1. She leaned in and kissed him
on the field of the same park
I first fell in love with a boy.
2. We shared a glass of wine
Two old friends and our two children
"Can you believe how much has changed?"
3. On the Ferris Wheel he was fearless.
"You have to sit down," I said
but he shook his head, held my hand instead.
4. He named the snails in Nana's garden.
(I used to do the same)
This right here is "treelocke" and this one's called "bubblebasket".
5. We had to drive separately home
so he drove his car behind mine and
we talked to each other on speaker phone.
so he drove his car behind mine and
we talked to each other on speaker phone.
These Sunday Snaps are seriously the bloggy highlight of my weekend, I love them more every week! (I might start doing this myself...hmmmm...)
Numbers 2 and 5 are particularly sweet =) You're a very lucky woman to have both in your life - in a single weekend, nonetheless!
Also, #4 - I used to name the ones in my mom's garden. How sweet it must be to hear your child do what you loved and remember from your own childhood. I can't wait!
I love the little snippets you give us of your life and children! Melts my heart!
Your children have the best hair.
I really enjoyed this post.
I love your family. You are doing such an amazing job raising your kids. Way to Go!
Love all the pictures!! Especially Fable kissing the boy! Too precious!
We talk on speakerphone when we have to caravan too! ;)
Archer always looks so wise!
Also, love your number 5, Lady!
Seriously loving Sunday Snaps, and look forward to the Monday viewings...THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
He names snails!!! That is sooo cute! I just poured salt on them. I hope my kid doesn't take after me! Love, love, love your blog and your pics, and your kids, and Hals teeth, and Fable's dresses and hats and...
I love, "On the Ferris Wheel he was fearless." Beautiful kids, touching post, lovely photographs.
love these!!!
As has been said, these Sunday Snaps are super lovely. That first picture is priceless. And I used to name snails in (I had to recheck to make sure I'd read it right) my grandma's garden! So sweet.
Sounds like the perfect Sunday! What a sweet post.
That first photo is absolutely precious. Who knows: That might just be Fable's first love. ;o) And Archer IS fearless. Standing while the Ferris Wheel is going around; I could never do that. I love the last Sunday Snap caption: that is so sweet. ^o^
This was really sweet. I love the glimpse into your life.
Just recently discovered your blog so I might have missed this, but does Fable model for Feather Baby? If not, she looks just like the model!!!
I'm not sure which photo or which little snippet is more beautiful.
I like this new Sunday Snaps addition to your blog!
That sunset just totally slays me. Wow.
Bubblebasket - I love that name. In fact, if Archer doesn't mind I just might have to start using it to describe my 38 week pregnant belly.
Oh this? Yeah, that's just my bubblebasket.
Too beautiful.
Maybe Archer can help us name our new kitten...?
Just wanted to let you know I love your blog and left an award for you over at mine!
Your Sunday Snaps may very well be the best reading on the entire internet. :-)
(LOL, I swear--my word verification word is "sperm"!!!)
that's cool. i didn't think you would post my comment. i saw a post over at katie's today that put it in better words then i did. it said, "I'm just sorry that the two most important people in your life really let you down at a time when you needed them the most. Peace be with you. Kellie".
Dear stillhoping- You have no idea the extent of what has transpired. Please then refrain from the repeated commentary in my comments insinuating otherwise. Thanks. Much love.
oops sorry, i'm leaving this once more because i forgot to do the 'word verification' below before i hit 'publish your comment'. i wrote:
okay, i understand. i guess the situation isn't as repairable as i had hoped. sorry to have commented and for upseting you. that was not my intent. i won't comment anymore. thanks.
that made me smile.
I love your Sunday Snaps! I also love the part about being on speakerphone.
very sweet Sunday. Am loving Archer's New Youk City tee. Source? pretty please? thanks.
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