Just got home from my latest ultrasound and guess fucking what? We're going to have a girl, you guys. A girl! And would you know it? She even has a name. And in about an hour, an entire wardrobe. And bedding. And her very first Raggedy Anne and oh my God, I'm going to cry. I'm crying. She's already making me cry. Such a heartbreaker, this one.
What a lovely little face! There is just nothing like that mother/daughter thing. So happy for you guys!
Aww! Hello, little girl!
CONGRATULATIONS!~ you are going to have so much fun with her...just be prepared to share your shoes in about 15 years ;) it's going to be the best!~ Cant wait to hear what the name is!~
Congrats! Girls are awesome :) Archer's gonna be a great big brother! I just watched his video of his birthday (my son LOVED it,btw) and I cried. I hope my son gets there someday.
Again Congrats! When do we get to know her name? ;)
My daughter is napping right now. She's exhausted from running aroud the apartment saying "baby" over and over and over.
Daughters. Thank heaven for little girls.
Awesome! Congrats to you and your expanding family. Little Girls!!!!
Oh and the clothes!!!
Congratulations! You are going to have SO much fun getting her dressed every day.
I might be fighting the pink conspiracy for good feminist reasons, but I can't resist the excitement of gorgeous clothes.
Congratulations. I don't even know you personally, but a girl seems so fitting for your family.
And how the heck did you keep your beautiful belly? After two kids, mine is all tore up.
Girls are so great! My first two were girls and the third a boy. Oh I'm so excited for you!
Many, many congrats! Girls are so fun. Good luck shopping, trust me, you'll never stop:)
A girl! Hearty congrats!
I had a girl after two boys.
You are gonna have so much fun with your wee girl.
I never thought I would want to spend money on clothes for anyone other than myself, and then I had a daughter. A little girl baby can pull off ANYTHING, let me tell you.
Congrats! Girls are so much fun. You have one of each now! You lucky lady.
Is it Tallulah?!?!
Aww, YAY! Congratulations, mama! (for the record, I predicted correctly... it was 50/50, but I still win. Go me.)
I find out in a few weeks about mine... this just made me super excited!
WOOOO WOOOOO!!!!! I am so excited for you- A GIRL!!! Perhaps its the preggo hormones, but I'm teary. We are hoping for a heart-breaker ourselves. CONGRATS!
Girls are great! There is nothing like the mother daughter bond. I'm so happy for you! Someone mentioned above that you should be ready to share your shoes in 15 years....more like a year and a half! I can get my 2yr old out of them. Just wait until she starts squealing "ooooo pretty dress mommy!"
Congratulations! A girl! I love girls!
...And she will be beautiful and amazing! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!! I'm so excited for you guys. Makes me want a little girl to dress up in big pastic heart shaped sunglasses and black patent mary-janes.
congrats!! girls are great (until they are about 12 but let's not dwell on the negative!! LOL!!)
so happy that you are happy!! can't wait to hear the name. it better be good because we are all expecting greatness!! (no pressure!) ~jjlibra
WOOO HOOOO!!! That is so great. You better watch out, if she gets any of your beautiful looks she is going to be TROUBLE!
EEEEEK! Don't hate me but I did some shopping at lunch...can't wait to squeeze you this weekend!
Girls rock! (And so do their cute baby clothes!)
Congrats on the great news!
Whoohoo! Congrats on your future little bundle of drama and hormones!
Wonderful! Congratulations!
Wow! CONGRATULATIONS! Isn't that what you wanted? One of each now huh?
What wonderful news!
Archer is going to be the bestest big brother ever!
*SQUEAL*! Congratulations, so exciting, break out the pink & purple!
Congratulations! Girls are the best but I'm biased because I have the worlds sweetest 14 year old girl! I hope you are as amazed and blessed as I have been. Congrats to Hal and Archer as well
One of each is awesome, I swear.
Thank you guys! So stoked! And probably won't be posting the name until the birth, you know, just because. I did however just buy her first dress. It's huge, of course and won't fit her for like, two years. But it's so cute I just couldn't resist. Sigh...
Awww, a girl!!! Congrats :)! Have fun buying her all sorts of cute and adorable outfits!
*singing here*
Soul sista, soul sista, yeah!!
Oh how neat!
Does Archer know?
Congrats - girls are fun. :-)
Awesome news! Oh, yes, the clothes---swoonable.
Congrats on girl sweetness!
!!! I don't even know you and I just cried!
Congratulations! So exciting!!
!!!! Mazel Tov!! Welcome Rebecca's daughter! You have no idea have fabulous your mother is, but I will make sure you know!
if you think it's fun to dress archer, wait until you fill a little girl's wardrobe. my 6 year old girls are hoping this next one is a girl to share all their clothes with her. i'm okay with that. besides that - no bris!! woot! woot! that sucked the first time.
Congratulations, she is a lucking little girl.
Oh, hurrah! This is so exciting! Can't wait to hear her name. You outdid yourself with Archer, so am betting the girl version will be EVEN BETTER.
Oh, I know it sounds pretty jejune -- but count on me to never fear the jejune -- what a treat.
Hooray for GGC and the Joan of ARCher.
ps. I have been thinking about how much you have taught me about raising little boys over and over this week. Hmmmmm.. I guess I better dig for some of my quality little girl material.
How wonderful
Yay yay yay girls rock! Especially when they have such a cool older brother like Archer.
Congratulations. As my (single, childless) SIL would say, now you have "a matching set" (because kids are like flatware or something, right?)
oh my gosh! the tiny hand! congratulations--ladies nights forever!
Congrats! One of each. Here's to the man-on-man defense!
Oh, how wonderful!! I'm so excited for you.
You will be a wonderful mother to a daughter. Such a lucky little girl already.
I'm tearing up a little! Congratulations -- it will be wonderful (it is already!). Lucy will be ready to play whenever you are back in Portland. Yeah! (Can't wait to hear the name...!)
Oh, I'm so excited for you! I just knew it was a girl when we met at your reading! And I can't wait to hear her name. My little special girl just turned 5 (so Archer's 3rd birthday posts were special to me) - check out my blog for party pics. I am so, so happy for you and your whole family. This is major.
Congrats. Little girls (in my experience) are just the coolest toys ever. Dressing them up, doing their hair, finding matching shoes....it's all par for the course and it is a wonderful journey. Here's a website you may want to check out - how to make those bows that people pay $10 or more for: http://www.theribbonretreat.com/custom/free_projects.aspx
CONGRATULATIONS! Just absolutely perfect
There goes your savings account! Congrats!
What's not love about getting what you want?!
Awesome. Just awesome. :)
HOLY FUCKING SHIT! I hadn't read the post when I saw the flickr photo a couple days ago. Congratulations -- girls rule. :)
Haha! When I showed my best friend that we were having a girl via the ultrasound, she said "oh, a little snatch!" I will never, ever forget that.
Oh and the name isn't Tallulah, but boy do I ever love that name. I was pushing for Tallulah as a middle name but didn't happen.
And thank you all!
Many congratulations to you and Hal! Little girls are so much fun, and really transport you back in time to when you were young. (You may have another book there, missy.)
Congrats! Thats great!
congrats! I just found your blog. I feel it is so honest. As a woman in my early 20's, its nice to see your perspective. Not losing who you are just because you are a mother. Thank you for sharing.
ahhh!! yayyy!! I'm so excited for you guys... a little girl to play with and dress up... how awesome is that.
yay! congratulations,but ya never know. Once heard a fella on the radio talk about how the baby was gonna be a girl,but when it was born, it was a boy!
My girl is about to turn 12. She still craves hugs all the time, even after I've hollered about how she really needs to jump in the shower or how she shouldn't eat marshmallows 10 minutes before dinner.
Things that are cool about girls (please forgive some of the generalizations): you can paint their toenails; they love sunglasses; they love gardens of all kinds, whether it's a flower garden or a vegetable garden or a weed garden (as is the case at our house); they love to help with chores like washing dishes or cooking; and speaking of cooking, BAKING is out of control with girls--gingerbread houses and cookies and cupcakes...
I could go on and on. And I know boys do a lot of that stuff too, but my daughter seemed to eat that stuff up like crazy.
Congrats. Big time.
I really love you. You have taught me to be so patient in this process we call " getting preggo" I would love to send you a gift because you have opened my eyes to knowing I can too be the best mommy ever, Please send me an address. Anomalousapple@aol.com.
Congratulations! I am so excited for you! I think everyone should get a boy AND a girl when they have kids. Mainly because, well, that's what I want. :)
Excellent! Congratulations!
Congratulations! Girls rule!
Oh wowo, you must be so excited and also so scared (I would be terrified to get one of me! HA)
Don;t worry, she'll be wonderful
I am so happy for you!!! :)
Congratulations! I tell you what, the thought of a girl scared the bejeezus out of me, but now that I have one, I LOVE me some baby girl! She's my little starlight, and I'm still scared of what the years will bring (what with the esteem issues and the body issues that boys just don't seem to be as mightily faced with) but I say bring it! GIRLZ RULE!
Congrats. Really. Beautiful beautiful beautiful, beautiful girl!
(misting up here too.) I remember hearing that my girl was a girl, a daughter. I remember buying her impossibly large dresses (that now fit) and hanging them on tiny hangers.
So fun! YAY! Congrats!
Hiya, sweet girl!
Aww, I'm actually tearing up a little for you. A boy and a girl! One of each just seems so wonderful!
Congrats! thats so great you are having a girl. shopping for her is going to be so much fun for you.
I guessed girl!
You are going to have so much fun in girl land- the clothes are awesome- and hard to resist.
Oh yippeeee! Congrats!
(PS-I guessed a girl!)
Congratulations! So excited for you!
Yea!!!! Congratulations! I can't wait to find out what you decide to name her! Reading this news makes my uterus feel a little envious and empty, even though I still (arrrrggggh) haven't gotten rid of the pregnancy pudge courtesy of my little 7-month-old peanut butter cup.
Congratulations on your daughter. And with a vagina yet! How nice.
My sister-in-law is one of those women who insists on teaching her children the explicit names for their body parts. Her kids not only announce when they have gone to the bathroom and exactly what transpired there, but they talk about their private parts with all the clinical detail of small OBGYNs. Loudly. In public.
My mother-in-law was with us in line at a department store when my three-year-old niece remarked that she not only had "white stuff" in her vagina but her clitoris itched.
My mother-in-law tried to shush her, but the tot was not allowing herself to be shushed.
"But it does! It itches! Doesn't your clitoris ever itch, grandma?" she asked.
My mother-in-law went home and took two of what she calls her "nerve pills."
I see I'm a little late here but just wanted to say congrats on the girl news!! You have NO IDEA how much fun you're going to have buying clothes, shoes, hair clips, etc.!!
Congrats on your growing, mixed gender brood!:-)
Wow, lucky you! I loooove having a girl. I know you told me how much you loved having a boy, but believe me this time - girls are great fun, and girl stuff? Well, obviously you know.
One of each is great....I love it.
I love watching the DIFFERENCES.
I love watching them play together.
I love watching them figure each other out.
My house is a mish mash of gender specific stuff all mixed together and happily played with by both.
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