FAQ #1

Q: What camera do you use? Do you use filters? Edit in post?

A: I have a four-year-old 6.0 megapixel Canon Powershot SD600 with a cracked-viewfinder that Hal bought me for Christmas four years ago. I edit most of my photos in post using iphoto. (Upped the exposure and contrast in all of the photos, below.)

Here's an example of some photos before and after post-production tweaking:

Au Natural =
Edited =
Au Natural =
Edited =
Au Natural =
Edited =
Au Natural =
Edited =

Post-production works wonders, yes?

One of these days I'd like to treat myself to a fancy camera with a pro lens collection. (Especially after seeing what a truly amazing lens can do.)

For now? This is what I'm working with. And also, this. Thank you kindly for asking.


1. Have a question to ask? Please do so, here. I'll be responding to your questions re: my FAQ in the making over the next few weeks! Thanks for playing!

2. Looking for update on Gone Style winner? Post has been updated, here.