LOOKIE HEA! It is my most genuine honor to introduce to you Fable Luella, born this morning to Rebecca, Hal, Archer, and the interwebs. I have never met her, but I will love her as my own, as will you. Look at those lips! Are you kidding me?

For you contest-winners, the details you want to know are these:
October 2
7 pounds 4oz
18 1/2 inches

Welcome to this crazy place, Fable. May you live a long and prosperous one, replete with riches of love and a solid retirement plan. You have won the Mommy-lottery, my darling. And your dad's OK, too. Be nice to Archer, for he is your guide here and will teach you well.
Welcome, welcome, welcome, little baby. We are happy to have you.
Rebecca called me yesterday mid-morning and informed me that her doctor informed her that with a break of the waters, she would be good as back in her Manolos by morning. He did not lie. She was calm, ready, and Rebecca as ever. A stoic warrior goddess in Prada. Everyone is doing very, very well. Bec describes Fable as "to die gorgeous" and swears to Rockabye that she will be right back here with photographs, birth stories, placenta pics (just kidding), and her usual brand of heartbreakingly perfect wordistry just as soon as she gets out of the hospital.
Congratulations, my loves. Kisses on all your faces.
Let the comment frenzy begin!
Good gravy, what a beautiful baby!
Congratulations Bec, Hal, and Archer - and welcome Fable!!!
Congrats! She is so beautiful. Welcome to the world, Fable.
Amazing -- Bec, you're a rock star and Fable is just gorgeous.
Congrats and much love!
Congrats to the happy family! She's beautiful! And I love the name!
fable luella!! what a fabulous name!! Congrats!
"hey there you with the pretty face,welcome to the human race!!"
welcome earthside Fable!!!
De-lurking to say congratulations! I am due in 3 weeks and it's been a pleasure to read your blog as I've gone along - makes me feel like I have a friend going through all the same stuff right with me.
FABLE!! I love it! She's spectacularly gorgeous just like her mom and I couldn't be happier for you all. Lots of love to Hal and the brand new (ideally) happy brother. xo
Holy jeebus, what a gorgeous girl!!
Blessings to you, Rebecca, Hal and Archer!!
Welcome to Fable as well...a beautiful name for a beautiful girl!
Mazel tov!
Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!! What an unbelievably GORGEOUS little creature. She's beautiful. Congratulations!!!! I've been checking the site all day in hopes of an update :)
She is "purty as a pikture". Aw my goodness, she is going to be a knockout all day long! So glad you waited til October 2. Only princesses are born on that day you know!! Congrats to the three of you.
beautiful -- all of you. much love.
oooh, sooo cute! congratulations - and I LOVE the name!
Welcome Fable!!! Congrats to your whole family.
I love, love, love her name and she's gorgeous.
Holy good Rockabye alMIGHTY that is one gorgeous baby. Seriously, newborns never look like so beautiful.
Amazing. And also...nom nom nom on those lips and cheeks. Srsly.
She is incredibly beautiful. Luella was my grandmother's middle name, and I love it. Congratulations.
A beauty. Good work, GGC, and congratulations you, the hubs, and the little man. And welcome, Fable.
Congratulations!!! I love her name, especially coming from such a talented writer...aren't our children the greatest stories we'll ever tell? It's lovely and brilliant.
wow, she's beautiful. congrats to mama and daddy and big brother and little sister!
Congratulations! Honestly, that is one of the prettiest babies I've ever seen!! She is BEAUTIFUL!! Wow! Hope everyone is getting rest!
O...M...G... She is stunning. Congrats to all of you. I thought about you all day today and hoped that everything was well. So happy to hear that it is.
I can't wait to hear the story!
Happy Birthday little Fable.
Oh, Fable is such a beautiful and ethereal name! Reminds me of a magical faerie child dancing in the moonlight through misty fields of lavender and sage. *Sigh*
May her life be filled with light and laughter, awash with love and tenderness.
My deepest congratulations to you and your family:)
(Also, in that second pic, she looks very much like her big brother- I think it's something about the eyes)
be your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray
or Mordecai Ali Van Allen O'Shea,
you're off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting.
So...get on your way!"
~Dr Seuss
Welcome to the world little Fable...you are a lucky little girl!
She is soooooooo beautiful! Everyone says that about babies, but man, this one is actually gorgeous! She looks so calm and peaceful! Hooray!~
She absolutely stunning! Congrats!
She's so beautiful!! Congratulations!!
Oh, she's stunning. Welcome to the world beautiful girl.
What a doll!
Congratulations GGC and WELCOME Fable. What a beautiful name.
Love the name. So unique and beautiful and fitting for a stunning girl. Congratulations.
Oh Lordy. She's absolutely beautiful!! Congratulations!!
Welcome Fable! Beautiful name for a beautiful baby! Congrats to all!
Oh my, her lips are delicious. Congrats momma and family.
I was trying to guess the F name, but didn't come up with this one!
She's so gorgeous, Bec. Some babies look funky when they're born and get cute later, but she came out as perfect as porcelain.
Hope you're feeling okay, and that everyone is getting some well-deserved rest!
She's a SHE! So happy. Your bebe is already adorable, congrats on a healthy pregnancy and many years to come!
Aw, she's gorgeous. Congrats to the lucky family :-)
Congratulations!!! She is such a beautiful angel from above! Welcome to the world little Fable!
She is GORGEOUS. Those lips. A beauty. Mazeltoff!
Bravo! Woo-Wee!
Wonderful wishes for a beautiful life story for your baby girl Fable.
Congratulations Rebecca, Hal and Archer!! Obviously the name is fantastic and OMG she is beautiful- looking forward to the stories! Yay!
Congratulations!!! She is absolutely gorgeous! I can't wait to hear all about her!!!
Oh! She is BEAUTIFUL!! She totally looks like her big bro. Good job, Bec!
That is very well the most ridiculously beautiful baby I've ever SEEN online. As opposed to in person. Of course. :)
Makes my mommy fever surge into the danger zone.
Fable is a darling little baby girl. Congratulations to Rebecca, Hal and Archer!
absolutely gorgeous. congrats to everyone!
beautiful. just beautiful. congrats to you, bec, as well as hal and archer. i want to eat her up! may fable luella love and be loved as much as the rest of you.
She is beautiful. Congratulations
Congratulations, all! Can't wait to hear your version of the story, Rebecca!
She's so beautiful it ACHES. Wow.
And I ADORE her name. Just absolutely adore it.
She is as beautiful as her mama.
I must say, I'm a longtime lurker, never really posted, but I HAD to pop in right now. How could I not?
Oh God, she's beautiful! And the name. What a wonderful name. Fable Luella. It sounds so.. romantic, almost. Gorgeous.
Congratulations and lots of hugs to you guys!
Much congratulations!! My 12 year old daughter, upon hearing little Fable's name, declared that the most awesome girl name EVER (she said I had to put it in all caps) in the WHOLE world. And indeed it is. She is just beautiful!
Oh wow~ I just teared up at all the beauty in this post. Beautiful baby, beatiful name. Oh, I'm so happy for the whole family. :-) Congratulations!!!
gorgeous. simply gorgeous! And what an amazing name. Congrats to the 3 of you, and welcome to the world Fable!
Rarely have I ever seen a newborn so beautiful..She is gorgeous, perfect. Congratualtions.
Now be prepared to want to lose yourslef in her and for Archer to annoy the crap out of you.
It happens to all of us.
Oh, what a beautiful girl you have! Fable, you have been blessed with a wonderful family. Bummer you came so soon... not for your mom's sake, but I was seriously hoping for one of your brother's pieces of art!!
Take care and welcome to the world!
Yay for BMC getting to guest post pictures of that precious little girl. Happy Birthday dear Fable! It's been said over and over, but the first word that comes to mind truly is stunning! She's beautiful! Congratulations!
Congratulations to all of you! She's beautiful, as is her name! Excellent choice. And Rebecca I must say that you looked great all the way up 'til delivery!!! Glad everyone is doing well.
oh my, she is just the most lovely little being on the planet. Congrats!
congratulations! she is lovely.
Yippppppeeee! Congratulations!!! She is absolutely gorgeous and has the most perfect name.
Best wishes to the whole family, can't wait to meet her in person.
Much love,
i LOVE her name. and she's GOR-GEOUS!!! congratulations to all of you!!!! <3 i can't wait for your comeback!!
Oh Congratulations Rebecca! She is absolutely gorgeous... and what a beautiful name to match. I've been waiting to hear which name you guys chose for a couple months and I love love love it. Okay, get back to cuddling that sweet thing!
Congratulations Bec, Hal & Archer - you're got yourselves a tiny elven queen. Her name is splendid and perfect in every way.
She's is jaw-dropping to look at! So beautiful.
Can't wait to read the birth story and see more pics!
xx Averil
Congratulations, I love the name and she is really beautiful, quite perfect actually!!
Congratulations!!! She is beautiful - looks nothing like a typical, squishy, alien-like newborn. How gorgeous!
Beautiful. Congrats
What a beautiful baby!! Killer name! Welcome Fable!
Congratulations, GGC! Welcome, Fable! Happy day!
Welcome to the world gorgeous Fable!
Gorgeous baby. Congratulations!
Wonderful! She's a beauty. Best pals just had a baby girl a few hours after you, so we had the joy of holding a newborn girl today, too. What a precious gift. Kisses...
Congrats!!!!!!!! My nephews birthday is today. What a perfect birth date!
Hope you're all doing well and are out of the hospital soon!
Gorgeous - she looks just like Hal. Mazel Tov to the whole family.
delurking to say:
OMG soooo gorgeous. And that is the _perfect_ name. Congratulations and WTF? It took me four days to post after giving birth.
Oh, welcome into the air, sweet Fable!
Congratulations to all in the GCC family.
Cannot wait to hear the birth story.
She's so perfectly beautiful she looks almost fake. But somehow she's REAL, and just a day ago she was inside, and now she's out! like magic. I'm so excited for all of you to see Fable's story begin. She's amazing, really. Congratulations!!!!!!!
what a beautiful name and beautiful baby.
She is as gorgeous as they come! Welcome to your wonderful family, little Fable! Wishing you guys every happiness...
She is just beautiful. I hope I can meet her in person one day.
Rebecca, Hal, and Archer:
Congrat's on the birth of the lovely Miss Fable! She is one of the most stunning infants I have ever seen (she rivals my own 3), and thats not common coming from this old mothers mouth.
I hope that everyone is doing well and that your newly added to family falls into what I like to call the mesh of family-hood as quickly as possible.
Be well, and enjoy! Before you blink you will be crying as she leaves on her first date!
congrats! I can't believe that she's here. I started reading your blog like a week or two before you announced you were pregnant. Enjoy these first days with your beautiful daughter.
unbelievably beautiful. I love the name! Congrats, and I hope to see you all at treehouse sometime soon!
I've been reading and very much enjoying your writing in (lazy) anonymity for a while now, but just had to emerge to send congratulations. So precious, so perfect, and such a beautiful name!
Congratulations! I am glad to hear that the whole family is doing well! Lucky you for having such a beautiful daughter (and son)... Those of hers lips are so kissable!
Good luck in the upcoming weeks.
And did I win? I think I won.. =)
Absolutely beautiful! Like mother, like daughter :) Congrats to the whole family
She is absolutely gorgeous! Fable... what a great name, and it goes so well with Archer. Congratulations!
Awww, what a sweetie. Look at that perfect little nose! And those lips are so smoochable. How will you not eat her alive??
Congratulations! Can't wait to hear the story and see more pics.
She's beautiful! She gives that Shiloh Jolie-Pitt a run for her money, that's for sure. Congratulations Becca!
Congrats Bec! That girl of yours is just gorgeous.
I'm looking forward to have you back soon and know all of the details.
Eeee! So cute, so happy for you. So happy. Love the name, too! Hope your "Lu" can meet my Lu someday. :) Rest up and take care.
She is gorgeous, happy birthday little one.
Congratulations!!!! Beautiful baby, beautiful name, beautiful family!
She's beautiful! Well done!
She is so perfectly beautiful. With that name how could she not be?! Welcome to the world Fable, already a better place for having you in it. Congrats to all the family and congrats to Archer for becoming Big Bruv! She looks so like him in the second picture!
oh shes just divine! congrats to your family! :) shes perfect. glad to hear everything went well!
holy shit, she's gorge... very rare to see a newborn that doesn't look like a plucked chicken.
welcome fable!
I think this is the first time I can ever honestly apply the term "beautiful" to a newborn. Lord, she's perfect.
And I LOVE the name Fable!! I want to say it over and over. Fable, Fable, welcome Fable!
Many Congratulations! She is beautiful! I'm lovin' the name!
congrats! she's gorgeous. and her name is perfect.
welcome fable luella.
So beautiful. Enjoy her - daughters are special.
Congratulations to all of you!
I am so jealous :) You have a gorgeous little girl and I still have 5 weeks to go... I can't wait to hear the details :)
Just beautiful, and what a relief to have her here! I adore her name, fits her already!
I can't wait for my boy, 12 weeks!
She is gorgeous! Congratulations! Enjoy having a girl. They are truly awesome.
ahha at last bravo felicitations!!!! bienvenue a cet adorable bebe,beautiful names 2 ,u rock!
so wonderful! awesome awesome news! welcome to the world, Fable! cograts!
Ah, bless. She is a beauty. Well done!
OMG! I LOVE that name! I love those cheeks! What a beauty! I usually only lurk here, but I had to comment today and wish your whole family congratulations and much love. :)
she is gorgeous, and will look like a true princess in the wonderful outfits hand sewn by her own mother! love, love, LOVE the name, and can't wait to see more pictures, hear all about her, and hear what archer thinks of the new addition to his life as well.
virtual hugs, natalie
She is absolutely stunning. Congrats to you & yours and kisses to that Fable Lady.
Congratulations - she is stunning.
BEAUTIFUL!!! Congratulations!
Tears in my eyes, Look at that pout!! She is gorge, Becca and Hal! Congratulations a thousand times over. We love you and can't wait to meet this FLI lady.
She is crazy BEAUTIFUL! Congratulations my dear. So cool that she came a little early! She just couldn't wait to come out and meet you!
Hugs and kisses!
Welcome to the world Fable! She is beautiful! Congrats!
beautiful name, beautiful girl, welcome to this beautiful world.
happy happy day!!
What a beautiful baby, and a beautiful name! Congratulations!! She is a doll.
Gorgeous........and I love the name. Adorable!
congratulations! what a nice name. also fable and archer? perfect sibling names...
Go, Mama, go! Congratulations! She's a doll, truly.
Fable is definitely a sister to Archer. Sounds lovely together. I know that naming adventure was tough - and you found the perfect one! Awesome.
Enjoy her.
Adooorable. Adorable, adorable, adorable. Can't get over that tiny pout. So freaking adorable.
Congratulations, and welcome to the big beautiful world, Fable!
Preciousness. Pure preciousness. Soft, pink and perfect.
LOVE her name. Congrats!!
I want one just like her!
What a beautiful, lucky girl. Congrats.
SO BEAUTIFUL! Many many congratulations to you and your family.
Congratulations! Fable is a beauty.
She's lovely. Great name too. First time I've heard of Fable as a name.
wow! just beautiful! Congratulations to all of you!
She's gorgeous. *choking back tears*
Oh my God, she IS BEAUTIFUL. I have goose bumps.
Happy Birthday little Fable! And congratulations to you and your family Bec!
OMG ! She is beautiful, just like her mother! Congratulations, my sweet friend! xoxoxo
Yay! She's gorgeous. Lots of love from KC.
LOOOOVE the name!! What a beauty, best of luck to your family!
She is perfect. A perfect beautiful addition to your family. My congratulations to all of you and may she sleep through the night at an obnoxiously early age!
Isn't she lovely indeed!
Much love to all!
As usual you did not disappoint with the name - LOVE IT! And she is GORGEOUS! So happy for you - thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing her with us! Hope you're recuperating well and are able to post something soon!
Congrats Rebecca. Welcome to the world of two - it's crazy but you can totally rock it.
Stunning, sooo beautiful. Congrats!
Such a beautiful little girl and I love the name!!!! welcome to this world Fable!
My goodness she is too precious for words! Congratulations to all of you!!!
Holy cow--she's GORGEOUS. Lucky family, lucky baby. Congrats all around!
hello little fable!
congratulations to the family on the new arrival!
I must to keeeese her. Mwah.
Welcome Fable! Can't wait to smooch you both.
Congratulations to you all! What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.
- Amber
She is seriously gorgeous! Stunning!
She looks like Archer.
I LOVE her name. Fable.
Just beautiful!!
Hellooo, gorgeous! Congrats Rebecca, Hal & Archer - we are thinking of you all the way from Istanbul, Turkey :)
She is so beautiful. Congratulations to your family!
Beautiful baby and beautiful name. Congrats!!
ZOMG what a gorgeous baby!!
She's the most gorgeous little girl!! I love her name, too. Perfect!!
Lovely, lovely, lovely. Welcome to the world Fable! Congratulations to Bec, Hal and big brother Archer!!
What a pretty baby! Best wishes to the whole family ...
congrats. she's absolutely beautiful.
Wow. Lovely, lovely little girl. And I love the name! So poetic and simple and gorgeous and just.... right.
she's BEAUTIFUL! congrats!
and love the name. clearly.
Fabulous! Congratulations.
Welcome Fable! Congratulations!!!!
Welcome to this crazy place called Earth Beautiful Baby Fable! :)
Congratulations on your new precious perfect babe - she's gorgeous! Welcome Fable!
Happy Birthday Fable! what a gorgeous little thing!
Congrats you guys!
congrats rebecca, hal, and archer!
love the name fable, gorgeous!
congratulations to you three - rebecca especially! fable is one spunky newborn - doesn't look red and crinkly to me. well done! hope you are all settling into a happy groove.
wow wow wow!!! first of all she is GORGEOUS!! i can't say that about many newborns! and the name- OH MY GOD!! i am in love. can i have her? i'll trade you for my puppy (at least she's housebroken!!)
I have never been so excited about a child I will never meet! Well, except when Shiloh was born.
Congrats! I adore the name, and she is beautiful!
Congrats on the peanut. You will be a wonderful mother to not only one but now two.
gorgeous! congrats and enjoy this wonderful time.
And... damn ~ I didn't win haha!
Congrats!! Love the name!!
My compy was down and I click over and what do I see is your beautiful daughters sweet face! Welcome to the world Fable Luella!!
Aww! She's totally, absolutely, wonderfully beautiful! She's so perfect! And I love the name Fable, too. Very original and creative, just as I expected from you! Congratulations y'all. I'm looking forward to future updates.
PS You did a great job, Mom!
Beautiful baby. And what a cool name! Congratulations...
What a beautiful beautiful baby!
Let's see, I said:
When will she* be born? I'm going to go with Oct. 2nd in the AM, 6 perhaps?
Weight? 7lb 5oz
Length? 20 inches
Hair Color? brown for sure!
Not exact, but pretty close!
Congratulations! :-)
CONGRATULATIONS! She is beautiful.
Welcome to the world!
Fable is beautiful and the name is perfect!
We have been reading your blog for some time and we are very excited for you.
All the best,
Caroline and Sigrid
OMG, she is unbelievably cute! HUGE congratulations on your sweet little new addition.
And now I'm crying because, dangit, I've still got 10 weeks of waitage ...
yeah!!! congratulations! she's friggin cute!
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