"Afraid of holding her?"
Today he wasn't afraid. He opened his arms to his baby sister and softly touched her hands. And she looked up at him and him down at her and he smiled.
I don't believe in heaven. But I do believe in its fantasy: the happy ending. And I desperately believe in life's heavenly moments, where the universe feels small and intimate and good. When nothing matters beyond what is happening now. And more than any other moment on record, this was mine: my son holding my daughter in his hands.
I don't believe in heaven. But I do believe in its fantasy: the happy ending. And I desperately believe in life's heavenly moments, where the universe feels small and intimate and good. When nothing matters beyond what is happening now. And more than any other moment on record, this was mine: my son holding my daughter in his hands.
I know the world is in shambles, the economy is in the toilet and fear has paralyzed us in such a way many of us feel we can't go on. But not so. Not when every day in a million households around the world, there are moments like these:

When we stop to pay attention, life is so fucking beautiful it hurts.
and i love her outfit, the design is so beautiful.
I agree. Life is so beautiful and it does hurt. Lovely, lovely post.
I read somewhere (but of course cannot remember wear) that life is really the moments in between what we are trying to do and where we are trying to go - basically just what you said in a less eloquent way.
I am thinking of dressing as a BOOB - that may scare the kids.
Aww, what a sweet post and yes moments like that make life worth living. I recently gave birth to my second child and my son and hubby gave me a gorgeous diamond ring from www.idownowidont.com as a birthing gift.
And it was one of those beautiful moments to celebrate our new baby and wearing a nice peice of jewelry after all that labor!
My hubby said he heard about 'birthing gifts' from http://www.idonowidont.com/blog/giving-birth-means-a-nice-gift-for-mom/ We will post pics soon of the new baby girl!
Blub blub blub ...
That is so beautiful, it makes me cry.
Well put.
just wonderful.
it IS beautiful. it IS. thanks for the uplifting post... i needed it tonight :-)
I needed it, too, while I wrestle with small, actually really insignificant demons. You're so good at sifting through the bullshit and finding what's real. I love reading your blog. I really do.
Oh and the way he looks at her, like she's the greatest thing in his world: Priceless.
You are very right. these are the moments that matter.
Bravo, and beautiful.
You made me cry. And yes, it is so beautiful that it fucking hurts sometimes, which makes it all the more beautiful.
I am one those households. Just last night I held my sleeping week-old-baby as his daddy dozed on my shoulder. I thought how did I get this? I really hope I deserve it. And my heart was so full it hurt a little. Thanks for reminding me how beautiful it really is.
The close-up of the hands got me.
Thanks for that. I needed a little bit of the painfully fucking beautiful today.
Ugh. You're killing me! That was beautiful!
Beautiful. And just you wait until Fable shows how much in love she is with Archer. It's almost painful to see how much the little ones look up to their older sibblings.
I love those moments. It triggers the "almost-tears" (and sometimes they do fall).
I don't think I've commented for a while, but my gosh Fable is beautiful.
Look how sweetly he holds her!
"I don't believe in heaven. But I do believe in its fantasy: the happy ending. And I desperately believe in life's heavenly moments, where the universe feels small and intimate and good. When nothing matters beyond what is happening now. And more than any other moment on record, this was mine: my son holding my daughter in his hands."
For me, it was my daughter holding my son. Yes. SO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL.
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