droppin' it like its hot
When will she* be born? (Date/Time)
Hair Color?
If it helps, I am due October 12th. Archer was born one day early but I was induced so, yeah, maybe that isn't so helpful. Never mind. As per today I am 1 1/2 cm dilated and the baby's head has dropped which means my waistline is at my vagina so I am no longer able to sit down or wear pants. And I will title my new memoir? "Standing, Naked From the Waist Down." My doctor thinks I'll go into labor in the next week but he's an optimist so eh.
A few more clues for your viewing pleasure:
Hal as (a pouty-lipped) baby, circa 1974: Born 7lbs 8oz, 21 inches
Me as a (thinking) baby circa 1981: Born 8lbs 1 ounce, 21 inches.

Archer as a (sleeping) baby circa 2005: Born 7lbs 2 ounces, 19 1/2 inches long.
The winner will receive a signed copy of Rockabye, a copy of THE "Push Mix" aka my (and Hal's) rockin' delivery CD (It's really good, I swear. No Enya), a hand-painted Archer masterpiece for you to hang on your fridge, a DVS onesie set (in your choice of girl or boy) and a Starbucks gift card for all you sleep-deprived people. Oh, and I'll also throw in some almonds, if you'd like, which are a delicious snack, an (unused) pregnancy test that expires in 2010 and Mr. Potato Head's left arm. And you thought these gift baskets were luxe.
Winner to be announced (duh, obvy) upon delivery so you have until then to cast your ballot! Good luck and may the force be with you (and my nether regions.)
Also a HUGE congratulations to my beloved Kendra on the birth of her beautiful daughter, Kaia Reese, born yesterday at 4:10pm, 7lbs, 13 oz 21 inches long. And Happy Birthday to Meredith, whose birthday was ALSO yesterday and a big congratulations to HER on her second pregnancy, which was also unplanned, but this time no need for a letter.
A huge thank you to all of you who participated in the online baby shower. Your posts were beautiful and inspiring and most of all, made me giddy with excitement for this new baby. My love and gratitude to all of you.
Fun poll...I'll be curious to see when you, um, drop!
When will she* be born? Here's hoping for a she with all that pink around! I'm saying 9/30/08, 11:05 AM
Weight? 6lbs 11 oz
Length?20 inches?
Hair Color? Dark brown
I'll go with Thursday Oct. 9th (I have to, it's my birthday), at 5:17pm, weight will be 7lbs 12oz, length 19 3/4 inches, hair color will be brown.
Oh Susan you are so mean! An extra month+ of pregnancy is your prediction. Bummer if you are right. :)
- Oct 9, 3:45am
- 7lbs 3oz
- 19 inches
- Blonde hair (aka: bald)
PS: My bonus guess is that she's a dude. In which case I want Mr. Potato Head's right arm too (if I win!) ;)
Oh, this is fun! But, I'm only playing because I want to get my hands on Archer's artwork.
-October 10, 2:15 a.m.
-8 lbs 3 ozs
-20 inches
-Brown Hair
I can't wait to her!
I meant to SEE her!
~ October 2, 2008/4:05 pm
~ Weight? 7 lbs 9 oz
~ Length? 19 1/2 inches
~ Hair Color? brown
Good luck and can't wait to meet her!
October 7th, 11:37pm
7lb, 2oz
20 inches
Blond hair just for kicks
Oh and definitely a girl.
If your daughter is born before my son though, I just don't know what I'll do. (Am overdue, just ignore me.)
And oooh teeny Archer was such a beautiful baby.
okay, first let me say what an adorable baby you were! and is that a lacoste baby ensemble you're wearing? awesome.
here's my contest entry:
9:10 pm
7 lb 11 oz
20 inches
brown hair
8:45 AM
6 lbs 10 oz
20 inches
light brown hair
I need some Arch-work for my fridge!
I hope (and pray to any and every god) I look half that good come my 38th week. Seriously.
Here's my prediction ::
October 2nd at 11:30am
8 lbs
20.5 inches
blonde hair
October 11th 8:43pm 7lbs 4oz 21 and 1/4 inches. bald but brown hair.
October 3 at 9:18am
7lbs, 14 oz.
20.5 inches
Dark hair
7lbs 1oz
19 1/2 in
dark brown hair
Hi! Long time lurker, and I'm guessing:
Date? 10/09/08, because that would be awesome. And I will go for morning, say around 9:30?
Weight? 7 lbs, 6 oz
Length? 20" long
Hair Color? brownish/reddish
And I'm totally sticking with the "she."
Delurking cuz there are prizes...
I say 10/12/08, 4:12 p.m.
6 lbs, 14 oz.
20.25 inches
Auburn hair
And yes, I'll take the almonds. Also Mr. 'Tato Head's left arm. We've been looking for that.
October 4, 2:15 p.m.
7 pounds, 7 ounces
20 inches
blondish hair
October 6th, 4:15pm
7 lbs, 4 oz
20 inches
Light Brown Hair
No Penis :o)
I did better than I thought I would guessing Ivy's arrival so I'll take a crack at this poll too.
When: 10/1 10:01 PM
Weight: 7 pounds 1 ounce
Length: 21 inches
Hair Color: brown with a hint of red
I'm gonna go with....
October 1, 6:17PM
7 pounds, 10 oz
19 1/4 inches long
reddish brown hair
And, if all of those are wrong, I'm gonna say "a baby, born sometime."
10/5 4:45AM
7lbs 4oz
19 inches
dark brown hair...
and the most goregous face in the history of babies.
October 9, 4:45am
7 lbs, 14 oz - 21 inches
dark brown hair
When will she be born? Oct 11th
Weight-8lbs 2oz
Hmmm, I'll go with...
Born: October 5th at 8:17am.
Weight: 8lbs 6oz
Length: 20inches
Hair: Brown
born: September 27th at 3:03 pm
weight: 8 lbs 2 oz
length: 20 in
hair: dark brown
fingers crossed!
When will she* be born? (Date/Time)
10/8/08 at 3:12pm
Weight? 6lbs 5oz
Length? 17 inches
Hair Color? brown
I'm not here to take the poll. Just wanted to say: "Nice belly."
I love the bling pushed to the side to accommodate the baby belly!!
Born: October 1st at 8:00 PM
Weight: 7 lbs 8 oz
Length: 19 inches
Hair: blondie!
best of luck for a speedy exit. Just because I'm betting on the 1st doesn't mean I can't hope for your sake it happens sooner :)
Ok, since you're due on 10/12/08 and this is your second baby...I'm going to say:
When will she* be born? 10/20/08 9:30 am
Weight? 9 lbs.
Length? 21 inches
Hair Color? Dark Brown
Born? October 7th @ 1:43 pm
Weight? 8 lbs even (hey, 2 of mine were!)
Length? 19 inches
Hair Color? light brown
BTW, you were a beautiful baby!
Weight: 7lbs 13 oz
Length: 20 in
hair: brown
Date: October 8
Weight: 8lb, 4 oz
Length: 20 inches
Hair Color: dark and fuzzy.
Name? Archuletta.
(I'm kidding. I'm just an American Idol idiot.)
October 10: 9:10AM
Weight: 7lbs 2 oz
Length: 21 inches
Hair: Brown
Date: 10.8.2008
Time 20:08
Weight:8 lbs 10 oz
Lengthwise:18.1 inches
Hair: Auburn
Wish you well lady!
Born: October 3rd, 9:47am
Weight: 7 lbs 12 oz
Length: 20 in
Hair: Dark Brown
Best of luck to you!
October 14, 3:14 a.m.
Weight: 7lb6oz
Length: 20 inches
Hair: Dark brown
Fun poll! Here's my guess:
Date: 10-3-08
Time: 10:04PM
Weight: 7lbs 3oz
Length: 19.5"
Hair Color: brown
Goooood luck!
Oooh, I want that Potato Head arm!!
Date: October 3
Time: 9:12AM
Weight: 7lbs 11oz
Length: 21"
Hair: dark
date 10-10-08
time 8:35 pm
weight 7lbs 6 oz
height 20.5"
good luck!!
10-4-08 6:35 am
8lbs 1 ounces, 20 inches.
Date/Time: October 7 6:13 pm
Weight: 7 lbs 11 oz
Height: 20 inches
Hair color: dark brown
Sex: Female ;)
October 3rd and 2:05 pm. 7 pounds 10 ounces, 20 inches long. Soft brown hair.
I forgot to add light brown hair, not a lot of it.
Hmm... I'm going with October 10, 7 lb 7 oz, 20 inches, born at 1:47 am. With sparse dark brown hair!
October 1, 9.15am
8 lbs 1oz
20 inches
October 3 11:15pm
8lbs 2oz
brown hair
best of luck to ya. I hated the wait and see game. I stayed 1 cm dilated for over a week before they finally induced.
October 15th, 9:38 pm
8 lbs even
18 inches
light brown hair
Good luck!
I'll say Oct. 5th, so it's one month after the Bun, and ooh, let's call it 11:15 pm - then you can hope for one good night's sleep afterwards. I think the dark brown hair is a no-guess, and I'll say 20.5 inches, like both of mine, and 7lb. 4 oz.
But mostly, I'm saying good luck, and I can't wait to hear!
When will she* be born? Oct 4, 17:45
Weight? 7lbs 4oz
Length? 22 in
Hair Color? light brown
Good luck too!
October 14 2:13 a.m.
7lb 6oz
Hi Becca (And Hal and Archer, And Little Pretty One!!)
I think you will be born October 4.
I think your mom will be in labor pains the night before and you will be born at 2:39 pm. I think you will be 7lb. 4oz and 20 inches long. You will have blond fuzz on your head.
October 7 10:15 pm
7lb 3oz
19" long
brown hair
Best of luck! Sending some Easy Labor Vibes your way ((()))
October 13th at 9:29 am
7 lb 1 oz
19" long
brown hair
Good luck! I can't wait to hear!! :)
SO exciting.
I'm going with 10/10/08 at 5:05 pm cuz it's such a cool date.
SHE will be:
20.5 inches long
8 lbs. 12.5 ounces
lots of blonde peach fuzz!
October 14th, 10:15am
Brown hair
19.5 Inches
7 lbs 4 oz
You were a very cute baby!!
the beautiful lady to be will
be born on october the 7th
19 inches
7lbs 13onces
hazel eyes
sandy brown/blonde hair
Birthdate: October 3rd
Time: 2:34 pm
Weight: 6lbs 8 oz
Length: 20 inches
Hair color: light brown
Birthdate: October 2, 9:04 pm
Weight: 7 lbs. 5 oz.
Length: 19 inches
Hair Color? light brown
Oct 13
6lbs 10oz
hair light brown/ drty blonde.
Oct 17, 7lbs 10oz, 20 inches.
Hair colour - darkish. ;-)
Hi Rebecca
You look great!
I predict 10/1/08
4:30 AM
19 1/2 IN
Golden Hair
3:30 AM
7 lbs,3oz
19 1/2 inchs
and Light Brown
October 4th
5:50 pm
7lb 2oz
A twee bit of dark blonde
Been reading you for years, this is my first comment, I have a 3 year old son that is 1 month older than Archer. Thanks for all the great reads, I can't wait to see how Archer reacts! We are trying for a 2nd but have been delayed by cervical cancer (damn it) but have the all clear now. We are hoping to add our next one soon!
October 6th
11:11 am
7lbs 8oz
20 inches
light brown/blonde
I'll give it a guess, though I have no children and all.
October 8th, 11.45 a.m.
7lb 10oz
20 inches
She'll definetly be a brunette or a redhead (can I say those two?)
Keep us informed ;)
I'm fully amused at your lengthy necklace in your belly shot :)
Good luck with the poppage of ye kid!
Congratulations, you're more dilated and dropped than I was IN LABOR. Little Man had (and has) a giant head.
Okay, although my 30th is tomorrow so I want to say 9/26, I'm going to be a little more conservative and say:
October 9
7:00 a.m.
7lbs 11 oz
Fuzzy dark brown hair
So looking forward to hearing her much-discussed name!
Here's my guess:
10/02/08 (There's a nice math-teachery quality to those numbers...)
6:42 a.m.
7lbs 5oz, 19 inches
Hair like Archer's.
GOOD LUCK! Enjoy the last days of your pregnancy!
Here's my guess:
10/03/08, 3:48 a.m.
8lbs 2oz, 18 inches
Light brown hair.
Good luck - you look great and I can't wait to hear the awesome news!!!!!
: )
Oh, and I will try to guess on the name too.
I say it's Florence!
Good luck Rebecca.
When: Oct 7th 3:10 pm
Weight: 8 lbs 3 oz
Length: 21 inches but just barely
Gorgeous brown hair
You look AMAZING! And I love Rockabye...I just started reading it, so I am a newbie to your blog!
October 5th
7 lbs 11 ounces
21 1/4 inches
Brown hair
October 3
21 1/2 inches
Brown Hair
you were such a cute baby... is that super blonde hair i see?
lets see... i was dilated about the same for a month prior to having gus... i remember that horrible grinding feeling in my pelvis they say happens the last couple weeks. well, he dropped a month before and man it was awful.
i am no good at these things. i had a baby and after that all baby things related flew out of my brain as quickly as they entered.
weight: 7lbs 8 oz.
height: 21 in
hair color: light blonde
My guess is Monday September 29th at 12:17 a.m.
Weight: 6 pounds 13 ounces
Height: 19 3/4"
Hair: Just a little...light brown
Oct 8th
Weight: 7lbs 4 oz
Length: 20in
Hair: just a little dark brown.
Good luck!
October 8 at 13:30am
7 lbs 7 oz
18 inches
brown hair
Best of luck from Norway!
September 30th 7lb 8oz
18 1/2 inches
Hair None
Because that is my b-day and what not.
October 15th
7lb 6oz
18 inches
Hair: light brown
Good luck, lady! I am so excited for you and all the other preggomommies approaching their due dates.
Seven weeks to go for me!
Oops I forgot time!
*october 9 (it's a thursday too, which rocks)
*9:39 in the p.m. (so you can experience a lovely, naturally dim-lit room, if you like)
*she be weighing in around 8lb 2oz
*lengthening out to 19 3/4 inches
*and, aye, she will have hair---a bit, dark.
so lovely, is she--will she be.
I'll guess...
Oct, 10, 2008 at 11:02 p.m.
7 lbs. 11 oz.
20 inches long
and lots of dark hair.
She will be born Oct 8th and 5:11pm
Weight 7lbs 14oz
Length 20 inches
Hair color blondish
Good luck!!!
So exciting!
10/6 at 6:33am
7 lbs, 6 oz.
20 inches long
light hair
10/10 at 7:30 PM
7 lbs, 4 oz.
19 inches long
Fuzzy chestnut-colored hair
10/5 4:32am
7 lbs 11 oz
20 inches
light brown hair
Yeah for you rockstar momma!
Hmm. I can't even venture a date/time/weight/length/hair color guess, so I'm saying, "practically perfect in every way."
I wish I could send Mary Poppins, too, even if only for entertainment.
Happy birthing, Bec!
Oh, all of those pictures are precious!
I'm gonna say,
Date: 9/30/08
Time: 6:20 p.m.
Weight: 7 pounds, 6 ounces
Length: 20.4 inches
Hair color: Auburn
Good luck and hang in there!
10/8 5:55pm
7 pounds, 15 ounces
20 1/2 inches
so here are my guesses
oct. 1st
7lbs. 13ozs.
with dark hair
I've never commented before, just recently found your blog (and love it!), but your gift package is just so awesome, I can't resist. So...
7:14 pm
7 lbs. 10 oz.
20.5 inches
medium brown hair
Regardless of when, I hope it's a great labor!
My prediction is my son's 3rd birthday, whcih I've oddly thought would be when you'd have this little girl from the beginning, and I'll use his birth weight and length so:
10/2/08, 9:00p.m.
8lbs 3oz. 21.5 inches long
lots and lots of dark brown hair and cute as can be!! (obviously!!)
Heather P.
october 8
7lbs 5 ounces
20 inches :)
B Date - October 14th
Weight - 8 lbs 3 oz
Length - 20 3/4"
Hair color - Brown fuzz
Not much longer now... :-)
Okey doke then.
Oct 13
8lbs 1 ounce
20 inches
fine, light brown hair
good luck friend!
Adding a time- 5.20am (worked for me!)
9.30.08 @ 1:42 pm - what a way to start the new year
7lbs 6 oz
19 in
dark brown
Okay hope this is not a repeat
Sept 28th 5:15 pm
6lbs 5 oz
20 1/2 inches
very little amounts of light brown hair
oct. 8 3:14pm
7lb 9oz
Oct.5th 4:15 pm
7 lbs 7 oz
20.5 inches
brown hair
Congratulations! (to you and ME!)
9/28/08 9:33 pm
8 lbs 2 oz
21 inches
brown hair
Good Luck!!! Fingers crossed for an easy labor.
October 15th
8 lbs 8 oz
19 inches
fuzzy, wispy brown hair
big blue-grey eyes
pouty lips
ten toes, ten fingers
10/4 at 4:24p
6lbs 13oz
20 inches
Brown locks
10/4 3:23AM
7lbs, 9oz
19 inches
Jet Black curls
october 10, 4:27 pm
7 lb 10 oz
light brown hair
good luck, lady!
10/8 9:37 pm
7 lb 3 oz
20 inches
light brown hair
i can't wait to see her! :)
Fun! So are you doing a spreadsheet to keep track or what? ;)
Born 10/5
Weight: 6lb 15 oz.
Length: 20 in
Hair: I'm going to say she's coming out with a few little brown wisps of hair
oh...time, i forgot a time.
hmm 7:12pm
10/17/08, 5:14 pm
8 lbs, 2 oz.
dark brown hair
ps you're looking Goooood! i'm in week 23 of growing my own little girl and i hope i look as hot as you when week 37 rolls around
October 3
12:16 am
20 inches
6 lbs 15 oz
dark brown/black hair
October 4th
7lbs 3oz
20 inches
light brown
and a beauty =)
October 8th
8 lbs, 2 oz
21 inches
& lovely as all get out!
7 lbs 5 oz
19 in.
black hair
10 am
October 15 (although the 12th is MY BIRTHDAY and I am a totally awesome libra and would love to share the day with little Merideth!! - oh yeah, that's the name i made up for her until we find out the real name!! lol!!)
I'm guessing that she will arrive 10/03/08 at 8.42 p.m.
weight 7lbs and 19 in.
With a full head of black hair.
Good luck!
no! You can't have her yet! I haven't finished your gift! Stay put baby girl!
My guess 10/5 at 2PM, 8 Lbs even.
no! You can't have her yet! I haven't finished your gift! Stay put baby girl!
My guess 10/5 at 2PM, 8 Lbs even.
When will she* be born? (Date/Time)
ill say oct 7-9th! but more so the 9th (i never win anything anyways so haha not expecting to)
Weight? 7lbs 4oz
Length?20 inches long
Hair Color? ill day a darkish blonde/brown
October 3rd, 12:43 PM, 7 lbs, 11 ounces. 20 1/2 inches.
Uuhhh... brown... hair...
I'm just gonna use my son's birth stats to make this guessing game easier! =P
October 7th at 5:05 am
7 lbs. 7 oz.
21 inches long
Light brown hair
october 3 at 8 pm
7lb 14oz
21 inches
brown hair
i love your blog btw <3
Haven't read all the others so I hope I'm not duplicating, but I'm guessing:
When will she* be born? Oct. 8, 4:51pm
Weight? 7 lbs 14 oz.
Length? 20 in.
Hair Color? Dark brown.
Lots of easy labor vibes coming!
When will she* be born? October 7; 5am
Weight? 7 lbs 3 oz
Length? 19inch
Hair Color? Brown
Good luck and baby dust to you!
When will she* be born? (Date/Time) October 3 @ 5:22 a.m.
Weight? 8 lbs 3 oz
Length? 20.5 inches long
Hair Color? Brown hair
Long time lurker here! Had to play! "Dropped" my second son in July. It's a hell of a ride around here with a 3 year old and an 8 week old. Preschool and leaking breasts, spit up and tantrums. Man, it's the hardest shit I've ever done!Then again you love it like nothing else.
Date/Time: September 30/3pm
Weight: 7 pounds 10 ounces
Length: 20.5 inches
Hair Color: Brown
Yeah, that's my 2 cents!
When will she* be born? I'm going to go with Oct. 2nd in the AM, 6 perhaps?
Weight? 7lb 5oz
Length? 20 inches
Hair Color? brown for sure!
OK, let's see:
When will she* be born? (Date/Time)
October 7, 2:47 a.m.
Weight? 7 lbs, 9 oz
Length? 19.5 inches
Hair Color? Brown
Good luck - can't wait to "meet" the new little one!!
October 5, 12:30 pm
Weight: 7 lb 11 oz
Length: 20 inches
Sandy brown hair.
Best of luck!!
October 1, 2:44 a.m.
7 lbs 13 oz
21 inches
light reddish-brown hair
Oh, and you will labor quickly. Kiddo will be anxious to get here.
There... I have prophesied! ;)
I forgot to put a length! 20 inches.
I'll say October 4, 10:23am
8 lbs, 0 oz
20 1/2 inches
dark brown hair
Good luck!
born: September 29th at 9:26 pm
weight: 7 lbs 6 oz
length: 19 1/4 in
hair: dark brown
I'm so excited for you--best of luck!
ooh, i forgot to add the day. saturday sept 27th. add that to the rest of my forecast.
Sunday September 28, 11;20 pm. 7 pounds 8 ounces, 19" long, with light brown hair.
The 28th because three of my best friends were born on that day; 11:20 because that's when my son was born. The rest I just made up.
Have a nice baby! :-)
When will she* be born? September 28th, 4:12 AM
Weight? 7 pounds, 14 ounces
Length? 19 inches
Hair Color? medium brown
Good luck.
DOB: September 28th at 3:49am
Weight: 8 pounds 1oz
Length: 21 inches
Hair color: light to medium brown, if any at all.
Best wishes for speedy delivery! I can't wait to read the birth story and "meet" your sweet baby girl!!!
* yes, it WILL be a girl!
Oct. 5, 9;:52 a.m.
Seven pounds, seven ounces.
20 inches.
Hair: wispy and light brown.
This is a fun game... good luck on a speedy delivery (but not so speedy that you can't get the drugs, if you so choose.)
Tuesday, September 29, 11:24 pm
6 lbs 14 oz
19 inches
brown hair
September 30th at 8:26 a.m.
Weight? 7 lb 6 oz.
Length? 19 inches
Hair Color? Light brown, very fine
Best wishes to you and the downstairs area!
Date: 10/6
Weight: 6 pounds 6 oz
Height: 20 inches
Hair: Brown
Date: Sunday, 9/28 at 3:20am
Weight: 7lbs, 4 oz
Height: 20 inches
Hair: Brown
Let's see...
Sept 30th, 3:04am
7# 11oz
brown hair.
September 30
7lbs 9oz
19 1/4 inches
brown fuzz
Wow! I hope you have a spreadsheet or something to keep track of the guesses. I'll say...
Baby girl,
Born on 10/08/08
At 6:57 AM
Weighing in at 7 lbs, 12 oz
And measuring 20"
With lots of reddish brown hair.
And no clue about the name. Fern? Fiona? I can't wait!
October 4th
8 el-beez exactly
21 inches
... So does, like, Vegas have the odds on this or what?
Oh ... time!! 9:31am
What a fun poll!
Here's my guesses:
Oct 4 at 6:18 am
7lbs 15 oz
21 1/2 inches
brown hair
I say September 29.
8:13 am
8lbs 3oz, 20 inches
Auburn hair and when they change brown eyes
Daisy Mae
9/29 @ 4.20 you will drop a 4# 20oz biscuit x 2 (that's 10lb 8 oz DOH!) dark haired maven. you really give a fuck how long she is? that's a stupid state.
meh. stupid stat.
When will she* be born? Oct 4, 736pm
Weight? 7 lbs 15oz
Length? 21 inches
Hair Color? black
September 31st, 7:30 a.m.
Weight -- 7 pounds, 3 oz
Length -- 20 inches
Hair color -- dark brown
You sure have a lot of entries to go through -- if you get through all of these after labor, etc. YOU deserve a prize.
After the last news (all that bloody show is scaring the shit out of me, remember i'm childless) I'm gonna change the date for obvious reasons.
That'll be
October 1st (a cool date)
7lb 10oz
20 inches
She'll definetly be a brunette or a redhead
September 30, 6:48 p.m., 20.5 inches, 7 lbs 9 oz, blondie.
I'm a longtime lurker, and loved your blog long before I even dreamed of parenthood (let alone coupledom). Now I find myself married and pregnant, and it's like you've been leading the way for me all along! Good luck with an easy labor and delivery.
Oct. 4, 2:53 p.m. 7 lbs. 8 oz. 20 inches
-Jill, mother of 3.25
i've changed my made up name to madeline. you would never name your baby after a Grey's Anatomy character. but a character from a beloved children's book? yes.
finally de-lurking cuz there is free shizz offered!
She (I'm pretty positive you are having a little girl!) will be born:
October 5th
@ 10:01 am
she will weigh 7lbs.6oz.
and will measure 21 inches.
and I am thinking she will have beautiful light brown hair
My guess:
10/7, 3am
7lb 11oz
brown hair
good luck for a great birth!
10/4 4:04AM
7lbs 4 oz
20 inches
brown hair
You look awesome by the way!
10/31 3:30a.m.
19lbs 13 ozs
36 inches
blue hair!
All just because it would be a great story later on!!
October 5th, 3 pm
7lbs 9oz.
20 1/4 inches long
brown hair
Good luck! :)
9/30/08 at 2:04 am
7lbs 12oz.
19 inches long
blond hair
October 14th at 3:08am
dark brown hair.
October 3
8 lbs 1 oz
dark brown hair
Excited to see "meet" the new arrival and many happy labor thoughts to you in the meantime.
Oh exciting! I guess October 2nd, 3pm, 6.5lbs, 21 inches.
Ok--I'm going to say:
10/4 7:30 p.m
7 lbs. 14 oz.
20 inches
brown hair
Good luck!!!
10:50 pm
7 lbs 13 oz
20.5 inches
dark hair
sept 30th
6 lbs 13 oz
19 1/2 inches long
dark hair
Birthdate - 10/10 at 10am
Weight? 7lb 12 oz
Length? 20 1/4"
Hair Color? brown
My first comment ever here - been more of a lurker/reader. I freakin love your blogs.
Let's see...
Oct 9 3:10pm
19 1/2 inches
7lb 4oz.
brown hair
Birthdate - 10/10 at 8:55 am
Weight? 7lb 10 oz
Length? 19 1/2"
Hair Color? brown
Date/time: October 3 8:45am
Weight? 7lb 12oz
Length? 19.5
Hair Color? brown
Oct. 3, at 10:51. (for extra bonus points, I also predict that your GBS won't be adequately treated).
8 lbs, 2 oz, 20.5 inches long with light brown/dark blonde hair.
Good luck!
First time poster, long time listener. But since I love guessing games and free stuff...
10/10 @ 10:10 a.m. (because why not?)
8 lbs. 1 oz.
20 inches
dark brown hair
good luck in these last few days. enjoy the (relative) quietude.
Since she'll be a fellow libra, I'm hoping to have the honor and privilege of sharing my birthday with this sweet bundle!
October 1
10:04 am (same time as my first girl)
8 lbs, 8 ounces
20.5 inches
dark fluffy/silky hair that smells just like heaven!
pouty lips... watch out Angelina!
Fingers crossed... and HAPPY PUSHING!
My guess:
October 10th
20 1/2 inches long
dark hair
Good Luck!
I just finished your book! So awesome! I am passing it to my sister who hasn't been blessed with her own pregnancy yet, but has just the right amount of fear about what is coming!!
Okay, I know you're not having fun. But soon it will all be over. After a full night of labor, I'm predicting a big, fat baby.
October 4th at 6:00 A.M., 22 inches, 8 lbs., 14 oz., with lots of dark brown hair.
Good luck. I'm thinking about you!
When will she* be born? (Date/Time)
10/8 10:45am
Weight? 8# 3oz
Length? 21 1/2 inches
Hair Color? brown
I am ALWAYS wrong, so I have no hope of winning. I'm saying Oct. 7, 10:01 am, 7 LB 12OZ 19 3/4 inches long, dark hair!
You sure were a beautiful baby!
I will go with:
Oct 13
8 lbs, 15 oz
21 inches
dark brown hair
Good luck! I bet you could sell a copy of that CD to all the contest losers. Help pay your maternity fees.... Charge $1 plus shipping? I would buy!!
10/01 6:30pm
7lbs 1oz
20.5 inches
dark brown hair
good luck!!!!!
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