Over the weekend this short story; twenty pages of script, came true in the form of a set and actors and cameras and a director who took my words and made them come alive.

I love writing. I love blogging and writing fiction and non-fiction, short stories. I've written all my life. Three finished novels on life-support but nonetheless breathing. Essays. Poetry. I've written copy for adult websites and pamphlets for non-profit organizations. Pen to paper. Fingers to keys. Heart to page.
This week has been my first experience on the sidelines; watching a story come alive. A story born from a thought I had in the shower, one night last April. A story that as I type this post is being brought to life by an incredible cast of actors, a director I highly respect and a crew who have been able to replicate my vision beyond expectation.

I thought I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up. I thought maybe three times the charm. That I'd keep writing novels until one of them sold. Forever if that was how long it took, but after this week, I think I want to change directions.

Ten years of fighting Los Angeles, rolling my eyes at Hollywood, wanting to get the hell out of here, and suddenly I get it. There is something truly magical about being on set. Watching characters come to life. The energy is electric, palpable.
And so I stand today, wading in the waters of a dream I didn't know I had until right this very second. And Oh my God, you guys. I can't stop crying.

*Division Day is one part of a four part collaborative feature called Bedrooms, including four individually directed/written shorts. More details to come.
congratulations, darling!!!!
I will never ever forget my first day on set around all of that action. It changed me forever. However I have yet to see a vision of mine put on film and I am still running towards it all the time. It makes me so happy to read this post. Huge High Five! Hope you post the trailer for it when it is cut.
Awesome! Congratulations, indeed!
The closest I've come is covering a movie's production for a newspaper feature. It was like a community. The energy and camaraderie was addictive.
This is so awesome. Your idea, come to life!
Being on set is truly addictive. Question is: are you a screenwriter or a director? Or both?
Writer/on-set spectator. And I will ABSOLUTELY post the trailer when its cut. (Thanks, you guys.)
Congratulations! Don't forget where you came from.
Holy Gizmo Batman - HOW awesome for you!!!!!! I can't wait for the details. You are a force!
LOVE and Much Hugs
So, so, so awesome!
super congrats. you are super awesome and super talented so you super deserve it (i am in 5th grade don't yah know).
seriously i have mad respect for you-pursing your passion and finding your life=your dream
I am so happy for you. Isn't it a magical moment when the life you thought you didn't want is the one knocking at your door? You've opened it and it sounds like it feels real good. Let the tears flow.
Oh, ROCK! This is so fantastic! Clapping from the far east.
Thank you for sharing! I am so happy for you! for the rest of us, I hope we take this and keep our own dreams alive. GGC has proven it over and over again, it pays off to pursue our dreams!
OMG! Congratulations!! I am so happy for you!! Can't wait for more info :)
(and it's incredible how ideas just come to you in the shower, isn't it? That's where I got most of mine.)
Oh, just thought I'd add... that room set looks so realistic! Wow! :D
The art department on this project has been amazing! The wall, which is the focal point of the piece was as work of art. Every detail accounted for. Brilliant.
Yay Bex, so proud of you!
congratulations! can't wait to hear more about everything. so exciting!
p.s. the drooling closet? love. it. fable is too cute for words. seriously.
so, do i like, get to say i "know" the person who made this film? because after spending every day with you for a year....god, no, much longer- maybe two? i feel like i know you. my daughter knows who archer and fable are. i don't really read other blogs (did read scarlette's-where'd she go?) so i'm kind of attached to you. and i'm in your corner and so rooting for you. you may have always been one of the guys (unless i'm totally making that up but i think you have said you are a guy's girl) but you are not a girl that i am put off by. i want the best for you and i love watching you and your family and your dreams grow. it's amazing and weird at the same time to be so happy for someone i've never met- yet feel so close to. and not in a weird stalker kind of way. ya know?
Wow! Congrats to you for finding this unexpected dream. Can't wait to see how things turn out.
Wow! That's great! Congratulations!
What a dream, to find yourself! Congratulations!!
That sounds so cool! I can't wait to see the trailer. Congrats!
That is so AWESOME! I love writing myself but I think that if I had the chance, I'd do a better job at making things visual. Film-making to be exact. Because I love symbolism so much and just being creative; rather than writing a book (though I do hope to do that one day).
But CONGRATS on getting your screenplay to become a short film! Do you want to continue screenwriting, or do you want to produce and direct as well?
Well, take care.
Have just come home from a particularly grueling day on a set and your post truly was a reminder of the things I love the most about making movies. Thank you for that.
tell the story til it comes true.
CONGRATS! i'll be watching the bf's big day come in a few months when he starts production on his first real budget feature... crazy funding has us all sorts of excited! although i plan on being absent from the actual shooting as i recall how long and drawn out it all is!
Bec, that is SO EXCITING and basically just totally makes me smile. I am so happy for you. CONGRATULATIONS.
That's an inspiration. Awesome for you - way to go.
try to keep that pie in the sky attitude, as it will be an asset. as soon as you 'make it' you will be rolling your eyes at LA once again when you are forced to deal with a bunch of liars, fakers, and jerks. but that's usually only on the business/agent side - on set, things are usually pretty great. good luck!
Congratulations! Being a writer too (more the brochure/articles/web copy/reports-for-non-profits type than fictional... ) I understand the joy of writing, the feeling that it's really your thing, your talent, your passion. I've also had the whole story come to me in the shower thing - I'm so happy for you that one of yours is coming alive ... and you give me hope that maybe one day my shower stories will see life too.
And btw, Fable just keeps getting more and more gorgeous! She is a big factor behind me being so clucky right now!!
congratulations! fabulous news! can't wait to get the details!
Wow!!! I was in a movie, once, as an extra. But to actually write something, to create it. You are blessed. Now ALL of your dreams are coming true.
Best of luck to you, and try to remember the "little people" who read your blog and are in awe of you...after you win your first Oscar.
Wow! That is so cool! Congrats
good for you :-)
That's really awesome. Congratulations!
Huge congrats! That room is amazing, and I can't wait to see the completed piece.
Congratulations :-D. That's awesome that it's coming to life.
Working in entertainment for 10+ years and now working with stylists and costumers, I know first hand the magic that can happen on the set. It's really incredible.
Enjoy EVERY minute!!
Congratulations! This sounds totally fantastic! Can't wait to hear more!
What a dream come true! Congratulations. Eagerly awaiting more details :)
Thanks, all! Will absolutely update soon. xoxoxox
Holy heck! That is so awesome. Congratulations. It's quite the inspiration for someone who loves to write but doesn't do it nearly as often as I would like.
Holy crap! That is amazing. Congrats.
Those kids are so cute.
That's amazing! Congrats!! Enjoy every second of it. Keep us updated. Would love to hear more.
Congratulations! That is pretty damn awesome! :)
Absolutely blown away.
Congratulations, Bec. This is huge!
So, so awesome. Love it.
I wondered what had happened to Nina Myers! (the badass on 24)
Ha! Totally.
Congrats woman!! Totally kick ass!
Congrats! I am so happy for you!
so, so rad.
as someone who used to make full-of-nothingness commercials but STILL felt the magic on set, i can only imagine how amazing this must feel.
seriously. you inspire darling! i'd seriously like to spend a day in your shoes. i love your talent, honesty and humbleness. keep on keepin' on!
ps my word veri: blessed
SO exciting! I am SO happy for you! Support anything and everything you do. Keep it up. Love!
How cool is that?! Looking forward to the trailer.
wow! congratulations!
I hope that you never get too famous to keep writing for us on GGC... that would just be horrible! Don't get me wrong, I wish you all the success... just don't forget about us little ppl!
oh hells ya. I'd love to see characters you wrote yourself come to life (as interpreted by someone else). So cool.
I get the crying part. I understand how you feel, suddenly seeing things a little different and having that new or altered perspective on what it is exactly that you want to do. I hope you will be able to realy do something with your "revelation".
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