Fable Luella: one day old
Thank you all for your beautiful words. We're home and we're elated and Fable's unbelievable. I have a hundred photos to post and a dozen stories to tell and will do so as soon as I've slept at least three hours and am not in diapers, which at this rate will likely be tomorrow. A day after giving birth and I feel pretty amazing. Maybe it's just adrenaline but I'm running around already and so far have been able to breastfeed like some kind of old pro. I credit Miss Fable for turning me into the tour de force that I feel I am at this moment. The girl is magic.
Archer's hanging in. A mix of emotions (and reactions) from him but we're celebrating Fable's birthday tonight with Archer's favorite: chocolate cake with candles. And, well.... this:
The following video was something I started earlier in the week and was meaning to post before I went into labor. Put some tweaks in it this evening and voila:
Musical credit, Time and Space by: The Accidental
On behalf of all four (whoa! four? whoa!) of us, thank you for your kindness and love.
Short stories of Fable to come.
congrats to all of you! And wohoo on the nursing success! Feel free to call me/email me if you need some help.
A hearty congrats! So happy for your family!
She is gorgeous, Shilo and Vive can't hold a candle to her. I can't wait to see her in the amazing wardrobe you've put together for her. Be sure to post photos of her in the outfits.
Congrats on being able to BF this time around. Warmest wishes to all three of you.
You don't know me, I'm just an anonymous reader - but I follow your story every day. The love that emanates from the chronicles of your journey is overwhelming. Fable's video, and her perfect self, took my breath away. It feels strange to tell a stranger that, but thank you, and congratulations. To the Four of You.
Aww, I'm tearing up! What a beautiful video. My best comliments to all of you. she's absolutely gorgeous.
What a beautiful new person. I hope I get to meet her someday!
yo, i told you you'd NAIL that breastfeeding thing.
Congratulations! She's beautiful.
Congratulations! She is stunning. and that video has me sitting here in my bathrobe, crying. I think I'll go violate my husband now and get myself pg with #2...
Sugar and spice and everything nice. She's gorgeous.
Congrats to you all.
Congratulations! I get the magic you're feeling with Fable... Everything fell into place perfectly with my 2nd (born in April), including nursing. It's not that my 1st (born 3 yrs ago) wasn't amazing, but everything was a struggle, & nursing never happened.
She's beautiful! Enjoy every moment!
Beautiful baby. Beautiful name. Congrats to all of you.
That video's about the most fantastic thing I've ever seen. And she's so gorgeous.
I just melted. She is gorgeous! Congrats!
you are SO my hero...
Beautiful pics! Congratulations!
Adorable Baby
Beautiful Video
Great Video Music
I Love it all.
Magic! Congratulations again to all four? Yes, all four of you :-)
Congratulations and all good things.
Another reader delurking to say congratulations - she is absolutely beautiful!
Did you know Hal was taking those photos of you mid-contraction?
Congratulations again.
The pic where she's holding your fingers is the best. So beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing your family's joy with your readers.
Gorgeous and beautiful and perfect. Lovely name too. And she shares my birthday- Libra girls rock.
Many many congrats to you all.
Fable is beautiful. And that picture of Archer kissing her just made my heart melt. And I love that video! The finger-grab picture made my heart melt again.
And hooray with regards to the breastfeeding!! :D
Congratulations to all four of you. :)
I have to leave another comment. So my husband came home last night and I said, "GUESS WHAT?? Girl's Gone Child had her baby, and she's gorgeous and GUESS what she named her?" Him, "Caitlin." Me, "NOOOO! She would NEVER name her Caitlin! Remember, she likes really original names, remember, she's got Archer" Him, "oh right, Ok, then, Sorcerer." Me, "NO! Archer and Sorcerer? Not Sorcerer! THINK. She's a writer..." Him, "OK, Pen."
The scary thing is he gets next dibs on our baby name!
Whoa! She's so beautiful and small and perfect and the music in this video is soooo beautiful... my eyes are watering, what a beautiful experience that must be.
Congrats to all of you for the wonderful family you are. You're gonna rock this girl's world as she's already rocking yours.
Much love from Spain
Um, that makes me want to have another one...and my oldest is 18 months and my youngest is 5 months...hehe
congratulations to everyone in your family. what a lucky sister to have a brother like archer. i am so weirdly excited for someone i don't know. you are all amazing.
congratulation! she is SO beautiful! So happy to hear that all is going so well!~
she is incredible. your little sweet girl, everything you hoped for and nothing you could have ever imagined. and you, YOU look great!
awesome video! congrats, you have a beautiful family :-)
She is a doll! So beautiful. Congrats again. Enjoy.
Congrats to you all! Don't new babies just make the world seem wonderful?
Welcome to the world, Fable.
Congratulations, friend. She is beautiful.
wow. fable, you are truly stunning. and i've teared up---here, in viewing a sweet babe + mother, both whom i do not even know. shit, i blame my own pregnancy. hormones, baby.
well.. truth be told: she is perfect. i cannot wait to be myself and pop into your life through this blog and watch her grow.
WOW!! Congrats. She is absolutely beautiful. Glad you and the whole family are doing well. The video is something to cherish forever.
Congrats! Fable is just beautiful. And the pic of Archer kissing her? Priceless!
She is BEAUTIFUL! :)
I'm sure you've heard it a million times so far, but honestly, she is stunningly perfect. I possibly have never seen such a beautiful newborn.
sending all the best to you and your family (of four!) during this amazing time. you really captured all that is so hard to capture. congratulations!
am i the only one that wants to have a another baby after watching this?
She is so precious and perfect.
I usually never leave a comment, but this ofcourse is one of the occasions one must ;)
I'm sure Archer will make an awesome big brother to Fable.
Lots of congratulations to all of you and do make sure to post lots of pictures!
Congratulations! You don't know me but I have followed your blog for almost a year now. I love your work and am always so touched by your words. All the best to you and your beautiful family.
That picture of Archer kissing his little sister, and that lovely video and music tribute to Fable got me all choked up this morning. Congratulations to your beautiful little family. I wish you every happiness--and milk-snorting laughter for all times. Thank you for sharing with all of us on the interwebs.
oh... she is beautiful. (not all babes are cute just a few minutes after birth)
and the video is something she will cherish and show HER children one day. lovely.
wishing your family of four (!) a great w-end.
ahhh, i keep chanting... i am done, i am done... keep your legs crossed lady but those pictures of fable are making the ol ovaries dance. now to convince my other half, ha! who am i , haha....
Fable is adorable. How did you guys choose that name? It's awesome and original.
Best name I've ever heard.
And... most beautiful newborn I've ever seen.
I'm mush.
She is fabulous... and so are you! Your vid made me cry tears of motherhood and reminded me of those first moments my babies came into the world... as close to heaven as we can get while still on earth.
Congrats on everything, especially the breastfeeding! I hope it goes well for you!
Welcome to the world Fable. You have picked an incredible family to spend your life with. You're one lucky girl!
so glad breastfeeding is going well for you! awesome! i hope it continues to go swimmingly.
can't wait to read a birth story, but don't forget to reast mama.
congrats again!
Beautiful. Just beautiful.
That last shot of her holding your hand? OMG, that is so sweet.
And she is so cute my uterus contracted...thank goodness there will be no more, cause she tempts me.
Congratulations Rebecca and family! :)
Omg. tears in the eyes. She is so friggin beautiful. Not wierd smooshed new alien looking at all. Like a doll!!! Can't wait to see in person. love you!!
Oh, so sweet!
They look so much alike! Congrats!
That tongue pic is the best :)
I couldn't be happier for you!
Welcome to the world baby Fable!
p.s. I LOVE the name!
Oh, that video made me teary! Wonderful. Congrats again to the whole family!
Beautiful cannot even begin to describe you. Joy to the world! Christmas on Earth! Fables and myths and poets and angels. You are life!
Congrats to you all...the video made me cry. She is gorgeous, and you have to be the most beautiful non-celebrity pregnant woman I've ever seen.
So happy for you all!
Congratulations - she is a beautiful addition to your beautiful family. While I don't know you - I started reading back when I was pregs with my now 1 year old. Being so close to the journey with a little baby girl - makes me a puddle of mush! Enjoy it all - even the madness!! PS: Fab name. For real - since your naming post I've been DYING to find out what the jury came back with. Fable Luella is a hott name for a hott little lady!
Congratulations! She is so unbelievably beautiful. Nothing compares to those first few days with your newborn baby. Enjoy!
I'm crying like a total slobbering idiot, here. Beautiful baby, beautiful mother... My love to your family.
She's absolutely gorgeous. An angel. And she'll love this video you made her someday...
What a beautiful little person. Thanks for brining us along on your journey. Have lots of fun with her, you never get these first few weeks back. My babe is 3months old and those newborn days already feel so far away.
Rebecca, she looks absolutely perfect and gorgeous. I love the slideshow. What a great start to the next chapter... can't wait to see what Fable and Archer get up to!
Congratulations! What a pretty name and what a gorgeous video! I'll have to keep that in mind for when I have children....
Aw shucks, your video made me weep like a baby. What a gorgeous little angel!
Good work mama.
She's so cute! I'll bet she'll give you a run for your money when she's 15!
I love her unusual name. My husband and I gave all our children names based on the indigenous people of places where we lived or visited.
Our eldest son is Francis Xavier Quetzalcoatyl O'Brien, partly in honor of his paternal great-grandfather and partly in honor of the Aztec sky god.
Our daughter is Hu'anu anu ama' ni' mana malo n'holu O'Brien. Her name means either Fragrant Hibiscus Blossom Where the Surf Breaks on Rocks or Victorious Warriors Eating the Corpses of our Enemies, depending on which syllables are stressed.
Our youngest son is named in honor of my mom's Black Foot ancestors. He is Buffalo Standing There. Not Doing Anything, Just Standing There O' Brien.
She is gorgeous!
I just watched the video with Thalia and she said A BABY! A BEAUTIFUL BABY!
Lots of love and happiness. Enjoy the adrenaline...but get some sleep!
That is so incredibly wonderful, and how much will that little sweetie love that video someday! I'm so glad everything is copacetic and you guys are settling in. High five, Mama! xoxo, L
PS She's incredibly perfect. :)
what a sweet video. blessings to you and your family.
Many, many congratulations!
Miss Fable will have more stories to tell very soon, methinks.
She is beautiful, and perfect. And that mouth!
Watching your video makes me embarrassed at what a horrid fashion faux paux I was when I was pregnant... both times!
your baby is like crack- i keep coming back for more!!! i can't wait to see more pictures. if you are ever thinking that maybe you are posting too many, DON'T! i can't get enough of Fable and her fearless protector, Archer.
What an incredible way to introduce Fable to the world! She is perfect and so beautiful. It is good to hear that you are doing great! Congratulations, again!!!
Congratulations, you have a beautiful little girl to add to that beautiful family. Love the name, so sweet.
Sorry to harsh your mellow but really? Fable?
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!! YOU DID IT!! Congratulation & blessings to you and The Papa and Big Brother Archer, and welcome to the world, Miss Fable! You're gonna love it here.
She is darling! Most likely the most beautiful baby that I have ever seen! Enjoy your journey with her!
Congratulations, I'm so happy for you! She is unbelievably beautiful, but how could be have been different?
Good luck on juggling everything. And I'm sort of relieved she is finally here, since you had told me her name I felt like it was burning my lips!
Holy crap-SHE'S GORGEOUS!!! She's almost unreal in that second photo-WOW! Congrats on a second beautiful baby!!!
Really and truely...the most beautiful baby I've ever seen!
Beautiful, she is perfect, she is amazing. Congratulations and all my love to you and your family.
Oops! I was out of town the last few days and missed all the good news! Welcome to the world, Fable Luella! She's absolutely gorgeous! Thank goodness my own babe will arrive soon so I don't have to kidnap Fable and raise her as my own. ;) Love to you all! Hugs! =D
She is so beautiful! Congrats! Can't wait for more updates! :)
omg...that video was so sweet! congratulations!!!
Oh congratulations! She's beautiful.
Congratulations to the four of you. The best things in life are waiting for you all. Fable, you lucky girl, so much love I can feel it from here.............
She is absolutely lovely. My maternal grandmother's name was Luella, and I have such a soft spot for that name. Fable Luella is perfect, really perfect.
Archer kissing Fable is so perfect! Aaahhh, we need to come to LA and see the whole family! xoxo
That was a beautiful video. You are a beautiful Mama. She is a beautiful little soul. HOOORAY!
Mazel tov on the happy occasion.
she looks just like a little girl version of Archer. She's so sweet!
Congratulations and what a beautiful, awesome video! I wish I had made one of those for my kiddos -- I guess it's not too late! Enjoy your sweet baby girl.
congratulations rebecca! looking forward to lots of good reading and yes - her wardrobe!!! God bless the darling.
Congratulations!! What a beautiful baby and a cool name!!
My macbook crashed so I had no idea you had the baby!! Congrats!
Congrats! She is PERFECT!
You are a genius name-picker. And she is an absolutely gorgeous baby.
I'm not sure if you ever saw my belated virtual baby shower message to you back in Sept, so I'll include it here as well. It seems especially apropos in light of Fable's name:
And I am so happy to be able to send much love to you, Rebecca, as you put the finishing touches on your next great work. Tell the story until it comes true, right? You've already started to weave the words behind this new life. I can't wait till she comes true through you.
Can she possibly get any more beautiful?
She's beyond perfect. I swoon. So beautiful.
OH MY! She's amazing! It's a wonderful thing, isn't it? I have two girls and there's nothing more beautiful than a brand new baby!
I loved these photographs, congratulations to your family!
Sorry about this late post, but that vid is amazing! Have you showed it to her yet or are you waiting? Also, I love your gramophone (in the background in the pics)
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