It's been a long week 'round these parts. First off, I just have to say that WOW! I can't believe how many of you are as crazy baby-name-obsessed as I am. To be honest, my obsession goes a whole lot deeper than I let on in my last post. (I'm pretty sure that I've been losing sleep over baby names since 5th grade.)
I took your baby name comments very seriously and even printed out your recommendation emails, studying and scrutinizing each and every name.
We have settled on a new boy-name for now, one that totally fits with Archer and I love it even more than our previous choice (which was Walden by the way). Walden has since been scrapped. Sniff.
So far our early boy-name contenders that are no longer: Sebastian, Everest, Blaze, Noble, Teague, Jasper and Rex, which are all great names, but for whatever reason have been removed from the list. Early girl-names that didn't make the final cut: Daisy, Eve, Simone, Djuna and Sabine, all beautiful in my opinion but again, none of them felt like "it"....
I'm madly in love with our current selection of both girl and boy names (middle names included) so hopefully Hal won't get all Change of Heart on me again. Grrrrr!
I wanted to take a moment to pledge allegiance to some people who have pretty much been my salvation these past couple of weeks. Danny, friend, blogger, author and all-around bad-ass. I wish I could rewrite my book-acknowledgments to include him because I cannot begin to describe what his friendship has meant to me over these past weeks and, well, months. If you haven't already, I highly recommend you go make out with his blog, now.
And also Rachel Fershleiser who has sent me dirty e-cards every day for the last two weeks, to cheer my insanity, and has pretty much done everything imaginable to help me promote Rockabye, including setting her gchat away message to my Amazon link, which is just insane because SHE has has a new book out, too! That's some crazy ladyfriend love right there.
I also wanted to thank all of you who have blogged about, reviewed, and/or added Rockabye buttons to your blog/myspace/facebook pages. I owe each and every one of you drinks so please, if you make it to any of the signings, take me up on my offer. Promoting a book is a whole lotta work and it's impossible to do it alone. So thank you all for your continued awesome.
Oh! And one very quick question for anyone living in Vancouver and/or the Seattle area-- Do you know anything about how to (0r whether or not its necessary to) reserve a ferry from Seattle to Vancouver? I cannot for the life of me figure it out, which I realize might be totally pathetic. But, eh... I'm not that strong a swimmer.
Oh! And I have some very exciting news! Archer made his very first on-his-own friend! and I couldn't be more excited. Read more about it, here.
Okay so it's four-something-pm. Way past my bedtime. Goodnight, all, and good Friday to you.

spooning Archer on the couch. zzzzzzzzzz...
congrats on the new baby name!! hope it sticks. I have to say that I really like Everest, except that I think people would always say "Everett?" Although I guess you get the same thing with Archer/ Arthur... it happens with unique names. You guys are super-creative, too, none of this adding a K and a Y and calling it good. Blaze? dude. That's cool.
I really like Everest, too. Archer and Everest match, but my issue with Everest is it doesn't have a natural nickname. Ev? Resty? And yes, Archer gets Arthur but even more often, Asher, which is also a great name. And Blaze, I do love. Hal wasn't so keen, however. The dude is a HARD SELL.
I have two boys with pretty normal names, nothing special. Since I'm never going to have a girl I thought I would play along and throw a few your way. Mira (this was our first choice for our imaginary girl), Allegra (I loved it the hubby not so much)and lastly Brooklyn.
Ok don't kill me I just went to your next post and read you are not in the market for girl's names. So for boys here is my list: Remington (Remy)and Atticus (no better fictional male role model).
ooo, brooklyn is nice for a girl. that was on my last for a while, but i spelled it brookelynne.
anyway rebecca, i just finished rockabye, kudos to you lady! very well done.
Hey Rebecca,
I could be totally wrong, but I don't think there is a ferry from Seattle to Vancouver. There are ferries to Victoria on Vancouver Island and then ferries from near Victoria to Vancouver. Wouldn't be very direct though. And the ferry from Seattle to Victoria is passenger only. It only takes about 2 hours to drive from Seattle to Vancouver, not including whatever amt of time it takes at the border. The border has been a beeyatch the last 4 times I have gone North and can sometimes take over an hour to go through. Hope that helps.
See you in Portland!
Someone clicked the button for your book on my page!
I hope it wasn't you. I hope someone else thought: "Hey. There's a book, and it's advertised on this dude's page. I think I have to go buy it."
That's what I hope they thought.
I know that other people have probably had hundreds of clicks on that button on their page, but I only have one button, and the first click is the deepest.
Seattle to Vancouver is all highway. I moved here from Seattle, did I ever tell you that? How long will you be there- let me know if you need fun stuff to do!
Oh, and Walden was a finalist for us too, but we went with Atticus.
Can't wait to read Rockabye.
We had a terrible, terrible time with names all around, especially boy names. Blech. I finally let my husband pick the FOR LIFE moniker of our beloved progeny (well, out of the top three we agreed upon). His choice? Reed Elliott. I like it, but I was holding out for Rhys (last name of the eponymous postcolonial novelist Jean). We also liked Asher but somehow convinced ourselves it might morph into "asshole." Cheery, optimistic folk we are, no? Finn was another major contender.
I was in love with Piper, Liv, and Vivienne for girls. Eliza and Phoebe were considerations, as was, for some ineffable reason, Meg and Rose. (I like all things Victorian, as if it weren't embarassingly obvious).
We didn't name Reed until they carved him out of the ol belly, at which I panicked over our poor nameless bundle. It's truly a painful process. My sympathies.
You don't need to ferry for your trip. If you wanted to go to Vancouver Island or to any of the Southern Gulf Islands (highly recommended!), you'd look at:
Best of luck!
Feel free to check my old OH MY GOD I'M 8 MONTHS PREGNANT AND WE HAVE NO NAME posts because there are more suggestions than you can handle. And not one of them includes Madysynne.
Hope your reading went smashingly. I'm totally loving your book (no shocker).
Sorry dude, but there is no ferry from Seattle to Vancouver. But it's super easy just to drive from one to the other! It's about 3 hours on the road, plus some wait time at the ferry. Just print out a google map and you'll get here no problemo.
I'm still grumpy that I'm going to be away when you are in town. Maybe leave some graffiti around the city so I can retroactively feel your presence?
To do in Vancouver if you have any extra time at all:
- walk the seawall at Stanley Park (or rent bikes!)
- meander up Robson Street and curse at the tourists
- eat gelato until you barf
- check out Granville Island Market
Wish I could be here to tourist you around. I hope you have an AWESOME time!
PS: Do you want me to do any postering or something for ya?
Hiya! I just had to tell you that my sister had a baby boy on Thursday and they named him Luke Everest! My sis and BIL are huge hikers, backpackers, outdoors-ey folks and it was so fitting for them. I love it personally and you could always call him "E". You know, since *my* opinion is of so much importance! Can't wait to hear what the final choices are. You look AWESOME by the way.
hey rebecca,
yeah, vancouver (the city) not to be confused with vancouver island.
just realized that might be what's going on here.
and hey, feel like coming to ontario? ;)
good luck!
I just wanted to briefly say that I love your book! It is wonderful, thanks for writing and sharing your stories. I was at the Booksoup but didn't stay for the reading as my little daughter wanted to climb all the ladders in the store :-) It was still nice to catch a glimpse of Archer running around.
Good luck with names and baby number 2 (Sebastian was on our boy list as well...).
Oy. Baby naming... Gives me a nauseated stomach just thinking about it. I can PERSONALLY think of names for dozens of unborn children, but to get my husband to agree on one? HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!!!!
Of course, I will be producing NO MORE CHILDREN so naming the pretend ones is much easier than actually having to do it.
I always liked Avery, but then met a baby boy and a baby girl named it.
My favorite girl name of all time? The one we used for our daughter, Corinne. Though, for some reason, everyone pronounces it Co-Reen, when it is obvious, to me, at least, that it is Co-Rin.
My point? I need some caffeine, that's my point...
I have to say - Blaze is cool and all, but it sounds a touch soap-opera-y, I think, while Archer sounds unique but not campy. But I really like Teague and Jasper, and Daisy, Simone, and Sabine are all ones I like for one reason or another, but won't be using myself, either. But they all gave me that moment of pause before I decided maybe not. It's tough, and I know I'll be posting my own post about this sometime soon! Hoepfully this time, the discussions won't include the statement from me to Misterpie, "You suck." like last time.
Glad to hear your book tour is going well - you must be so damn proud. But sad that you won't be getting to Toronto, where you'd totally get good blogger lovin'. Vancouver, though, is on the mainland (not on Vancouver Island, as one might logically assume), so you won't need a ferry to get there.
Ha! I bought her book before I even bought yours, so when Danny comes out with a book, I guess I'll have to buy that, too.
As for names: I like things that are unique but not too over the top. It's too bad Eve was on the get rid of list. You can't really go wrong with a classic.
Uh, I just have to say that I LOVE your previous boy names and I hope the new one sticks!
I have a hard time picturing you two having the beautiful Archer, Colette, and DAISY. Weird.
I'm still all about Walden, though.
When I was 20 my boyfriend (who eventually became my now husband after 1000 apologies and a few years)cheated on me with a slut named Simone so I am very happy you will not be going with that name as it still has the ability to make my throat close up in anaphalactic shock.
And how do I get a button to put on my blog for your book? I'd love to support your writing and cannot wait to read it myself!
Almost done with your book and I just absolutely love it. You and I, we could be friends on many levels and your words resonate deeply.
Not to add to the madness (because man, EVERYONE likes to give baby name ideas...) but... I've always loved Gavin for a boy and for a girl, I like names like Kennedy (would sound cool w/ Archer) and Tatum.
I'm so glad to hear it, UD. And Gavin is a great name and Kennedy is one of my oldest BFF's daughter's name. Tatum is an old friend's daughter's name, too! So funny!
Please say it's not Hunter. Please, please! that would be too twee, as my gay British friends say.
I have a theory about how to ensure a child will be neurotypical: no weird names. Name a kid Saylor or Coda or Hampton and you've practically guaranteed the kid a reserved seat on the short bus.
So, if you don't want your child to be wearing a helmet and finger painting with his own feces when he's 12, name him Jim. Or Paul. Or Dave.
Oh, please. I'd never do "Hunter" and "Archer" ... I'm not looking for a typical name, however. I'm just looking for a name we *like* and one that goes well with Archer. Neuroptypical is not my goal. I don't even agree with the word so Saylor Coda Hampton it is! Thanks for the idea!
Wow. Truly.
"So, if you don't want your child to be wearing a helmet and finger painting with his own feces when he's 12, name him Jim. Or Paul. Or Dave."
I didn't realize that disability stemmed from one's name. Or that disabled children ride the short bus, need a helmut and prefer to play with their own stools rather than crayons like those cleaner, nicer "normal" kids. I guess you learn something new about how people think everyday. Unfortunately.
Hopefully no one with disabled children is reading these comments. Most of us have the good sense to dismiss such large-scale ignorance, but still. As a longtime reader but new commenter, I can't not say something about this.
Um. I mean "helMET," as in casing for one's head, not "helMUT," as in Lang or Newton. Yep.
Too bad Sebastian's off the list (I obviously live the name!) I'm impressed that you already have another boy name- it was hard to come up with two!
I liked the name Sebastian.
I'm a little partial to Joliana (Jolie for short). It's on my list of Girls Names for the Girl Babies I'm Never Going To Have Because My Husband Had His Balls Soldered When He Realized That Babies Actually Stick Around for the Long Haul, Even At 2 and 3 and 4 am.
Long list title, I know. But I make up for it by only having the one name on it. It was to be my sons name had he been a she. Instead he was named after an middle school crush and a mysterious Hot Wheels truck.
Actually, there *is* a ferry from Seattle to Vancouver (the city), BC -- but it is not for the average traveler. TOTALLY the way to go, if you are not vacationing, is to take the freeway and drive. But if you can't pass up the ferry experience, you can take the "clipper", which is really like a cruise boat vs. a ferry...and priced as such.
(I swear I'm not affiliated - never done the clipper myself - just wondering if that might be where the confusion lies)
And Anonymous? Jim, Paul, Dave, etc. are not "normal" names any more...that would be synonymous with one of us having an Enid or Elmer in our first grade class way back in the day. I'm assuming by your lack of couth that if your theory stands correct (which I highly doubt) that YOUR name is "Saylor or Coda or Hampton" or some such? Just a wild guess.
Hey before anyone corrects me - the "clipper" goes from Seattle to Victoria, not Vancouver. Whoopsie :)
I can't remember if I responded to your earlier post but check out the site is premised on a body of research showing the link between names, perceptions, and outcomes. Check us out and let us know what you think.
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