For Hal things were the same. He woke up, pulled on a pair of his favorite jeans followed by one his favorite tee-shirts. Pulled on the Marc Jacobs windbreaker I found for him in the 50% off bin at Barneys a few years back (seriously how BIG is that score? Huge, right?) and off he went outside and on with his day.

Until... something curious happened. I don't remember much save for a FLASH of white light.
Hal?Bec?Are you there?Yeah, you?I'm alive, Hal. What the fuck just happened?And then? He looked at me."OH MY GOD, BEC! You're wearing my clothes! And my non-existent hair and my face!"

"What, you mean, this?"
"I love cheese*."
"WHAT THE... ?" I howled. "You're in my tunic, you BASTARD!"
"How did we..."
"I have no idea."
"Oh GOD! It's like Freaky Friday up in this bitch?"
"Freaky Saturday, more like!"

The truth was? Being Hal was kind of... comfortable.
Baggy jeans. Air Jordan high-tops. Cover Girl lips. Not a bad way to roll.

"Fuck it. Let's just live this way for the rest of the day. It is Halloween."
"Do you think the kids will be weirded out?"
"Are you okay wearing my leggings?"
"Eh, I don't mind."
"Should I call you, Bec?"
"Sure, Hal. Nice bald head!"

"Thanks. Nice... ball..s."
Naturally, the kids were a bit WTF'd out for an hour or so. Archer wanted "mommy to be mommy again" and Fable tried to pull Hal's head of hair off his head.
"But it's Halloween! By tomorrow we will be back to our usually scheduled selves! Promise!"
About an hour or so later, the kids adapted and were totally cool:

That night at the party, Hal got SO many dude's phone numbers. He was literally pushing them away.
"I love Nerds Rope.**"

But not before I took the following photograph which will hereby reside as my screensaver from now until eternity:

*I love cheese.
*I love cheese.
** Hal loves Nerds Rope
***We have fun.
Best Halloween Costumes EVER!!! you guys fuckin' rock.
I think I just pee'd my pants. Dude? Dude! DUUUUUDE. This is epic. This is fantastic.
OK this is going to sound unbelievably weird, but even dressed up as your husband you're freakin' beautiful!
OHMYGOSH that is too much. Genius. Hal as you is incredible.
Awesome. I went as my boyfriend this year because the wig for my real costume didn't arrive in time. And yeah...guy clothes are way comfortable. The amount of things I could fit in my jeans pockets was amazing!
Such an awesome idea! You guys look fab!
Freaking hilarious. Brilliant.
Wonderful! Splendid! Capitol! A myriad of British-sounding adjectives. I sincerely hope you guys made out like that.
Love it!
Agghhh! This creeped me out! In an awesome way. Archer will remember this forever. :)
oh my gosh, you two are friggin' hilarious!!
That is so awesome I don't even know what to say.
LOL! This is supreme awesomeness :D Hal was extremely convincing!
Brilliant! Brilliant! And, strangely, not quite as disturbing as your Bert and Ernie looks.
add me to the giant group that thinks your costumes were genius!
This is a win!!
OMG These are the best costumes I have ever seen. Mad props!
Hal in leggings = WIN!
So hilarious, I about died!
hahaha! That is fantastic. He actually looks SO MUCH LIKE YOU.... Nicely done.
but you don't wear socks with sandals.
totally hilarious.
So good. So very, very good.
I'm laughing so hard that I spit out my own spit!
freaking hilarious! i nearly choked! LMAO!
You're a riot!
(Baby sleeping behind me, so am laughing vey vey quietly aka shaking/wheezing/snorting)
Well done!
This made my day. Thank you. Best costumes ever.
You guys look AMAZING! Bravo!
Awesome idea guys, and done very convincingly! perfect! I laughed my ass off!
Ohhhmigawd I just laughed out loud! I'm dying - you guys rock!
All I can say is, "I FUCKING love you guys!!!!!"
And I don't even know you, but damn you are a cool couple.
ha, ha, ha!!! you guys are awesome!
OMG, you guys are the cutest couple, even when switched. Awesome costumes!
fantastic. the best idea ever!
OMG, you as Hal and Hal as you? Four words: YOU TWO ARE BADASS!!!! Love the costumes that you two choose. So creative. I would have never have came up with that. You guys are such a fun couple. I love that. ;o)
I LOOVE it! Love it. I wish my husband and I were only that clever. First: the little children's outfits on Part 1 were adorable (Fable) and kickass (Archer) and then!! Then: you guys on Part 2... priceless. Thank you for that.
I have no words.
Those are the best costumes ever. Mad kudos to you and Hal.
loving the family snapshot. when your kids suggest that their therapist is really trying to "get to the bottom of my fucked up head", you can pull out this pic and send it my therapy with them.
that's what i'll do with our engagement photos:
submissive wife
use your feet, son
How tall are you guys? it looks like you and Hal are the exact same height in that last pic.
So hilarious.
I fucking love it.
That is excellent. Thanks so much for posting it.
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! I bet the kids were totally confused for a minute or two!
Hal and I are the exact same height, yes. 5'8.
Thanks you guys! After this response, we're thinking maybe we should start cross-dressing more often.
too freaking funny. i would try to steal that idea, but my husband is 6'6" tall. i just don't know if it would work.
You made my night. I think you are genius. I am too short for this one too and I don't think I could keep a straight face for 1 second if my husband was in leggings but I LOVE THIS!
That was the best idea ever!! Your wife looked awesome;)
Great idea! My kids were so sad hubby and I didn't dress up on Halloween. We did dress up the week before for our Halloween party. I like dressing up but once a year is good.
OMF you guys are awesome! Haaaaa!
Completely awesome!!! Seriously might be the best idea ever!
WOW! That's some funny stuff right there.
Check. Mate. Best costumes ever!
Hal has your expressions DOWN!
Also, cheese + Nerd on a Rope (but not consumed together) = awesome.
You guys really know how to rock Halloween! xo
I love that you went and did a gender bender after your last post. HILARIOUS!
This is too damn funny!
BAHAHA!!! Omg I'm DYING over here!!
OMG the Hal version of you is fricking scary. I am bugging out right now. Goes down as the best costumes eva!!
~ humps
That is simply THE BEST.
The best! Simply, the BEST!
Hysterical. The two comparison photos with the bag are just unbelievable.
W.O.W. What an awesome idea and you pulled it off so well. My stomach hurts from laughing.
That was HILARIOUS!!!! I loved it....really loved it!
I love checking in to read your blog ...its always so real! I hope you keep it up for a LONG LONG time!
Thanks for the laughs!
Most excellent.
HA! This was fantastic! I'm still laughing. Amazing!
Fucking hilarious! Awesome idea!
So - is the Red Stripe a part of the costume? hahaha - it seems like he's got that bottle in every shot! Love this idea - VERY cool!
TOTALLY love it. What a slut your wife is when she drinks... ha ha ha. good stuff.
You guys totally rock. I can't believe it!
You always come up with the best halloween outfits! This had me rolling.
too funny!
I know other people who switched liked this for halloween, but you two are by far the best.
This is the BEST thing I think I have ever seen!! Hysterical! You guys are so fun. It's scary. You actually LOOK like each
AWESOME COSTUMES! My 6-yr-old son wore a (my) Sharpay from High School Musical wig for most of Halloween night ... I think your post may be a glimpse into his future (NOT that there is anything wrong with that).
Best. Costumes. Ever. You guys nailed it to the floor~!!
BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! you two were made for each other.
oh my holy gosh darn you guys are the BEST! i haven't commented in ever so long but just saw this and had to give maja props. Thanks for making my day with this post, so witty & wise R & H, you are Rockstars in your own right. love love love.
I read this post before the last one, and I was totally expecting to see Archer dressed as Fable and Fable dressed as Archer. But they are definitely cuter, and absolutely adorable, as the Chess King and Curious Bouquet of Flowers.
Kudos on all the costumes!
Man, I have a chest cold and it hurts for me to be laughing this much.
Totally worth it though. You guys are absolutely hilar.
It TOTALLY creeped me out, how much Hal looked like you when he was being you.
Oh, this freaked me out SO bad at first.
But now I think its awesome....
Um, you make a much batter Bec than Hal does. Yikes. xo
omg, one, I mean two, of the best costumes I've seen! And love the screen saver shot
Simply awesome!
that is the best ever! i wanted everyone at work to dress up like the only guy who works there but no one else was down (he has big hair and a beard - it woulda been great!)
and when you do that thing with your lips you look JUST LIKE HAL!!!
please tell us what was he saying all night to sound like you- i'm sure he had a line...
You and Hal are officially the FUNNEST (yes, I wrote FUNNEST) couple. LOVE the Halloween costumes!
I think Hal liked that way too much...hahahahaha...just sayin WAY cool!
Ahhh! My husband and I totally did the same thing this year. Though not quite as well.
BTW, where did you get that adorable plaid tunic? I've seen you wear it in some other pictures and I just love it.
omg amazing. you're lucky halloween is already over or i definitely would have stolen this idea. don't worry, i'll forget by next year ;) you guys look awesome!!
ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!! Hal really "nailed" your body language - FREAKY!! I'm laughing very very loud!
Haha, so awesome! I went as my now-husband for halloween last year (though my pregnant belly would have added an extra touch to the look this year.. but he went and LOST his belly, so i'd have to go as husband-a-year-ago. It'd be funny to make him dress up like me.. but then he'd have to take off his facial hair... and i've never seen that before... and i'm chicken. haha.
Damn. Near. Peed. My. Self.
Loooooooooove it!
LMAO Most awesome costumes evah!!!!!
Those are the COOLEST costumes ever! lmao!
OMG - so funny. The leggings on Hal are hilarious. Love his man arms sticking out of your tunic!
Hal looks exactly like you. In fact, except for the beard stubble, he looks BETTER than you; better bone structure, a straighter nose, just... BETTER.
F*cking funniest Halloween photos EVER. I am making everyone look at these. You guys are now my idols.
You two are too sweet together! Great idea. Hal I must say though rather resembles an 80's rock star, especially when he is trying to slip you the tongue ;)
Hilarious! Thanks for the comic relief, I needed that laugh. Hal looks awfully comfortable in those leggings. I wonder how he felt with hair on his head.
I have to say this. In that second picture of Hal as you, he freakishly reminds me of Jame Gumb/Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs. I'm not saying he's channeling a women-suit making serial killer, but there' just a hint of something creepy there. Please don't hate me!
Very funny. Love your site. I'll be back quite often.
you make a hot Hal!
Ha! My boyfriend and I did the same thing. It took me 3 days to convince him to dress up and all my fabulous ideas were denied until I finally threw my arms up 3 hours before the party he was playing and said "we could be each other?"
He put on my burlesque swag and I threw on his dj gear and off we went... The wig went flying half way through his set but he managed to keep the corset on all night!
In all the years I've been reading your blog, this is by far my FAVORITE post, ever! :)
HIlarious. If my husband was as cool as Hal is, we'd be doing this next year. I guess I have 11 months to break his spirit into submission. Thanks for the laugh! Looks like a blast...
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