I'm a mega-fan of style blogs. I stalk Maggie's Mighty Closet posts and refresh Emery Jo's Fall Fashion flickr stream (Emery is one of THE most well-styled girls on the Internet. She inspires me daily.) My friend Evalotta (one of the chicest people I know) has THE best LA Street Style blog on the web and Mai's fashioni.st is a must-stop for daily inspiration and look! I got to make a cameo when we roomed together at Broad Summit! (Can we please talk about Mai's style? Because HELLO! The girl is a firecracker! Ka-plow!)
I'm obsessed with Sea of Shoes to the point that I convince myself Jane Aldridge is everywhere I look. The girl apparently has quite the collection of knock-offs, not that I can blame anyone. I'd knock her off in two secs if I had the budget to do so. P.S, lookbook.nu for Wardrobe Ambassador!
I digress. Starting today, I'm going to do a weekly style post, featuring a weekly wear and/or makeup tips, style finds including the Gone Style Look of the Week!
This week? I choose Mai. This ensemble specifically. Talk about nailing the shoes.
...Because happy clothes = happy hos. Of that I am convinced. Here's a little some-something I wore yesterday.
Sunglasses: Vintage Pierre Cardin
Scarf: forgot-the-name-of-the-store, Encinitas
Bomber jacket: Arden B
Striped poof-dress: Summer's LF Sale, $39
Leggings : American Apparel
Bomber jacket: Arden B
Striped poof-dress: Summer's LF Sale, $39
Leggings : American Apparel
Boots: Born
(I bought these boots on sale for $50 when I was pregnant with Archer. I couldn't tell if I loved them or hated them at the time and honestly? I still can't. That's always a good sign, I think. Such a fine line between love and hate, the poets say.)

I probably wouldn't wear the dress without the jacket but I don't usually wear dresses without jackets because I'm fantastically insecure about my upper-arms. And leggings or tights are a must for underneath because otherwise? You would be able to see my vagina and that's not really my style, either. Not for day, anyway.
(High volume dresses look way hot on way skinny people but for us not-so-waify peeps? It's kind of imperative to mix-it-up with a fitted jacket or shirt or fabulous belt..)

I'm more of a jacket and scarf girl. I need to work on my belt collection. And my manicure collection.
Also! Several of you asked about the tartan tunic Hal/I rocked on Halloween. It's Torn by: Ronny Kobo purchased at Barneys Co-Op, which is where I want my ashes scattered when I die.
That is one ugly ass outfit! That's a joke, right?
I've been trying to start one, but it's been non-stop germ fest at my house. Which means I dress for being covered in snot, not style.
I love academichic.com, clothedmuch.blogspot.com., musingaroundcarolina.blogspot.com, myedit.blogspot.com.....to name a few. :) I've attempted to start the occasional outfit post on my own blog...is pretty sporadic just depending whether I'm hanging out with people I feel comfortable begging to take a photo or not. Glad you've started up this feature--love style blogs!
Don't let the trolls get to you- I loved the outfit!!! You always mix and match your stuff in such an awesome way!
Good feature, you're oozing style (your Pierre Cardin shades, come on, they're killing me). And that upper arm insecurity of yours is complete nonsense, but I get it. I'm the same.
You're rocking leggings. Me I'm not so sure. I can't get over the one thing I read saying that if you still remember the previous time they were in fashion (and I totally do), you shouldn't even try.
I love the sunglasses and jacket! Totally hot.
yay! i love your style and love it when my fav bloggers do a weekly/daily peek into their closets.
i'm drooling over the dress with tights you're rocking...can't wait to wear non-preggo clothes again. sigh.
evany was doing a daily flickr thing for her outfits awhile back, which i loved. i also love ny mag's look book, which they post online, too.
Us crazy Gemini fashionistas (actually my nickname in high school was "fashion victim"--THANKS CLUELESS) gotta stick together! I think your outfit is awesome :D
My personal style is a little more...flourescent.
Not a troll, but I have to admit - I thought you were joking, too.
I'm also a Maggie groupie.
What's with the a-hole first comment? And of course it's anonymous. Hey, don't let the basterds get ya down. Honestly, at first blush I thought, I'd never wear that. But that's not true. I'd just tweak it to my own style. I'd wear slouchy boots and darker leggings, maybe in a smoky grey. Fab!
I just stopped by to say that I loved your headband on the latest Momversation. Autumn leaves are so lovely.
My fave is for sure: http://www.bleachblack.com/
You look adorable!!
I'd better not ever run into you while you're wearing that jacket, because I may just jump you for it (although it fits you so amazingly I think that I'd have a hard time wrestling it off of you!)
Forget the first comment, I think you look chic. You look as though you're ready to get your pic snapped leaving Starbucks with a latte by the paparazzi. And it will be in People magazine where they break down your stylish ensemble with a big thumbs up!
And this is why I love fashion. So subjective.
Oh yeah - when it comes to style? Get ready for the hate. I do think however, that the haters should step up, own it, and sign their names.
Style Lush (http://www.stylelushblog.com) is the newest style site out there, and a special "Bloggers with Style" feature just launched last week. The line-up is super exciting--featuring some of our favorite online style icons (including you? yes? please? I'll email you...)--and everything from clothes, shoes, and jewelry to home decor and entertaining and gifts and DIY project and, well, pretty much everything.
You rock that outfit!
I am a bit of a fashion junkie as well. I have been loving Weardrobe, Chictopia and the fashion blog of The Clothes Horse.
And I must agree that there is nothing better than a good sale.
Yes! I'm so glad you finally decided to do this! I'm so inspired by your style.
Can't wait for makeup tips!
academichic.com was a great recommendation, ceffeinerd! lots of great links to others on there too.
of course, there is the uniform project.
YES! I've been thinking about adding a Friday Fashion segment to my blog too after joining Emery in a week Fall Fashion in pictures awhile back. It's fun to have a reason to really toy with your closet. As far as style blogs go lookbook.nu is amazing! I stop by Emery's blog all the time as well, and liebemarlene vintage is great too. Keiko Lynn is absolutely adorable and has a face to die for. And Dressed Up Like a Lady is always a spunky place to land on. I'm always perusin'.
Actually, I'm surprised you haven't done this before now! Love your style. Also pretty please bring back the Drooling Closet! That was one of my faves, and as someone who is trying to outfit her 12.5-month old daughter in something other than a shirt that says "I can't stop talking!" (seriously, GapKids, WTF?) I would be all over that action.
You are the embodiment of hip mom... a style blog would be most welcome. Especially on the days that a warmup outfit seems too much effort. Another blog that my far hipper younger sister put me onto is: http://hannahandlandon.blogspot.com/. Some pretty cool duds.
Thing young woman is AMAZING.
In her own words:
"Tiny 13 year old dork that sits inside all day wearing awkward jackets and pretty hats. Scatters black petals on Rei Kawakubo's doorsteps and serenades her in rap. I have no where near 4 million readers. Rather cynical and cute as a drained rat. In a sewer. Farting. And spitting out guts."
It's not an "ugly ass outfit" I think it's pretty great although there is NO CHANCE IN HELL I could pull something like that off. It would look ridiculous on me although I wish it wouldn't.
It's not an "ugly ass outfit" I think it's pretty great although there is NO CHANCE IN HELL I could pull something like that off. It would look ridiculous on me although I wish it wouldn't.
You look beautiful in your mod makeup, but you look simply smashing in the minimal eye makeup look! Gorgeous! (Especially with a darker lip, I would imagine!)
And your outfit is gorge. fer reals.
I have like zero fashion sense and no personal style so I love reading fashion blogs and posts to get ideas. I also LOVE(!!!) Maggie's Mighty Closet posts. So many things to covet.
Speaking of coveting um hot sunglasses much?! I want to steal your sunglasses and that jacket while I'm at it. HOT!
Check out lynspataro.blogspot.com - she's got some lovely style inspiration.
i kinda think its "ugly-ass" also. too much crazy going on. like you went into your closet in the dark and just started layering things on. then again, im no fashionista, i wear sweatpants everyday and dont know how to use proper grammar.
http://whatiwore.tumblr.com/ so good and she now makes a living out of it!
Abbie - I LOVE Tavi! Yes! I check her blog religiously, too. She's genius.
ALSO!!! Totally going to continue with Drooling Closet in his section, too.
You and the rude commenter's would have a heyday with my style. I just wear old tennis shoes, plain white socks, off brand blue jeans, no name undergarments, and a plain shirt. My hair is of medium length, all one length (except for bangs because my forehead is uglier than my style). I'd blend in well with the wall or anything really.....
Emily at Cupcakes and Cashmere is a definite fave of mine. (Did you get the chance to meet her at my Gap party?)
Love her.
You look AMAZING and I am so so so excited that you are going to start posting some of your fabulous fashion for us to see!! Woowoo!!!
I am beyond flattered that you think my fashion is inspiring. Just... wow! So cool, I had no idea!
this girl's flickr set is SUPER inspiring for me- I love her daily outfit pics.
love love!
I think it's cute. I wouldn't have touched white tights but it's nice with the lighter, rich brown, and makes it a more unique outfit. I don't love the dress, but love the look. Born boots are great, too.
Yay! I love your style. And so happy you are bringing back Drooling Closet and I don't even have kids. It's always fun to see what you pull together!
Love your togs lady! Good thing we aren't the same size or I would've taken a good chunk of your wardrobe as you slept so peacefully. I'm excited to see what else you have in your closet. Yay!
Soo glad that you are doing this - you are one of the hippest bloggers out there and I always get inspired by your makeup on Momversation. My fave fashion blogs are The Satorialist, Fashionista and WhoWhatWear.
Looking forward to next week's outfit.
I participated in the fall fashion week with Emery and It was a lot of fun to showcase my outfits everyday!
You are one lovely girl, but leave the diapers on your baby. Those skorts (or 'tevs) are just diabolical. Everything else rocks. If you are trying to make an ironic statement by wearing those, the irony being: "I'm so cute, I can rock ugly", you failed. No one is cute enough to achieve that.
The sartorialist. GO NOW. ENJOY!!!
One of my faves, Pike/Pine (http://www.pikepine.com/) seems to be gone! Or at least on hiatus.
I think this is a great idea (and I'm looking forward to more Drooling Closet. too)! I was raised by people who loathe shopping and think clothes are just for covering your body so you don't get arrested. I'm still learning to "think style" and I'm always fascinated to see what other people put together. Yay!
Love The Sartorialist as well! Great fash blog!
jessica over at whatiwore.tumblr.com is sooo cute! love it. so glad you're doing a fash section. you have great style!
my bff & i are planning to start a style blog too. just.... well, just because we can!!!
I love your jacket, shades and scarf. You got a cool aviator/Amelia Earhart look going on. ;o)
Hello, I love your blog and I have a question. Have I beened baned from commenting somehow? I commented this morning regarding your new fashion blog... i said, I loved your blog and hoped that you could give us some home decor advice as well. But my comment isn't listed in the comments and that happened one other time here so I just thought I'd ask. Also, the only reason I check back (and then notice my post isn't shown) is to see if you've commented on my post.
sartorialist definitely!
omg omg omg.... there are SO many
i'm glad you are doing this. i think you have great style!
same thing happens to me tlh! i am just assuming that maybe i typed the wrong word verification or something else went wrong. i mean, she leaves up comments about how ugly her clothes are so i don't see why she'd erase our adoring comments!
and i won't tell you a banana is purple just because you want me to but i will tell you that those boots are gorgeous and i want them! and we totally don't have the same style which is maybe why you are unsure of them?
I'm with you on the love it/hate it quandry. That usually means that it is awesome and the deeply buried but incredibly fashionable part of my brain is picking up waves of its awesomeness through the heavy fog that is the jeans-and-tees wearing rest of my brain.
Sometimes I listen to that part of my brain screaming "YOU LOVE IT! YOU LOVE IT! FOR GODSAKE BUY IT OR WE WILL DIE!!" and I don't have regrets.
Hey, you guys with comment issues!
I have no idea what's happening! I approve all comments positive AND negative UNLESS they come from one of a very small few of selective haters who think its okay to threaten me/my family.
SO! The only think I can think of re: your comments disappearing is: perhaps you put in the wrong code thing?
I have zero fashion sense at the moment (we are in the middle of a heatwave) so just seeing someone in layers is making sweat run down my back LOL
I have to second Whoorl's endorsement of Cupcakes and Cashmere! So so good...
This new feature excites me greatly. Can't wait for more Drooling Closet too!
Personally I don't like that dress, but it looks great on you.
The jacket is H.O.T.
Very much looking forward to seeing more of these from you, GGC, I've always admired your style. You're fashionable but don't seem to be a trend slave, and always look hot while still looking appropriate for a mum!
Yuk do not want. But sometimes I really like your style. This just doesn't do it for me. I like the jacket and the boots though.
And I wouldn't type that if I didn't mean it. And I'm not even a clothes person!
My friends at Bon Bon Rose Girls keep me feeling quite informed when it comes to fashion for myself and home.
While I personally may not love the dress I love how you wear it. You take your clothes and make them your own and I really admire that. I am looking forward to more fashion posts in the future.
Rebecca I LOVE the outfit!! It would be something I would totally wear if I didn't have the 30lbs of baby weight still on me!! I look at all my old size 4s and sigh. You are beautiful and a wonderful mother!
While I could never pull off that outfit myself, it looks absolutely fab on you.
Speaking of fashion being subjective -- that's something I love about Lady Gaga. While I couldn't ever, EVER pull off anything she wears, the girl WORKS it and doesn't care about the haters. While your outfit is much more normal than any ensemble Lady Gaga usually wears, you still work it. You go, Bec.
I love the sartorialist and whatiwore.tumblr.com. Oh please just give me Jessica Schroeder's closet.
P.S. Your shades and boots are incred.
ummm...i like you. i totally dig your style & am still looking forward to an l.a. shopping spree when we do get out there & our schedules can collide. otherwise, i look through the wardrobe remix group flickr stream and some blogs of refashioners like sewithought.blogspot.com. i just bought 3 dresses sized 24 or bigger for $1 each strictly for the silky fabric. now to find the time to make something stylish
I just don't fully understand the poofy dress from the pictures. Does it have legs like shorts? I need to see more pictures without the jacket covering it.
My God - Big crazy thanks to the person who recommended the Style Rookie web site. That is one amazing 13-year-old!
YOU are adorable. I love your style. I need to brush up on my sites- and am starting right here! Thank you for the links!
Oh! And check out Painfully Hip. They're Tucson locals and they're actually doing a road trip and they'll be in L.A. at The Bootleg Theatre with Finches and Evan Way (Parson Redheads) December 10th. Just to throw that out there.
I love your outfit, I love your style, I love your blog - and I wrote about it on my blog: www.joyfullygray.com ... Now hopefully you don't think I am some weird stalker freak.
I wish you could dress me every day too! Loves it & you are rad!
Oh yummy fashion advice from a fellow terrified the top of her arms might show gal! Hallelujah! This is what I need lady! If you can't tell by the exclamation points I think this new section will rock. Love your style and your prose anow now it will all be in one place.
I don't know if anyone has already said it because I can't read through all the comments (got a 6 month old that gives me 5 min to myself tops) but one of my absolute fav sites is: www.copenhagencyclechic.com
They combine bikes AND lovely style...because ya know, bikes are the new black.
Oooooooooh my god.
How does that sandwich-deliverer/plushie maker afford those clothes!?
I'm a coffee server/ plushie maker and there is NO WAY...
$300+ sweater?
$800 nail heel boots?
But super cute nonetheless.
You ARE the coolest, ever. :)
I'd stilll LURVE to interview you quickly and painlessly... on my blog... if you have time! Pretty please? ;)
You look great in your outfit. Its not my style tho... mostly because I don't have a style. I can tell what looks good on others, but I'm having a hard time deciding what looks good on ME.
How did your fashion sense evolve. I'm 33 who looks 13 with no fashion sense. Is it too late?
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