1. He blew on her rice
Even though it wasn't hot.
"Just to be sure."
3. Still warm from the dryer,
I pulled her sheets tight
around the crib mattress.
4. Hal ordered three ice-creams.
"But what about Fable?...
...Here," Archer said. "Share mine."
5. It was the first night that
both children went to sleep
in their own room.*
(They're still sleeping.)
*after a very long weekend the bedrooms are almost completely finished. There will indeed be an after soon! Hooray!
** I forgot to link this post about Fable's most amazing kick-ass nanny who we have dubbed in our household, Senorita Dudafuego because she IS the same exact person as Mrs. Doubtfire, except she's actually a woman and not Robin Williams in drag.
***For those of you trying to access Straight From the Bottle from Australia you *can* but only through your google reader. Thanks to Little Miss Moi for the heads-up!
**** I also want to thank you so MUCH for all your help re: Archer and music lessons. So many amazing readers commented and emailed me contacts so we can find a kick-ass Suzuki teacher for Archer. (Archer's most interested in playing violin so we'll start with violin and see how it goes.) You're AMAZING. So many resources I'm so grateful. Love to all of you for being so generous with your information and advice! Also looking into Colburn school for singing classes.
I wish I lived in LA so I could personally teach Archer Violin... I played it for 17 years.
Good luck! can't wait to hear more about him and his dreams of music.
How was fathers day?
How great is it to have you bed back!
You have beautiful kids Rebecca!
Thanks rebecca! Just wanted to keep sharing the love.
This is the URL I used in my reader to view SFTB:
So other Aussie readers can just paste that in their reader, I think, and get the feed (eekk.. I think... I'm very no-techno-savvy)
@Little Ms Moi: Thanks heaps for doing this I was a bit sad it wasnt working for us Aussies! That link didn't work though :( I'm not sure why..
Hi Jessica. Hmm.. Firstly, did you copy both lines of the link above? Perhaps you missed the rss.aspx on the second line?
Do you use Google Reader? I just went into my reader (google), clicked on "Add a Subscription", pasted that URL and it subscribed me.
Just tried it on Yahoo!, you have to go to "My Yahoo" and click on 'Add an RSS Feed', then paste the URL in there. Then you should be suscribed.
Email me if you have any issues (email in my profile)...
(Sorry for hijacking)
OMG, thank you for sorting out the Australian access to babble - I couldn't figure it out! I'll add to google.
Your blog makes me all warm and fuzzy.
I'm still trying to get my head around it - Google reader? Little Miss Moi, you seem more technologically minded than most (me) :-) It is so frustrating getting diverted to the Australian one all the time. I'll hunt around for this Google reader you refer to - but thanks for finding SOME way for us Aussies to figure it out.
I'm loving your "Sunday Snaps"! After searching in bookstores around a couple towns (to no avail), I finally ordered your book online. I can't wait to read it!
Oh my gosh, I'm totally cracking up at Fable's cleavage in the top picture.
Allison, me too!! Such an EDIBLE little cutie
The way your babies adore each other just melts my heart! Sharing your ice cream?! Now that's love ;)Sounds like a beautiful weekend!
Oh my god! Archer on violin! If I was four I'd have the biggest crush on him. How awesome. I'm glad you worked the classes out. Can't wait to see the new house layout.
dude, fable has some serious baby cleavage
Fable's got bubbies!
i'd like to ask a dumb question. how do you do the links in your post? so that they are words instead of a long html? i'm just curious
I love your Sunday snaps, Rebecca! Keep the tradition going, please!
I've been thinking about your music post for several days now, trying to thing of what to say. I was a gifted kid who was in 'special' classes, and now I work in education. Or at least I did until I got laid off last month. Waldorf, Montessori, public school, homeschool, whatever, there is no magic single answer. Everything changes from year to year, all you can do is what's best for your kid at that moment.
You have to find a teacher who 'gets' Archer if he's going to get anything out of a music lesson. Group activities can make it harder for gifted kids, they have to wait for others to catch up, or they look 'weird' because they do things differently.
Do your best, that's all you can do.
Happy Father's Day! (And I love the monkey hat. My sister adores owls, so I got the owl had for my niece; even in the heat of summer, the little thing is obsessed with it. So glad you turned me on to that hat!)
The boys have settled for colors on their new room: red and brown. After months of fighting that they don't want to share, this is definite progress.
The dog got out on Sunday night and isn't home yet. Not a great weekend moment, but the support--from shelter workers, vets, and strangers everywhere--has been overwhelming. I hope he's home safe soon.
Hi there,
Somewhere, not here, you were looking for links to artwork for kids rooms. I love this stuff from Etsy.
thanks for the tip Miss Moi. I actually contacted babble.com.au directly and asked them to have an option to be redirected to their sister site but no-one got back to me. *sad*
Beautiful pics. I'm always so jealous of your writing skills!
Numbers 1 & 4 are precious. I hope you find a great violin teacher for Archer that can be his mentor for a lifetime (keep us posted on that). ;o)
That monkey hat...that monkey hat...I think I love that monkey hat.
Congratulations on a successful room redo, and enjoy your babyless bed!
Gorgeous! Wonderful!
Where do you get Fables clothes from? They're so sweet!
Rebecca, please put up more pictures of your husband. Dude has some great lips.
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