The following video (see below) took about five minutes of church-giggle silliness to make and about four-thousand hours to string together. It's a sloppy mess but that's kind of how we roll these days. Turns out mama doesn't need a drink to act like like a tipsy teenager. I'm on the road with one of the funniest human beings on this planet, you see.
I mean, check out the view from our hotel room. Comedy:

Look closely at the green. That's the Oakland A's doing their calisthenics
Anyway, here's some of what we did in Seattle. And yes, as always, it's amateur hour. I'm hardly a professional on camera or off.
We arrived in Vancouver this evening after a very long day of very interesting adventure. It took us eight hours to go less than 200 miles and we only got lost fourteen times. Twelve of those times were on purpose, though, I swear. Dana passed out Rockabye postcards to every man, woman, farmer, tractor-salesman and border-patrol agent in the Pacific Northwest and we shot about three hours of wackadoo footage I'll likely post in another several days when we can stay up past 10:30 without passing out (for very different reasons).

Hint: My drink is the one with non-alcoholic water in it
For Dana's side of the story go here.
Love to see my Vancouver peeps tomorrow (April 29th) at Sophia Books at 7pm. Please bring friends, family, kids, cardboard cut-outs of kids, etc. Also would like to quickly thank my dear friends Mothergoosemouse, Her Bad Mother and Whit at Honea Express and Dadcentric for their incredible Rockabye reviews. And also, to any and all new friends and bloggers spreading the word, showing up to my readings; being supportive. I realize I'm sounding broken-recordesque but I'm really just so grateful. Thank you.
So, are there plans for an east coast leg of this tour? Toronto, perhaps?
mad editting skilz there BMC!
I love the "on the road" footage of you goofy girls. Wish there was a Midwest leg to your trip (Ohio-ish). Ah well.....maybe with your next number one selling novel.....
Love to you, GGC.
Wow. So sorry you don't have any fun together. Such misery.
Ha! My BFF Jen is "The Messiah!"
And I suppose I wouldn't be much of a BFF at all if I didn't totally hijack this thread and give her a little linky love (whether she wants it or not):
have fun in van city rebecca! it's an awesome town.
and yes, get thee to the east coast!
you two are just too much fun. hope to catch you in pdx.
We are reading Rockabye for our next book club in May. Any chance you'll be coming East to NC anytime soon? We're a tolerable, fun even, group without the wine. But let's face it, wine makes us more so.
I'd love to review your book or help publicize a signing. Are you coming to Richmond, VA?
The construction right?
Thrilled about the BMC enriched appearance tonight. I'll email you my phone no... if you need follow up on my advice.'
Hit Smokin Lily and environs for clothes --
Bean around for coffee..
Bakers dozen for something for Bub and Foo...
... more to come
see you tonight
Hi Becca, I was at your Elliot Bay reading/signing - I was the pregnant gal with the 1 hour parking who pushed to the front to sign my book, ha ha. I'm in the middle of Rockabye and had to tell you I LOVED the risotto on the floor chapter with Archer. I could picture Luc and I doing exactly the same thing, down to the messy hands and floor, sniff sniff. My best to you!!
Will be there tonight!
Book tour sounds like it's going supremely awesome. As always, you rock.
Man, I am so bummed that I couldn't make it for the signing! Damn. Alas, the extortion-at-the-pump gas prices prevent my going very far. That and my hubby worked all day and left me with the kids.
i pooped in my pants today. allez, Rebecca! AV
Know where has great eggs florentine? Mo's in Burbank.
Okay, now when are you coming to DC?
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