This month's Fable film celebrates our girl's ninth month of life. A milestone I clutch with shaky fingers because nine-months to a pregnant woman means the birth of her baby. And so, in a way, it feels like she's been reborn. This time as a child.
She was born ten days early so she has officially been living outside of me several weeks longer than she existed within. Even still, it hurts to draw nines on the top of her charts, to hold my belly and feel emptiness. To celebrate a milestone that meant something so different when last I counted down.
Now, I must count up. And pretty soon, I'll be out of fingers.
musical credit: Unison Falling Into Harmony by: Great Lake Swimmers
Beautiful! It's amazing, in some pictures she looks just like you, and in some she looks just like Hal. This is my favorite age - when they first start learning to communicate. Savor every moment, it goes fast. =)
Thank you so much for these! They're beautiful!
I love these videos, but I can't believe how quickly the time is flying by. She's beautiful, Bec =)
Sigh, it goes so fart. I need to take more videos, too. And I love Great Lake Swimmers!
OMG I meant it goes so FAST!
Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. This brought real tears to my eyes. Oscar is only four months old, but sometimes I think back to that sweet and precious time this past winter when he was inside me and I was waiting to born. I was so anxious those last weeks to get it over with that I didn't savor the last moments of him inside me. It's such a unique part of the relationship that is so fleeting. He is a gorgeous child and I am deeply in love with him, but he is growing up SO FAST. In every way this post touched me deeply.
I found a picture of myself this time last year, just a mere four weeks before my son was born.
Wow. I know what you're feeling.
I never could believe that saying "they grow up so fast". It is unfortunately true though. While each milestone is a wondrous accomplishment, it also saddens me a touch to think about the loss of time.
Thanks for sharing the video and music!
Hee, she said "fart".
Fable is beautiful, I love these films :) xx
You're videos always touch my heart! And that child has the most gorgeous lips. ever.
Just beautiful!
Her little high pitched squeal makes me go CRAZY. Oh my gosh.
And she's starting to look so much like Archer in the eyes. It's insane.
I know I shouldn't say this, but I will since my son is only a few weeks older than Fable. Don't they suddenly seem big at nine months? Like somehow they start becoming toddlers then, instead of babies?
It made me bawl when mine turned nine months. Just a day older, but? It seems like more.
Love the video.
I look forward to Fable Films each month!
She is seriously one of the cutest little girls ever! But of course you already knew that! =)
Yikes, now I want one...
My boyfriend has asked that I kindly refrain from reading your website, or that I ask you to kindly refrain from posting pictures and videos of the most beautiful children in the world! But we all know that's not going to happen, so keep on keepin' on!
Thanks for inspiring me to keep on living, laughing, loving...
She is adorable! What a pretty face!!
2:20-2:36 is precious! I love the photo of Fable on 2:47 with her cute leggings and hat; adorable. And the photos with Fable and the great-grandmothers (if I’m correct) are the sweetest thing. I know that’ll be something she/and you treasure forever. <3 <3 <3
HAPPY 9 MONTHS to your beautiful baby girl! ;o)
P.S. Loved the quote at the end by Jack London.
Saw you in the Aug 4 edition of Womens Day... great pic!!
Very cute. She's starting to look like her big bro, it seems to me.
you have THE CUTEST child in the world.
She is so adorable and in that last clip, looks so much like Archer!
Can I just say that you do such a beautiful job being obviously a great mother, without losing your identity. I was raised in a small town where as soon as you had children, it meant that your life was over. Although I've moved away, some things have hung around surreptitiously and I'm worried about being a good mom while still retaining the parts of myself that are important. You make not only balancing, but bringing together motherhood, individuality, career, and love together look effortless (and I KNOW it's not)!
Thanks for being an inspiration.
Kudos to you!
This is why I love the internet...connection.
Oh.My.God. I may have to stop reading your blog. I am seriously afraid that my ovaries are going to explode if I see another adorable picture of Fable.
great. so great. why do they have to grow and grow and grow and grow...?
I just love Miss Fable! my little girl is going to be 1 in a few weeks, and I cannot believe that it is actually true how fast they grow. Your videos and words warm my heart. Thanks.
Gosh, isn't every milestone just so bittersweet? I look at my 2 & 1/2 year old *gasp* son and want to laugh and cry at the same time. Where is the pause button in this life? Fable, as always, is just too cute for words.
Each time I read a post by you, it brings tears to my eyes. You're so gifted, Rebecca. Love this post. So sad how quicky they grow up, isn't it?
As always, so amazing and awesome!
Beautiful. I love your monthly films for her...that's such a great idea for her to have later on. I love your music choices as well. We are quickly approaching 9 months old as well, and I feel the same way about it...it's like starting a new phase of life! Aaahhh!
I love these videos. Fable is the best dressed baby girl. I absolutely love her clothes. She is beautiful. Thank you for sharing your precious moments with the blogging world. I wish I had your eye for perfection as seen in your videos and photographs.
I have a 12 month old son called Fergus - he wants to be Fable's boyfriend... he was getting very excited by the photo's. I can just see it now; Fergus and Fable... Oh, and I live in Sydney, Australia - so maybe a long distance love...
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