First of all, this:

Fable Lue at 10 Weeks

Second, today's Momversation is about Oprah which reminds of me the 30 Rock where Liz Lemon says "Liz Leeeeemmmooooooon" , which coincidentally I have been saying (to my own amusement) for weeks and can't stop. (Seriously. Please send help!)

Third, Do you use an IUD? More specifically a Mirena? Because we're talking all about Inner Uterine Devices up in here. Come on down and join the fun!


Sorry! I know. I'm like a Jewish Grandmother except I'm only 3/4 Jewish and not a grandmother. I do refer to bottoms as "tushies," though. So, you know... Shalom aleichem!


Oh! And thanks so much, Christine, from's Storked for featuring a short excerpt of Rockabye, here!