tea-ful!!! I'm so excited and happy for you!!! Have fun getting everything settled just so. :)
I LOVE your arches! They seem to say our love/home/memories don't have a beginning or end, they just keep going and flowing. I can't wait to see how everything unfolds and finally finds its place.
We are looking for our first home together and have less than two months to go. I was thinking of settling, but after seeing your place, I think I'm going to hold my head high again.
Gaaah the cuteness! I totally have house envy right now. Congratulations Rebecca! You guys are going to make so many happy memories. =)
And now I understand exactly why you fell in love with this house. It's gorgeous! Congratulations. Have fun getting to know your new house.
Incredible house! Those arches... aaaa. Congratulations to you and your family!!
OMG!! Congrats on your new home, I am blown away by the beauty of it all.
i L.O.V.E your new home. it is gorgeous. congrats! i wish you many years of silly, happy memories!
I don't usually comment, but I wanted to let you know how GORGEOUS your new house is :)
I'm so very jealous. Congratulations!!
Your new home is absolutely gorgeous! All the greenery and architecture and light, so fabulous! Perfect for you :)
Oh.My.God. The arches. I LOVE all the arches and rounded doors and windows and trim and light and wood and trees and did I mention the arches?
That is, without a doubt, not a word of a lie, one of the most beautiful homes I have ever seen.
So, so, so lovely and light, and warm, and just perfect. I hope you can buy it one day, and live there happily fovever. My daughter once said to me "Mom, we are living happily ever after!" That is how I want us all to feel, and I think your family will feel that way in that house. Perfect!
So envious, the house (your home) is gorgeous! I absolutely love Spanish architecture. I can't wait to see how it all progresses. Congratulations, you definitely deserve it!
Oh.. and dude... how long have you been unpacking? Like, 48 hours straight or something?? Truly amazed at just that.
Rebecaa- Your nightstands are chairs? Did you reset the seating part with a sturdier tray or something like that? LOVE that idea!!! Such a motivation for Operation Clean This S*&^ Up. :) ~Courtney
I believe nice things eventually happen to nice people. like... you attract nice things, if you are a nice person. you know what I mean! so enjoy it!
Thank you all!!!!
Re: Bedspread - its from Anthropologie - YEARS ago - twas a birthday gift.
And the chairs as night stands? Were an idea I had when I had two chairs and no night stands. They work fabulously! Just have to use flat chairs, which mine are so SCORE!
Thank you all again for your kind words. You floor me with your awesome.
WOW, so beautiful! I love your big window in your big room/living room. I would sit in front of it all day long, it´s gorgeous!
and would love to see more of your garden!
I Heart your house...can I move in with you? Please?
I am in love with all that light. And a little awed at how put together it is already. May all your days in it be as beautiful as this post.
Absolutely stunning home! I'm so happy for you all. Okay maybe a little jealous as well. :)
The new place is absolutely gorgeous and I can't get over how lovely your "unpacked" pictures are! If that's what it looks like pre-organization, I can't wait to see the finished product! Congrats...I am so happy for you and your family!
Totally frickin' gorgeous. Such a beautiful home you have. Congratulations...you guys DESERVE it!
Gorgeous, it is such a beautiful home, you are so blessed! Reading your blog always makes me miss L.A. here in AZ.
WOW! Seriously charming ~ the only thing that could make the existing house any better is having it full-up with love, which I'm thinking you've also got down.
1920's spanish-style hollywood detailing = why I should convince The Husband we should move back to LA.
hope you have many happy moments in your new home. the space is incredible...really love all the arch shapes throughout, and the colors are vibrant and beautiful.
OMG no wonder you wanted this place so bad. Soooo cool and super architectural details! Hope you only enjoy it more each day.
I'm jealous. You're house is gorgeous! You style is bonkers!
Whoa! Your house is freaking GORGEOUS! You're making me anxious to hit the thrift shops for stuff when Mike and I find a place.
the house has so much character. i love the rounded window frames, the white walls, and the splashes of color. enjoy your new home!
I AM IN LOVE WITH YOUR NEW HOUSE! it's amazing! I can't wait to see it as it gets "more together" - which I put in quotes b/c I've been living in my place for about a year and it's less together than yours is after a few days! anyways, congratulations, it's amazzzing.
and also, my dog (well, my mom's, technically) eats his own poop too.
OMG! I may be in love with your new house. I love all the arches and curving that it has. And, can I come visit just to take a shower with that curtain-it's divine! Archer has great taste!
i LOVE your new home! it's incredible, and full of potential. gorgeous. i look forward to more of this...
Your new house is so gorgeous! Congratulations again.
Skylight? Heart.
as a full-time nomad i'd like to commend you on the breakneck unpacking job. it takes me a week just to unpack 4 suitcases...and i don't have two children.
Beautiful! Definitely "why I'll never leave LA"!
OMG AMAZING. SO BEAUTIFUL. gahhhhhhh so jealous!! I love love love it and I'm so happy you got it!!!
Also, love the decorating taste. You make me want to raid Anthropologie :)
Your new house after a few days looks more put together than my new house after almost five months! Way to unpack, mama!
Wow - what a gorgeous house! So vibrant and lovely. Just like you and your family.
Oh, Rebecca! Your house is GORGEOUS! Especially the outside with the photo titled, "Home Sweet." OMG, that's gorgeous! I am so happy for you and the family. You all deserve this. And even though it's a work in progress, I've loved what you've done with the place. Love the fact that you let Archer choose the bathtub curtains (he has good taste). And a claw tub? Awesome!
Even though you are going to be posting sporadically, I think you should do a "Girl's Gone Child: Home Renovations" post from time to time.
"We don't sleep well without each other." Archer is the SWEETEST! <3 <3 <3
Happy decorating! =D
I'm overwhelmed, Bec. It's breathtaking. And you've done more than we have to our home and we've been here for 3 years.
Sooooo happy for you! (and for me, as a reader of yours who gets to see pictures of such a crazy-gorgeous house) Yay! Yay!
Soooooo amazing! Congrats! I can't wait to be in a house. :)
Wow, the place looks so awesome already. I have been in my new house almost a year and not one thing is hung on the walls!
Sadie at heyMamas
BBEEEAAAUTIFUL! i'm so jealous! you guys are so lucky, i love it!
Seriously? That house is freaking incredible. I'm jealous! CONGRATS!
May the space foster new memories as beautiful as the house itself.
so when can i move in?
WOW! That is an amazing house!
All the natural light coming in, the green outside, that atrium!
The arches, the french doors,... I could go on!
No wonder you had your heart set on this house, and I am so glad for you guys you got it!!
Good things come to good people.
The house is wonderful.....but don't put curtains over that beautiful view of greenery outside,,,you room will darken. Have fun, I am so happy for you and your family. It's just beautiful.
Oh my gosh -- this is such a dream home!
I'm so happy for you guys ^_^
So I'm totally happy for you and your new house, but really? I'm just super excited to see you decorate it. Because I love love love your style (partly because it's nothing like mine) and I know you'll do a great job and it will be fun to gawk via interwebz.
So beautiful and full of life already! I recognize that guitar from college -- am I right, Hal?
Swooning. It will be rapture to witness you falling further in love and finding the seductive corners beyond what you know now. A house. A love affair. A family. A life. Gorgeous.
WOW! Your house is amazing! I am so jealous!
My heart did a little leap when I read this. I love the style of the house and Three Little Birds is hands-down my favorite Marley song but when you said your dog at his poop I felt an instant kinship. I am not alone.
Your own little slice of Heaven on Earth! Heartfelt Congrats!
So I'm usually just a lurker, but wanted you to know that I adore your style and I can't wait to see posts of the rooms as they continue to evolve. But don't take to long to post more, b/c I'm renov'ing my house now and I'm counting on you for inspiration!
--Kristin in Atlanta
I want to be your next door neighbor in a house just the same! The curves on the door/window trim are to die for! So lovely. I'll be back for more details & ogling ;)
Arches for Archer
it's beautiful. i've never felt compelled to comment before, but i'm so happy for you. big congrats!
The house is incredible! Enjoy making it your own!!
Your new home is simply beautiful!! I am so happy you found it and they owners picked you!! Love the design, the arches, the light....everything!!
Wow, this is AMAZING! And I can't believe you just moved in. We've been in our house for 2 1/2 years and there's still one box in a corner. I am SOOO jealous.
just one word: beautiful! but you must be doing something even more beautiful with Archer for him to make this coment about sleeping with his sister. So mature reasonig and so loving :-))) has made me smile even more than the gorgeous house
the best luck
Your home is super gorgeous! :) Congratulations!!
dude! sometimes your posts make me all jealous and envious and then you say something like, "ew. my dog just ate his own poop."!!
and this is why i can't hate you!
What a cute house! I love the claw foot tub in the kids' bathroom. What's the master bathroom like? And how about the garage? Is there room for a workshop/studio out there?
Your new home is already so beautiful! Especially with those birdhouses. They make it seem so homey.
Your house is amazingly gorgeous! Can I move in? :D
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