I'm pretty sure I've watched this video 87682618476187 times since I first saw it - so blown away was I by its genius-amazingness.
Thanks for the heads-up, Ryan.
Thanks for bringing the brill, Hold Your Horses !:
70 Million by Hold Your Horses ! from L'Ogre on Vimeo.
39. 70 Million by Hold Your Horses !
And speaking of things that inspire and are awesome, a quick PSA on behalf of my mother:
As a child, my mother often volunteered at my schools. She did so with my brother and sister and now works as a science educator, art educator, music educator and composer/music director for children's theatre. She's passionate about nurturing children, specifically those overlooked and under-appreciated. She's an incredible teacher - devoted and loving and wise and amazingincrediblewow. And this weekend? Her troupe will be putting on a very special play based on a very special book to raise money and awareness for a very special cause.Show times: 19th & 20th: 7:30 pm & 21st at 3:30 pm (@ Ocean Knoll in Encinitas, CA). For more information and tickets go here and click on "Armando & the Blue Tarp School."GGC