my shiny penny with copper hair
I've been in awe reading your stories over the last couple days. Blown away by the goodness in people, in you. From Richard Branson offering flights for the sick to the a homeless man on Hollywood Blvd lending a hand.
All is full of love.
All is full of love.
#45 Taking my time to look outside my living room window, I noticed for the first time the tiny, fresh buds on our Flowering Crab Apple tree. Proof that after months and months of a cruel, Midwest winter, hope springs eternal in the buds of tree. Humans should take note, for we're all like the seasons, too.
#158..A long while back, my aunt gave me a present, a "prayer box" in which you are supposed to write down your worries, wishes, prayers, etc. It was a cute gift, but honestly not something that I used often, and over the years it got put away into the "storage closet" (we all have one). When I stumbled upon it while packing, I opened the box to read the lone wish I had put in the box, a small scribble on a scrap of paper: "I hope I am doing the right thing." I was, and I did.
#103 Daffodils are $1.25 a bunch at Trader Joes
#212 I am so thankful this time around my husband will be home (and not deployed to Iraq) to be able to witness the birth of our baby.
#134 I have been feeling a tad lonely since I became a mom. I have lost touch with a number of my friends and it has sometimes been hard. This past weekend two of my girlfriends came over and we spent the night watching buffy and enjoying some wine. It was wonderful to get to hang out and be myself again and the best part was the next morning they stuck around and played with the baby... I don't feel so lonely anymore.
#111 A kid I read with every day at work finished a book by himself for the first time today. As a teacher's assistant, I've watched him struggle, fail, pick his little 8-year-old discouraged self up and go on. He was so proud he wrapped his arms around me and said "I did it! I did it! I am actually going to be a reader" You should have seen his face.
#222 Every day, just before sunset, a woman in her late 60s pushes her husband, in deteriorating health, in a wheelchair down the ramp into the AIDS memorial grove in Golden Gate park. She places a towel on her shoulder to catch any drool, lifts him to standing, holds him, and dances him around the circle.We should all be so lucky.
I usually ask Archer or Hal to choose a number randomly for prize winning but this time I chose myself. And I chose #80 because my Nana (the banana) is soon to celebrate her 80th birthday and along with my beautiful cousin, Erica (who donated the coat with her partner Christopher) her sister and my siblings, I've been working this week on a project for her.
So I counted to comment #80, read the story of a woman in her 31st week of pregnancy and how just that day her desperately-in-need-of-work husband got a call for a potential new job. And then I checked her blog and saw that her baby is due the same day Archer was (May 24th). And I thought, a sign! A sign! Isn't life so very full of signs?

...Fables and signs.
Congratulations to Casa De Kaloi on your impending new baby, new work opportunities and this beautiful coat which will look absolutely smashing on you.
Thank you for sharing your honest portraits, your optimistic stories, your hope with me and everyone else. Thank you for listening and participating in this blog, in my life, for being kind and respectful and wise and fearless and hopeful.
Shiny pennies to all.
Shiny pennies to all.
And in other news, How to have sex while co-sleeping: a needlessly complicated tutorial.
#122 with the old couple: I hope my husband and I are that lucky. It makes me think of that old quote...
"He who hears not the music thinks the dancer mad."
I love that! Touche!
I love that! Touche!
congrats to the winner!
(Whoops on the double comment.)
I have a huuuuge smile on my face.
I just sent you an email, and I'm writing something much more beautiful tonight or tomorrow. As I said in the email, it's really thanks for writing the entry--the responses you received were amazing, and I know I will re-read them a zillion times in the years to come.
Also? The co-sleeping tutorial is awesome. We were actually just talking about this the other day.
I am typically ambivalent about babies but... my god, Fable is almost otherwordly how beautiful she is. I feel like she is staring back with the eyes of a beautiful 30 year old woman. I often tear up looking at pictures of her. Anyway...
#222 makes me choke back tears. I think that one was my favorite. I want that!
And 222 is just happens to be my 'follow me around number,' as in, it follows me around! Creepy.
I actually cried I was so touched by these. Thanks.
#222 made me want to cry. And I don't know you but; just by reading your blog I can see that there's an endless sense of hope in you. In your writings. It's a nice thing. We need to be made to feel that we can hang on to "hope." Even when we "ourselves" cannnot believe it.
Fable is gorgeous as always, like her mama :). And I love that multiple people posted about daffodils at Trader Joe's! I was looking at pictures on Facebook from my friends who are still in Virginia, and everyone was talking about how the daffodils were coming up, and I was bummed that I didn't have any. But then I read that comment, and went to TJ, and bought not one but TWO bunches... and now they are completely abloom and beautiful and make me happy. A belated shiny penny moment.
I also really enjoyed reading all of those responses. You should host more giveaways... even with small prizes... they really bring everyone out to play :)
#122 makes me think of that diamonds commercial - the one where the young couple parts to overtake the older couple, and then the woman looks back at them. May we each be lucky enough to have someone love us like that.
May 24th is my birthday!
I love the hope-springs-eternal stories. It really isn't so hard to see the moments of goodness everday; you just have to look closely.
p.s. This year will be my 20th. I'm going skydiving =)
Hi Rebecca,
The links to the babble.com articles never work and I've also tried searching them with google, but the links always take me straight to "babble.com.au".. so I guess it links differently because I'm in Australia.
Do you know of/is there a different way that I can somehow access your Straight From The Bottle blog??
Thank you! :)
Congratulations, Casa!
#222 was beautiful. How lucky I feel to be reminded that things like that happen.
And #111 touched me personally. As the mom of a 5-year-old just starting to read, my heart melts at the stories of those who are just putting it together. It helps so much to see the faces of the people who are just starting to understand the world--and to see the sense of pride when they learn to do something for the first time.
You rock! And I love your blog! I'm feeling sad for another blogger today, a very popular blogger, Mckmama, over at www.mycharmingkids.net - her baby boy is in the hospital with serious heart problems. If you have the time, please check out her blog and pray for her son Stellan. Regardless of anyone's religious beliefs, praying for a sick child can do no harm, right?
And thank you for reminding us to remember all the good that is still out there when things look dire.
That picture of you and Fable is just STUNNING.
Thank you so much for your Hope Springs Enternal inspiration, giving the opportunity for such beautiful stories & thoughts to be told. Although negativity does seem to bring the web-world down, I think it often works the other way around. After a bad day or week or hour in the 'real' world, I find inspiration & joy in the kindred spirits I have been lucky enough to discover on blogs & other web-writings, with your wonderful words being a big part of that. Thank you.
And, btw, that girl of yours is AMAZING! Truly, there is a cloud missing its angel somewhere.
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