Today you are five-weeks old, and I'm posting this picture five minutes after I snapped it of you in my lap, where you are now sleeping...

...with your five fingers peeking out from the top of your blanket and your five toes wiggling against the rolling flesh of my belly and one day when I ask, you will give me five. Down low. Too slow! and we will go on five mile hikes in the hills and ride bikes at 5mph and at 5:00pm, when the light is just perfect in the late summer months, we'll go on family nature walks with your brother who will, far too soon, be five years old (as will you be) and the dogs who I hope will be with us by then.
For now, though, you are this tiny little person, who wakes at 5am to eat and falls asleep against me. Five weeks old, you are captured in the photo above, taken five minutes ago. Wait. Now its been six. Seven...
One day, this photograph will look nothing like you, which is why I keep taking pictures. A hundred thousand photos so I can capture your infancy like a butterfly and keep you flapping forever in my heart.
beautiful x 5
Ahhh you made me cry. It goes by way too fast. Enjoy her.
She is so absolutely beautiful!
Had to delurk to tell you what you already know.
The "smiles" pictures just melted my heart too!
Oh, Fable dear ... the minutes go by way too fast.
Slow down so your Mommy can get a few more pictures :)
I remember just wanting to "pause" life when they are little.
I take photos of my son every day and post them on a blog for our OS relatives.
You write so beautifully and your photos are always amazing.
Thankyou so much for sharing.
"like a butterfly and keep you flapping in my heart forever." You just killed me with sweetness.
Absolutely beautiful. As is she.
I just took one of life's deeps breaths, trying to breathe in my 2 year old.....trying to remember him at 5 months...
"These are the days to remember, for they will not last forever."
I've been thinking this lately too. Really appreciating how small she is and holding her against my chest, cradling her head in the palm of my hand, and fondling those tiny toes.
I LOVE that I've been reading your blog since my 2.5 year old was a few weeks old and now our second children were born on the same day. You are DEFINITELY putting into words a lot of what I'm feeling - and doing it much more eloquently than I ever could!
writing to say thank you for this beautiful post with tears in my eyes.
She's gorgeous.
She's divinely beautiful. My nearly 5-month-old is so big now. I miss her newborness. Lucky her ultra-cute cuteyness makes up for it.
Ohhh! Lovely.
That was so so beautiful.
she is lovely. just like her mama.
huffing baby fumes and making people cry. nice.
My youngest, Lena, is 7 months old now and I can hardly recognize her in old pictures. Already! It's amazing and gone too fast, but as you wrote so beautifully there will be more times ahead. Fun and excitement and more!
Awww. Happy five weeks Fable.
P.S. I saw a Rockabye excerpt in BabyTalk Mag!
And it's your gift to be able to record the moments in words, too.
Both Fable and your words.
awww. sweet :)
she looks a little wary of the camera! she's all, "what are you pointing at my face, mom, i dunno about this." so cute...
I cannot BELIEVE it's really already been five weeks. keep taking those photos!
This is so beautiful!
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