Because I've received so many emails this week re: Fable's leg warmers (and yes, she has approximately 789182u3ihasd923 pairs) I thought I'd blog quickly and exclusively about the adorability of leg warmers and direct your attention to their place of purchase.
Ladies and gentleparents, I give you: Babylegs*, so cute your eyeballs will fall out of your head, so practical you'll want to ditch the tights for good.
You can also find them at Target as well as many local baby boutiques or if you're in a DIY mood? Cut the feet off a pair of funky socks and make them yourself!!!
If you have any other questions re: Fable's fashion, I've started a new drooling closet set on flickr to list/link designers, places of purchase, or you can ask in the comments, below.
*this post not endorsed/paid for** by babylegs.
Oh, I love Babylegs! I'm looking forward to the birth of my second child in part so I can buy more. hehe.
Oh my goodness, I love Babylegs! I was so disappointed when my SIL wasn't into them with her kids lol, so I'm looking forward to buying a few pairs myself down the road =)
Also, I keep meaning to e-mail and forgetting, so NOW THAT I'M COMMENTING, the stroller arrived safe and in one piece. I'll still e-mail you, particularly about meeting up, it's just apparently contingent upon me remembering at the same time that my personal e-mail is accessible at home. And we all know how that goes...
I am going to buy Ellie a pair this very moment!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE BabyLegs... I actually wrote a post about them on my blog too... and how to find them in Canada...
PS. Absolutely love your blog... have been an avid reader since a friend turned me on to you... you are my 'got pregnant (whoops) and married the father and holy shit it worked out and I'm happy... like really happy... doppelganger'...
Ugh! Too cute!!!! I love them all!!
Why don't they make cute ones like these for adults? Hahaha. Fable rocks 'em.
I'm sort of mad at you because I can't have kids now. Fable has sucked up all the rest of the cuteness available to the unborn. Get ready for an entire generation of ugly children. All thanks to you.
Um, THANK YOU Pretty Lips!
I've been conjuring things lately, and even though you technically conjured this post - all my conjuring abilities are grateful.
My daughter is probably grateful too, even though she's still in and won't be out until the end of August.
Dear rebecca. I love babylegs. A friend of mine bought some from Target on a trip back to the US, and brought them back to Ukraine. Alas, Le Sproglette could only wear them around the house because when we went outside she was dressed in about 1000 layers.
I ordered two more pair just before I returned to Australia, in preparation for the Aussie winter which is perfect baby legs weather. But we've ended up in Darwin, which tropical (read: 33 degrees every day of the year).
So, I just haven't enjoyed those babylegs, and darn is, they're so super cute and affordable!
Oh and I love the Uggs, they were one thing that Le Sprog DID use during the Ukrainian winter and she was the envy of every baby in the pram parade.
Even with my boy, Baby Legs rock. He's got some manly flames and skulls. SO easy for diaper changes and they protect his little knees when crawling on our hardwood. He does get mocked by his older male folk (ie: grampa) for wearing leg warmers, but whatev. He rocks that shit. I do hope for a girl next though, specifically for the broader BL options.
I love love BabyLegs, too, and now that she's crawling everywhere (especially outside) they are the perfect little shin and knee protectors!
Hey there Rebecca! I too love babylegs. No kids of my own yet but I have bought many of them for friends having babies. Thing is, I think from now on I may go through some Etsy sellers of handmade baby leggings. They are cheaper and every bit as cute. I can't speak on the quality as I have yet to buy them, but the reviews appear to be pretty good. Here are some sellers I found:
I should add that I do not know either of these sellers. Just a friendly tip/unsolicited advice for you and your readers, of which I am one.
Ps. Fable makes my ovaries ache. She is adorable. Makes me want to chomp those sweet little thighs. You are one lucky mama!
Our little Fin got his first pair of babylegs the other day! woohoo!!!
Fable is totally stylish!!
ooohhh I love Babylegs! My daughter only has three pairs but we're workig on the collection :)
I've bought the knottybabywear legs from etsy before!! They have lasted a long time through lotsa washings, have lots of different styles and were way cheaper than babylegs.
**I have never met the seller before and have no vested interest in their business. Just my personal review.**
Also? The are great on arms under short sleeve tees in cooler weather too.
I *love* babylegs! We don't have QUITE that many, but they are the BEST!
In our house we have learned the only way to make legwarmers even more awesome, is to pair them with the right musical accompaniment.
That's right, we don't play bicycle. We play "Flashdance."
Fable is THE hippest, coolest, cutest girl ever! The babylegs rock too. Hope to need em sometime. Just found u and your blog is awesome!
I got a free pair with the purchase of some diapers and, while I picked the dude-liest pair possible, I've yet to find an opportunity to put the boy in them. I think they're adorable though.
That little kiddo of yours has mad style, momma! I SO now wish I had a baby girl to doll up in babylegs!
I was so excited to have a girl just for baby leggin's!
baby legs in legwarmers are good for eating.
Wito had the exact same orange/blue ones! Hmmmm, I wonder if they still fit..
I absolutely adore her chubby little legs in those leg warmers!!
Oh! I love babylegs, too! My daughter has got a bunch of pairs, including some Halloween ones, which I adore. Too cute.
I can't be stopped with the babylegs. love them. I have 6 month old twin girls and i am obsessed with dressing them and babylegs are an essential item. especially with crazy michigan weather.
ps. have you cut off socks and made them into babylegs yourself? If so, How did you hem the bottom of them?
Basically, I just want that long-sleeve poppy shirt FOR MYSELF.
Fable looks so much like her brother in the last pic. Love it!
Holy moly, those thighs. There is nothing more delicious than baby rolls, especially around the legs. I love baby legs, and leg warmers too, but you know, I mean I love real baby legs. That girls is just adorable.
Well ... those Babylegs--they don't have them at our local Target (stands to reason; it's like a third-world country over here). *sob*
And Fable? Simply fab-u-lous!
SO CUTE SO CUTE SO CUTE!!! I clicked on your "Drooling Closet" on Flickr and then got sucked in by the extreme cuteness of your children and saw Archer's "FOUR!" shirt. May I ask where you got it? My son Ian turns 4 in August and I'd love to have one for him.
As a day care provider and now as a mom of a little girl, I have to say I HATE baby tights. Who puts little butts that have to be changed all the time into tights? I've never really seen baby leg warmers before, but what a brilliant idea. It looks like a great way of making an outfit a little warmer--like a cardigan for her legs. And using grown-up socks is a great idea too. I love Fable's chunky little thighs, and the leg warmers show them off beautifully!
god, your child is such a fashionista. she has more taste than i do.
just ordered 4 pair because of this post
For serious, Bec, how many pairs does she have?
Could I get away with putting these on J?
CasadeKaloi - Absolutely! Two of the pairs pictured above were Archer's!
Kim - the Four shirt came from here: http://paperlili.com/catalog.php?category=55
My Baby Bea has been rockin' the Baby Legs and gets so much love everywhere for it that I can't believe the Baby Legs folks aren't rolling around in piles of cash by this point. And Fable! Delicious! Nothing highlights the fantastic chubby thighs of a baby like leg warmers.
Hee hee. I just made my husband look at the babylegs website, telling him that they have leg warmers for boys too (he was not convinced). I saw the union jack and american flag warmers and since our little one is half brit, half yank, I suggested that we buy both and put one on each leg. Husband said 'NO.' Oh well...nice try.
Oh my. Cutest baby EVER. In LEGWARMERS. And I thought I was already as baby crazy as they come!
I didn't come across babylegs until my daughter was too old for them. It toally makes me want to have another baby, just to buy some and dress the kid in them.
Fable's fashion already rocks. You're in for it!
I have a pair for The Bun, but his legs are so fat, they keep rolling down his thighs! I've been hoping they would save his crawling knees when paired with shorts, but... we'll see.
First time visiting your site, Loved you on Momversation! I just have to say that I have never seen a more beautiful baby than your little Fable. Of course I think my own kids are cute, but I think your baby is just jaw-dropping gorgeous. I can just imagine how people react to her in real life when you take her out. It's no surprise that beautiful mommies make beautiful babies.
omg you have the cutest child ever.
I just ordered from http://fategoddess.etsy.com. She has a sale where you can order 8 pairs for $50 and get another pair for free. I don't know about how long they will last, but the price certainly beats $10/pair of Baby Legs, which are too damn addicting to buy.
Thank you so much! (for the link to the Four shirt)
love love love babylegs. I am sad that I live in houston though where it is sooooo freakin' hot. My husband was like, oh great you put legwarmers on her so when it dips into the eighties. Funny chap.
Wrote a little something about them on my blog too. It's titled "Ode to Babylegs". Damn, I wish I was getting paid for this.
I love these legwarmers!! I have shown all the girls at my work. Makes me want to have a little girl (I have 2 boys now). I love your style and your blog!
Brandy S
Ah yes, we are HUGE fans of babylegs. And by "we" I mean me, my husband can't imagine why we need so many pairs and I'm sure my two month old has no opinions one way or the other yet. BUT I love them. Diaper change; easy peasy. Style quotient; higher than pants with no snaps at the crotch!
Fable is beautiful.
On another note, I am a former friend of Dana. We had a falling out over a stupid minor thing. I have been saddened by it for years, was even a tinge jealous over your lovefest with her given I had a similar experience at one time. But I have followed her blog (s) and am just wondering if you know anything more than what is on the newest blog? Is she ok? Is Britton ok? Are the kids ok? I know it's slightly (completely) inappropriate to ask you but, I'm not sure I'd get a answer from her and figured you might know something.
Your blog is great, I haven't read your book but, someday, when there is a minute to read again, I will.
P.S. I live in LA also, don't love it but it is where my life is.
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