Archer and Kennedy watch the fountain at The Grove.

Still watching...

Don't they look like they could be sibs?

Kennedy's mom and me, fourteen years ago... right around the same time this was happening.
And now, pregnant with our second babes, due two weeks apart.
Does watching our kids grow up together mean we already have? I guess so, but, wow. When did that happen? Life, man...
Gosh, I love both of those car seats! And this is a really incredible post.
That third one of them might possibly be the cutest thing I've ever seen. Seriously. Omg.
That's a beautiful post. They could be sibs. How lovely to keep friendships going through another generation.
You mums are very lovely too.
So jealous! I want a friend with a kid Lucy's age. And I want your fierce camera poses:)
wow i had just written an email explaining that i was going to a new kids on the block concert with the same friend that i went with when i was 12 (oh, i hear the snickers but i don't care!) then i commented to that friend "wow, has it really been 20 years??"
THEN i pulled up your blog and BAM!!! it read "speaking of friendships..." i was like whoa...
Wow. Methinks Archer and Kennedy have a beautiful love affair in the future. Look how intrigued he is with what shes reading. And she's all coy-like. So cute.
This post made me wish Jack had a friend from a friend of mine that was his age.
Such saucy mama's and babehs!
Ok, sweet post. But what I really want to say is I just tracked back to the tampon post and gaffaw-ed so loudly, my co-workers have all looked into my office to see what was so funny. Now I have to pretend REALLY hard to be working.
Thanks, Bec ... good to know I wasn't the only period ignoramus.
*STILL giggling*
So cute!
Wow! They totally look like brother and sister! It will be interesting to see how close the next 2 babies are in looks and friendships. Such a sweet post!
Sweet post...and yes, they do look like sibs!
Dude! They could TOTALLY be brother and sister. Wow!
Loved the post!
and in a totally banal note, where did you get those car seat covers?
I live in Mexico, so.. I'm clueless
Wow. They look VERY related.
Are you sure she isn't yours?
I love it. Mr. Schmitty's best friend has a son the same age as our T. I love watching the 4 of them do "guy stuff" together. It's so sweet to know that at age 5 my hubby and his friend were best friend's too!
Wow, they really DO look like siblings! Gorgeous little ones!~ and love the carseat covers! We totally need that floral one...
Both of you are so gorgeous! And yes, Archer and Kennedy look like twins!!! So cute!!!
OK, seriously? It is SPOOKY how alike they look!!! Lovely mamas, and lovely kiddlings.
Awesome post. Do their daddys look alike too?
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