1. Ten years since we'd been together
as a girl group. Ten years since
I've felt like I was a part of one.
2. The party was never as fun as the time
we spent getting ready together. Makeup out
3. ... so we kicked off our shoes and laughed on beds
covered in dresses strewn and unpacked overnight bags.
"Remember when you, I can't believe we used to, those were the days..."
4. ...Meanwhile, back at the ranch:
Archer attended his first symphony (with my parents)
And Fable slept through the night* for the very first time.
5. In the morning we all said goodbye.
Flew off on airplanes, drove away in cars.
Hungover, we sent text messages. Emailed photos.
Thanks for the memories, good oldies, old goodies, you.
*twelve hours she slept all by herself! A world record BY FAR! Maybe I should sleep away more often? Also, THANK YOU GOD AHHHHHHH!!!!
**UPDATED: Last night Fable slept through the night AGAIN! Two nights in a row, people! Wooooooo!
Looks like such fun and such memories remembered and made. I love a good girls night out!
And yay for sleeping through the night!!!!!!!!!!!
I love the blur-party pics. Really takes you there.
So...do you think she'll do it again? For you? *here's hoping*
Congrats on Fable. Make you feel fucking unstoppable, doesn't it?!
My son cried and cried and fought and fought - and all the sudden he is turning one in two weeks and decided - what the hell - let's sleep.
And all the sudden, the storm has passed.
Love reading - our kids are the same age. Here's to your girls weekend!
what's the secret?? how did you guys achieve this amazing feat? my daughter is almost the same age and the longest she has ever slept is five hours. advice, please!
YAY for sleeping!!!! Hope you're able to work the same bedtime magic on her at home :-)
BTW, your friend with the short blond hair makes me yearn for my own pixie hair again!
Dude. The sleeping through the night thing is huge. Radical. Awesome. Life changing.
Oh I hope I get to do it again! Sleeplessness, the milestones...Lola is seven and the time keeps creepin. We have three and I'm going to be happy if that amazing luck is what is mine...but I want one more! :)
Yaay!! Here's to another 12 hours tonight. Looks like you and your girlfriends had so much fun - very jealous!
Love the fun party pics! And SUPER YAY for Fable sleeping through the night. My biggest fear about becoming a parent (several years from now) is the lack of sleep part. What are you going to do with all of your free time?
Fable slept through the night because she knew you weren't there to "play the game." Kids are way smarter than anyone gives them credit for.
An amazing girls night AND Fable sleeping through the night (twice)???
I'm pretty sure that makes it a perfect weekend.
Amazing girls all around. Hooray for friends, hooray for Fable sleeping!
Sounds like a great girls night out. And a big WOOT for Fable finally sleeping through the night! =D On Archer going to the symphony with your parents: "I'm sure he was in heaven." ;o)
oh puh-lease anon.... anyway, good for you! friends are fun and sleeping babies are even more fun! teething gels doing their thing perhaps? or maybe mother nature is giving you both a break!
I am so happy for you guys that Miss Fable is sleeping!
Ahh, just what you needed and everyone survived so there you go :) There IS life after childbirth woman!
Hurrah, Fable! There must be something going on with the moon, or something... my Jude slept from 10pm to 6:18am PRECISELY last night, which means I got seven (count 'em -- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7!) hours of consecutive sleep last night. First time sleeping through the whole night! This morning I feel like I could take on the world. Yay for baby-sleep vibes. Keep it up, girlfran!
Looks like you had a good time :) breaks are always awesome, and YAY Fable!
Yay for Fable sleeping!
Also--your blue dress is AWESOME! You look fantastic. Where did you get it?
#1 - I want all of your outfits! OMG... friends AND fashionistas!
#2 - Correct me if I am wrong, but is that a PBR in the background???
Elizabeth - The dress is Creative Recreation but I couldn't find it anywhere online. I got it at my favorite boutique. I've been wearing it nonstop ever since. I love love.
And Maternal Mirth - Indeed. PBR = the drink of champs.
You are a RAWKSTAR. And just beautiful.
Sounds like a great weekend!
The girls weekend looks awesome. But seriously, all I can think is how how how did you do it with the sleep? I want a step by step instruction guide.
Ok, I ask this for purely selfish reasons - what worked to finally get Miss Fable sleeping through the night? I know you were doing the walking in the stroller for a bit - did that work to wean her from night nursing? and then what? Did you just put her to sleep in the crib? Sorry, but I am desperate...my beautiful 9 month old was crying until 12 am last night (why? I don't know - I think because I dared to put him down in his crib after he fell asleep (rather than our bed) and was then up every 2 hours after that - AAARRGGHH!)
Regardless, congrats! I'm so jealous!
Deb and all -
Post with all sleep 411 to come!
Girl getaway weekends are the best, are they not? Looks like you had a great time.. and that is awesome that Fable slept through the night! WOOHOO!!
don't even know how to say how much congratulations i want to say. about the girly weekend AND the 12 hours. all is outstanding. and, why is getting ready with music blasting and powder covered countertops ALWAYS the funnest part? here's to being a GIRL!!
hallelujah! keep it up, kiddo.
you and your girlfriends are too cute.
Actually, I lied about the dress. It's Modern Amusement not Creative Rec!
...and by lied I mean, got confused.
You are all beautiful. Is that you sister in the bottom pic with you? Look so much alike...
Fable for world sleep champion!
How was your reunion now that everyone knows everything from Facebook?
I've got my 10-year in the spring, but I'm sort of bummed that all the good happenings have already been revealed...
awww...what a cutie fable is :)
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