1. From afar she looked like she wasflying with wings on her head,kicking her striped legs.2. They sang Happy Birthday.He blew out the candles.I made a wish.3. "Never stand up in a canoe!"he proclaimed out of nowhere."I learned that at school."
I love your Sunday Snaps! You have such Beautiful children.
You know, these are the moments they will cherish in the future.. i had a wonderful childhood and I really am grateful to my parents for such moments..
Youre so lucky she wears things on her head! My kids cant stand it!
1. We spent an hour at the wading pool on Saturday. My little one fell on her face every few seconds but always had a grin when I picked her up again.
2. We went to the playground and played with so many "big kids"! They were exhausted when we got home.
3. My husband showed my son how to make a muscle. And I remembered that my husband has the most gorgeous arms.
Every time I see pictures of Fable I want to have another baby just so I can have a little girl to dress just like you dress her!! She always looks so precious! And Archer does, too, of course! I just love the stockings and leg-warmers you always have on her!!
i love your pictures of fable... and your kids remind me of the age difference of my own (jake, 5 - elke 4 mos)... i have that same feeling when looking at them in the car mirror. just felt that way this morning when driving jake to school, actually. p.s. - i bought baby legs yesterday. thanks for the fashion advice!!
Fable. Is. Perfection.
I love this Sunday Snaps idea!
Also, hope the moving stuff went well!
It is amazing to look at your child(ren) in disbelief, and think "I made that!" (with a little help...) I often look at my daughter and can't believe she is actually a part of my life. I love the Sunday snaps. It's a great reminder to focus on the amazing little things of life.
her resemblence to Archer is REALLY strong in that shot - I think it's the little pensive mouth. Lovely, as usual.
Ok, I'll join in too:
- My boyfriend's 6-year old son running up to greet me and hugging me so hard, I almost fell over.
- The little mischievous sparkle in my boyfriend's eyes when he looked over at me as we were reading.
- Getting all TMI and giggly with my friend Carrie over dinner at Toast.
*sa-woon* I covet your life. But not in the sort of I'd-steal-it-and-keep-it-as-my-own kind of way... Just, I'd maybe swipe it and wear it around for a while. Because oh, those babies.
You might just be TOO fabulous to have any credibility...
She has changed sooo much since I started reading your awesome blog (about 6 months ago). Makes me realize how fast time really does go by...beautiful, as always.
i wish i could comment on flickr but i had an account and can't remember the info and can't sign in...can't open a second with same email...whatever. anyway, so much serious?? too cute. and love her flying with wings on her head. and maybe if the kids weren't drinking bellinis on the terrace they wouldn't be taking all their clothes off ;)
Fable is just so beautiful. What is her middle name? I love the name Fable.
Hey, I just finished Rockabye. LOVED IT!
Will you post a pic of your engagement ring? I've been trying to picture it!
Jasmine - Fable's middle name is Luella after my late grandpa Lou
I'm Jen - This is the ring:
Here, too: http://www.flickr.com/photos/girlsgonechild/739535568/
Also so glad you loved Rockabye! Thank you so much for picking it up!
love the sunday snaps!
happy birthday!
hope your day was filled with snuggles and love.
Lovely post. Sounds like a peaceful day!
OMG I've been wondering about that ring since I finished Rockabye last year! I adored your book as well, it was a great read and very inspiring to me. I completely connected to it, as I am also a fairly young mother, I grew up in So.Cal (Orange County and Pasadena, but now live in Las Vegas), had my now 2 and half year old son at 23 and unmarried, got married a 7 months after he was born instead, and struggled quite a bit with the "controversies" of young unwed motherhood, and then the challenge of wedded motherhood as well.
I've been reading your blog since, and it's always amazing. Like I said, I've been wondering about that ring too - I've never seen it in any of your pics! Did something happen to it? It looks fabulous in the pictures, and I love the reasons you chose it, sooo so true. Not quite the same, but I have two star wars tattoos on my back, one on each shoulder blade (the imperial insignia and the rebel alliance insignia) that I call my yin and yang, my darkness and light which I believe exists in us all.
Anyway, I'm so happy for you that you've found balance and happiness in your marriage and family! I was so amazed when I started reading your online blog to find out you had had a little girl (a fellow Libra no less!;)) You've heard it a bazillion times but it's no less true- she is incredible! She has made me also want to extend my family of 3 to one of 4, but my marriage just isn't stable/strong enough yet for me to take a risk like that. I've often wondered, when reading your comments like "This year Hal and I fell in love again" - which is awesome, btw, - did it happen before or after you found out you were pregnant with Fable? How did you guys reconnect like that? I know having more children is not the way to save a marriage, and often backfires for so many people who go for it anyway, but I do wish Vaughn (my son) could have a sibling too. We've considered therapy, yet it costs so much time and money!
Ah well... Enough about me, I wrote to say Thank You for your awesomeness and inspiration, ask about your ring and how you saved your marriage, and tell you that I admire and respect you enormously! Thanks for tellin' the story until it came true - and then some!
Oh and I forgot - Happy late Birthday! When was it?
It's really beautiful. Thanks!
As for the book, thanks. I only have a few mommy friends, since I had my kids so young - all my friends are just starting to think about kids, sooooo.... it's been hard to find other moms out there, particularly since I am not at all interested in competitive parenting. le sigh. it's nice to read someone and think, "yes, EXACTLY!"
Just finished your book. Absolutely loved it. I read it in one sitting, too good to put down.
What I'd like to know is how you and Hal stay together??? We've had 3 kids in 5 years, and are not so happily married. Do you think your success has made you a happier person? Sometimes, when I realize that my life now is the sum totality of all I'll ever be, I think maybe I'm not the most pleasant person to live with.
Just wondering...do you think your book has made you a happier person? Therefore, more happily married???? THanks..
Ugh...reading through those comments on your next post (about gun control) WAS exhausting! I was sad to see that one of those gun wackos was named Vaughn, my son's name as I said above! Way to give my boy a bad name, DB! How did your site get linked up to all those NRA fanatics anyways???
A park with sand is one kick ass park. And your captions lead to believe that you had a very lovely Sunday. ;o)
I meant *playground.
don't live in cali so can't offer advice on choir but just having a musical dad and a mom who fosters his love for the stuff is more than most kids get. he's lucky already.
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