The Mighty Ducts

Amazingly, I just pumped four ounces of breast-milk. Not amazing for most, I'm sure, but for me? It's a genius accomplishment and one I'm quite proud of. Knowing that with Archer I was only able to to pump a mere 20 ml per feeding, it's almost miraculous. Breast reductions are pretty much sworn to fuck up your ability to breastfeed and/or produce enough milk to substantially feed a babe. In fact, I'm pretty sure I had to sign a form when I went in for my surgery. An "I understand this surgery will kill my breasts and their ability to feed" agreement. Add a second reduction into the mix and forgetaboutit. Or at least that's what the doctors told me.

Except actually, as it turns out, it isn't so impossible. At least not the second time around. Perhaps my ducts have become mightier in their old age. Or perhaps I'm just more of a rockstar.

Sure, It's a hell of a lot of work, I've been pumping every two to three hours to up my supply and I currently have no life beyond running around my house topless, but I'm proud to say that for the last week I've been able to feed her almost exclusively with breastmilk. So for those of you who have inquired, breastfeeding after two breast-reductions is possible. It's hard as fuck, takes a bit of supplementing, patience and a whole lotta pumping but it's possible...

...And totally worth it.