Burpcloths and headbands from LouandLee on Etsy. All pieces are hand-sewn by this here fine lady. And check out the onesies. To die... LouandLee also takes custom-orders for those who inquire.
For those interested, I'm featured in "Supernanny" Jo Frost's June Newsletter. Check out my Q&A action, here.
Those onesies are so cute, I almost can't stand it.
You might like this seller, too. I bought a taggies blankie from her and love it.
OMG. I'm so there. My sister just found out she's having a girl in Oct. and I've been searching for the perfect gift.
Now my search is over!!! Spanks!
ooh cool.
I have been reading your blog for a few months and would like to tell you "thank you" for the occasional escape from my reality. You are a brilliant writer and I enjoy being able to get a glimpse into your "world". I loved what you said about mommy groups on your questionnaire with Jo Frost and I couldn't agree more.
That's awesome! Both the clothes and the interview :). How did you get requested to do an interview? Does Jo know your blog or did she find out about you through your book? pretty cool...
and yeah, those onesies make me want a baby girl, like, tomorrow.
Thank you, Windy! Kiss.
wow, look at you being interviewed by Supernanny! very cool :-)
Your book finally came from Amazon (I'm the mean girl on flickr that said I punched the girl at B&N...) and I have to tell you that THIS, is my favorite part (thus far - I got it yesterday and I'm on page 120!) because I can relate so well, but would have never known how to put a voice to my heart:
This is what it feels like to love somebody, I think. Because however I defined love before now seems so terribly off. So not like this.
... no matter what happens, Hal will be the only person in the world who understands the way I feel. The only person in the history of histories who can look at Archer with the same eyes, no matter how differently we may look at each other or the world.
So beautiful. I am in love with this book. I keep interrupting my husband to read him pieces that strike a cord within me. I look at my two boys, 2 1/2 and 1, and I know what you're saying. It's scary and exciting and lonely all at once.
Thank you for writing this. It's amazing. YOU are amazing. Archer and Baby New are lucky to have you for their mama.
OMG, I just bookmarked the Etsy site and sent a link to both my husband and mom for my little girl due in September! The headbands, bows and onesies are so adorable, thanks for the heads up. Now if I only had the $$ to spend......lol
Congrats on the Supernanny interview!
holy christ. send nanny jo over here. he eyes would fall out.
citefuzz is also a really cute place on etsy to get great hats and bibs... not sure if you need hats for the little girl in L.A. though??...
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